01S SANTA MARIA FAIRBORN COUNCIL #3724 KNIGHTS of COLUMBUS **Star Council 2012-2013** Fraternal Year 2014-2015 Chartered in October 1953 February 2015 GRAND KNIGHT'S CORNER MEN’S DAY OF RECOLLECTION My KOTM is Worthy Past Grand Knight (WPGK) James McCoy. Jim, who will be our first inductee to the “Ticket Salesman Hall of Fame”, continues to excel in everything he does for the Council. He recently volunteered and assumed the responsibility for selling 2015 Entertainment books, previously handled by our beloved deceased brother, WPGK Ron Limbach. In spite of family health and death issues, Jim achieved another great success story. Jim is now heading up and finalizing plans for our annual Men’s Retreat (please see Men’s Retreat article). Jim, thank you for your leadership and contributions to making the Fairborn Council one of the best in Ohio. Need a break? Consider spending the day, 21 Feb 15 at the Fairborn KofC annual Men’s retreat, to be held at the Wright State Univ. (WSU), St. John Bosco Chapel. The retreat is open to all men (non-members welcome) from MHC (Fairborn); St. Paul’s (Yellow Springs); Our Lady Queen of Peace (WPAFB); Sacred Heart (New Carlisle); students (WSU & Wittenberg) and Seminarians. An excellent way to begin your Lenten journey! Either sign-up in the lounge or call PGK Jim McCoy at 879-3570. Free parking for the day will be in the lots across the street from the chapel. Agenda includes: The FOTM is Bro Mike Kelley and wife Caroline. Caroline is a teacher working with special needs children at Fairborn High School. Mike has been with the council nearly two years and in that time has become extremely active. He helps with the Sweet Corn Festival, bingo, parish breakfasts, MHC usher, Sat morning work parties, and serves on the membership committee and as council Treasurer. He chaired the council CPR training in 2013; joined the 4th Degree, serving guard duty at funerals and escort service for the Archbishop/Bishop when required. Mike your contributions and service to our MHC Parish and Council are greatly appreciated. Our Membership Director has a number of programs with the purpose of introducing more Catholic men to the benefits of being a K of C member. I solicit your help in making these Membership Blitz activities a success. While my stretch goal is 22 new members, getting six more new members will help us achieve the Ohio prestigious recognition of Star Council. While goals and objectives are important, more important is fostering the goals and objectives of Venerable Father Michael McGivney. His vision and teachings on the core principles, charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism; provides us with a foundation of inspiration, a strengthening of our faith as a means to achieve God’s goals and objectives of us. Make it your stretch goal to bring a new member into our Council. Vivat Jesus! GK Herman Karhoff ●Registration (coffee & donuts) 8:30 am ●Introductions, Deacon Max Roadruck will lead Morning Prayers & Gospel Commentary on parables from the Book of Job 9:00am ●Guest Speaker, Fr. Ken Hummel (Sacred Heart), talk on Bringing Jesus & Truth to the Next Generation followed by Q & A 10:00am ●Break 11:15am ●Lunch (Panera Bread Box Lunch) 11:30am ●Guest Speaker, Fr. Don Moss (Our Lady Queen of Peace), talk on Bringing Personal Prayer to the Holy Eucharist followed by Q&A 1:00 pm ●Break 2:15pm ●Meditation Time & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 2:30pm ●Confessions 3:15pm ●Mass (Fr. Burns, St. John Bosco), dismissal after Mass 4:00pm A donation of $15 will help cover costs of box lunches, snacks and drinks available throughout the day. Priests, students and seminarians are free. For more information, contact Jim McCoy or GK Herman Karhoff (937) 233-8370. BLUE COAT AWARDS 2015 The Council 42nd Annual Blue Coat Awards will be held on Thursday March 26, 2015 at the Mary Help of Christians Parish Center. All officers, members, widows and family members are encouraged to attend this outstanding community event at no cost. Nominations for Volunteer of the Year, Youth of the Year and Boy or Girl Scout of the Year may be given to PGK Wolfe, 937-609-4552 or to GK Karhoff by Jan 28, 2015. You may use the OSC nomination form which is available from PGK Wolfe or your own format. A sign-up sheet is on the lounge bulletin board. 