News From The Pews Volume 133 Issue 2 February, 2015 Emmanuel Episcopal Church The 2014 year-end report for Diocesan Foundation funds is: Inside this issue! Shine in our hearts 1-2 SCHEDULE OF SERVUCE 3 Coat Drive Beans & Rice 4 Community Lenten Services 4 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Race! 5 Calendar 6 Lay Ministry Schedule 7 Birthdays 7 Intercessions 8 The Vestry Senior Warden: Tom Jones Property Warden: Eric Cooke General Endowment bal. $598,080.01 September balance $579,941.75 Quarterly growth $11,274.23 December 2013 bal. $554,475.79 Additions during 2014: $10,153.00 Annual Growth $33,451.22 Rollison Fund bal. $15,413.67 September balance $15,105.37 Quarterly Growth $292.99 December 2013 bal. $15,184.91 Annual Growth $52.76. Disbursements $653.36 Munford Fund bal. $24,426.85 September balance $23,686.05 Quarterly Growth $460.45 December 2013 bal. $18,091.19 Additions $5,000.00 Annual Growth: $1,335.66 Edmonds Fund bal. $67,745.87 September balance $65,691.31 Quarterly Growth $2,054.56 December 2013 bal. $63,949.98 Annual Growth $3,795.89 Lane Fund bal. $25,374.54 September balance $24,605.00 Register: Virginia Donne Quarterly Growth $769.54 December 2013 bal. $23,952.77 Annual Growth $1,421.77 During 2014, we transferred two funds into the Diocesan Foundation in order to receive better yields than our savings accounts: Non-Endowment Savings $21,062.03 Original Investment $20,000.00 Growth $1,062.03 Emergency Outreach Fund $23086.89 Original Investment $21,922.75 Growth $1,164.14 Total of all Invested Funds December 2014 $775,189.86 December 2013 $675,654.64 Additions in 2014 $57,075.75 Growth in 2014 $42,459.47 While the 2014 growth was not as strong as it was in 2013, it was nonetheless 6.28%, far better than we receive on savings in the banks. Remember that this is a snapshot, because values fluctuate daily. Once again, by carefully watching our expenditures, we were able not to use any Endowment Income in 2014 and reinvest it for our future. Mission & Ministry Team: Janet Boyd, Elliott Cobb, Marsha Whitehead & Vi Dentler Property Team: Eric Cooke, Tom Jones & Heather Malish Administrative Team: Johnny Jones, Teresa Taranovich and Ed Pickup, Rector: Ed Pickup By Ed Pickup The season of Epiphany is about figuring out who Jesus is. And so the lessons are all about the light of Christ coming into our lives and shining in our hearts. (Continued on page 2) News From the Pews (continued from page 1) It begins with the light of Christ leading the Wise Men to find the Christ child. It continues with the light dawning on the believers at the Baptism of Jesus, when God proclaims him “My Son, the beloved in whom I am well pleased.” The lessons continue with healing stories and miracles when the metaphorical “light comes on” as people realize who Jesus is. And finally, Epiphany ends with the Transfiguration, when Peter, James and John see Jesus’ face transfigured in dazzling light. The proper preface in the Eucharistic Prayer for Epiphany summarizes the theme beautifully: “Because in the mystery of the Word made flesh, you have caused a new light to shine in our hearts, to give the knowledge of your glory in the face of your son Jesus Christ our Lord.” Page 2 This is not only tremendously more efficient, lighting the church for about one-tenth of the cost of incandescent bulbs, and saving money on air-conditioning but we also put in a timing system. There is just a bit of work left to go in this project. The restoration of the stained glass completed for the one hundredth anniversary of our building made the windows visible through the protective layer. So, as people pass Emmanuel Church from about six until ten o’clock each night, our beautiful stained glass shines with scenes from the life of Christ for all to see. We hope that it will bless the community with just a little touch of beauty, a sign of Christ’s presence in our world. The church members are also busy this season with letting their light shine. men will be working away smoking Boston Butts for our fund-raiser which also raises fun— and the light shines. On February 12th, our volunteers will help the Cooperative Ministry Soup Kitchen feed the homeless. Except instead of soup, we’re serving barbecue with all the trimmings— and the light continues to shine. And as we transition into Lent, our Vestry will be hosting the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on February 17th— and the light of fellowship continues to