February, 2015 issue - Barrington United Methodist Church

The Banner
“The Lord Is My Banner” —Exodus 17:15
Barrington United Methodist Church
February 2015
Journey to Jerusalem:
The Road to the Cross
Why Lent? With every step we take during Lent, we experience—along with the disciples—the unexpected direction of
Jesus' path. We want to know the true joy of Easter, but must experience the sorrow of Jesus' death on the cross. Rather
than running to the resurrection, walk the journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, the path that leads to victory over death.
Lent is a season of forty days, not including Sundays, which begins
on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. It is a time of
preparation for celebrating Easter. Every Sunday is a "little Easter,"
so Sundays are not included in the count of days in Lent. Historically, the season of Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by converts and then became a time of penance by
all Christians. (The United Methodist Book of Worship, 1992)
Today, Many Christians observe Lent by disciplines of self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting, self-denial, reading and meditating on the Word of God. Richard J. Foster says that joy should be
the keynote of all spiritual disciplines because the purpose of discipline is “liberation from the stifling slavery to self-interest and fear.”
(Celebration of Discipline, 1988) For example, Foster indicates that
fasting reveals the things that control us. We often hide our deepest
fear inside us with food and other things, but in fasting, these things
Lent is not just about giving things up but also adding practices that
allow us to engage more deeply in our relationship with God and
with our neighbors. So in this holy season, may we find our own
practices through which our inner spirits experience freedom and the
abundant grace of God!
Ash Wednesday
Holy Week
February 18
February 18 - April 4
March 29 - April 4
Sunday, April 5
In this Issue
Pastor’s Column, Connection Point, page 2
Lay Ministry Celebration, page 3
Adult Ministries, Noah's Ark Christian Preschool, page 4
Children's and Youth Ministries, page 5
Did You Know?, United Methodist Women, page 6
Calendar, Crossroads Worship, page 7
Staff contact information, Upcoming Events, page 8
Pastor's Column by Rev. Chris Winkler
Three Things You Need to Know:
nation and world. Because we want to respond to these needs we are
currently considering how we might make our worship experiences
available to more people through a newly configured Sunday morning schedule. We are also working to develop an exciting, new and
refocused faith development program for Sunday mornings as well
as new small group and fellowship opportunities that will take place
throughout the week. We want to know what would make your worship and study experience more accessible and meaningful so you will
have an opportunity to hear about these plans and make comments
and suggestions at an upcoming Town Hall meeting as well as in
focused conversations. Stay tuned!
Finally, “The Well” gathering place is just about ready to open. We
are awaiting the furnishings and some accessories that should be
in place within the month. Even before the official opening people
have begun to use the space for informal meetings, one-on-one
conversations and as a place to have a cup of coffee or tea and to read
or meditate while their children are in Sunday school or a spouse
or partner is in a meeting. The feedback we have received has been
overwhelmingly positive, especially from people who are comfortable
in more contemporary informal settings. Of course, I have also heard
from a few people who wonder if the space is in keeping with our
style and décor. My response to this question is that the church has
spaces that are created for a variety of purposes and circumstances.
For example, we have a formal parlor, a youth room, toddler and
infant space, worship space, dining space, office space, etc. We are
excited about this new space and that we are able to meet the diverse
needs of many different people. I am excited about the challenges and
opportunities in front of us. I ask you to be in prayer for our church
as we discuss, envision and move toward the future.
In January of 2014 the Church Leadership Council made a bold
step forward in faith. We believed that there were plentiful signs
that God was working in our lives and our church. After much
prayerful consideration and trusting that God would provide, we
affirmed a budget that included a significant gap between what was
pledged and what we needed to spend to continue the programs,
ministry and mission of this church. I am delighted to bring you
the good news that through God’s providence and your generosity
we finished the year meeting all of our obligations and carrying
a small surplus into 2015. Further, the pledges we have received
thus far for 2015 reflect increased commitment and generosity on
the part of the people of Barrington United Methodist Church. If
those who have not yet returned their pledges do so, we will be able
to move confidently into the future God is calling us to.
Perhaps more importantly, when we tally all of the monies we sent
to missions of charity, mercy, and justice we easily exceed $300,000
dollars. This amount is equal to about 30% of our total budget.
