Contacts for organic switches with carbon-nanotube leads Małgorzata Wierzbowska*, Michał F. Rode, Mikołaj Sadek and Andrzej L. Sobolewski Institut of Physics, Polish Academy of Science (PAS), Aleja Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland Molecular devices, as future electronics, seek low-resistivity contacts for the energy saving. At the same time, the contacts should intensify desired properties of tailored electronic elements. In this work, we focus our attention on two classes of organic switches connected to carbonnanotube leads and operating due to photo- or field-induced proton transfer (PT) process. By means of the first-principles atomistic simulations of the ballistic conductance, we search for atomic contacts which strengthen diversity of the two swapped I-V characteristics between two tautomers of a given molecular system. We emphasize, that the low-resistive character of the contacts is not necessarily in accordance with the switching properties. Very often, the highercurrent flow makes it more difficult to distinguish between the logic states of the molecular device. Instead, the resistive contacts multiply a current gear at the tautomeric transition to a larger extent. The low- and high-bias work regimes set additional conditions, which are fulfilled by different contacts. In some cases, the peroxide contacts or the direct connection to the tube perform better than the popular sulfur contact. Additionally, we find that the switching-bias value is not an inherent property of the conducting molecule, but it strongly depends on the chosen contacts. Kewords: molecular switches, atomic contacts, organic electronics, functional materials, negative differential resistance, carbon nanotubes _________________________________________ * Corresponding author, email: [email protected] 1. Introduction Miniaturization of the electronic devices, caused mainly by the energy savings, speed and multifunctionality reasons, is a strong driving force for the molecular basic research. The electronic elements – such as diodes, transistors, switches, memory cells, and sensors – are currently designed from the molecular systems connected to the metallic or carbon leads [1]. Fabrication of organic devices is technologically simpler and its costs are lower, therefore the search for organic substitutes of inorganic electronic systems is a vigorous branch [2]. It is also dictated by the ecologic requirements since in the organic systems, the light atoms replace heavy elements which very often are toxic for the environment. Moreover, the relatively new field of molecular electronics intensively stimulates the development of the theoretical methods [3]. The metallic leads are widely used for nano-device electronics [4]. Recently, however, the carbon systems become more popular [5] – mainly due to the better thermoelectric efficiency; which is a separate subject of investigations, including the vibronic effects [6,7,8,9]. Therefore, we decided to use carbon-nanotube (CNT) leads in this work. To date, the carbon-system contacts to the metal leads were explored for C60 [10,11], CNT [12,13] and graphene [13,14]. Various types of electrodes and nano-devices, as well as their functionalities, set requirements for the properties of the electronic contacts [15,16]. The role of contacts has been addressed a decade ago [17,18], and it is still of major importance for the electronic, optoelectronic and spintronic aspects [19,3]. All types of devices seek the low-resistivity contacts in order to avoid large heat dissipation [20,21,22]. Additionally, some contacts are designed to be spin-selective [23]. Switches, however, need contacts which are low-resistive, and additionally they amplify the current gear obtained at the transition between two, or more, molecular forms; so an effect of the switched logic state is easily measured in the circuit. Finding such contacts is the main goal of our study, since – according to our knowledge – it was not addressed up to date. Molecular switches work under various external triggering stimuli: electric or magnetic field, light, temperature, chemical reaction, mechanical stress, radiation, etc. A comprehensive review on this topic is presented by Fuentes et al. [24]. Here, we focus on two classes of molecular switches which operate under the photo- or field-stimuli. The first group of devices can operate at very low voltage, since the tautomeric transition is triggered by light, not by bias. The second group of switches works in the wide range of voltages, set by the values of swapping biases – which are different for the stateon and the state-off. These voltages typically are