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Christ Church
8 February 2015
Arrangements for Today
Holy Communion CW
All-age Worship - celebrating our link with
Christ Church School
(See separate Order of Service)
There is a crèche in the Alstone Porch at the back of church.
Please note that the crèche is not staffed.
Activity Bags for children to use in church (esp. 2’s-5’s). Please
ask a Sidesperson for one & return afterwards.
Anyone who would like to receive personal prayer, simply come
to the side chapel after the service and a member of our Prayer
Ministry Team will be there to pray with you.
Project & Traidcraft stalls in the Harwood Hall after the service.
Coffee served.
Christ Church does not hand around a collection plate, but
always needs funds to support its life and mission. If you would
like to support Christ Church financially you’ll find a plate for
your offering at the back of church. Thank you.
Shortened Holy Communion BCP
Choral Evensong for Candlemas
Preacher: Rev Tim Mayfield
Readings: Malachi 3:1-5
Pew Bible p.908
Luke 2:22-40
Pew Bible p.971
10, 209, 223
Christ Church website:
Arrangements during the week
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
Baby & Toddler Group in the Harwood Hall
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
Evangelism Committee [venue tba]
Morning Prayer in church in church (side chapel)
Coffee Morning in the Alstone Porch
Holy Communion BCP in church
Friendship Club Soup & Cheese Lunch: Harwood Hall
Book beforehand with Tina Benney: 512246
Friendship Club in the Harwood Hall: Cobalt 50th
Anniversary - Mary Peterson
Homegroup at 41 Queen’s Road
Thurs 8.45am
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
6.30-8pm Trebles’ rehearsal in the Music Room
7.30-9pm Choir rehearsal in the Music Room
10.30am Coffee Concert in church - see opposite
Next Sunday - The 1st Sunday before Lent
Holy Communion BCP: Rev Tim Mayfield
Parish Communion CW [choir/group]: Angela Smith
ASH WEDNESDAY - 18th February
We mark the beginning of Lent with two acts of worship. At 10.30am there is
a prayer book communion service with hymns and (optional) ashing. At
7.30pm we host a united communion service with St Matthew’s and The
A warm welcome for all our visitors and newcomers
If you would like further contact with Christ Church, please do
complete one of the yellow cards in the pew and hand it to a
Sidesman. Welcome Packs about Christ Church are available at the
back of church.
Christ Church Noticeboard
Do visit the stalls in the Hall after the 10.30am service today and raise
funds for new microphone stands for the worship group.
Our thinking during Lent this year – both on a Sunday and midweek – will
arise out of the prophecy of Hosea. In this passionate book, God depicts
himself as a jilted lover, and laments the fickleness of his partner people.
‘Hosea’ is perfect for Lent, with its clarion call to ‘seek the Lord’. Please see
the board at the back of church for a full list of the groups. You can also
collect a Lent course booklet from the back of church.
During 2015 Christ Church is looking to broaden the base of those involved
in certain key contributions. To find out more look out for a leaflet called
‘Building the Christ Church team 2015’ giving a full list of posts on offer. Do
contact Rev Tim [515983] if you would value a no-obligation chat about what
each of these roles might involve. And please commit this process to God in
prayer – that the right people would find their way to the right post.
EXPERIENCE EASTER - week beginning 16th March
More than 200 children from Christ Church, Gloucester Road and Airthrie
schools will be visiting us to Experience Easter in the week commencing
16th March. In order to help the children see, touch and feel Easter we need
many volunteers who can offer 90 minutes or more during the school day.
Helpers from past years always find the experience rewarding. Sign-up
sheets are on display at the back of church from today. Any questions to
Laurette Thomas on 515 510 or [email protected]
COFFEE CONCERT - next Saturday, 14th February 10.30am here in church
– professional violist Emma Sheppard and pianist Gavin Sutherland present
a short programme of lyrical music for viola and piano by Elgar, Coates
etc. Coffee and homemade cakes to follow. FREE entry with collection for
Christ Church Fabric Fund – thank you for the £419 raised so far!
For the years of hard work, energy and enthusiasm contributed to
Christ Church School by Janie Fentem during her fourteen years as
Head. Pray for Miss Fentem in these last two terms before her
retirement, and commit to God the process of finding her successor.
For elections in Nigeria taking place on Saturday. Pray for security –
that people will be safe as they come to vote. Pray for a free and fair
election, and that it may be seen as such. Pray for God’s hand on the
outcome, and that the outcome may be accepted by all parties.
About the recent escalation in violence in Eastern Ukraine, and rise in
tensions with Russia. Pray that humanitarian assistance will reach
those who need it. Pray for a way forward to peace in that region.
For the group ‘New Life for India’ in Orissa, headed by Pranab
Kumar. They are constructing a guest house and hall for prayer
meetings with church planters, and need additional finance to
complete it. Pray too for wisdom for Will Halse to know how to
respond to a request for him and others from Christ Church to visit.
For Cherie Skidmore [manager] and Nigel Green [caretaker] in their
vital work in caring for those who use Christ Church Parish Centre.
Pray for Cherie and Nigel as they catch up with Rev Tim tomorrow.
For Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Evangelism Committee. Pray
that Christ Church would be a place from which good news rings out.
Hold before God especially plans for this summer’s Prayer Visiting.
For those in ministry at Christ Church and meeting with Rev Tim this
week: wardens Helen and Peter [Weds], playleader Becky Spillane
[Thur] and Debt Coach Anna Laszlo [Thur].
For next Saturday’s coffee concert. Thank God for Beck Donaldson
and the work she puts into these lovely occasions. Pray for all who
come, especially for any guests of Christ Church.
For the sick: Julia Bamford, Sam Burns, Peggy David, Stella Fisher,
Angela Halse, Sarah Hudson, Margaret Judge, Karen, Mike Knowles,
Gill Potter, Sue Potter, Derek Read, Mary Sambrook and Alison Vlach.
For the family and friends of Jack Coke-Wallis, Maureen Edwards,
Sally Howell and Pam Turner.