The biblical standard for a tithe is 10%. I believe our support of
local, national and international outreach and mission represents a
church that is bold, compassionate and sacrificial in its care of the
last, the least and the lost.
If you have been listening to me speak or reading my columns over
the last 18 months you probably know that I believe that there are
three things people want their church to do well. We desire and
are engaged by vibrant and vital worship. We want to experience
study and fellowship opportunities that help us grow closer to God
and neighbor. And, we seek to make a difference in the world by
effective and compassionate outreach and service to the community,
Connection Point by Gayle Richard
“Where do I start?”
We all hear in worship services and at offering time about how we
live our faith, how we walk the journey together, how we serve the
world. But how do I start? Where would I even begin? How do I take
the first step?
The process of engaging with our faith is a cycle that is repeated over
and over throughout our lives:
1. Listen. As you look through the bulletin inserts or
the Banner, as missions and ministries are highlighted
during worship announcements, as you see events on
Facebook, pay attention. Listen with your heart as
well as your ears. Is something calling you a little tiny
bit? Is there an event that sticks in your mind?
2. Pray. When you feel your heart “strangely warmed”
or when an event or ministry keeps coming to your mind,
pray about it. Ask God for guidance and direction and allow
yourself some time of stillness and space to listen and hear.
3. Ask questions. Sometimes it’s hard to know where to find out
information. Ask the people you sit near during services or that you
chat with during fellowship times. Reach out to me or to any2
one in the church office with questions and we will help you find
the answer. We will spend time with you in conversation, asking and
answering questions and putting you in contact with ministry leaders
for more information or next steps.
4. Try it out. Take a leap of faith! Once you have listened, prayed,
asked questions – participate on a trial basis. No long term commitment, no promises – drop in for a single class session, go to
List the different worship service, try a half-day service project,
purchase a few items for donation.
5. Reflect. After the event, class or experience spend
some time in prayer and reflection. Did the experience
leave you with a positive feeling about your service to
God, to the church, to the world? Did you find a sense
of God, faith, and community? Do you feel that you
made a difference? How did the experience impact you?
6. Readjust. If you didn’t find a “connection” or a “fit” with
that experience, don’t give up! Take some time and start back at
“Listen” and “Pray” and allow yourself time to go through the cycle
again. Don’t rush it - have faith and see what other direction the
Holy Spirit is leading you toward.
Try it Out
Celebration of Lay Ministry
Together We Serve
Celebrating Lay Ministry on February 8
The Lay Leadership Team has worked over the last few months to
recognize the many gifts among our congregation and celebrate the
various ways those gifts have been shared in our faith community
and also in our local communities. As you come to the service on
February 8, you will be asked to wear your name tag with a colored
ribbon which will indicate your passion and participation in different areas of ministry. The worship services will be led by a group
of lay people which will be followed by a time of fellowship and
engagement in the lobby.
What a privilege and joy to live out our faith together and bless
God’s world through our humble service! We thank God for each
of you - your leadership, your diligent work, and your dedication to
the ministry of Christ that we are called to serve in grace.
So please come and join us on this special day of celebration, and let
us give thanks and praise to God who works among us and through
Together we serve united by love
Inviting God's world to the glorious feast
We work and we pray through sorrow and joy
Extending Your love to the last and the least
Preparing candles for the Christmas Eve Worship Service
Preparing snacks for the children at Vacation Bible School
Together by grace we witness and work
Remembering Jesus in whom we grow strong
Together we serve in Spirit and truth
Remembering love is the strength of our song
(The Faith We Sing, p. 2175)
Youth Group members serving dinner at Epworth UMC in Chicago
It's Time to Update
Our church pictorial directory is an
important tool that we use in fellowship and ministry in the life of the
church. A task force is forming to plan
for our next directory. This group
would first select a photography firm
with the capabilities of taking photographs and preparing and printing
the directory, then would handle the
scheduling of the photo sessions and work with the company to
produce an attractive directory on a timely basis.
Please contact the church office at 847-836-5540 if you have questions or would like to participate in the production of this new
Laity Convocation - February 14
The “Wesley” Way TODAY Can Show You!