higher than the low-bias regime in which the photoswitches operate. The higher-bias regime is more demanding for the electronic contacts. This is because the currents are stronger and the details of the transmission functions of the isomeric forms do not differ so much far away from the zero-bias point. Hence, it is much more difficult to obtain a high current gear for the field-switches than for the photo-switches. In this work, we used the first-principles methods for the electronic-structure and ballisticconductance calculations to obtain the current-voltage (I-V) curves for the tautomeric switches connected to the CNT leads. The studied photo- and field-switches base on the proton transfer between the oxygen and the nitrogen centers [25-30]. The contacts are chosen among the light atoms or chemical groups, such as: −C−, −C≡C− (CC), −O−, −O−O− (OO), −S−, −CS 2−, −CH2−, −NH−, −Mg−, as well as the direct connection to the CNT. Some choices might appear fancy at the first sight. However, studying their properties on a nanoscale might bring some surprising results – as for 2 example, it has been found that the Al nanowires conduct better than the Cu ones [31]. As main result of our theoretical study, we selected contacts that differentiate I-V characteristics of the two isomeric forms to the largest extent – depending on the molecular device and the bias working region. We emphasize, that for many cases, the low-resistivity contacts do not distinguish between current-details of the molecular structures so well as the more resistive choices. For instance, for the higher-voltage (>4V) devices, the di-oxygen (peroxide) contact seems to be the best choice of all studied systems. On the other hand, for the low-voltage devices, the choice of contacts may depend on the geometric structure, on the connection, or the bias – for very low (0.5V) voltage regime, the direct contact performs the best, and for the middle-low (1-2V) voltage working regime, the oxigen or sulfur are the best atomic contacts. Interestingly, for field-switches, we find that the switching voltages are not the properties of the conducting molecules only, but they depend strongly on the selected contacts attached to it. Among the investigated structures, the cases with multiple negative differential resistance (NDR) were described in our previous work [32]. Here, we analyzed them further and checked the performance of the chosen contacts with respect to the current characteristics of the field-switches. 2. Results and discussion It is a common practice that the sulfur contacts are used to connect a molecule to the both types of leads: metallic or carbon-based. Some authors connect a molecule directly to the graphene surface or the carbon nanotube [33]. Here, we check some other possibilities. Among others, we explore the properties of acetylene (−C≡C−), oxygen (−O−) and peroxide (−O−O−) contacts. Generally, the oxygen element is not popular when it is used as a contact. But when oxigen is added to some conductive structures, it can bring along a new physics – for instance, the nickel contacts become highly magnetoresistive after oxidation [34]. The investigations of the three different oxygen species between aluminum electrodes [35] and of the oxygen atom in various configurations between the silver tips [36] have been also reported. The magnesium contact is extremely resistive and perhaps not worth of technological applications [37]. However, for purely theoretical considerations, we checked it here – in order to confirm the hypothesis about the role of level of alignment for a larger diversification of the two tautomeric I-V characteristics. Below, we report the results for the two types of molecular switches: triggered either by light or by voltage. Both types of molecular devices are based on the proton transfer PT reaction along existing intramolecular hydrogen-bond. 2.1 Photo-switches: low-voltage work regime The photo-switches, discussed in this Section, differ from the discussed hereafter field-switches, by the fact that their two photo-tautomeric structures (called as the enol and the keto forms), are obtained in curse of the reversible photoinduced excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) process due to an optical excitation, while the field-switching induces the proton-transfer reaction in the ground electronic state. 