Lenten Offerings at All Saints Inside This Issue: Announcements 2 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Prayers & Thanksgivings 5 Ministry Schedule 6 February Calendar 7 A long-time tradition in Christianity is the blowout before Lent starts. Historically held on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, it was a time to get ready for a bit more austere diet, which often would not include sweets or things like butter or other fattening foods. It has long been the tradition to enjoy (or use up) those kinds of things the evening before Lent started. It’s called FAT TUESDAY -- or in French, MARDI GRAS In many Christian traditions, it involves PANCAKES! Come and share fellowship laughter as we enter this season of Lent. The men of All Saints are in charge and serve mouth-watering pancakes! Tuesday, February 17th from 5:00 – 7:00 To Serve You: Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel Senior Warden: Richard I. "Dick" Woods Junior Warden: Candace "Candy" Weatherby Parish Administrator: Jennifer Myers-Power Office Hours: Mon., Tue. & Wed. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Ash Wednesday Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. For almost two millennia, members of the Christian faith have made a practice of preparing for the celebration of Easter with a period of self-examination and reflection. For many, this season (of Lent) has been rewarding in many ways— increased faith – increased self-awareness – and a deepening of spirituality. Ash Wednesday Prayers, Imposition of Ashes and Communion Wednesday, February 18th at 6:30 pm The Rev. Vickie Dogaru, Celebrant Wednesdays in Lent All Saints’ Episcopal Church 2206 NW 99th Street PO Box 65825 Vancouver, WA 98665-0028 360-573-8106 www.allsaints-vancouver.org [email protected] Please join us for a simple meal of soup and bread, followed by Evening Prayer/Compline. This Lenten Series features meditation and discussion from materials prepared by authors Richard Rohr, Henri Nouwen and Joyce Rupp and provides opportunities for worship, growth, fellowship and learning offered by our community. Soup Supper, Prayer, Discussion Wednesdays, February 25th – April 1st 6:30 – 8:00 pm SAINTS’ ALIVE! February 2015 Page IN KIND RECEIPTS We are making a concerted effort this year to document exactly how much money it takes to run this church, and how we make up the difference between “what it takes” and “what we get” in the way of pledge and plate income. This has an immediate impact on budgeting, grants, and on the availability of a new priest. Please help us out. When you spend money on behalf of the church for which you need reimbursement, you already know you have to turn in the receipt so we can accurately account for the expenditure of church funds. Now we’re asking that when you spend money on behalf of the church for which you do NOT want reimbursement you turn in those receipts as well. Examples of this would be for those who purchase supplies – paper towels, computer paper, toilet paper, coffee for coffee hour, all those things. We need to know how much of All Saints’ own funds we are saving through the generosity of our members. If you want “credit” for the expenditure (for instance, on the annual statement you receive for the pledge and other cash payments you make to the church), simply write your name on the receipt and circle the amounts which are church related. We all fit those purchases in with personal shopping – for instance, going to Costco and purchasing toilet paper or Kleenex, along with the usual things you buy there. If you want to be anonymous, that’s okay too. Just write “anonymous” on the receipt, circle the appropriate items, and turn it in. Receipts can be turned in to Suzanne directly or put in the offering plate, if it’s a chore to get to the office. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO ACCEPT RECEIPTS WHICH ARE NOT DIRECTLY FOR ITEMS WHICH WILL BE USED BY THE CHURCH (such as donations to Share House Christmas Tree or the Clark County Food Bank) as it will place an impossible burden on our volunteer bookkeeping system. You should save those receipts in your own tax file so you can support any claim for charitable deduction you are able to make. Thanks for all you do! Page 2 February 2015 SAINTS’ ALIVE! Halos • Martha & John S., and John & Candy W. who trekked all over Portland looking for the best deal on the best new dishwasher for our kitchen. • To Sheridan, Sydney, Rob, Kitty and Martha, all of whom have provided transportation to services for our elder population - and not just once, either! • To all who have brought Epiphany Gifts for All Saints. • To Pat S. for her tireless work on publicity and the parish profile draft. • To Candy for ably filling the role of Acting Senior Warden during Dick’s absence, hours put in on our parish