“I continue to dream and pray about a revival of holiness in our day
that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community in
which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of
the Spirit to fulfill God’s creational intentions.”-John Wesley
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Sycamore United Methodist Church, 160 Johnson Avenue, Sycamore, IL 60178 Phone: 815-895-9113
All Laity and Clergy Invited! Bishop Sally Dyck will be the speaker.
A schedule can be viewed at www.umcnic.org. Contact: Natarsha
Gardner at [email protected] to register. Cost $15 per person.
After February 7, $20 per person.
Adult Faith Development
Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m.
—Drop In Chapel
Noah's Ark Christian Preschool
Contact Susan Brown, director, at 847-844-3738 or
[email protected]
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
From the book cover: Retracing his own spiritual journey from
atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates who are specialists in the areas of old manuscripts, textual criticism, and biblical
studies. Strobel challenges them with questions like How reliable
is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the
Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual
event? Strobel’s tough, point-blank questions make this bestselling
book read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it’s not fiction. It’s
a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.
What will your verdict be in the The Case for Christ? If you have
any questions, please contact John Watson at john.f.watson@
Monday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m.
—Mom's Group in the Parlor
Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World
by Melissa Spoelstra
In the Book of Jeremiah, we find God calling out to His people with
a message of hope—a message that intentional living is possible
even in an unstable world. But how do we do this? Where do we
start? Jeremiah offers women hope for living in an uncertain world
by learning to navigate the challenges and circumstances of their
lives. This six-week study examines God’s words of instruction to
His wayward people through the prophet Jeremiah, and provides
women six guidelines for intentional living to overcome fear, worry,
and doubt as they surrender their wills to God’s and put their hope
in Him alone.
This class is open to any mom interested in spending time with
other moms in an atmosphere of encouragement – all are welcome!
Childcare will be provided for infants, toddlers and kindergartners
not in school that morning. Contact Jody Horton at horton4062@
Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30 a.m.
—W.O.W. (Women of the Word)
Join women for fellowship, study, and great conversation. Meet in
the Parlor. Contact C Watson, [email protected].
Friday Mornings 9:30 a.m.
—Breathing Spaces
Join us at Cook Street Coffee in Barrington (Corner of Station and
Cook Streets). All are welcome to this low key, fun, and tasty setting
to read and pray the Scripture. Contact Pastor Mi-Sook Yoo at
[email protected] for information.
Saturday Mornings 8:30-10:00 a.m.
—United Methodist Men’s Study
8:30-9:00 a.m. Coffee/food/fellowship
9:00-10:00 a.m. Meet in the Parlor
A study of the letter to the Colossians
Facilitator: Brian Kramper (briankramper@yahoo. com)
February happenings at NACP
Stop by and tour our school, we will show you why we are the place
for you. We are having the best time this year and the only thing
missing is …YOU! Your child will have a Christian education that
will help them succeed in life.
Annual Dinner and Dance Auction
We will have our annual Dinner and Dance Auction on February
7 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. If you are interested in coming to our event
and would like to meet other parents, stop by my office or call. The
price is $30 for the family. We will have pizza, a DJ, crafts, and lots
of fun items to auction off.
Butter Braid Sale Coming in March
Our Butter Braid sale will be at church on March 1 and 8. We will
have a table for you to stop by and order your favorite breads.
Youth Ministries
February 2015 Schedule
Contact Pastor Christal Bell at [email protected]
All youth in 7th-12th grade are invited to come and join the fun!
Sunday, February 8
Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m.
Sunday, February 15
Sunday School in the Youth Room , 9:15-10:20 a.m.
Youth Group *Special Time* 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Service project: meet at the Willow Creek Care Center.
Space is limited please call Pastor Christal to sign-up.
Saturday, February 21
Confirmation class, 9:00 a.m.-noon, Youth room
Sunday, February 22
To celebrate African American History Month, the Youth Group
will worship with a congregation in Chicago followed by lunch.
Saturday, February 28
Service Project, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Carpool from BUMC at 8:00 a.m. to Epworth UMC Chicago
“Church Mission Day” Adults are welcome to join the youth in
Random Acts of Kindness
Children’s Ministries
New Children & Families Facebook Page!
Are you on Facebook? Want to stay current with what’s happening
in Children’s Ministries? I created a page just for you! Please find
“Missy Konopka” on Facebook and I will
add you to our “Secure Group”.