3 Photo-switching of molecular conductance is studied for the two stable isomers of salicylidene methylamine (SMA). The photo-induced PT reaction occurs between the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group and the nitrogen atom of the amino group of SMA. Both respective photo- tautomeric forms of the system are presented in Fig. 1. Both tautomeric forms of SMA, the enol and the keto, additionally differ to each other by the conformation of the methylamine tail with respect to the salicylidene core [27]. Importance of the contact geometry for the electronic transport properties of a molecular junction has been shown for many systems [10,38-41]. Additionally, the transport properties of the junction may also depend on the chirality of the CNT. Thus all carbon electrodes considered in this work are of the zigzag type - the most effective form of the CNT for switches, according to del Valle et al. [42]. Following the work by Staykov et al. [30], we simulate transport in various structural connections to the leads: para, meta and in addition ortho – all displayed in Fig. 1. But our main aim is to check the switching impact of contacts: such as the direct connection, and O, S and Mg atomic connections. The S and O connections form, with the CNT and the molecule, the angular structures (about 105-120 deg). In contrast, the Mg and direct connections are linear. Additionally, the electronic conjugation of the phenyl moiety of SMA is extended by acetylenic moieties attached on its both sides; so-called anchor groups. Figure 1. Tautomeric forms and geometries of the photo-switches and their dependence on the connecting atom: in the (a)para, (b)-meta and (c)-ortho configuration. Former studies of these molecules, however, framed between the metallic electrodes – have revealed that the meta connection is much more efficient for the photo-switching than the para one [30]. In this study, we considered also the ortho structure. The obtained I-V curves are presented in Fig. 2 (details of the calculations are given in the “methods” section). 4 Focusing on the resistivity of the contacts and the connecting structures, generally it is not surprising that magnesium atom is a very insulating contact and the sulfur atom is the best conductive contact within the range of applied bias (about 2V). The meta structures are much better conductive than the para, and also better than the ortho; with an exception that for the direct connection, the meta and ortho geometries show similar currents for the enol and keto structures below 2V. Transition voltages (in a sense that the voltage at which the current rises from zero for very small applied biases, [43]) are usually lower for O than S, and are the lowest for the direct connection – this fact sets the working bias regimes for the switches with these contacts: Vwork(direct) < Vwork(O) < Vwork(S). Figure 2. The I-V characteristics of the enol (black) and the keto (red) photo-switches with various contacts: direct (molecule-CNT), and via oxygen, sulfur or magnesium; for the three geometric connections: para, meta and ortho. Further inspection of the results presented in Fig. 2 leads to the following conclusions; (i) the most interesting result with respect to the current gain between the two isomeric forms at very low bias, up to 0.4V, is obtained for cases: direct-para, direct-ortho, and O-para – and it is not the case with the S contact, (ii) for the voltage around 2V, the best performing switches are: O-para, -meta and -ortho, and S-meta and -ortho. For some cases, the negative differential resistance is observed - especially with the direct contacts and for the O-para and Mg-ortho cases. This effect does not exclude the 5 device from operation, if we choose the proper working regime range. 2.2 Field-switches: higher-voltage work regime The field-switches are the switches in which the intramolecular proton transfer is induced by the external electric field. Such switching should be the most effective when the direction of the field is parallel to the dipole moment of the molecule. The field-induced PT process occurs in the ground electronic state of such molecular device. In this work, we chose the 2-(pyridin-2-yl)phenol molecule (2PPy) as a model field-switch. The two tautomeric forms of the system are depicted in Fig. 3a. a) b) Figure 3. Schematic presentation of the switching effect: (a) potential-energy profiles for the PT reaction at different values of the applied bias, (b) energetical hysteresis for the switching between the enol- and the keto- forms of the system, (c) model I-V curve of the field-switches – the hysteresis characterizes two switching voltages (V 1 and V2) corresponding to the energy barrier-less transitions between the tautomeric forms: enol-keto and keto-enol, respectively. 