profile, and working faithfully to hasten the day we have a new priest. • To Sydney for the gift of a used portable dishwasher for our larger events. • To John W. for transporting it and checking out the hoses and connections. • To Rob and John S. for installing more of the energy-efficient T8 ballasts and neon tubes to replace some of the worn out T12’s. • To Martha and Kitty for sorting and organizing the narthex closet, robing room and AA storage room and making the priest’s office welcoming and functional. • To Rob for repairing the base of our Madonna statue, hanging the stained glass Madonna & Child in the Prayer Chapel, and repairing the library table. Babies In Need Serving Needy Newborns in Southwest Washington ~with car seats, layettes, portable cribs, and love. Frogs, Pond and Dragonflies ~ The Clark County Quilters' 2015 Opportunity Quilt. This quilt grows upward from scenes at the bottom of a pond to things that swim in it, to plants that grow in it and on up to the birds and sky above. It is whimsical and beautiful with “shadow box” squares and is all handmade... they've been working on it for a year. Each year the Clark County Quilters select a local charitable organization to receive the proceeds and this year they've chosen Babies In Need! 5000 tickets are printed. They cost $1.00 apiece and the drawing will be in April 2015 at their annual Quilt Show. Contact [email protected] for tickets. Buy 20, 5 or 1 and/or take some to sell to friends at your favorite club. This is a fun, easy way to support our Babies In Need ministry. Our next layette assembly day is Monday, February 9th at 2 pm. Faithfully, Kitty Ash 360-573-8299 “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” - Mother Teresa SAINTS’ ALIVE! February 2015 Page 3 PARISHIONER CONCERNS ADDRESSED The Bishop’s Committee received a letter early in January from a parishioner (who did not sign it) expressing concerns about the format for worship here at All Saints. Specifically, the person is upset over the lack of a Rite I service, and because in the past few months we have sung the Creed (not using the actual BCP language) and/or used a different form of the Lord’s Prayer, and because the General Confession has been omitted. The person is also upset about the use of a printed bulletin, rather than the Book of Common Prayer. Finally the person asked for a response to the letter to be published in Saints Alive. As Acting Senior Warden, and on behalf of the Bishop’s Committee, I am writing this response. The easy part is the bulletin. Yes, it costs a little additional money to print the entire service in a bulletin, but not as much as you think, because we used to have an 8-1/2 x 11 page, folded once, which contained the order of service (with references to the Book of Common Prayer pages), names of the hymns (with references to hymnal page numbers) and other information. We now use an 8-1/2 x 14 page, folded multiple times, which contains the order of service with all the congregational parts printed. That means that the congregation, and particularly newcomers, do not have to juggle two books, a bulletin and the leaflet containing the scripture readings. The Bishop’s Committee discussed this some time ago, and decided that the cost of what we saw as a more “user friendly” bulletin was worth it. Actually, the answer to the other questions and concerns is also easy. The person in charge of the worship services of this - and any other Episcopal mission church in this diocese - is the Rector of the church. Because we are a mission, the rector is the Bishop. Any priest we have serves at the Bishop’s pleasure, and stands in for the Bishop in matters of sacraments and worship. If there is a “regular” priest, he or she makes all decisions about worship services. The absence of a regular priest does not mean the Bishop’s Committee has the authority to make changes to the order of service. Nor does the Worship Committee (which, by the way, no longer exists. Since early last year the Worship Committee has been incorporated into a Parish Life Committee which is charged with making sure that we continue to function as a church in worship services, necessary committee meetings, parish functions such as potlucks, coffee hours, picnics, work parties and the like.) The current bulletin was written for us by Bob+, as our priest, before he retired. He tried very hard to produce a streamlined service which would be useable for each Sunday of this year, until we have a new priest. The insert containing the scripture readings and psalm(s) is provided by the national church. Each Monday, Suzanne – after much prayer and thought – sends to the office a list of the hymns and settings for the music for that Sunday. And once the draft bulletin is prepared, it is sent to the supply priest for that Sunday for his or her review. That