Mardi Gras Family Event
Mark your calendar for Sunday, February
15 for our Mardi Gras Family Event. The fun will begin right after
the 10:30 a.m. worship service in Fellowship Hall with a meal and
then family activities! Please see the sign-up sheet in the Lobby.
Walk With Jesus
Churchwide Event
March 29
Please plan to join us for an
exciting new Easter Event here
at BUMC. We will all enjoy
the UMM Annual Pancake
Breakfast together immediately
following the 10:30 a.m. worship service and then begin our “walk”.
Groups will truly experience Holy Week as we journey through 4
different stations; The Last Supper, Gethsemane, Good Friday and
lastly the Easter Resurrection. We are looking for Greeters and Station Leaders. If you have an interest, please contact Pastor Mi-Sook
or Missy Konopka.
The Youth of BUMC will also be participating from January-March
in RAK: Random Acts of Kindness. We will be sharing the love
of Christ in various ways with the BUMC congregation. If you are
RAK’d, please email [email protected] and describe the
FYI: No Good Friday Children’s Event
Serving at Epworth UMC in Chicago
Sixty people had a great time together at the Frozen Movie Night
sponsored by Children's Ministries
We will not host a Children’s Good Friday Event this year since we
will all “Walk With Jesus” on Palm Sunday. If you and your children
have enjoyed our Good Friday Event in the past, we hope to see you
at our new event on March 29 after the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Did You Know?
The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, preached that the
role of the church was to endorse the rights of all religions.
Today, the United Methodist ministries follow those social
principles by establishing guidelines based on our calling to
be neighbors to the world, and that we should show love
and compassion to all.
At Barrington United Methodist Church,
we bring these principles to life through our sharing of
the pulpit and sermons in times of turmoil that remind
us of One God, our support for interfaith studies, and
participation in area conferences with all faiths.
serve, influence, involve, concern, help, assist,
impact, contact, inspire, engage, care, save,
encourage, benefit, minister, nur ture
Written by the Church and Society Ministry Group of BUMC
United Methodist Women
News Flash!
Slight change in programming for
Grace Circle in February
Grace and Faith Circles will meet
in the Dining Room on Thursday,
February 5. At 12:15, Carolyn
Schneider will share about her
trip to Cuba and show a DVD
about "Weavers of Hope" a small
group of women in Matanzas
who meet twice each week to
create woven handicrafts and
community. Those who would
like are invited to bring their own
sandwich at 11:30 for lunch fellowship before the presentation;
beverages and dessert provided.
On Saturday, February 14, Elgin
District United Methodist Women
will be having an Ubuntu Day of Service at Feed My Starving Children
(FMSC), Libertyville. We will meet
at UMC of Libertyville at 11:30 a.m.
for a light lunch and proceed to FMSC to work from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Registration forms are available on the bulletin board in the lobby
and are due February 7. Turn your Valentine's Day into a day of
showing God's love for the least and the lost. (Ubuntu is a Zulu
word and concept that captures the concept “I am human because
you are human.”) Contact Linda Osikowicz.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events:
Saturday, May 23 Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist
Women Spring Retreat at Barrington UMC
Saturday, July 11, Mission u One Day Event at Oak Lawn UMC
Thursday, July 16-Sunday, July 19, Mission u at NIU, DeKalb
Day of Spiritual Renewal, Saturday, April 18
"How Is It with Your Soul?"
Join Elgin District United Methodist Women for a Day of Spiritual
Renewal at Calvary United Methodist Church, Villa Park. We will begin
the day at 8:30 and conclude at 2:30.
The program will be presented by
Rev. Young-Mee Park, DeKalb District Superintendent. Registration
forms will be on the bulletin board
in the lobby; cost is $15 (includes
continental breakfast and lunch) and
RSVP's are due on April 6. Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz,
Come… explore how to pray and learn in ways that restore, revive,
and revitalize who you are…leave with a resounding “It is well with
my soul!”
Reading Program
United Methodist Women have a Reading Program with books in
five categories. There's something for everyone to enjoy, including
children and youth. Information can be found at: http://www.
Some of the titles include Pat Summitt's autobiography, Sum It Up:
1,098 Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses, and a Life In Perspective, