Christ Church Cheltenham 1st March 2015 8.00am Holy Communion BCP 10.30am Parish Communion Preacher: Amanda Thiselton Readings: Hosea 11:1-9 Pew Bible p.861 Mark 10:13-16 Pew Bible p.958 Hymns: SF407, SF218, SF780, 365 There is a crèche in the Alstone Porch at the back of church. Please note that the crèche is not staffed. Anyone who would like to receive personal prayer, simply come to the back of church after receiving Communion and a member of our Prayer Ministry team will be there to pray with you. There are facilities for receiving communion gluten-free and alcohol free; collect the relevant sign from one of our sidespeople. Activity Bags for children to use in church (esp. 2’s-5’s). Please ask a Sidesperson for one & return afterwards. Coffee served after the service in the Harwood Hall. Christ Church does not hand around a collection plate, but always needs funds to support its life and mission. If you would like to support Christ Church financially you’ll find a plate for your offering at the back of church. Thank you. There will be no 6.30pm service this week The next 6.30 service will be our Choral Evensong for Lent, next Sunday, 8th March The March edition of ‘Outreach’ is on sale at the back of church Alternatively, there is a copy in each pew so please take this one and pay on your way out if you prefer Christ Church website: Arrangements during the week Mon 2nd 8.45am 10.30am 1.30pm 7.30pm Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Lent Group in the Malvern Room Baby & Toddler Group in the Harwood Hall PCC Meeting in the Music Room Tues 8.45am Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Wed 4th 8.45am 10-12 10.30am 7.30pm Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Coffee Morning in the Alstone Porch Holy Communion BCP in church Lent Groups at 4 Arle Gardens, 1 Rowena Cade Avenue and 61 Brooklyn Road Thurs 8.45am 5th 7.45pm Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) Lent Groups at the Vicarage and 5 Charlton Close Fri 6th 8.45am Morning Prayer in church (side chapel) 6.30-8pm Trebles’ rehearsal in the Music Room 7.30-9pm Choir rehearsal in the Music Room Sat 9.30am Clergy/Readers in the Lansdown Room. Next Sunday - The 3rd Sunday of lent 8.00am 10.30am 12noon 6.30pm Holy Communion CW All-age Worship [group]: Rev Tim Mayfield Shortened Holy Communion BCP Choral Evensong BCP for Lent [choir]: Rev Tim Mayfield LEATHER BELTS If you have any unwanted belts Charlie Donaldson would like them for a project (he’s tall and you’ll find him in the Worship Group). PARTY AT THE PIANO All are invited to stay after the 10.30am service for an informal sing around the piano, with drinks and eats, as we say goodbye to Andy Salmon on his move to Devon. A warm welcome for all our visitors and newcomers If you would like further contact with Christ Church, please do complete one of the yellow cards in the pew and hand it to a Sidesman. Welcome Packs about Christ Church are available at the back of church. Christ Church Noticeboard CHRIST CHURCH’S MONTHLY SALE will be held next week after the 10.30 service in the Harwood Hall. Contributions, especially jams, cakes, garden produce and other edibles, welcome before the service. FOODBANK Foodbank - Please continue to bring donations and place in the boxes at the back of church. By adding just one extra item to our weekly shop and donating it to the Foodbank, we are making a difference to the lives of many who are currently finding life difficult. EXPERIENCE EASTER - week beginning 16th March More than 200 children from Christ Church, Gloucester Road and Airthrie schools will be visiting us to Experience Easter in the week commencing 16th March. In order to help the children see, touch and feel Easter we need many volunteers who can offer 90 minutes or more during the school day. Helpers from past years always find the experience rewarding. Sign-up sheets are on display at the back of church from today. Any questions to Laurette Thomas on 515 510 or [email protected] PRAYER VISITING ….will be coming up in June. This year we’d like to start praying now for people and homes in the streets we know we will be visiting. If you’d be interested in ‘adopting’ part or all of a street to pray for at home over the coming three months, please choose a street from the sheets at the back of church and sign up. Anna Laszlo will then be in touch to confirm. A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY! 11th July 2015: Christ Church Fête - in church and on Farnley Field. We have had our first planning meeting of the year for this event which is a huge fund-raiser for missions and charities and a really fun day for congregation and local community alike. We will soon be starting to approach people about taking on various roles. Please put the date in your diary and think about how you might be involved. Your co-ordinating team: Tina Benney (512246), Sarah O’Meara (513067), Nikki Seville (254457), Helen Weir (577710) PLEASE PRAY: About the situation in Greece. Eurozone finance ministers have approved reform proposals submitted by Athens in order to obtain an extension of its bailout. Measures include combating tax evasion and reforming the public sector. About conditions in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has launched an attack against Rwandan Hutu rebels in the east of the country. Some FDLR leaders have been linked to the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Their presence in the DRC has been a key factor behind two decades of conflict in the region, with Rwanda demanding they be disarmed For people and government in Nigeria, responding to attacks from Boko Haram. Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan has said the tide has "definitely turned" against militant Islamists as regional forces recapture territory. Pray too for Phyllis Sortor, a Christian missionary in Nigeria abducted by masked gunmen For Ella Hawkins and her colleagues at ‘Aspire Gloucestershire’. This service aims to improve options and outcomes for young, homeless adults. Pray for Ella and her team as they support young people into accommodation, education and employment. For the church in Syria, where IS has abducted dozens of Assyrian Christians from villages in the north-east of the country. Pray too about claims by Human Rights Watch that the Syrian government dropped barrel bombs on hundreds of sites last year, violating a UN Security Council resolution. About the process to appoint a new headteacher for Christ Church School. Pray for Janie Fentem, preparing for retirement. Pray too for the interview process to find a successor, beginning on Thursday. For the Lent Groups engaging with ‘Hosea’. Pray for those who are hosting and leading. Pray that Easter might find us, both as individuals and as a church, more warmly in love with the God of love. For the sick: Julia Bamford, Sam Burns, Peggy David, Stella Fisher, Angela Halse, Sarah Hudson, Margaret Judge, Karen, Mike Knowles, Sue Potter, Derek Read, Mary Sambrook, and Alison Vlach. For the family and friends of Jack Coke-Wallis, and Joan Hutchings.
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