2015 CALENDAR Do you want it to go here... OR HERE? Missaukee Conservation District benefits you! Here’s how: • 800,000 pounds or approximately 16,000 tires collected • 55,500 pounds of hazardous waste collected • Seedling Sale • Senior Picnic • Farm & Field Day for 500 fifth grade students • Manage the Missaukee County Recycling Center • Forest Management • Farming best management practices • Education in schools and more….. 2014 Annual Report January 2015 2015 SM TWT F S 1 2 3 45 678910 1112 1314151617 1819 2021222324 2526 2728293031 April 2015 SM TWT F S 1234 56 78910 11 1213 1415161718 1920 2122232425 2627 282930 July 2015 SM TWT F S 1234 56 78910 11 1213 1415161718 1920 2122232425 2627 28293031 October 2015 SM TWT F S 123 45 678910 1112 1314151617 1819 2021222324 2526 2728293031 February 2015 SM TWT F S 12 34567 8 9 1011121314 1516 1718192021 2223 2425262728 May 2015 SM TWT F S 1 2 34 56789 1011 1213141516 1718 1920212223 2425 2627282930 31 August 2015 SM TWT F S 1 23 45678 9 10 1112131415 1617 1819202122 2324 2526272829 3031 November 2015 SM TWT F S 12 34567 8 9 1011121314 1516 1718192021 2223 2425262728 2930 Mission Statement The Missaukee Conservation District shall serve as a catalyst to promote the wise stewardship of natural resources through education, planning and technical assistance. March 2015 Missaukee Conservation District SM TWT F S 12 34567 8 9 1011121314 1516 1718192021 2223 2425262728 2930 31 6180 W. Sanborn Road Suite 3 Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 Fax 231.839.5411 June 2015 SM TWT F S 1 23456 7 8 9 10111213 1415 1617181920 2122 2324252627 2829 30 September 2015 SM TWT F S 12345 6 7 8 9 101112 1314 1516171819 2021 2223242526 2728 29 30 December 2015 SM TWT F S 12345 6 7 8 9 101112 1314 1516171819 2021 2223242526 2728 293031 www.missaukeecd.org Larry Thompson, Chair Robert Haskin, Vice Chair Greg Davis, Secretary/Treasurer Ed Dunlap, Board Member Jim Eisenga, Board Member Robert Kmiec, Associate Director Susan Schwager, Associate Director Marcia Rackov, Associate Director Sherry L. Blaszak, Manager Chere Elenbaas, Program and Lead Recycling Coordinator Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Agent Jodi (Venema) DeHate, MAEAP Technician Becky Bode, Assistant Recycling Coordinator Jeff Fewless, CTAI Technician Shawn Quick, Assistant Recycling Coordinator Native Gardens Update Sherry Blaszak, Manager Missaukee Conservation District was the recipient of two grants that provided assistance in adding to the N.E.W. Missaukee Fitness Trail and Native Gardens with goals of making even more improvements. Grantors were the Missaukee Area Community Foundation, a geographic component of Cadillac Area Community Foundation and Northwest Michigan Council of Governments. An unused fiberglass satellite dish was repurposed into a gazebo under which sits a picnic table made of recycled plastic setting on crushed stone. The gazebo sits among the native plants where dozens of monarchs flitted from plant to plant collecting nourishment before their long trek to Mexico or southern California for the winter. An outdoor information display case is now on the outside of our offices’ outside door that will be regularly filled with current information. Trail signs will be improved as well as the trail map. A pergola will be built and placed on the west side of the Missaukee County Office building with a currently owned picnic table put beneath it. You will be able to enjoy the warmth without the sunburn while taking a break from walking the trail, looking at the flowers, or watching birds and butterflies, even finding our two geocaches. Changes were made to the grounds late this summer as a portion of the native gardens were replaced with an irrigated lawn. It’s definitely a contrast in presentation. All natural on the northeast side that takes little maintenance but does have a tendency to look unpolished and definitely un-manicured, even unkempt, at various times of the year (but, oh, do the birds enjoy the plants’ seeds in the winter and early spring!). The manicured lawn is attractive and definitely is a more “needy” space – requiring regular irrigation, fertilizing and mowing. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Missaukee Conservation District October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014 Revenue 000.580 · Local Revenue 281.600 · Charge for Services 282.539 · MAEAP grant 289.580 · DEQ Scrap Tire Grant 294.600 · Tree Sale 295.501 · CTAI Grant 298.540 · Special Projects 300.600 · Solid Waste Income 301.600 · Recycling Income 303.580 · No-till Drill Rental Other income/expense Total Revenue 7,298.00 14,060.70 67,681.87 2,812.00 20,862.72 15,549.04 1,455.00 85,000.00 3,787.29 10,081.50 987.61 229,575.73 Expense 281.000 · Operations 282.000 · MAEAP 285.000 · MACF 289.000 · DEQ Scrap Tire Exp. 294.000 · Tree Sales 295.000 · CTAI 298.000 · Spec Projects 300.000 · Solid Waste Exp. 301.000 · Recycling Expense Other expense Subtotal Expenses Net Income From FY14 carryover Budget balance 39,563.33 67,681.87 2,298.00 2,812.25 12,941.00 15,549.04 3,598.17 85,000.00 3,757.19 180.17 233,381.02 -3,805.29 3,805.29 0.00 these figures are subject to audit and are not finalized Environmental Impacts from the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) Jodi (Venema) DeHate, MAEAP Technician The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program or MAEAP focus is reducing risk to the environment from agriculture. Well, since the program has been in place how has this been accomplished? Remember that MAEAP is a voluntary, proactive program for farms of all sizes. This might lead one to