6 Relative potential-energy (PE) profiles for the PT reaction at given value of the voltage applied at the molecular ends along the main molecular axis are shown in Fig. 3a. At zero voltage (black line with circles) the enol form is the only stable form of the 2PPy molecule, as well as for any other studied here its derivative, i.e. 2PPy with any attached contacts. As it can be seen in Fig. 3a, the shape of the PE profile of the S0 state depends strongly on the voltage applied to the molecule. The enol-form is the only stable minimum up to the certain value of applied voltage . At higher voltage, the second minimum related to the keto-from, is evolved (the red line with squares). Above this voltage two forms, enol and keto, are stable and are separated from each other by a sizable barrier (the blue line with diamonds). With the increasing voltage value the minimum representing the enol-form successively disappears and the only stable form becomes the keto tautomer (the green line with triangles). Potential-energy profiles sketched in Fig. 3a result in a ‘hysteresis” of the field-induced switching between the tautomeric forms of the 2PPy molecule which is illustrated in Fig. 3b. One sees that both tautomeric forms of 2PPy can coexist within a given range of the applied voltage, the terminal values of which define the limits (V1 and V2) where the PT process enol-to-keto and keto-to-enol takes place, respectively. The switching values of the voltage impose limits on the I-V characteristic computed for a given tautomeric form (Fig. 3c). The operation mode of the device is as follows: at the begin, the voltage is increased to the value higher than V 1, so the molecule is in the keto form – and then, the bias is decreased down to the second switching voltage V 2, and the tautomeric transition to the enol form occurs, which is measured as a jump of the current flowing via the conducting molecule. Figure 4. Structures of the field-switches studied in this work - molecules with: enol moieties (a,b), keto moieties (c,d), single-branch current channels (a-c), double-branch channels (d). X denotes contacts (atoms or groups) described in the text. Panels (e) and (f) show the geometries of the -OO- and -CS2- (or -NS2-) contacts, respectively. 7 Similarly to the molecular photo-switches discussed above, also for the field-switches, different geometric arrangements of the connections to CNT can be realized. The ones considered here are presented in Fig. 4a-4d. Additionally, in Fig. 4e, we show the zigzag geometry of the peroxy (−O−O−) contact, in contrast to the linear geometry of the acetylenic (−C≡C−) one, while the contact via the CS2 group is depicted in Fig. 4f. It is interesting to explore the −CS2− contact, since it has been announced as very the low-resistive contact for gold leads, characterized by the low electronic work function [20,44]. To complete these studies, we add also the −NS 2− contact to our list (in the same geometry as the -CS2- contact). It has been experimentally evidenced that field-switching is a robust property of a molecule, and not a stochastic phenomenon [45]. We show in this work, that the switching effect is not only a property of the molecule but also strongly depends on the chosen contact. Table 1. The enol to keto (E – K) tautomeric switching bias V 1, in [V] units – when the voltage increases – and keto to enol (K – E) switching bias V2, in [V] units – when the voltage decreases. contacts V1 E–K V2 K–E double-branch V1 E–K V2 K–E single-branch central bare molecule(1) 6.2 2.6 −CH2− 6.6 2.0 9.7 4.3 −NH− 5.4 1.4 10.3 5.4 −O− 7.2 2.9 10.1 5.3 −S− 6.2 2.1 8.7 4.9 direct(2) 8.9 3.1 −C≡C− 15.9 5.6 −O−O− 11.5 5.7 (3) >15 >15 (3) >15 >15 −CS2− −NS2− single-branch left single-branch right −CH2− 8.6 3.7 7.1 2.0 −NH− 7.9 4.2 6.3 1.4 −O− 7.7 4.1 7.7 2.4 −S− 8.0 3.4 7.5 2.1 (1) molecule is “free-standing”, not connected to leads molecule is connected to leads directly (3) the enol to keto transition was not found up to 15V (2) 8 In Table 1, we collect the high, E-K (V1), and the low, K-E (V2), transition voltages determined for various contacts and structures (presented in Fig. 4a-4d). For completeness, we also show the tautomeric switching biases for the bare molecule, not connected to the leads. Inspection of these results leads to the following conclusions: (i) first of all, the operating voltage range for a given tautomeric form (V1-V2) is relatively wide, (ii) secondly, various contacts and structures introduce large diversification of the work regimes of such device. However, what is very important, the relatively large switching bias, in some cases, is perhaps too high for any reasonable technological applications. It is generally more practical, for stability reasons, to utilize the device operating under a lower transition work