shine. In the Community Lenten Series, we will offer the Ash Wednesday Services on February 18th, and provide the lunch for the Community Lenten Services on the 25th of February— and the light continues to shine. We are working on revitalizing communication in the church: Our Beans and Rice Ministry Heather Malish is working on continues to provide fifty local making two Facebook Pages for families with at total of 1,500 servings of nutritious beans and us— one a public “Like” page and the other a group page. rice each month. It also proWe’re working on re-vitalizing the vides us with a wonderful opcall chain and adding texting and portunity for fellowship as we bag and distribute the beans and voice-mail to the mix. We’re also working on our electronic mailing So Epiphany is about letting our rice. Thanks to a generous light shine as a reflection of the individual donor, the beans and list to get addresses and contacts updated so that folks know what light of Christ shining in our rice are funded throughout hearts. Your vestry met for a 2015— and the light continues is going on— and the light continues to shine. retreat on January 24th with lots to shine. of ideas about letting our light The ECW is collecting pennies So, as you drive by the church at shine. for the Jackson-Field Home for night and see the windows, reaThe first thing is literally letting At Risk Youth, and coats for the lize that the real “shining” is being done by our folks as a reflection our lights shine. Thanks to the Franklin Cooperative Ministry of Jesus shining in our lives. work of Tom Jones, we have Clothes Closet— and the light quietly replaced most of the continues to shine. lighting in the church with LED’s. This Saturday, January 31st, our FEBRUARY News From the Pews THE ALTAR GUILD Page 3 beginning of Jesus’ ministry. February 18, Ash Wednesday The Altar Guild workers for February 15, The Last Sunday af- First Lesson: Joel 2:1-2,12-17. The February are Kathy Mason and ter The Epiphany 8:00 & 10:30 HE prophet pictures the day of the Lord as a time of judgment and darkness, II Teresa Taranovich. SERVICES February 1, Fourth Sunday the Epiphany, 8:00 & 10:30 HE II First Lesson: 2 Kings 2:1-12. The story of the taking up of the prophet Elijah into heaven and the passing on his power to Elisha. Psalm: 50:1-6 The psalm tells of the First Lesson: Deuteronomy 18:15 majestic and righteous God who re-20. Moses promises the people quires true sacrifice and thanksgiving that, after his death God will raise of the people. up another prophet for them.. Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Psalm: 111 A song of pr aise to Paul proclaims that Christ is the very the mighty Lord, who is steadfast image of God though not all can perand full of compassion. ceive this truth. Gospel: Mark 9:2-9 The stor y of Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 8:10-13 Paul gives counsel to the Jesus’ transfiguration. Corinthians who are unsure whether it is permissible to eat the meat of animals that have been sacrificed in pagan temples. Gospel: Mark 1:21-28. J esus both teaches and acts with authority.. Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10. Paul ur ges the new disciples to be reconciled to God in this time of deliverance, and he reminds them of all the hardships he has patiently endured for their sake and for the gospel. Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6,16-21. J esus describes genuine charity, prayer, and fasting. February 22, First Sunday in Lent 8:00 HE II & 10:30 MP HE I First Lesson: Genesis 9:8-17. God’s promise to Noah and to future generations never again to flood all the earth. Second Lesson: 1 Peter 3:18-22. The significance of Christ’s death and resurrection. In the story of Noah’s salvation a prefigurement of our own salvation through the water of baptism is perceived. First Lesson: Isaiah 40:21-31. The prophet Isaiah summons the people to renew their confidence in God. Psalm: 147:1-11, 20c. A hymn of praise to the Lord, who rules over nature in wisdom and has shown faithfulness to Israel. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39. Healing events which took place toward the Psalm 51:1-17 A confession of sin and guilt and a prayer for the clean heart. Psalm: 25:1-10 A pr ayer for for giveness and guidance and an expression of trust in the Lord. February 8, The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, 8:00 HE II, 10:30 MP &HE I Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 9:16 -23. Paul seeks to become all things to all people in order that he may freely and without hindrance share the gospel with them. but he holds out the hope of mercy if the people will repent. Gospel: Mark 1:9-15. The stor y of Jesus’ baptism followed by his temptation in the wilderness by Satan and his proclamation of the coming kingdom of God. Raphael, 1483-1520 ; Romano, Giulio, 1499-1546. Transfiguration, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN. http:// [retrieved January 29, 2015]. Original source: Wikimedia Commons. News From the Pews Page 4 Beans & Rice Ministry Due to the extreme cold weather, Cooperative Ministries is in need of coats, hats, gloves, and scarves. The ECW will continue to collect and deliver these items through the end of March. Please bring in gently used (or new) items of all sizes for adults and children and place them in the designated area by the coat-rack in the hallway. During the month of February, the ECW will be collecting monetary donations (loose change) for the Jackson Feild Home. On the first Sunday of each month, the congregation is invited to stay after each service to help bag beans and rice into individual “zip lock” bags. On the second Saturday of the month from 9:00-11:00 a.m., volunteers are needed to greet the recipients and to distribute the beans and rice. The program provides 3 pounds of each to 50 families each month. This ministry supplements, not compete with, the great work that is being carried out by Franklin Cooperative Ministries. Thank you all for your participation. Bagging Distributing Bagging Distributing Feb. 1st Feb 14th March 1st March 14th April 5th April 11th May 3rd May 9th Community Lenten Services This year’s host: Hunterdale Christian Church Lunch is served at Noon and 1 p.m. The Service is at 12:30 p.m. Date Worship Leadership Lunch Provided by: February 18— Ash Wednesday Emmanuel Episcopal Church Hunterdale Christian Church Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Hunterdale Christian Church Emmanuel Episcopal Church Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Franklin Baptist Church St. Jude Catholic Church Wednesday, March 11, 2015 First Baptist Church First Baptist Church Wednesday, March 18, 2015 High Street Methodist Church High Street Methodist Church Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Fellowship Around the Word Fellowship Around the Word You are cordially invited to make this a part of your Lenten Discipline. An offering will be received. All proceeds will benefit the Franklin Cooperative Ministry. News From the Pews Page 5 Don’t Miss the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Race February 17th at six o’clock. In England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and Canada, Shrove Tuesday is also known as “pancake day” because it is a day to use up rich foods before Lent. On Pancake Day, there are races through English towns with people dressed up like “housewives” wearing a scarf, apron, and carrying a frying pan with a big pancake in it. They have to flip the pancake in the air at the starting line and at the finish line and run through the village, frying pan in hand. One race in Olney in Buckinghamshire has been run every year since 1445! In London, the House of Lords and House of Commons compete with each other in the Parliamentary Pancake Race (see photo below). So, the question is: Who will win our pancake race? The rector (chicken dance expert), vestry, acolytes, choir, altar guild, ECW? So, do something both historically Anglican and silly enough for Monty Python! Bring your own skillet, apron, bandana and enter our Pancake Race! Dinner is served at six o’clock: yummy pancakes, syrup, butter, link sausage, apples and apple sauce, coffee, juice and milk. Requested donation to cover the food costs: $5 for an individual or $10 for a whole family. Remember: Fun and faith go together like pancakes and syrup. News From the Pews Page 6 February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 3 4 5 4 Epiphany Holy Eucharist 8 & 10:30 Beans & Rice Packagaing 8 Dinner 6:00PM Bible Study 7:00PM 9 10 5 Epiphany Holy Eucharist 8. Morning Prayer & Eucharist 10:30 15 11 Dinner 6:00PM Bible Study 7:00PM 16 17 18 Last Epiphany Holy Eucharist 8 & 10:30 Choir Rehearsal 6:30PM 12 Choir Rehearsal 6:30PM 19 Choir Rehearsal 6:30PM Fri Sat 6 7 Diocesan Council in Williamsburg All Day. Diocesan Council in Williamsburg All Day. 13 Rotary 12PM 20 14 Monthly Men’s Breakfast 8 a.m. Beans & Rice Distribution 9-11 a.m. 21 Rotary 12PM Dinner 6 p.m. Service 7 p.m. 22 1st Sunday in Lent Holy Eucharist 8 Morning Prayer & Eucharist 10:30. 