27th January, 2015 FORTHCOMING EVENTS th Monday 9 February th Acquaintance Morning Friday 6 February Year 6-12 Swimming Carnival th R-5 Assembly in Amphitheatre 2.30pm Start Year 6-12 Sports Day Monday 9 February th Friday 20 February Friday 27 February th R-5 Sports Day Monday 2nd March R-5 Assembly in Amphitheatre 2.30pm Start Adelaide Cup Holiday th Monday 9 March th Wednesday 4 March th WCIAC – Ceduna Area School Monday 16 March WASSAC - Ceduna Area School Monday 23rd March R-5 Assembly in Amphitheatre 2.30pm Start Good Friday rd Friday 3 April th Monday 6 April th Friday 10 April th Monday 27 April Easter Monday Last Day of Term 1 Term 2 Begins Reminder CAS is a ‘NUT AWARE’ site. We ask that no Nut Products be brought on site. We have students who are highly allergic to nuts and can suffer an anaphylactic reaction. FOR SALE Smoked Perch Fillets $30.00 kg & Smoked Barra $35.00kg (READY NOW PICK UP FROM OFFICE-TODAY) Available in approx. 100-150gm packs Contact Ceduna Area School on 86252030 to place an order today. Can also be purchased at Ceduna Meat Service. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Ceduna Area School 2014 End of Year School Magazine on Sale at the RR-5 Concert 2015 Term Dates 27th January – 10th April 27th April – 3rd July 20th July – 25th September 12th October – 11th December Principal’s Report Positive Start to the 2015 School Year I am pleased to report that all staff and students returned safe and sound ready for another busy year ahead. Of course we have a number of new staff and students join us and everyone seems very positive about the year ahead. We wish to extend a special welcome to our new Reception students who join us for the first time: Lucas Bennett, Mason Bergmann, Bayly Dunnett, Tamara Esfahani, Toby Jericho, Scarlett Miers, Neeka Prideaux, Corey Skinner, Abby Sleep, Luella Tanke, Zaiyd Taylor, Jyileena Wilson, Tessa Cotton, Jett Fawcett, Ashlon Higgins, Dennis Hocking, Lachlan Holecek, Xian Jacobsen, Daniel Maritz, Shelby Miller, Soul-Jade Miller, Conor O’Driscoll, Kala Reid, Madison Seneca, Chase Sleep, Sienna Zippel, Manha Abaid, Kayliyah Baker, Corbin Ballard, Andre Dunn, Makayla Hammat, Maddie Irvine, Taj Manning, Rena May, Ryder Pickett-Mundy, Riley Shephard, Cody Urbanski, Kobi Weetra, Gregory Peel and Trome Smith. 2015 New Receptions Joseph Beattie & Ian Macgowan Staffing for 2015 We hope that they enjoy their years of schooling ahead and gain a lifelong love for learning. Congratulations for Australia Day Honours This year, the Ceduna Australia Day Honours were mostly cornered by members of the Ceduna Area School. Congratulations to one of our teachers Mr Ian Macgowan for his recent recognition as being the “Citizen of the Year” at the recent Australia Day Celebrations on the foreshore. Mr Macgowan was recognised for his 37 years of excellent service as a teacher at the Ceduna Area School and his many community involvements ranging from Under 16 cricket to being Secretary of the Men’s Shed. We are also amazed at his full recovery from a serious illness last year. Well done Ian and congratulations on this well earned public recognition. Congratulations to Year 11 student Joseph Beattie who was awarded the “Young Citizen of the Year” at the same ceremony. Joseph is an active participant in sport, CFS and is a Peer Group Mentor in the Operation Flinders programme that many South Australian youth participate. It was on one of these treks in the Flinders Ranges that Joseph single handedly coerced a ‘troubled’ peer from the danger of a clifftop. He was lauded by the leadership of ‘Operation Flinders’ for his bravery. He was a worthy recipient. Well done Joseph! Please read elsewhere in this newsletter their speeches which were extremely well received by the 200 – 300 people in attendance. This year we ‘only’ have 5 new staff join our school this year. Generally we have as many as 13 new teachers. This will allow for greater continuity in the provision of best learning opportunities for our students. We are very pleased to introduce and welcome our new teachers: • Mr Lachlan Norman as Year 4 teacher • Ms Rachel McEvoy as Year 6 teacher • Mr James Taylor as Year 7 teacher • Mr Reegan Mastrangelo as Year 8 teacher • Ms Skye Foster as Year 8 teacher They bring a wealth of new skills and enthusiasm to our school. We also welcome back: • Ms Peta Jansen as Middle School Counsellor • Ms Emma Nicholls in the Flexible Learning Centre. • Ms Philomena Montgomerie as Year 3 teacher • Mr Michael Scheffler – Year 11 English/ SOSE We make a special welcome back to Mr Ian Macgowan who has recovered from a serious illness last year. It is wonderful to have him back with us even if we have to put up with his jokes! We Congratulate Mr Andy Malcolm on his recent engagement after his journey to Bolivia in the holidays. Welcome Back to Ms Rhiannon Macguire who will be here for only the first 5 weeks this term as she has won a position in the Philippines that begins in March. We have