believe that it’s fairly hard to get volunteers for a program that sounds pretty daunting. It’s hasn’t been hard to find volunteers, of course it helps that the program is getting all kinds of state wide publicity, agriculture groups are advocating it, and I tend to make it sound as if it’s not so hard, and for some it’s not very hard to comply with. Some history about MAEAP, the program comes out of Michigan’s Right to Farm Act, and the Generally Accepted Agriculture Management Practices (GAAMPS) are standards developed by stakeholders that further define what Right to Farm means. When a farm is following GAAMPS the farm is in compliance with the Right to Farm Act. This gives the farm protection under that law. This is a huge selling point! Why? It protects them from nuisance litigation. Back to the original premise, since the program’s inception this is what has been measured from farmers that have been involved in MAEAP: • “The erosion-reducing aspects of MAEAP verification have kept almost 347,620 tons of farming soil where it belongs: in farm fields…. EACH YEAR. That’s 30,900- 10 yard dump truck of soil not reaching streams and lakes – EVERY YEAR.” • “Phosphorus deliver to lakes & streams through sedimentation was reduced by 1.4 million pounds over 3 years.” • “Annual Phosphorus delivery to lakes & streams through sedimentation is reduced almost 600,000 pounds PER YEAR through MAEAP… enough to grow almost 150,000 TONS of algae in lakes and streams. • “Almost 730,000 acres receive pesticides have approved pesticide management plans over 3 years.” • Over 13,000 acres of filter strips have been installed and almost 2,300 gullies have been stabilized improving water quality, during the last 3 years.” Source: MAEAP.org MAEAP is a collaborative effort with conservation districts, farmers, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, commodity organizations, Farm Bureau, universities, conservation groups, and state and federal agencies. So that’s a lot of groups working together to improve and maintain our environment! Conservation Districts are key in the workings of this program since they are a trusted source of information for the community and provide services like MAEAP. For more information about MAEAP or what else the Missaukee Conservation District does, please contact Jodi (Venema) DeHate at 231.839.7193 or [email protected]. We cover your dreams . . . Check out our farm insurance programs! We cover your dreams . . . Check out our farm insurance programs! Contact Fran Kulik 1025 S. Mitchell St. Cadillac • 231-779-7919 Friendly, Knowledgeable, Best choice for all your insurance needs! Sunday Monday Tuesday October 2014 December 2014 Thursday Friday Saturday 1 SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 1234 1 23456 56 78910 11 7 8 9 10111213 1213 14151617181415 1617181920 1920 21222324252122 2324252627 2627 28293031 2829 30 31 2 Wednesday 3 Recycling 9am - 1pm Missaukee Conservation District would like to thank you for your support. 4 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 5 6 7 13 14 Recycling 9am - 5pm 8 Recycling 9am - 1pm Remember to Vote 9 10 11 MCD Office CLOSED 12 Recycling 9am - 5pm America Recycles Day! Veterans’ Day 16 17 18 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 15 Recycling 9am - 1pm 19 20 Recycling 9am - 5pm Good Morning Lake City 7AM 21 22 Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up 23 24 25 27 28 MCD Office CLOSED MCD Office CLOSED 26 Recycling 9am - 5pm 30 November 2014 Thanksgiving 29 Recycling CLOSED City of McBain Recycling picked up Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org “Where Does Your Water Shed?” Poster Contest Emma Burkholder Brandon Richardson Anna Lanser by Chere Elenbaas Each September teachers are invited to participate in a nationwide poster contest. The 2014 theme was “Where Does Your Water Shed?” It is important to understand about the water we need each day, where it comes from and where it flows to, above and underground. Congratulations to first place, Emma Burkholder; second place Brandon Richardson; and third place Anna Lanser for their winning posters. Thank you to all participating schools. Past recipient of The Friend of Conservation Award by the Missaukee Conservation District. your #1 source for local news that effects your Community. Get the most up to date agricultural information from one local source. From livestock auctions to community fairs to the latest news in the farming industry, turn to the Cadillac News for the most in depth Agricultural coverage. To speak with Lindsay about starting a subscription, call (231) 779-4145. Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Missaukee Conservation District wishes you a very Merry Christmas. 7 14 8 15 Wednesday 3 2 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 9 16 MCD Board Meeting 9 am Thursday Friday Saturday 4 6 5 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm 10 11 Recycling 9am - 5pm 13 12 Recycling 9am - 1pm 17 18 Recycling 9am - 5pm 20 19 Good Morning Lake City 7AM Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up 21 22 23 24 MCD Office CLOSED Winter Begins Christmas Eve 28 29 Recycling 9am - 1pm New Year’s Eve 27 26 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm November 2014 January 2015 MCD Office CLOSED Christmas 31 30 December 2014 25 Recycling CLOSED If you use decorated brown grocery bags to wrap your presents the Missaukee County Recycling Center will be happy to recycle it. If you use purchased Christmas wrapping paper, sorry we are not able to recycle it. SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 123 1 23 4567845 