Christ Church Cheltenham 9th November 2014 Arrangements for Today 8.00am Holy Communion CW 10.30am Act of Remembrance (See separate Order of Service) There is a crèche in the Alstone Porch at the back of church. Please note that the crèche is not staffed. Activity Bags for children to use in church (esp. 2’s-5’s). Please ask a Sidesperson for one & return afterwards. Coffee served in the Harwood Hall after the service. Christ Church does not hand around a collection plate, but is urgently in need of funds to support its life and mission. If you would like to support Christ Church financially you’ll find a plate for your offering at the back of church. Thank you. 12noon Shortened Holy Communion BCP 6.30pm One World Week United Service at Christ Church (See separate Order of Service) A warm welcome for all our visitors and newcomers If you would like further contact with Christ Church, please do complete one of the yellow cards in the pew and hand it to a Sidesman. Welcome Packs about Christ Church are available at the back of church. Christ Church website: Arrangements during the week Mon 10th 8.45am 1.30pm 7.30pm Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Baby & Toddler Group in the Harwood Hall Meeting for all Sidespeople in the Lansdown Room Tues 11th 8.45am 7.45pm Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Homegroup Leaders’ Meeting in the Music Room Wed 12th 8.45am 10-12 10.30am 12.30pm Morning Prayer in church in church (side chapel) Coffee Morning in the Alstone Porch Holy Communion BCP in the Music Room Friendship Club Soup & Cheese Lunch: Harwood Hall Book beforehand with Tina Benney: 512246 Friendship Club in the Harwood Hall: The German Occupation of Guernsey, 1940-1945 - Geoff Miller ‘This Risen Existence’ part 4 in the Harwood Hall: Rev Mike Sanders 2.30pm 7.45pm Thurs 8.45am 13th Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Fri 14th 8.45am Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) 6.30-8pm Trebles’ rehearsal in the Music Room 7.30-9pm Choir rehearsal in the Music Room Sat 15th 5.00pm 7-9pm Jesus’ Special Meal part 1 in the Harwood Hall Youth @ Christ Church in the Lansdown/Bayshill Rooms Next Sunday - 2nd Sunday before Advent 8.00am 10.30am Holy Communion BCP: Rev Tim Mayfield Confirmation Service with Parish Communion [choir/group]: Bishop Bob Evens SIDESPERSONS’ MEETING... Peter and Helen look forward to welcoming the Sidespersons to their meeting on Monday 10th November at 7.30pm in the Lansdown/Bayshill Room. Remember to bring diaries so that Christmas arrangements can be made! A REQUEST FROM WILL HALSE When I visited India two years ago I met Pranab Kumar, who leads a team of evangelists and church planters within a church called New Life for India in Orissa. Pranab regularly sends me emails asking for my prayer requests. He also asks me to share his prayer needs with Christ Church. I would like to establish a group to pray for Pranab and his ministry. Please email me at [email protected] or phone 571729 if you would like to know more. Thank you. Will Halse CHRISTMAS CHARITY FAIR, 22nd November We are selling cakes, preserves, sweets, gifts and Christmas items on the Christ Church Stalls to raise money for Kiwoko Hospital and Syrian refugees. If you can offer any contributions, please bring them along by 10am on the day or, if non perishable and you would like items collected, please call Tina Benney. Tel 512246. CHRIST CHURCH SUMMER FETE 2015 We are once again proposing to hold a Fête to raise money for charities and mission at home and abroad, on a Saturday in July next year. We hope to build on the success of this year’s Fête but need fresh help and early commitment to ensure the 2015 Fête can go ahead. We invite anyone who would like to support the Fête to an initial meeting on Thursday 13th November at 7.30pm in the Baptistry (No heating wear your winter coat!). Please do come to the meeting and give us the benefit of your comments and offers of help and support. We would love the whole church to be involved. Tina Benney, Helen Weir, Nikki Seville and Sarah O’Meara. WORLD MISSION COMMITTEE It is nearly the time when your committee starts to allocate the funds raised over the year. We really want to know if you have a charity you are directly involved with or would appreciate us to consider. There is a box on the World Mission Committee Notice board - in the baptistery near the door to the North Porch - please put a note in it with details of your charity or email Mandy on - [email protected] ‘OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD’ - SHOEBOX APPEAL Christ Church Rainbows, Brownies and Guides are packing shoeboxes this year to send to children in eastern Europe and Africa. If you would like to help, please place small items in the shoebox in the baptistery before Wednesday 12th November. Donations towards postage (£3 per box) also welcome. Thank you! Maureen Jones (01242 517183) LENT COURSE If you would like to host and/or lead a Lent Group next year, please have a word with Rev Tim Mayfield [515983]. The groups will meet in people’s homes in 2015, following last year’s centralised version. Lent begins on 18th February, so the Lent Groups will probably begin w/b 23rd February. PLEASE THANK GOD: For the Afghan Support and Education Trust, and its work in bringing education, training and employment opportunities to Afghan girls and women. Pray for protection for those working with ASET. Pray that God may bless them, that they and their work might be a blessing to others. PLEASE PRAY: For refugees from the conflict in Syria, who have lost everything. Pray that they may receive shelter, food and warmth over the winter. Pray that local churches may show God’s love. And pray that God will give them hope and a future. On One World Week, pray that we who have so much may share generously with others. Pray that rich countries may share with the poor – if not out of love, then even out of self interest. Pray that we may recognise – as individuals, as countries, as the church – the responsibility we have been given to look after each other, and this world. For Christ Church’s team of sidespeople. Thank God for the first line of welcome they offer, and pray for their meeting tomorrow evening with churchwardens Peter and Helen. For the members of Christ Church’s preaching team, all having annual reviews with Rev Tim this week: Will Halse, Andrew Judge, David Laszlo, Angela Smith and Amanda Thiselton. For the group of children preparing for admission to communion: Connie Burton, Alex Parker, Imogen Slater, Lara Tipping and George Twemlow. Hold before God the first part of ‘Jesus’ Special Meal’ next Saturday. For those to be confirmed at Christ Church soon: Pat Hopkins, Graham Powell, Joanna Ruddock and Trish Sturgess. For the sick: Julia Bamford, Ann Bartlot, Sam Burns, Peggy David, Stella Fisher, Angela Halse, Sarah Hudson, Margaret Judge, Karen, Mike Knowles, Kay Middleton, Gill Potter, Sue Potter, Mary Sambrook and Alison Vlach. For the family and friends of Dennis Middleton and Gwen Holmes. These prayers are provided as an aid to personal prayer throughout the coming week
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