1 Home Council of the Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk Retired Archbishop of Cincinnati Officers/ Directors MEMBERSHIP Chaplain Fr. Robert Hadden, St. Peter Pastor Parochial Vicar, 233-1503 Chaplain Emeritus Rev. Charles Lang MHC Pastor / 878-8353 Spiritual Advisor 879-5332 Rev. Mr. Max Roadruck Father Ed Burns 426-1836 Grand Knight Herman Karhoff / 233-8370 [email protected] Deputy Grand Knight & Program Director Russell Milliron / 426-5299 [email protected] Chancellor Ed Trefethen / 864-5228 Warden Grant Kempf / 609-1471 [email protected] Recorder Herb Edwards / 237-2217 Treasurer Mike Kelley / 239-0933 Financial Secretary Jack Huey / 767-9289 [email protected] Senior Trustee PGK Phil Ambs / 525-0750 Advocate PGK Steve Wal / 322-4246 Membership Directors Bill Gazzerro/233-8913 Jim McCoy/694-3368 Church Activities PGK John Maiorano / 879-3474 Community Activities Bill Stoddard 237-9059 Council Activities PGK John Wolfe / 609-4552 Family Activities Gene Erbacher / 477-5669 Youth Activities Charles Fagan / 605-1874 Bereavement PGK John Maiorano / 879-3474 Bingo / 657--6958 Eric Rogalinski Home Corporation / 878-0597 President Charles Lumpp [email protected] K of C Insurance Dennis Kelly / 937-882-6928 K of C Hall / 878-2909 Culture of Life Activities Percy Gros/878-5455 There will be another Informational session on 8 Feb, after breakfast. Start encouraging prospects to attend now. Starting at 10:30 am in the business meeting room, we will be showing the movie “Francis, The Pope from the New World”. Bring your breakfast & coffee along with your new member prospect. On 1 Feb we are hosting a sausage & pancake breakfast as part of our membership drive at Wright State U (WSU). Fr. Ed Burns is very supportive of the idea of recruiting WSU men in the ways of the Order. His goal is to eventually create a new WSU Council. If you know any catholic male WSU student, encourage them to joining our council NOW. The benefits of joining at a young age are many. We need members to attend to talk to the students after breakfast. Please come to help out after the 11 AM mass. The St. John Bosco Chapel is on the main drive through campus on the right. Parking is available across the street in the big lot. Here’s your opportunity to recruit a new member. Who will be named “TOP RECRUITER” at this year’s Knight of the Year celebration? A beautiful statue of Mary will be presented to the one who has recruited the most new, reactivated or readmitted members between 1 Jun 2014 and 31 May 2015. An Honor Role of new members and their sponsors posted on the Membership cabinet next to the computer in the office. DAYTON K OF C CHAPTER NEWS The Greater Dayton K of C 4th Degree will be presenting the colors at the Wright State Men’s Basketball game on Sunday, February 15th, 2015 at 3 PM. The Raider’s will be hosting the Youngstown State Penguins. All Knights, family and friends are welcome to watch the presenting of the colors, along with some great basketball action! By purchasing tickets through this offer, you will: • Receive a discounted ticket to the game, $9 instead of regular price of $13. • Watch the Greater Dayton K of C 4th Degree present the colors •First 5,000 fans will receive a free t-shirt •Access to the concourse Purchase tickets online at: http://wsuraidertix.com by using the Promo Code KNIGHTS. Any questions regarding the game, tickets, or Nutter Center lease contact: Micki Ford, Phone: (997) 775-4934, Fax: (937) 775-2368. Email: [email protected]. The following are recent 50/50 Raffle winners: Dec Jan $30 – Bob Schiller $30 – John Hoffman $20 – Pat Flynn $20 – Margaret Mumma $10 – Stephen Zemanek $10 – Sam Dalesandra 2014 SURVEY OF FRATERNAL ACTIVITY Only 25% of our total active membership submitted Frat Surveys This is slightly better than last year, but still a less than desirable response. An Excel spreadsheet can be with downloaded from our website or if you don’t have access to either of these sources, we can provide you with a copy upon request. Recommendation is to update your list at the end of the month while it’s fresh on your mind. This information is used to promote and justify K of C as a non-profit organization. Our goal is to increase our response to 50% next year. Thank you! LOUNGE NEWS Our Lounge mangers always have a variety of snacks and offer excellent bar service. Please stop by the lounge on any Thurs evening for some fraternity with your brother Knights. Pot-of-gold: Members who missed an opportunity to take home some extra cash: 18 Dec 14 – Henry Pant ($114.00); 8 Jan 15 - John Whytal ($122.00); and 15 Jan 15 – Maurice Hite ($135.25). 2 Home Council of Past State Deputy Robert W. Wilhelm (dec.) INSURANCE CORNER By Dennis Kelly, MDRT, FICF, Field Agent Insurance check-up for 2015 An insurance check-up can be as important as an annual physical. Unlike many other products, you don’t just need money to obtain life insurance, long-term care or disability income insurance. You also need good health, and no one knows when your health could change. Did you take time out of your schedule last year to meet with me? If you did, thank you for seeing me and helping secure your financial future. I will be in touch with you to schedule your annual review to verify that everything is heading in the right direction. We’ll make sure that if your goals and budget have changed, your plan still works for you. If you didn’t have a meeting with me last year, I hope you will answer my invitation this year. It’s a wise idea to have an expert look at your finances. Schedule some time to visit with me, your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, and I’ll provide an insurance check-up that will quickly identify any gaps in your family’s life insurance program. Did I mention my check-up is free of charge? When was the last time you received something for free that could be providing value to you and your family for generations? And I’ll come to your house when it fits your schedule. Call me today at 8882-6928 or 478-1049 – I’ll look forward to hearing from you. FOURTH DEGREE REVERSE RAFFLE Monsignor Buckley Assembly 4th degree K of C biennial reverse raffle will be held February 28, 2015 from 7 to 10 PM at the MHC Parish Center. 200 tickets @ $25 each will be sold, and provide entrance to the drawing for two. Nonalcoholic beverages and heavy hors d'oeuvres will be provided, COD bar will be available. Prizes: 1st ticket drawn - $100.00, every 25th ticket drawn - $25.00, Last ticket drawn - $1500.00. Winner need not be present to win! For tickets or additional information please see any 4th degree member or call Frank Carchedi 878-0275. RESPECT LIFE BILLBOARD Please take notice of the digital billboard to be displayed in January on Hwy 444 across from the AF Material Command HQ. As you’re driving into Fairborn, you can also see a picture on the website, http://www.3724kofc.org/ MHC / K of C BLOOD DRIVE Our next blood drive will be Saturday 7 March 2015 in the MHC Parish center from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Please mark this date on your calendar and volunteer to give. If you plan on donating, please call the Community Blood Center at 800-388-4483 and register for the MHC / K of C Blood drive on the above date. Each pint of blood can help save up to three lives, so if you can give blood please call and register and help us meet our goal of 34 pints. If you have any questions, you can contact John Whittemore at 878-4482. Thank You SUNDAY BREAKFAST GOD’S LOVE AND MERCY A Sunday Breakfast and Social (9-11:00 am) will be held in the MHC Parish Center on 8 Feb 2015 (2nd Sunday). Please join us; bring the family and the neighbors. The fare for Adults in $8.00 and children are $4.00. A great recruiting event! New member candidates and their immediate family get their breakfast free! Lent and Holy Week are upon us. A great time to recount what the Lord has done for us. LACOMEDIA DINNER THEATER EVENT Mark your calendars to attend this event on Sunday 12 Apr 2015, the Sunday following Easter. The show will be "South Pacific" and the cost (estimated) will be approximately $35 per person. Seating will start at around 11:00 am. SUPER BOWL PARTY - 1 Feb 2015 Members and their spouses are invited to cheer for your favorite Super Bowl team and socialize with your friends in the K of C Lounge on Super Bowl Sunday. Food - potluck event, bring your favorite dish. Cash bar or B.Y.O.B. Start time is 5pm. “I offered myself to fulfill the work of redeeming the world. Ah what a moment it was