678910 9 10 11121314151112 1314151617 1617 18192021221819 2021222324 2324 25262728292526 2728293031 30 Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Missaukee County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program by Chere Elenbaas Through a Memorandum of Understanding with Missaukee County Commissioners, the Missaukee Conservation District maintains the Soil and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program. In 2014, 42 permits were issued. Some residents are not pleased with permit requirement to till or place sand on the beach. This has always been the law, which hasn’t changed. If Missaukee Conservation District does not follow the law as written, the state could step in and hire a private entity to take care of the program. Missaukee Conservation District and Missaukee County Commissioners care about landowners and natural resources. You can find 2013-15 plat books at: A&L Trading Post Ebels Falmouth Co-op, Falmouth & McBain Horizon Book Store, Cadillac Lake City Chamber of Commerce Manton Pro Hardware McBain Grain McBain Hardware Missaukee Title Missaukee Conservation District Wexford Conservation District Whitetail Realty The seedling sale was a welcome sight after the freezing winter. Although most of the snow had melted, there were still many places with feet of snow on the ground. 26,000+/seedlings were planted for reforestation, wildlife enhancement, and many other reasons. A special thank you to guest speaker, Ron Klinger, for sharing his knowledge about growing and brewing with hops. The Little Store With More! Featuring Carhartt • Woolrich • Robeez Shoes • Bogs 231-826-3333 • Falmouth www.ebelsgeneralstore.com Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 December 2014 February 2015 SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 1 2345612 34567 7 8 9 101112138 9 1011121314 1415 16171819201516 1718192021 2122 23242526272223 2425262728 2829 30 31 4 11 5 Watch for the Missaukee Conservation District Spring Seedling Catalog in the mail! 6 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 12 13 19 MCD Office CLOSED 20 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 3 2 MCD Office CLOSED Recycling 9am - 5pm New Year’s Day 7 8 9 Recycling 9am - 1pm 14 15 Recycling 9am - 1pm 18 Saturday 21 Good Morning Lake City 7AM 16 22 23 29 30 Recycling 9am - 1pm 10 Recycling 9am - 5pm 17 Recycling 9am - 5pm 24 Recycling 9am - 5pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up Martin Luther King Jr. Day 25 26 27 28 Recycling 9am - 1pm January 2015 City of McBain Recycling picked up 31 Recycling 9am - 5pm Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Annual Dinner February 10, 2014 by Chere Elenbaas Emcees Seth and May Bernard, opened the evening and entertained during dinner with light music. Our very own Conservation District Forester, Max Yancho spoke about “What’s in Our Forests”, then answered many questions. Gary Long was the recipient of the Friend of Forestry Award, sponsored by Chemical Bank of Lake City. Dale and Barb Dieterman received the Friend of Agriculture Award, sponsored by Greenstone Farm Credit Services. Gernaat Dairy, LLC. received the Friend of Environment Award, sponsored by First Merit Bank. Volunteers Michele Bernier and Beverly Lind were recognized for their extensive hours helping with many projects. This was sponsored by Fifth Third Bank. Missaukee Conservation District appreciates all of the volunteers who help throughout the year. Their dedication and support is vital to the district’s ability to carry out programs. TAKE THE 4C CHALLENGE: 1. Call 231-825-8191. 2. Come in. 3. Compare facilities and prices. 4. Change. 211 N. Pine St., P.O. Box 38, McBain, MI 49657 231-825-8191 • www.burkholderfamilyfuneralhome.com Keith D. Burkholder licensed mortician and resident of the area since 1974 Sunday Monday January 2015 March 2015 Tuesday Wednesday SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 1 2 3 12 34567 45 6789108 9 1011121314 1112 1314151617 1516 1718192021 1819 2021222324 2223 2425262728 2526 2728293031 2930 31 2 1 Thursday Friday Saturday Annual Dinner will take place this month. Stay tuned for details! 3 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 4 5 7 6 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm Groundhog Day 8 9 10 11 Recycling 9am - 5pm 12 Recycling 9am - 1pm Lincoln’s Birthday 15 16 MCD Office CLOSED 17 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 18 Recycling 9am - 5pm 14 13 19 Valentine’s Day Good Morning Lake City 7AM 21 20 Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up Presidents Day 22 23 February 2015 24 25 Recycling 9am - 5pm 26 28 27 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org USDA Honey Bee Effort Sharcy Wieczorek, Soil Conservationist The Farm Bill passed in 2014 offers additional help to deal with the nation’s emergency decline in pollinator species. It is estimated that 35% of crop production requires pollination by insects and other animals, the most important of these being the honey bee. The honey bee’s pollination services in agriculture have been estimated at $200 billion worldwide. In the past several years there has been record numbers of honey bee colony collapse, with loss of habitat being a major contributing factor. The Farm Bill’s Honey Bee Effort provides financial and technical assistance to landowners that want to convert part of their property to honey bee forage, with clover and wildflower mixes. In 2014, 6 acres of wildflower pollinator habitat was planted in Missaukee County through USDA Farm Bill programs. An additional 18 acres of habitat was approved to be