priest has the right, and really the obligation, to make any changes he or she thinks necessary. That’s happened recently. The Confession was erroneously omitted from the first service in January. Vickie+ Dogaru, our priest for the first two services of the year, had not caught the omission in the draft bulletin, but felt it should be included from now on. The Confession is back in the service. The decisions about worship and liturgy are made by the Bishop and the priests who serve this congregation, as his representatives. The business decisions of this church are made by the Bishop’s Committee at its meetings, which are open to all. We do our best with the information and resources we have. If there are concerns, please bring them to us. We’ll listen. You may not get a decision – because the concern is not really within the BC’s scope of authority, such as the form of worship, or you may not like the decision you get (from the BC or the Bishop, as appropriate), but you will be heard. Candace (Candy) Weatherby Acting Senior Warden Page 4 February 2015 SAINTS’ ALIVE! Around the Region Steinway Dedication Recital Series at St. Luke’s, Vancouver. 7 pm. Free-will offering. February 14th Soprano Catherine van der Salm & Friends with special selections for Valentine’s Day. March 14th LeRoi-Nickel Duo play four hands on one piano. Shubert’s F minor Fantasy and more classics. Jazz Vespers at St. Luke’s Vancouver. Saturday at 5:50 pm. Free-will offering. THOSE MYSTERIOUS RED FLAGS Been wondering what those mysterious little red flags, lines, squiggles and such are in the parking strip, the lawn and the driveway at church? We found out. The Clark PUD is getting ready to replace some underground lines. What you see shows where the lines are now. And in some cases, where the property corners are. It will take a couple of months for them to design the project, which will replace unprotected (not in conduit) power lines with new lines, also placed in conduit for their own protection – and for the protection of others who forget to call before they dig. Yes, the lines do run under our driveway. Yes, there will be some work done there. At this point the PUD has a couple of choices – they can bore a hole under the driveway and pull the lines through, or they can dig a trench and replace them that way. There are a couple of considerations, one of which is of course cost. Another is the large tree right next to the driveway. If they dig a trench they’ll almost certainly either have to remove the tree or bore underneath it anyway. On the other hand, if they dig a trench we might be able to get some much-needed repairs done to that section of the driveway. When the PUD project is further along, they’ll be in contact with us, both for our input (how much do we like that tree, anyway?) and to work out scheduling to minimize inconvenience to us and to the groups that use the church. Either way, we’re looking at probably a day of work in the driveway area. As we get more information, we’ll keep you posted through the newsletter or the Flash. PRIEST’S DISCRETIONARY FUND As you’re all aware, on the third Sunday of each month, we pass the “silver plate” and money put in it is given to the Priest’s Discretionary Fund. This is a fund which is administered by the church’s priest for “pious purposes.” This often amounts to a helping hand for someone, or some church purpose. (For instance, the money for the “Have a Meal on Us” cards comes from that fund,) Now we have no regular priest. With Bob’s input, the BC has decided to do what we did before Bob joined us. That is, as the Bishop wants it to, the fund will continue. A committee of three parishioners (Pat Stephens, Sheridan Curtis and Candy Weatherby), will administer it. If the fund makes a payment to or on behalf of an individual, the particulars will be (as they always have been) confidential. But a note is put in the confidential file and at the end of the year that fund is audited by an team of independent auditors as all the church funds are. If you know of anyone – including you -- who needs a little help (for instance, the fund has in the past helped pay medical bills, energy bills, and rent), please let one of the three administrators know. We’ll discuss it, and may come back to you for more information and may go to the person directly to see what, if anything, the Discretionary Fund can do. The three administrators will make a joint decision and, assuming there is money in the fund, an appropriate amount will be made available – (or the administrators may decide there is a better and more appropriate way of handling the problem). At any rate, when you report it, you’ve done your part and we’ll take it from there. We sometimes receive phone calls or visits from people outside our church who are looking for monetary assistance. Please tell anyone