when I felt all those torments come over Me, the torments I was to suffer in My Passion, the slander; the insults, the scourging, the kicks, the Crown of Thorns, the Cross….. All that passed before my eyes at the same time that an intense pain hurt My Heart; the offences, the sins, and the abominations that would be committed in the passing of time…. This Heart of Mine suffers because each day the number of sins that are committed is greater; greater each time are the sufferings that afflict it, filling it with bitterness. You do not know, nor could you imagine the number of sins, blasphemes, and sacrileges; the lukewarmness and indifference of so many souls that call themselves kind and their compassion is only a cover for hypocrisy… My Heart is a burning furnace, passionate of love for the salvation of souls; it bleeds and suffers. Day after day men go on accumulating iniquities for their own damnation. This is my torment!” Source: The Crusade of Love –CL-81) 3 GOOD OF THE ORDER SICK or IN NEED OF OUR PRAYERS Health & healing prayer requests for members: PGK’s, Al Brewer and wife Ann, Bill Stoddard, John Wolfe, Louis Corelli and Gil Jenschke, John Whytal; Brothers Vic Berberick, Jim McNamara, Dave Addison, Bill Fortener, Jim Tobin, Bill Russell, Paul Yosick; Paul Pitstick, Jeffery Pitstick, Tom Pitstick, Charlie Lumpp, Gregory Groeber Phillip Ferryman, Andy Beiring, Jerry Peterangelo, Cal Smith, Dave Bartok, Edward Scarabelli, Dick Drake and Bob Hentrich. Other prayer requests: Bro Ed Trefethen’s wife Joann; Angie Natalie; PGK Wolfe’s family members, Linda, Laura, Landon, Logan, Lindsey & Lyndon Engle; Jean Ketchen; Velma Hobbs; PGK Bogemann’s sister, Alice Bogemann; Mary Jane Lawhead, Bro Cal Smith’s wife Alice and granddaughter, Hope; PGK Gil Jenschke daughters Julie and Jennifer; PGK Lew Murphy’s wife Melita; PGK John Whytal’s wife Brenda; Bro Charlie Lumpp’s mother, Cathy Lumpp; Bro Paul Ault’s daughter Kaitlynn; Bro Mark Dues Brother-in-law Eric and son Lance; PGK John Whittemore’s wife, Brenda; Bro Herb Edward’s brother-in-law, John O’Rearden; Bill Lamb, Carl Fagley, Mary Dowart, Ron Williams Sr., Barry Fiala, Dolly Dunnigan, Kathy Wilmot PGK Bill Gazzero’s Sister in law, Bro Corky Block's wife Cheryl and Maureen Thompson (Sister in law) of PGK Jim McCoy, Michelle Schaefer daughter of Brother Steve, John Schafer. Tom O’Rourke Senior father in law of Bro Edwards daughter (Colleen) Nick Maiorano son of PGK John Maiorano, Carol Cypher and Judy McCoy wife of PGK Jim McCoy. SERVICE CALL TO HELP OTHERS Several Knights have expressed interest in volunteering their time and skills to help our deceased knight’s widows and others in our communities. Examples include but not limited to, yard work, minor electrical or plumbing repairs, teaching basic job skills, cleaning gutters, replacing light fixtures, carpenter work, minor auto repair, etc. A signup list will be available in the lounge or you can contact GK Karhoff at 361-2758 or send an email to [email protected]. LECTURER MEETING Padre Donald Moss, pastor at Our Lady Queen of Peace (WPAFB), will give a talk on the Old Testament Background for the Mass. He will explain the meaning of what we do at Mass in light of the Old Testament history. Start time is 7:30 pm. As a curiosity to Padre Moss, and to maximize attendance, the Lounge will not open until 8:30 pm. Members are encouraged to bring their spouses or significant other to share in Padre’s insights. February 2015 Council Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Superbowl 2 3 4 Bingo Instants 5-9pm Traditional 6:30pm 5 Trustees Mtg 7:30 6 7 8 Parish Breakfast 9 Msgr. Buckley 4th Deg Mtg 730pm 10 11 Bingo Instants 5-9pm Traditional 6:30pm 12 Rosary 7pm Bus Mtg 7:30pm 13 14 Valentine’s Day 15 4th Degree Color Guard WSU Basketball 16 17 18 Bingo Instants 5-9pm Traditional 6:30pm 19 Home Corp Mtg 7:30pm 20 Santa Maria Input Due by 12pm 21 Men’s Retreat 22 Start of 40 Days for Life 23 24 25 Bingo Instants 5-9pm Traditional 6:30pm 26 Lecturer Meeting Fr. Moss 27 28 4th Degree Reverse Raffle www.3724kofc.org SANTA MARIA Gene Erbacher / 477-5669 [email protected] WEBMASTER Russell Milliron / 426-5299 [email protected] COUNCIL ADDRESS 934 N. Maple Ave. Fairborn, OH 45324 4
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