installed in 2015. Please contact your local Natural Resource Conservation Service office if you have any questions about this program. USDA Service Center, 7192 E. 34 Road, Cadillac, MI, 231.775.7681 x 3 Missaukee Title Company Land Title Services Since 1871 119 E. Prospect St PO Box 480, Lake City [email protected] Cathy Molitor & Cindy Wagner Title Ins. Agents • Abstractors • Closing & Escrow Services PH 231-839-4563 Fax 231-839-5642 [email protected] Sunday Monday 1 8 Daylight Saving Time starts Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 9 10 Thursday 4 Friday Saturday 5 6 Recycling 9am - 5pm 7 Recycling 9am - 1pm 11 12 Recycling 9am - 5pm 13 14 Recycling 9am - 1pm MCD’s Garden Diseases, Soils & Composting Workshop 15 16 17 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 18 19 Recycling 9am - 5pm Good Morning Lake City 7AM 20 21 Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up St. Patrick’s Day Palm Sunday Spring Begins 22 23 24 29 30 31 March 2015 25 26 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycle your broken or unwanted electronics at the Missaukee County Recycling Center. 27 28 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm February 2015 April 2015 SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 12 34567 1234 11 8 9 101112131456 78910 1516 17181920211213 1415161718 2223 2425262728 1920 2122232425 2627 282930 Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Benefits of Vegetated Filter Strips Jeff Fewless, CTAI Technician Landowners in Missaukee county should be aware of the impacts of sediment run-off into ditches, dug ponds, legal drains and other waterways. Filter strips may prove a wiser choice than row-crop production in areas adjacent to water bodies and drainage courses. Benefits to filters strips include: Travel Roads • Hunting Areas • Natural Beauty Improved Drainage through access to ditches and tile outlets Visit the USDA-NRCS office or the Missaukee Conservation District office for assistance in planning your next vegetated filter strip. Cost share funding may be available to implement conservation practices on your land. Approximately 340’ of filter strip was installed in Missaukee County last year. 231-775-7681 x3 or 231-839-7193 Rent r o F e l b a l i a Av 15’ JD 1590 No-Till Drill • Works in no-till conditions or tilled fields • Seeds: alfalfa, soybeans, wheatgrasses, oats and wheat • Will not see fluffy warm season grasses or smooth bromegrass Rents for $15/Acre thru Voelker 4363 S. Morey Rd. Lake City (231) 839-8660 Winter Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5:30 PM, Sat. 8 AM-12 Noon Summer Hours: Mon., Tues.,Wed., & Fri. 8 AM-5:30 PM Thurs. 7 AM-6 PM; Sat. 8 AM-2 PM Sunday Monday March 2015 May 2015 Tuesday SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 12 345671 2 8 9 101112131434 56789 1516 17181920211011 1213141516 2223 24252627281718 1920212223 2930 31 2425 2627282930 31 6 5 Wednesday Thursday 1 Thank you Friday Saturday 2 Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling 9am - 5pm to Missaukee County Road Commission for your support. Good Friday April Fool’s Day 7 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 4 3 8 9 11 10 Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling 9am - 5pm Easter 12 13 14 15 16 Recycling 9am - 5pm 19 20 21 MCD Board Meeting 9 am City of Lake City Recycling picked up 22 23 Recycling 9am - 5pm 27 28 Recycling 9am - 5pm April 2015 25 Recycling 9am - 1pm During the seedling sale Free Water Testing for nitrates & Forestry Update Workshop Earth Day 29 Recycling 9am - 1pm 24 City of McBain Recycling picked up Seedling Sale 26 18 17 Good Morning Lake City 7AM 30 Seedling Sale Seedling Sale at Missaukee County Road Commission 1199 N. Morey Road, Lake City Didn’t place an order? Stop by the sale to see what is available...and enjoy some coffee, donuts and conversation. Friday, April 24 from 9-5 and Saturday, April 25 from 9-1. Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Fruit Tree Workshop by Chere Elenbaas Early May a fruit tree and maintenance workshop was held with guest speakers Erin Lizotte and Steve Fouch, both Michigan State University Extension Specialists. Erin spoke about proper fertilization, pesticide options and maximizing your fruit yield. We traveled to an orchard where Steve demonstrated hands-on how to prune fruit trees, young and old. The methods are different depending on the age of the tree. A special thank you to Larry Harris for the use of his fruit trees for pruning. At Autumnwood of McBain... 231-825-2990 220 Hughston St., McBain • www.cienafacilities.com Get Well. Go Home. Sunday Monday April 2015 June 2015 Tuesday SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 1234 1 23456 56 78910 11 7 8 9 10111213 1213 14151617181415 1617181920 1920 21222324252122 2324252627 2627 282930 2829 30 4 3 10 11 Wednesday Thursday 5 12 6 Saturday Recycling 9am - 1pm Happy 66th Birthday Missaukee Conservation District! 7 9 8 Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling 9am - 5pm 13 2 1 Mosquito Barrier will keep mosquitoes away from your outdoor event. Available at Missaukee Conservation District. Deer and other wildlife bothering your plants? Try Plantskydd, a natural animal repellent available at Missaukee Conservation District. City of Lake City Recycling picked up Friday 14 Recycling 9am - 5pm Good Morning Lake City 7AM 16 15 Recycling 9am - 1pm Mother’s Day 17 18 19 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 20 21 23 22 Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling 9am - 5pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up 24 25 MCD Office CLOSED 26 27 Recycling 9am - 5pm 28 30 29 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm 31 Memorial Day May 2015 Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Batteries, VHS Tapes, DVD’s, and more! Sherry L. Blaszak, Manager Missaukee County Recycling Center accepts household batteries, VHS tapes, DVD’s, and CD’samong other things-year round now due to its permanent electronics collection partnership with Comprenew, a Grand Rapids based recycling company. The list of items accepted is very long! Now you don’t have to wait for those special collections held twice a year. Missaukee County Recycling Center, 6420 W. Sanborn Road, Lake City, is open Wednesday 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday 9 am to 1 pm. Have questions? Visit our website at www.missaukeecd.org or call 231.839.7193. Office and household electronics • Air cleaners, humidifiers • Batteries (non-rechargeable) • Cellular telephones • Copiers • DVD players and VCRs • Fax machines • Gaming systems • GPS Units • iPods, MP3 players • Ink and toner cartridges • Microwaves • Medical Equipment (non-hazardous) • Power tools (electric only) • Projectors • Radios, stereos and CD players • Telephone Systems, answering machines • Televisions • Various media (floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, memory sticks) Computer components & accessories • Circuit boards • Computers (Desktops, Laptops, Main Frames, Tablets) • Docking stations, routers • Hard Drives • Internal, external disk drives • Keyboards and mice • Modems • Monitors (any size) • Networking equipment • PDAs (Blackberrys, Palm Pilots, iPhones) • Power cords, cables, wires • Printers, scanners • Ram/Memory • Servers, server racks • Speakers • Tape back-ups • UPS Battery bac-ups * No light bulbs, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers. • 18 Beautiful Holes • Friendly, Professional Staff • Listed in Golf Digest’s 2008 Best Place to Play Missaukee Golf Club | Corner of M-55 & M-66, lake City | 231-839-2901 | www.MissaukeeGolfClub.CoM Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Log on to missaukeecd.org for up to date information Wednesday 2 City of Lake City Recycling picked up Thursday 3 Recycling 9am - 5pm Friday Saturday 4 5 6 Recycling 9am - 1pm Household Hazardous Waste Collection 8 7 9 10 Recycling 9am - 5pm 11 12 13 Recycling 9am - 1pm Flag Day 14 15 16 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 17 Recycling 9am - 5pm 18 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 21 22 28 29 << National Pollinator Week 15th-21st 23 24 Recycling 9am - 5pm 25 19 Good Morning Lake City 7AM >> 26 20 Recycling 9am - 1pm 27 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm May 2015 July 2015 Summer Begins Father’s Day June 2015 30 Household Hazardous Waste Day • Saturday, June 6 • S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1234 Bring your Household Hazardous Waste, 34 5678956 78910 11 latex paint, and tires (7 free, $2 each additional) 1011 12131415161213 1415161718 Missaukee County Road Commission 9 am - 1 pm 1718 19202122231920 2122232425 2425 26272829302627 28293031 1199 N. Morey Road, Lake City 31 Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org The 2nd Annual Senior Northern Camper Picnic VOLUNTEERS MAKE IT SHINE FOR SENIORS Kathy Salvatore, Northern Camper Who says a little rain has to dampen the spirit? No one! The 2nd lunch was postponed a day due to rain, but volunteers were there along with senior guests—and the sunshine—on August 13. Held at the Missaukee Conservation District, there were over 100 in attendance, half of which were volunteers. The Cadillac Wexford Transit Authority once again was a leader in community service transporting seniors from Autumnwood and Countryview Apartments in McBain. Residents from Belle Oakes in Lake City were also special guests, along with seniors from Lake City, Falmouth, and the Golden Agers from Merritt. Coco from K-9 Companions was there to greet people as they got off the bus. Hotdogs and burgers were grillin’ with help from Autumnwood of McBain. Airway Oxygen, Hospice of Michigan, The Northern Camper and Leelin Home Health Care helped with other picnic essentials. And dessert? Of course there was dessert! There were brownies and cookies to start from Belle Oakes and ice cream from Heartland Hospice to top off the sweet tooth. Along with great food, the objective of the lunch was to give seniors an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. The nature trail at the Missaukee Conservation District provided the perfect setting, as it is wheelchair accessible. Volunteers were stationed along the trail to share their passion of quilts, rocks, loons and hummingbirds. Residents from Missaukee County along with volunteers from the Lake City Women’s Club, Mercy Rehab and Agape Care Essential were also on hand to assist seniors. And just like dessert, what would a party be without music? Local band “Play Date” joined the party again this year and kept toes tapping with songs everyone could sing, as well as a special song written by Bill Jones. A senior from last year’s lunch inspired Bill, and the song found a special place in everyone’s heart. To all the volunteers who made the day shine, thank you! Look for more photos and “the rest of the story” in the September issue of The Northern Camper. *Please see August for list of Volunteers. Sunday Monday June 2015 August 2015 Tuesday SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 1 234561 7 8 9 1011121323 45678 1415 16171819209 10 1112131415 2122 23242526271617 1819202122 2829 30 2324 2526272829 3031 5 13 6 14 Wednesday Thursday 1 Check out the geocaches on the Trail. Friday 2 21 4 3 MCD Office CLOSED Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling CLOSED Independence Day 7 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 15 8 9 Recycling 9am - 1pm 16 22 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 23 12 11 Recycling 9am - 5pm 17 Recycling 9am - 1pm 20 Saturday 24 Good Morning Lake City 7AM 19 18 Recycling 9am - 5pm 26 25 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up Parent’s Day 27 28 29 30 Recycling 9am - 1pm July 2015 30 31 City of McBain Recycling picked up The “N.E.W.” (Nature’s Exciting Wonders) Missaukee Fitness Trail is a nonmotorized trail, open to the public. Pets are welcome, but please clean up after them. Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org The 2nd Annual Senior Northern Camper Picnic VOLUNTEERS (If you don’t see your name here and you were there, we love you even more!) Tina Ankney, Autumnwood Kay Arndt, Autumnwood Sherry Blaszak, Missaukee Conservation District Joe Blaszak, Autumnwood Lisa Byrnes, Woman’s Club Chris - C&W Portables Henrietta Decker Buffy Dehoff Xavier Eastway, Agape Care Essential Vance Edwards, CWTA Chuck, Tyler, Daryl – CWTA Chere Elenbaas, Missaukee Conservation District Carolyn Flore, Missaukee County Clerk Margo Jacobs, Autumnwood Don Harris, The Northern Camper Heidi Helsel, Autumnwood Caitlin Hills, Lake City Health Dept. Bill Jones, Play Date Dave King, Play Date Fran King, Lake City Woman’s Club Christopher King Veronica Kmiec Rent r o F e l b a l i a Av Janet Kolhagen, Lake City Woman’s Club Jim Lambert, Tent Stacie Lawson, Leelin Home Healthcare Beverly Lind Judy Iverson Luter Rick Marion, Autumnwood Stacia Meczywar Missaukee EMS Jen Moffit, Airway Oxygen Dave Newhouse Pam Niebrzydowski, Missaukee County Parks Christie Norman, Mercy Rehab Ray Pilkington Dawn Paulin, The Northern Camper Mike Paulin, The Northern Camper Marcia Rackov Barb Scholten Jackie Soltman, Belle Oakes Nick Stadler, Hospice of Michigan Aaron Stahl, CWTA Kris St. Onge, Lake City Woman’s Club Helen Sutton Ann Swanson Andrea Wade, Heartland Home Care & Hospice Mary Winn & Coco, K-9 Companions Gene Zwolak, Play Date Mimi Zwolak, Lake City Woman’s Club 15’ JD 1590 No-Till Drill • Works in no-till conditions or tilled fields • Seeds: alfalfa, soybeans, wheatgrasses, oats and wheat • Will not see fluffy warm season grasses or smooth bromegrass Rents for $15/Acre thru Voelker 4363 S. Morey Rd. Lake City (231) 839-8660 Winter Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5:30 PM, Sat. 8 AM-12 Noon Summer Hours: Mon., Tues.,Wed., & Fri. 8 AM-5:30 PM Thurs. 7 AM-6 PM; Sat. 8 AM-2 PM Sunday Monday Tuesday July 2015 September 2015 9 Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Recycling 9am - 1pm SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 1234 12345 6 7 8 9 101112 56 78910 11 1213 14151617181314 1516171819 1920 21222324252021 2223242526 2728 29 30 2627 28293031 2 Wednesday 3 Log onto missaukeecd.org for up to date information. 4 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 10 11 5 6 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm 12 13 16 17 Recycling 9am - 1pm MAEAP Farm Tour (tenative) 18 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 19 Recycling 9am - 5pm 20 Good Morning Lake City 7AM 24 25 Recycling 9am - 1pm Tires/Latex Paint Collection 26 Recycling 9am - 5pm 30 31 August 2015 22 21 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 23 15 14 Recycling 9am - 5pm Senior Picnic 8 7 27 29 28 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Farm & Field Day 18th Year! Sherry L. Blaszak Missaukee Conservation District partnered with Geers Farm, Future Farmers of America, MSU, Missaukee & Wexford Farm Bureaus and many volunteers to put on their 18th Annual Field and Farm Day for 5th grade students. Counties of Missaukee, Roscommon, and Wexford were represented with about 550 students learning about various topics over the course of 5 hours. Topics covered included Forestry and Sawmill, Composting, Recycling, Enviroscape, Tractor Safety, Christmas Trees, Calves, Horses, Bees, Dairy, Beef/Marketing, Agriculture Technology, Small Animals, Future Farmers of America and Field to Feedbunk and Back. After lunch students were directed to recycle their unused lunch items into 4 sections: pig food, recyclables, garbage, and unused food/unopened food. It was amazing how much was left over! There were some very happy pigs, much less garbage, and items taken to the Missaukee County Recycling Center. We appreciate Geers Farm hospitality! Teachers were asked to provide suggestions at end of the day so we can improve our event for next year. Wexford-Missaukee Career Tech Center Future Farmers of America and Northern Michigan Christian Agriculture Class were speakers and group leaders. Their help is invaluable in providing a quality education day. We're looking forward to next year! We can only hope that the weather will be as gorgeous as it was for us in 2014. COMMUNITY SPIRIT. MADE IN MICHIGAN. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of the Michigan landscape for over 95 years. At Chemical Bank, we believe it is important to be a part of the communities we serve. To learn more about a bank that believes in the great state of Michigan, visit one of our convenient locations or ChemicalBankMI.com. CHEMICALBANKMI.COM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 7 6 8 MCD Office CLOSED Thursday 2 Friday 3 9 5 4 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm 10 12 11 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm Labor Day 13 Saturday Patriot Day (9/11) 14 15 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 16 18 Recycling 9am - 5pm 20 19 Good Morning Lake City 7AM Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up National Grandparents Day 21 22 23 24 Recycling 9am - 5pm Autumn Begins 28 29 30 27 26 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm August 2015 October 2015 Farm & Field Days 30 Recycling 9am - 5pm September 2015 25 SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 123 1 23 4567845 678910 9 10 11121314151112 1314151617 1617 18192021221819 2021222324 2324 25262728292526 2728293031 3031 Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Forestry Update by Max Yancho The forests of Missaukee county are an illustrative example some of Michigan’s premier woodlands. From the northern hardwoods to lowland conifers and everything in between, the full palette of forest types are illustrated in Missaukee County. Like most of the state, a good portion of this forested land is owned by the State of Michigan and managed by the Department of Natural Resources, but an equally important portion of that land is owned private individuals; often times erratically managed or unmanaged at all. In 2006 and revised in 2013, a new tax incentive program was developed to help private landowners not only save money on their property taxes but also begin to actively take part in their property’s management. This program is called the Qualified Forest Program. Through tax savings, the burden of ownership is lessened, and by agreeing to follow a management plan, prepared by a qualified forester who the landowner hires, the landowner can feel confident that the forest is being appropriately conserved. By September 2014 there were 2,687 acres of forested land enrolled or applied for enrollment in Missaukee County. To put that in perspective, those 2,687 acres of forested land are equal to 4.2 square miles. Each one of these parcels now has a yearly 16 mil property taxes reduction and is covered by a scientifically developed management plan. These numbers are expected to rise over the next several years, and the Missaukee Conservation District will continue to play a key role in supporting this program. Through the participation in the Forestry Assistance Program, the Missaukee Conservation District has benefited from the employment of a full time district forester for the last 2 years to work with landowner on a variety of forestry related topics, including enrollment in the qualified forest program. If you would like information about managing your woodland contact Max Yancho at 231.775.7681 x 3 or [email protected]. Recycling by Chere Elenbaas Good job Missaukee County! With your support 3.7 million pounds have been recycled since 2008 and over 560,000 pounds just in 2014. Missaukee Conservation District manages the Missaukee County Recycling Center with grants that finance its operation. One of our goals is to expand the facility so that more product can be taken. Electronics are now accepted any time. If it has a cord, battery or hard drive, we can take it. For more information log onto missaukeecd.org or call 231.839.7193. 2014 Collection Totals Material.................................................................. Pounds Plastics......................................................................20,657 Electronics...............................................................26,799 Corrugated, boxboard........................................182,900 HHW & Clean Sweep.............................................11,921 Newspaper, paper...............................................188,966 Phones, cartridges.......................................................157 Tin/metals................................................................27,946 Tires.........................................................................100,000 Vinyl siding.................................................................4,965 Latex paint.................................................................2,200 Total........................................................................566,511 Home of the Low Priced Cars! CLASSIC CHEVROLET Corner of M-55 & M-66 Just South of Lake City 231-839-7231 www.classicchevyonline.com Sunday Monday Tuesday September 2015 November 2015 12345SM TWT F S 6 7 8 9 10111212 34567 1314 15161718198 9 1011121314 2021 22232425261516 1718192021 2223 2425262728 2728 29 30 2930 5 4 11 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday Recycling 9am - 1pm Take a walk on the N.E.W. Missaukee Fitness Trail and enjoy the fall colors! 6 City of Lake City Recycling picked up 12 13 MCD Office CLOSED 3 2 7 8 Recycling 9am - 5pm 14 10 9 Recycling 9am - 1pm 15 Recycling 9am - 5pm Good Morning Lake City 7AM 17 16 Recycling 9am - 1pm Columbus Day 18 19 20 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 21 22 24 23 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up 25 26 October 2015 27 28 Recycling 9am - 5pm 29 31 30 City of McBain Recycling picked up Recycling 9am - 1pm Halloween Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Sunday Monday 1 Daylight Saving Time ends 8 Tuesday 2 9 Wednesday 3 Thursday Recycling 9am - 5pm 10 11 Saturday 5 4 City of Lake City Recycling picked up Friday 6 7 Recycling 9am - 1pm 12 14 13 Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling CLOSED MCD Office CLOSED Veterans Day 15 16 17 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 18 19 Recycling 9am - 5pm 21 20 Good Morning Lake City 7AM Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up 22 23 24 25 26 28 27 Recycling 9am - 5pm Recycling CLOSED MCD Office CLOSED MCD Office CLOSED City of McBain Recycling picked up October 2015 December 2015 Thanksgiving 29 30 Plantskydd Animal Repellent when applied in November after the rains will deter those pesky critters from feeding on your shrubs all winter. November 2015 SM TWT F S SM TWT F S 123 12345 45 678910 6 7 8 9 101112 1112 13141516171314 1516171819 1819 20212223242021 2223242526 2526 2728293031 2728 293031 Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Composting by Becky Bode Composting offers many benefits to the environment, soil health and structure, and best of all it is free. Creating a simple pile made up of yard debris, kitchen scraps and household materials can reduce the amount of trash that regularly ends up in the landfills. Adding compost to soil aids in erosion control, promotes soil fertility and stimulates healthy root development. If you have a large amount of maple leaves, untreated grass clippings, cattle manure, straw or hay you can drop them off at the Friend’s Ministry garden collection site, 3728 S. Morey (M-66), Lake City. They will use it to make and maintain their compost piles. If space is limited another option is vermicomposting. Composting with worms is very simple, and with very little effort you can be rewarded with a rich fertilizer for plants and gardens. If taken care of properly, they can be stored in or around your kitchen. I started a worm bin in May 2014. The worms are still successfully growing and producing (even after the adventures they have been on). They have been a fun and interesting addition to the education process. Kids of all ages have enjoyed checking them out and the process in which they create the fertile castings. The “wigglers at work” have visited Friend’s Ministry, the Ardis Missaukee District Library, and Farm and Field Day. The bin is simply made up of two plastic bins, shredded and moistened newspaper, plain paper and food. The food is what you would typically put in your compost pile, such as fruits and vegetables, coffee grounds, egg shells and tea bags. Why not let the composting worms and micro-organisms turn organic wastes into black, earthy-smelling, nutrient-rich humus. If you are interested in composting and would like assistance please contact Becky Bode at 231.839.7193 or [email protected]. Sunday Monday Tuesday November 2015 January 2016 Wednesday 1 City of Lake City SM TWT F S SM TWT F S Recycling picked up 2 12 345671 8 9 101112131434 56789 1516 17181920211011 1213141516 2223 24252627281718 1920212223 2425 2627282930 2930 31 7 6 8 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday Recycling 9am - 1pm Recycling 9am - 5pm 9 10 11 Recycling 9am - 5pm 13 14 15 MCD Board Meeting 9 am 5 4 16 17 Recycling 9am - 5pm Good Morning Lake City 7AM 18 12 Recycling 9am - 1pm 19 Recycling 9am - 1pm City of Lake City Recycling picked up 20 21 22 23 24 25 Recycling 9am - 5pm MCD Office CLOSED Winter Begins 27 Christmas Eve 28 29 Recycling 9am - 5pm December 2015 New Year’s Eve MCD Office CLOSED Christmas 31 30 26 Recycling 9am - 1pm Thank you to Missaukee County Commissioners for your support. Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org Missaukee County Recycling Center Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm • Closed 11/29/14, 12/24/14, 7/4/15 and 11/28/15 6240 West Sanborn Road , Lake City (just past the Missaukee County Offices), 1/4 mile west of M-66 on the north side of the road Log onto www.missaukeecd.org for up to date information. Materials Accepted Acceptable Items How to prepare Newspapers Newspaper print (if it comes in a news paper, it stays in a newspaper), telephone books Place in boxes or bags. Keep separate from magazines and junk mail. Magazines Magazines, catalogs and shiny junk mail Keep separate from junk mail and newspapers. Junk Mail Any clean paper - colored, lined, computer, shredded, envelopes, unwanted mail Keep separate from newspapers and magazines. Boxboard and Corrugated Cardboard Boxes - cereal, dry food, shoe, tissue, corrugated, paper bags, paper towel and toilet paper rolls Remove and discard liners, cellophane and metal strips #1 Plastic (has #1 on bottom) Bottle/jug shaped Rinse out. Must be bottle shaped. No clam shells, vegetable, fruit or deli containers. #2 Plastic (has #2 on bottom) Bottle/jug shaped Rinse out. Aluminum Aluminum foil, pie and food trays, pop cans Clean and separate from steel Electronics Anything with a cord, hard drive or battery; ink cartridges, DVD’s, CD’s, VCR Tapes Bring accessories Tin and Steel Food cans, any steel product Clean, remove non-metal pieces Egg Cartons Cardboard or Styrofoam containers Clean and unbroken Plastic Shopping Bags Large appliances Clean Washers, dryers, refrigerators, metal lawn furniture Vinyl siding Refrigerators or anything containing freon will not be accepted unless accompanied by proof of freon removal. Remove backing and nails Missaukee County Recycling Center Does NOT Accept Styrofoam Paint Vinyl (except siding) Paper towels Milk cartons Toilet paper Dirty boxes Wood products Glass Juice cartons Boat wrap Shrink wrap Ice cream buckets Dirty aluminum foil This material is based upon work supported under a grant by the Rural Utilities Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Rural Utilities Service. USDA, Missaukee County and Missaukee Conservation District are equal opportunity employers and providers. Cottage cheese containers Deli containers Yogurt containers Household Hazardous Waste Missaukee Conservation District 6180 W. Sanborn Road, Suite 3, Lake City, MI 49651 Phone 231.839.7193 • Fax 231.839.5411 • www.missaukeecd.org
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