advertised for a replacement and trust that we can find someone suitable in the next couple of weeks. Class and Home Group Teachers 2015 Reception - Ms Kerasia Kouvaris and Ms Natalie Shallow – Ms Cheryl Coote/ Ms Megan Longbottom (0.8) Year 1 – Ms Georgie Mudge, Ms Abby Fox and Ms Jan Comas (0.6) Year 2 – Mr Aaron Shakes and Ms Sarah Scragg Year 3 – Ms Eleanor Williams and Ms Philomena Montgomerie Year 4 – Ms Kirsty Collins and Mr Lachlan Norman Year 5 – Ms Megan Sampson Year 6 – Mr Paul Koch and Ms Rachel McEvoy Year 7 – Mr James Taylor and Ms Francesca Kenchington Year 8 – Mr Reegan Mastrangelo and Ms Skye Foster Year 9 – Mr Mark Green and Ms Jess Rowson Year 10 – Mr Dave King and Mr Michael Scheffler Year 11 – Mr Shane Reynolds and Mr Simon Smith Year 12 – Mr Adam Bennett and Ms Elise Shakes Flexible Learning Centre: Ms Deb Woollatt and Ms Emma Nicholls (0.4) st Special Class: Ms Rhiannon Macguire (1 5 weeks only) and Amanda Michalanney Library: Ms Meralyn Stevens (0.8) and Ms Yvonne Kloeden Intervention: Ms Sam Tonkin (0.6), Ms Deanna Young (0.4) and Ian Macgowan Music – Ms Claire Bray PE – Ms Marilyn Spry and Mr Andy Malcolm Technical Studies – Ms Linda Martin Science/ Maths – Mr Andy Pascoe Regards Jim Michalanney Principal CEDUNA AREA SCHOOL NEW STAFF MEMEBERS FOR 2015 th results were released on Thursday 18 of December 2014 and our students and their families can be congratulated on their results. The Most Outstanding Student Award winner for year 12 was Jasmin Riddle, her academic success was reinforced on achieving the highest Australian Tertiary Education Rank (ATAR) of the cohort, Jasmin will be undertaking tertiary studies in Psychology. Twenty students were successful in achieving their SACE certificate and three students will be returning school in 2015 to complete their certificate. Students achieved A grades in Digital Photography, Visual Arts, Maths Applications, Biology, English Communications, Research Project, Physical Education, Performance Special Study and Psychology. Eleven students were successful in their University applications. They have chosen a range of studies from primary or secondary teaching, nursing, social work, animal technology, podiatry, psychology and human movement. Not all of our students harboured desires for further studies and many of these students are currently at work in the building, agriculture, hospitality and retail industries. We wish our class of 2014 every success in their future endeavours. Lastly a big thank you to the stage 2 teachers whose knowledge and dedication to their profession ensured our students were provided with the best opportunity for success. 2015 Year 12 Retreat New Ceduna Area School staff Left: Skye Foster, Reegan Mastrangelo, James Taylor, Lachlan Norman and Rachael McEvoy Senior School’s Report 2014 YEAR 12 SUCCESS The Christmas and New Year period was one of high anxiety for Ceduna Area School’s Class of 2014. Stage 2 Stage 2 students will again participate in the Year 12 Retreat. The aim of the Retreat is to establish positive learning expectations, identify short and long term goals for the year, revision and time management skills, identify their strengths and look to improve their weaknesses. Last year’s year 12 students identified the retreat repeatedly in establishing a strong and clear direction for all students. Welcome to new Middle School Staff Welcome to Rachael McEvoy year 6 class and Food and Hospitality Teacher, Mr James Taylor year 7 class teacher, Ms Skye Foster year 8 English, HASS and Drama Teacher and Mr Reegan Mastrangelo year 8 Science, HASS and English Teacher. All parents and caregivers will have the opportunity to meet new and old staff at our Acquaintance Morning on th Monday 9 of February at 8.30am. Regards Mark Prince Deputy Principal Australia Day 2015 Speeches Ian Macgowan His worship the Mayor of Ceduna and Districts, Mr Allan Suter and Mrs Suter, Mr Cahill, Fellow Award winners and community members here to celebrate Australia Day Good Morning and Happy Australia Day. I would like to sincerely thank Mrs Barb Dupree for nominating me for this award and the District Council for making these awards possible, one which I am indeed honored to have been nominated for and deeply humbled to have received. We certainly can be thankful for living in the great place in which we all work, rest and play. A top location: excellent facilities and services, a fantastic natural environment and more importantly the friendly and welcoming people who make up this wonderful community. I have been very fortunate to have spent 52 of my 55 years, living and working on Eyre Peninsula. I was born and raised in Cleve for 18 years, at a time when grass was what you mowed or played on, not what you choofed behind the shed, when having a Golden Gay Time was an ice-cream from Quinn’s Café, not having relations with someone of the same gender and when a tablet was what you picked up from Mr Cumming’s Pharmacy, not a device which you used 24/7 for work, pleasure and…….. In 1982 I was lucky to receive an appointment to Ceduna Area School – the Principal was Mr Halsey and there were 992 students. For a 22 year old from Cleve, coming to Ceduna was like being sent to the wild frontier of the West Coast. Having never been this far west before, I knew Ceduna to be a hot, dusty, unfriendly town, situated, according to my Year 7 Social Studies book, about 15 miles from the coast. Imagine my surprise when I ventured down McKenzie Street, paused at the Silent Cop before turning left, and saw the magnificent sight of the jetty, the Athol Pines and the blue of the sea. In 1982 Mr and Mrs Phin ran Servwell, Mr Mike Miller was the Bank of Adelaide Manager, Mr Ken McCarthy was the Pharmacist, Garth and Di Wiseman ran Wiseman’s Furniture and Electrical and you could get a hair cut at Mr Poupes! Ceduna was a well set out, friendly and extremely welcoming town. As time passes, with all things, change takes place. Just look at Poynton/McKenzie Street and it is clearly evident: ANZ Bank, Community Hotel, Foodland, Bottle Shop, Foreshore Development, Banksa, Median Strip gardens, Tourist Centre and the list goes on. Change usually means progress, and in Ceduna’s case this is true. It is a great place to live, even if Russel is sometimes late delivering The Advertiser!, because of the people who make up the community – each of you, you are still friendly, welcoming and always willing to have a go. However, not all change is for the better and currently we are witnessing the greatest change to our way of life in Australia – it is not quite here in Ceduna yet, but there are glimpses of it emerging, bit by bit in each of our daily lives. This change coincided with the cessation of the use of 1 and 2 cent pieces as a denomination in Australia in 1992. I quote: “Today I mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who had been with us for many years. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable ideals as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when wellintentioned but overbearing regulations were considered - Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate and where the state government tried to charge landholders for the rain water they collected. Common Sense lost ground when, also in 1992, the Monash Adventure Playground was shut down for fear of the owners being held liable for any injuries resulting from the people using the equipment. Common Sense lost the will to live as the criminals had more rights than their victims. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a person failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. They spilled a little in their lap, launched a lawsuit and was promptly awarded a huge settlement – the café closed and all employees were left without a job. Common Sense was preceded in death, - by his parents, Truth and Trust, - by his wife, Discretion, - by his daughter, Personal Responsibility, and - by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; - I Know My Rights - I Want It Now - Someone Else Is To Blame - I'm a Victim - Pay me for Doing Nothing In closing I would like to leave you with this quote: Yesterday is history, Tomorrows a mystery, Today’s a GIFT. During today, JUST DO IT! Have a great Australia Day and celebrate where we all live and with those we live amongst. Congratulations to fellow award winners and today’s new Australian citizens. Thank you Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. “ Joseph Beattie If you still value him, take his ideals on and push back against those do-gooder know it alls who are imposing their restrictive and politically correct expectations upon us. It is not too late for each of us to take back control. If not, join the majority and do nothing – accept further changes which don’t fit the adage “if it works, don’t change it”. Firstly I would like to say that it is a great honour to be awarded Young Australian Citizen of the Year. More so it is a greater honour and a great pleasure to also be standing up here today with Mr Ian Macgowan, who has been awarded Australian Citizen of the Year. Finally, there is a saying “right place, right time” – this certainly applies to Ceduna. I would like to use this opportunity to give my heartfelt thanks to the excellent medical services and professional personnel that we are fortunate to have living and working with us in Ceduna and on Eyre Peninsula. He is someone who I admire and respect greatly, I think it is wonderful that his dedication to the Ceduna community has been recognized. Well done Mr Macgowan. th On May 9 I required their assistance, when a medical emergency was experienced. The ambulance team of Trevor and Ben conveyed me quickly and safely to the Ceduna Hospital. The treating staff, the locum Dr and nurses Amanda Page and Karen Woolford were outstanding. When things worsened I was indeed fortunate that Dr AJ, an incredibly skilled and highly committed physician, was called in