regime. Additionally, an undesired property with respect to good conductance performance is a negative differential resistance (NDR). From this point of view the studied by us before double-branched contacts that show the NDR due to the non-linear Stark effect [32], are not well promising devices with this respect. Thus aside to the switches with double branch contacts, we decided in this work to study also systems with an another arrangement of contacts i.e. single-branched ones. As one may notice by inspecting Fig 4, the single-branched contacts might be arranged to the 2PPy switch in three fold manner, as: “left”, “right”- or “central” configuration. Analyzing the results obtained for different connections presented in Table 1 from the point of view as discussed above, one may state that the double-branch and “right”-single-branched structures seem to be the best promising choice, due to smaller values of the lower (V 1) transition biases (Table 1, K-E). The larger V1 values are given for the “left”-single-branched connections. The single-branch central connections are characterized by the highest switching biases. On the other hand, as we will see hereafter, it is the only non-NDR case which is stable with respect to switching, for this particular molecular device. Decisive at this stage is analysis of the I-V curves to state if a given contact composition shows NDR or not, and if it gives enough distinguishing current flow for both tautomeric forms. The I-V curves computed for single-branch side-connections: left and right, are depicted in Fig. 5. Those curves correspond to the structures shown in Fig. 4a-4d. The NDR effect seen in some cases is very often detected for triangular lattices, such as graphene and some organic molecules [46]. Here, we observe NDR for the single-branch left- and right-side structures (Fig. 5), and the effect is even stronger than for the double-branch case [32]. This is undesired case with respect to the switching performance. Some remedy for this problem possibly could be found by using longer anchor groups between the molecule and the contacts – since a suppression of the quantum conductance oscillations (leading also to the NDR effect) was reported by Péterfalvi and Lambert in Ref. [47]. On the other hand, the energetic barriers to be conquered in the course of the PT process are not very high (c.f. Fig. 3a) and the vibrational or thermal effects might overcome them; thus, moving the transition to the next bias-point (V1 to lower and V2 to higher bias) where the currents of the enol and keto structures swap – thus, the hysteretic loop is smaller. 9 Figure 5. The I-V characteristics of the single-branch (left- and right-side) current-channels. CH 2, NH, O and S were chosen for contacts X. The dashed vertical lines denote the bias, at which the keto to enol tautomeric transitions (V 2) occur when the voltage is decreasing (this is the measured current jump). The work regime and I-V characteristics were chosen around the hysteretic loop, from the lower switching bias (V2, keto-enol) towards higher voltages (V 1); it is marked in Fig. 5 (and also in Fig. 6) by dashed green lines. Despite the NDR effect existing in all cases in Fig. 5, the −NH− and −S− leftside contacts might be used in technological applications, due to a large gear of the enol and keto currents in the vicinity of the switching bias towards larger voltages. Achieving this range from the opposite enol to keto transition – which occurs at higher switching bias (V 1) – by decreasing the operating voltage, could be utilized in the device. 10 Figure 6. The I-V characteristics of the single-branch central current-channels. For the contacts −X−, were chosen the direct connection, and the atomic contacts: −C≡C− (CC), −O−, −O−O− (OO), −S− and CS2. The dashed vertical line denotes the bias at which the keto to enol tautomeric transitions (V 2) occur when the voltage is decreasing (the measured current jump). Finally, the single-branch central structures were analyzed with respect to their I-V properties. The results are presented in Fig. 6. One can notice, upon inspection of the figure, that the keto to enol switching voltage is the lowest for the case of the direct connection to the leads. Moreover, for the direct contact, as well as for the acetylenic- (−C≡C−) and the oxygenic- (−O−) bridges, the I-V curves of the two tautomers are almost identical to each other. It is not surprising result, since for high voltage: (1) the range of the quantum-conductance function entering the current equation (see “methods” section) is large, and (2) the projected density of states (PDOS) of the O-H-N group in the enol and keto structures lie closer to the Fermi level than the voltage range which enters the I-V formula. Therefore, all details differentiating one tautomer from the other are summed to the similar resulting values for the structures. If the operating voltage range falls within the range where the characteristic parameters of the tautomers differ, then the current curves of the tautomers also differ. We discuss it further in the next subsection. 