Christ Church Cheltenham

Christ Church
19th October 2014
Holy Communion BCP
10.30am Parish Communion with commissioning of pastoral
team, prayer team and home communion team
Preacher: Angela Smith
Readings: Romans 6:1-11
Pew Bible p.1069
Mark 16:1-8
Pew Bible p.967
80, SF381, We sing a love, 343
There is a crèche in the Alstone Porch at the back of church.
Please note that the crèche is not staffed.
Anyone who would like to receive personal prayer, simply
come to the back of church after receiving Communion and a
member of our Prayer Ministry team will be there to pray
with you.
There are facilities for receiving communion gluten-free;
collect a sign from one of our sidespeople.
Activity Bags for children to use in church (esp. 2’s-5’s).
Please ask a Sidesperson for one & return afterwards.
Coffee served after the service in the Harwood Hall.
Christ Church does not hand around a collection plate, but
always needs funds to support its life and mission. If you
would like to support Christ Church financially you’ll find a
plate for your offering at the back of church. Thank you.
There will be no 6.30pm service this week
The next 6.30 worship is our Memorial Service
on Sunday 2nd November
Christ Church website:
Arrangements during the week
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
Baby & Toddler Group in the Harwood Hall
Hall Management Committee in the Malvern Room
Tues 8.45am Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
21st 11.00am Playgroup Harvest in the chapel
7.45pm Environmental Committee in the Malvern Room
Wed 8.45am
22nd 10-12
Thurs 8.45am
23rd 2.30pm
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
Coffee Morning in the Alstone Porch
Holy Communion BCP in church
Friendship Club Soup & Cheese Lunch: Harwood Hall
Friendship Club in the Harwood Hall: Battles in
Gloucestershire - Dr Tim Brain
‘This Risen Existence’ part 3 in the Harwood Hall
Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
Homegroup at 5 Charlton Close
8.45am Morning Prayer in church (side chapel)
6.30-8pm Trebles’ rehearsal in the Music Room
7.30-9pm Choir rehearsal in the Music Room
Next Sunday - Last Sunday after trinity
Holy Communion CW: Rev Tim Mayfield
Morning Worship [choir]: Andrew Judge
CHRIST CHURCH’S MONTHLY SALE in aid of the Fabric Fund
after the 10.30 service last Sunday raised £148.17. Thank you very
much for your support.
Christ Church’s pastoral team consists of volunteers working alongside
the clergy in caring for the congregation. The team meets six times a
year to identify people who might value some support. We could do
with strengthening this team. If you would like to discuss what’s
involved, please contact Rev Tim Mayfield [515983].
A warm welcome for all our visitors and newcomers
If you would like further contact with Christ Church, do complete one of
the yellow cards in the pew and hand it to a Sidesman. Welcome
Packs about Christ Church are available at the back of church.
Private view of Sculpture Exhibition at Gloucester Cathedral:
Sunday 19th October 6.30 - 8.00pm
Cheltenham Deanery has arranged a Private View of Crucible 2 for
members of its congregations on Sunday 19th October. Drinks will be
served on arrival at 6.30pm and the evening will finish with Compline at
7.45pm. We have been asked to send rough numbers of those attending
so if you know you would like to go, please sign the list at the back, today.
Ken was a much valued member of Christ Church. He died on 19th
September. His committal took place at Cheltenham Crematorium on
Tuesday 7th October. Christ Church then hosts a Memorial Service for
Ken at 2.00pm on Wednesday 29th October.
On Sunday 2nd November Christ Church hosts our annual Memorial
Service. At this important occasion we remember by name each person
who has had a funeral through Christ Church in the last 12 months. There
is also the opportunity for you to add names to this list. Please see the
sign-up list at the back of church.
On Saturday 8th November - 10am-1.30pm. Mandy is collecting donations
of good quality items for sale in the fair - a labelled box is available in the
baptistery. If you are able to help in the kitchen with the lunches Mandy
would love to hear from you - 07880 715200.
CONFIRMATION AT CHRIST CHURCH, 10.30am Sunday 16 November
Bishop Bob Evens, the retired Bishop of Crediton, is coming to Christ
Church for a confirmation service soon. Please pray for those to be
confirmed: Pat Hopkins, Graham Powell, Joanna Ruddock and Trish
Please come along and hear an update on and pray for the CAP Debt
Centre this Tuesday evening. We are part of a coalition of churches
across the town to support the Centre financially – let’s support it in prayer
too. The meeting will start at 7.30pm at The Pavilion – C3’s church
building. This is on Hatherley Road, GL51 6PN (on the town side of the
new Asda and the Nuffield Hospital, but on the opposite side of the road).
Corrie Verduyn, our link missionary doctor in Kiwoko, Uganda.
Give thanks for the neonatal unit at the hospital, and the hope it is
bringing to mothers and babies. Pray for new doctors and midwives,
who have recently arrived, to settle in quickly and learn how best to
apply their skills and training. Pray that Corrie may be able to
organise her home leave in 2015 to be able both to visit her link
churches, and to have time for real rest and refreshment.
The appointment process to select the next Bishop of Gloucester.
Pray for those considering the possibility for themselves. Pray for
discernment for those involved in the selection. Above all, pray that
God’s will may be done, and the right person be appointed,
equipped, and in place at the right time.
Governments in West Africa and elsewhere as they continue to fight
the spread of Ebola. Give them sound judgement, and sufficient
resources. Pray for medical staff at the front line, that they may be
protected and effective in their work. And pray for those who are
infected: that they may seek treatment. Pray for the church in
affected areas: for wisdom to know how to pray, and how to serve
God in this situation.
For all those being commissioned today – the members of our
Pastoral Team, Prayer Team, and Home Communion team. Pray
especially for those overseeing these ministries: Tim Mayfield, David
and Anna Laszlo, and Andrew Judge.
For the new Parish Centre Team: Manager Cherie Skidmore,
Caretaker Nigel Green, and Cleaner Sue Langford. Pray God’s
blessing on all who come in to use the facilities of the Parish Centre,
and his guidance for the Hall management Committee meeting
For Wednesday evening’s third part of ‘This Risen Existence’. Pray
especially for Amanda Thiselton, planning and leading the evening.
For Christ Church’s Playgroup. Hold before God the Playgroup
Harvest on Tuesday. Pray too for playleader Becky Spillane, in her
catch-up with Rev Tim on Thursday.
For the sick: Julia Bamford, Sam Burns, Peggy David, Stella Fisher,
Angela Halse, Gwen Holmes, Sarah Hudson, Margaret Judge,
Karen, Mike Knowles, Kay Middleton, Gill Potter, Sue Potter,
Wilfrid Robinson, Mary Sambrook and Alison Vlach.