who asks that we have a committee which handles this sort of thing, take contact information, and give it to one of us. We’ll take it from there. SAINTS’ ALIVE! February 2015 Page 5 Prayers & Thanksgivings Keep In Your Prayers: For Healing: Carol L. Bonnie P. E’Lani B. Dan H. A Friend Joseph Dean Diane Steve George Al Jack Sheila Debbie Margaret For Guidance, Protection, and Strength Nico Peggy Mike & Willa Jimm Jessica We also pray for: • • • Families served by Babies In Need Members of AA and Al Anon Family Groups who meet at All Saints St. Matthews, Castle Rock We Give Thanks for our: February Birthdays: Mike Brand Troy Heurlin Richard Pounder Suzanne Philbrook Ed Harvey Dan Haase Jayne Knoop Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 8 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 ALTAR FLOWERS The 2015 Altar Flower chart is on the bulletin board. We invite you to provide flowers to celebrate an event, honor someone special to you, give thanks or to the glory of God. Flowers are $15 each week. Please put a check for $15 in the offering plate, memo: altar flowers. Thank you. Page 6 February 2015 SAINTS’ ALIVE! Curious who will be celebrating with us this month? Look on the Ministry Schedule under "Services" and you'll see a row labeled "Celebrating." Announce your ministry’s events! The next deadline for the March 2015 Saints Alive! is February 15, 2014. Email your submissions to [email protected] All Saints Ministry Schedule: February 2015 2/1 2/8 2/15 2/22 4th Sunday after the Epiphany 5th Sunday after the Epiphany Last Sunday after the Epiphany 1st Sunday of Lent Scriptures First Lesson Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Isaiah 40:21-31 2 Kings 2:1-12 Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm Psalm 111 Psalm 147:1-12, 21c Psalm 50:1-6 Psalm 25:1-9 Second Lesson 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 1 Peter 3:18-22 Gospel Mark 1:21-28 Mark 1:29-39 Mark 9:2-9 Mark 1:9-15 Sunday, 9:00 Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Celebrant The Rev. Robert Rhodes The Rev. Joe Scheeler The Rev. Joe Scheeler The Rev. Vickie Dogaru Lay Eucharistic Ministers Jon Metts Fiona Neumann Sheridan Curtis Leslie Woods Sheryl Haase Leslie Woods Rob Ash Fiona Neumann First Lesson Suzanne Philbrook Candy Weatherby Beverly Brown Tom Williams Second Lesson Cathleen Rogers Dick Woods Remington Scovel Alice Williams Ushers Vicki Setzer Joe Curtin Derick Scovel John Stephenson Greeters Kitty Ash Crystal & Linus Elizabeth & Roman Vicki Setzer Sunday School Beth Cathleen Sheridan Beth Nursery Martha Kitty Fiona Martha Sydney, Paula, E’Lani & Ralph, Carol L. Kitty, Rob, Vicki, Sharon & John A. Candy, Leslie, Alice & Tom Martha, Carol S., Clare, Cathleen Altar Guild Sheridan Sydney Pat Fiona Wednesday, 6:30 PM Worship Leaders Suzanne, Rob Services Coffee Hour/ Teams & Martha SAINTS’ ALIVE! February 2015 Page 7 All Saints: February 2015 Sun 1 4th Epiphany Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Holy Communion 9 am Coffee Hour Evening Prayer 6:30 pm Adult Reflection 7 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 8:30 pm 8 5th Epiphany 9 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm 10 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm 11 12 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30-8:30 pm 13 Holy Communion 9 am Coffee Hour Evening Prayer 6:30 pm Adult Reflection 7 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 8:30 pm Holy Communion 9 am ANNUAL MEETING Potluck 14 Girl Scouts 9-11 am Bishop’s Committee Mtg. 11 am 15 Last Epiphany AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 9:30 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 16 17 Shrove 18 Ash Presidents' Day Tuesday Wednesday AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm 19 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30-8:30 pm 20 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 5:30 - 9:30 pm 21 Miracles at Noon Potluck 1:303:30pm Office Closed Pancake Supper 5-7pm Imposition of Ashes 6:30 pm Saints' Alive! Deadline AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 8:30 pm 22 Lent 1 23 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm 24 Holy Communion 9 am Coffee Hour February 2015 25 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm 26 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30-8:30 pm 27 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 9:30 pm 28 Soup Supper 6:30 pm Compline & Reflection 7 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 8:30 pm Page 8 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 SAINTS’ ALIVE! AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 AA: 11:30 - 1:30 7 - 9 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30-8:30 pm AA: 11:30 - 1:30 6:30 - 9:30 pm
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