11 The most important results of this section is the fact, that for the peroxy (−O−O−) contact, we obtained a good current-gear for switching the currents between the enol and keto tautomers. For the lower voltages than the switching bias V2, the single oxygen contact (-O-) also was better than the direct one, or the –CC– one, but we operate at V 2 and not at lower biases. It is not advantageous property of the peroxy contacts (−O−O−) that they are more resistive than the –CC– ones, but on the other hand, they strengthen the diversity of the conductances of different molecular structures – and this is what we need. The sulfur (−S−) contact is an electron-rich and highly polarizable moiety, thus existence of the NDR effect in this case is not surprising for larger biases. The CS2 contact also polarizes highly, but its geometry is different and the symmetry reasons for the NDR effect are lifted in this triangular lattice [46]. In the result, we obtained nicely separated enol and keto current curves for CS2 at voltages between 3.5V and 5.5V. It is of no use, however, due to the fact that the switching voltage for this contact, with increasing bias, is higher than 15V – up to the checked PES – and we did not observe the keto structure. Also, the current values, for the enol and keto, show tendency to join each other at higher biases than 6V. Further analysis of these results will be continued hereafter. 2.3 Transmission and the projected density of states The electrical conductivity corresponds to the hybridization of the molecular orbitals of the different parts of our subsystem: the conducting molecule, atomic contacts and the leads; this is for the states close to the HOMO and the LUMO (the highest occupied and lowest unoccupied orbital, respectively). Therefore, the plots of the projected density of states (PDOS) onto the parts of the molecule, contacts and leads close to the contact tells us about the reasons for the existence of the quantum conductance peaks or their absence. Of course, not all states visible on the PDOS plots take a part in the current – in our systems, there are the lonely electron pairs and the molecular orbitals of the shape perpendicular to the conduction direction. Nevertheless, the conclusions drawn from the absence of any state in some energetic region are true. In Figs. 7, 8 and 9, we plot the quantum conductance (QC) and PDOS of some chosen photo- and field-switches, whose I-V characteristics were presented in Figs. 2 and 6. The enol and keto structures are marked with the black and red colors, respectively – the corresponding upside and downside plots. The electric fields, at which the QC and PDOS plots have been obtained, correspond to the bias of 0.4V and 2V for the photo-switches (in Figs. 7 and 8) and 6V for the field-switches (in Fig. 9). For convenience, the current values (in μA) at the bias corresponding to the applied electric field are written in the top panels (those of the QC) with the black color for the enol and red color for the keto tautomeric forms. 12 Figure 7. The transmission functions of the photo-switches with the direct, O and S contacts, obtained at the applied electric field corresponding to 0.4V – for the enol in black and for the keto in red. The corresponding PDOS of the anchor CC-group 2p-states, the 2p-states of the contacts, and the 2p-states of the CNT terminal carbon connected to the contact. Numbers in the top panels are the values of current [μA] at 0.4V for the enol and keto structures (from Fig. 2) The importance of the contact geometry for the current gear in the photo-switches have been discussed for the para and meta connection via sulfur to the metal leads [30]. Similar geometry issues were rised for the transition voltage of a molecule connected via sulfur o Ag and Pt leads [43]. Transition voltage in a sense that the bias at which the non-zero current starts to grow, for the voltages close to zero. The same transition voltage effect is in the case of our photo-switches operating at very low bias regime. If the enol and keto forms show different transition voltages, then the device may operate in that region. As already mentioned in the subsection 2.1, the transition voltages of enol and keto forms differ at the lowest bias values for the direct contacts, and then for the oxygen and sulfur contacts. Following the discussion by Wu et al. in Ref. [43], the largest transition voltages are for the atomic contacts whose 2p-states lay higher in the energy above the Fermi level. This is also true for our photo-switches and their PDOS in Fig. 7. The position of the anchor and contact and C-CNT 2p-states in the sulfur contact case is the highest, and for the direct contacts this is the closest to the Fermi level. Which fact corresponds also very well with the obtained current gear. 13 The states which originate from the lonely pairs or the orbitals perpendicular to the conduction plane do not contribute to the quantum conductance. Figure 8. The transmission functions of the photo-switches with the direct, O and S contacts, obtained at the applied electric field corresponding to 2V – for the enol in black and for the keto in red. The corresponding PDOS of the anchor CC-group 2p-states, the 2p-states of the contacts, and the 2p-states of the CNT terminal carbon connected to the contact. Numbers in the top panels are the values of current [μA] at 2V for the enol and keto structures (from Fig. 2) For the resistance related problems, it has been stressed in many reports – for instance in the recent work by Schulz et al. [20] – that the Fermi level mismatch of the conductor and leads is responsible for the low conductance. Actually, for the switches, one tautomeric form should be very resistive and the other well conducting in the bias region of the device operation. In Fig. 8, we show the cases operating at 2V. In contrast to the bias regime of 0.4V, the best performing contact is that with sulfur; followed by the oxygen contacts. The low transition bias of the direct contacts, in the higher voltage range, does not work for the switch. This is because the details of the enol and keto forms present in the PDOS summarize to similar values when the bias range is larger. Instead, the oxygen and sulfur contacts still did not include all PDOS differences of the two tautomers in the bias range of 2V. 14 Figure 9. The transmission functions of the field-switches in the single-branch central geometry with contacts −C≡C− (CC) and −O−O− (OO), obtained at the applied electric field corresponding to 6V – for the enol in black and for the keto in red. The corresponding PDOS the contact 2p-states (CC or OO of the source and drain), and the 2p-states of the CNT terminal carbon connected to the contacts. Numbers in the top panels are the values of current [μA] at 6V for the enol and keto structures (from Fig. 6) For very high operation voltages, like around 5-6V, the situation is even more difficult. One needs to find the contacts which give the nonsymmetric contributions to the PDOS from the enol and keto structures; and in the same time these contributions must not sum-up to the similar values when the quantum conductance is summed. In the large bias range, there are very many states to contribute and the quantum conductance spectrum might be very nonsymmetric for the enol and keto forms, but in the same time it may sum to the similar currents – as it is the case of the CC contacts in the fieldswitches, see Fig. 9. Similar nonsymmetric quantum conductance obtained with the peroxy contacts, after the summation over the energies within the bias range, gives good current gear. After inspection of the PDOS, the intensities of the acetoxy states within the range of (-3,3) eV is much smaller than that of the peroxy states. Therefore, the tautomeric diversity is strengthened in the peroxy-contacts case. Since the position of contact states in the PDOS is very important, one has to emphasize here that the simple DFT method does not reproduce well the energy gaps, and therefore it does not align well the energetic levels of the interfaces. One should go beyond this approximation, as for instance the selfinteraction corrections (ASIC) and the constrained DFT (CDFT) method have been applied for the effect of the hydrogenetation on the sulfur contacts in the BDT-gold molecular junction [48]. On the other hand, our leads and conductors are mainly carbonic, tand not metallic, therefore the errors of the DFT approach are smaller and they partially cancel. 15 We studied an impact of the geometry on the current. There is another interesting phenomenon to be addressed in a future work, namely, the current-driven geometric and electronic structure rearrangements. These effects would lead to the non-linear conduction characteristics and different switching properties. Such studies within the time-dependent Ehrenfest formalism were reported by Todorović and Bowler for metallic clusters [49]. 