and immediately set about making sure that my condition was stable. Due to weather conditions I had to be conveyed to Port Augusta via road by ambulance. Dr AJ and Nurse Bev Drummond along with ambulance drivers, Trevor and Michelle (to Wudinna), Eleanor and Sonia (to Port Augusta) accompanied me. On arrival at Port Augusta Dr Young and his surgical team immediately commenced an operation with Dr AJ still making the transfer and connection of vital equipment. Surgeons in Adelaide repeatedly told me that “your treatment and care en route to Adelaide had saved you.” I would also like to publicly thank Dr Siddqi and Karen Toft for the excellent work they did with me to take control of my diabetes 3 years prior to this event. This control meant that all wounds healed quickly. Next I would like to thank Mrs Frew-Ann Halbert for nominating me for the award, it was a huge surprise and one that I am really honoured by. The ways in which I have contributed to our community is through my involvement with the Ceduna CFS and more recently as a Peer Group Mentor for Operation Flinders. These organisations have provided me with the opportunity to find a way to be a positive member of the community and to give back to the community that has supported myself and my family. The values that I have gained from both these organisations include; Commitment, Respect, Tolerance, Team work, Following Instructions, Working together and Getting along. These values I try to include in my everyday life as they are very much the same values that have been taught to me growing up. I am grateful for the opportunities that I have been given and look forward to continuing my roles in both organisations for years to come. Finally I need to acknowledge with the greatest respect that I would not be able to have achieved any of this if it were not for the support I have been given in the past 8 years. That goes firstly to my Nanna and Poppa, they have encouraged us to be active members of the community and to live a life that is worth being proud of, I know they are both very proud today. Also there are many other people who have supported and helped along the way including teachers from Ceduna Area School, Members of the Ceduna CFS, Members of the Ceduna Blues Football Club and Members of Operation Flinders. I would also like to thank and recognise David Birkin and Emma Nicholls, David for his mentoring and Emma for tutoring and being supportive in many ways. Community Notices Ceduna Community Library News The library will be running a Book Club again this year. The dates are: February 5th, April 2nd, June 4th, August 6th, October 1st, Dec 3rd The Book Club is held in the library on a Thursday evening from 7pm until 9pm. To end I would like to share some words that I found, they remind me that simple gestures can lead to positive results. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Thank you once again. Far West win Quality Wool Cup Canteen News The canteen online ordering system is going well. It is very user friendly and easy to use. We would like to encourage more parents to join up and use the system. Go to http://www.school24.com.au/register. The school ID is 25105963 Follow prompts, set up your account and your children. Top up your account either by credit card (funds available straight away and you can order straight away) OR by Direct Credit Transfer (funds will take 2-3 days to clear and you cannot order until funds are clear). Then place an order. Orders must be made by 9:00 am in the morning but may be made in advance also. Recurring orders may also be set up. We will be phasing out printed bags over time so now is a good time to start using the online system to get used to it. If you need help, the school24 people are able to answer any questions on 02 89010398 or see Erica at the canteen. Ceduna School Dental Clinic NEXT OPEN th th Monday 16 February to Friday 20 February 2015. Please call mobile 0434601394 between 8.30am-4.30pm during this week only for enquiries and appointments. Thank you School Dental Staff Back: Mark Prince (coach), Jackson Hutchinson, Lachlan Marks, Cian McCarthy, Thomas AndrasicSmith, Beau Halbert & Jackson Brown Front: Blake Kenny, Lachlan Wilkins, Jaxon Bennett, Thomas Michalanney, Jai Darke-Holmes. Circle of Security Workshops Where: GP Plus Community Room Starting: Wednesday Feb 4, 2015 Time: 10am-12 noon The Circle of Security: Encourages secure attachment relationships between children and their caregiver. Over thirty years of research in Attachment Theory have come to show that children who have a secure attachment relationship with their caregivers become more confident and grow into capable individuals throughout their lives. The sessions run for approximately 2 hours per week over approximately 8 weeks. To secure a spot call today! For more information or to register Rebbecca Braendler Early Childhood Intervention / Women’s Health 3 Eyre Highway
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