23 xxx 25 Dinner 6:00PM Bible Study 7:00PM 26 Choir Rehearsal 6:30PM 27 28 Rotary 12PM The Cooperative Ministry Food for February is box mixes, jiffy mix, cakes mixes and cereals. Vestry meets on Tuesday, February 24th, at 6:00 p.m. Don’t forget to bring your frying pan, apron, and silly hat or bandana for the Pancake Race on February 17th. Community Lenten Services are Wednesday the 18th and 25th at 12:30 at the Hunterdale Christian Church. We will be preparing lunch for the 25th. News From the Pews Date 1-Feb 8-Feb 15-Feb 22-Feb 1-Mar 8-Mar Page 7 Lay Readers 8:00 Roy Chesson 10:30 M. Whitehead 8:00 Liz Burgess 10:30 Ginna Cutchin 8:00 Pam Panton 10:30 Eric Cooke 8:00 M. Whitehead 10:30 V. Brown 8:00 Robin Mason 10:30 Roy Chesson 8:00 Liz Burgess 10:30 Ginna Cutchin Sun School Ushers Acolytes C. Hudson J. Newsome & D. Kloster Brian, Victoria & Zoe Diane Cooke S. Kahle T. Hudson & H. Clapp Andy, Victoria & Zoe Heather J. Herbert Julee & Ames Herbert Rachel, Victoria & Zoe Nursery Sarah Kahle J.Fariss Judy & Tom Fariss Brian, Victoria & Zoe Carol Hudson TBA H. Clapp & J. New- Andy, Victoria & Zoe Vicki Brown TBA T. Hudson, & R. Ma- Rachel, Victoria & Zoe Diane Cooke Happy February Birthday to You Sandy Hollomon & Janet Hudgins (3rd), Peter Griffith (8th), Betsy Jones (11th), Betty Howe & Karen Comet (13th), Ricky Holm, Carter Epperly (Diane Blankenship’s grandson) (15th), David Kloster (16th), Milton Beale (19th), Rachel Brown & Tre Weaver (21st), Kate Tiller & John Marks (22nd), Rob Mason (23rd), Jack Pittman & Andy Mason (28th). 400 North High Street P.O. Box 146 Franklin, VA 23851-0146 Phone: 757-562-4542 Fax: 757-562-4542Email: [email protected] Website: Intercessions— Pray for those in any need or trouble. Please pray for those who are ill: Fay Shelton, Mark and Roman Richard, Virginia Anderson (Barbara Clapp’s friend), Dene Castleberry Fay Shelton, Mark and Roman Richard, Virginia Anderson (Barbara Clapp’s friend), Dene Castleberry (The Corrells’ friend), Pat Eure (Erna Roger’s friend),Elizabeth Fisher (Mary Ellen Edmonds’ friend), Jackson Rue (Ina Gee Pittman’s friend), Barbara Clapp, Carol Fitzwater (Carol Hudson’s mother),Gerry Higgins (Erna Roger’s niece), Luke Throit & Billy Harris (Joy Cartwright Burton’s friends), Jenna Johnson (Ashlyn Hudson[‘s friend),Mark Estienne (Friend of Claire Richard and Ames Herbert),Diane Blankenship, Bill Olson, Joan & Billy Raiford (friends of Diane Tobin), Brian Martin (friend of David Kahle), Beth Marshall (Lainey Harding’s daughter), Matt Britton (Robin Mason’s friend), Mary Kerr (Ben Duffy’s daughter), Andy Marks (Ruth Petty’s friend), Steve Ednie (the Urquharts’ friend), Pat Cargill (Marsha Whitehead’s friend), Winnie & Ray Smouse (Gina Patrone Hotchkiss’ mother and step-father), Bets Crisp, Ginnie Donne, Theresa Brewer (Sharon Sheffield’s mother), Dylan Masoti (John Taranovich’s grandson), “Butch” & Buck Bradberry(Julee Herbert’s parents),Elizabeth “Biz” Mason Young, Shirley East, Albert Herdeg (Franklin police officer who was injured), Fontaine Syer (Virginia Donne’s cousin), Eileen Ross (Laurie Ross’ mother-in-law) and Joe Brinkley (Virginia Donne’s friend O Lord, holy Father, giver of health and salvation: Send your Holy Spirit to bless and sanctify our beloved; that, as your holy apostles anointed many that were sick and healed them, so may those who in faith we bring to you in prayer be made whole; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Please pray for the safety of those serving our nation at home and overseas especially: Marcus Nieves, Kendall Story and Eric Hyde (Hannah Lupton’s nephews), Fernando Meza (Erna Roger’s grandson-inlaw), Josh Hankins (Kristin Hudson’s husband), Jim Matsey (Diane and Eric Cooke’s brother-in-law) Antonio Lopez, (Peter and Ann Griffith’s son-in-law injured in Afghanistan), Kristopher Dendtler (Vi’s grandson) and Baxter Blevins (Marsha Whitehead’s nephew.) Please pray for the repose of the souls of Gayle Urquhart & Ruth Petty. Remember thy servants, O Lord, according to the favor which thou bearest unto thy people, and grant that, increasing in knowledge and love of thee, they may go from strength to strength in the life of perfect services in thy heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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