3. Conclusions In this work, we searched for electronic contacts which strengthen the switching properties of the molecular devices based on the intramolecular proton transfer process. Two classes of model molecular photo- and field-switches, operating at lower- and higher-bias work regime, respectively, were analyzed. By means of the first-principles electronic calculations, we found the electronic structure, Wannier functions, and the electronic transport properties that determine the current-voltage characteristics curves. The larger difference between the currents of the swapped structures, the better is the contact with respect to the switching property. Moreover, as for any other electronic device, we would like to have low-resistive contacts. However, the mechanism of the current on-off switching with applied bias – especially for higher voltages – and the rules governing the resistance stay in the opposition to each other. It is demonstrated that for low- and higher-bias work regimes, the efficient contacts are chosen according to different effects: (i) the transition voltage for the current-on switch and (ii) the resistive conformational selectivity, respectively. The low-bias range prefers the direct connection with leads, which is low-resistive. The high-bias range choses the peroxy contacts for the molecular switches. Due to the energetic location of molecular orbitals of the isomers, with respect to the Fermi level, the photo-switches are more promising for a technological realization with respect to the contacts than the higher-voltage field-switches. In addition, we found that the values of the switching voltages, in the I-V hysteresis of the field-switches, are very sensitive to the choice of contacts, caused mainly by differences in the polarizabilities of the atomic contacts. 4. Methods We performed the density-functional theory [50] calculations of the molecules between the CNT leads using the plane-wave Quantum ESPRESSO code [51]. These self-consistent runs were repeated for many discrete external electric fields with a step visible in the reported figures. Then the obtained Bloch functions were used to generate maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWF) [52,53] employing the wannier90-2.0.0 code [54]. The same package was then utilized for the transport calculations within the Landauer-Bűttiker scheme [55]. The obtained quantum conductance (or transmission) for each electric field, T(ε;E~V), was embedded in the equation [56] I(V) = ∫ [f(ε- εF+V/2) - f(ε- εF-V/2)] T(ε;E~V) dε, with the Fermi-Dirac distribution f(ε). This way, we reach the current I at the bias V which is equivalent to the external electric field E assumed in the DFT calculations. To estimate the voltage values necessary to switch the transistor form, its molecular enol form to the keto structure (and back to the enol), we optimize the geometry of the molecule at discrete values of 16 the applied electric field (with the step of 0.001 a.u.). The DFT method implemented in TURBOMOLE [57] was used in this calculation along with the B3LYP functional and correlationconsistent valence double-zeta atomic basis set with polarization functions for all atoms (cc-pVDZ) [58]. The carbon nanotubes were simulated with the terminating CH3 group. As for the plane-wave calculations setup, the BLYP functional was used, with the exception of calculations containing Mg were the PBE parametrization was chosen. The energy cutoff for the plane -waves in the Quantum Espresso code was set to 30 Ry, and the pseudopotentials were of the Martin-Trouliers type from the Fritz-Haber Institute library. In the quantum conductance calculations, each lead was built by the two CNT units, and the conductor region included the molecule with the contacts and one CNT ring saturated with hydrogens on the left- and right- lead side. The figures representing the molecular geometry have been prepared with the XCrySDen package [59]. Acknowledgments This work has been supported by the research projects of the National Science Centre of Poland, Grant No. 2011/01/M/ST2/00561. Calculations were done in the Interdisciplinary Centre of Mathematical and Computer Modeling (ICM) of the University of Warsaw within the grants G47-7, G56-32 and G29-11. References 1. Aradhya, S. V.; Venkataraman, L. Single-molecule junctions beyond electronic transport. Nature Nanotechnology 2013, 8, 399–410. 2. Facchetti, A. Organic semiconductors: Made to order. Nature Materials 2013, 12, 598–600. 3. Ortmann, F.; Radke, K. S.; Günther, A.; Kasemann, D.; Leo, K.; Cuniberti, G. 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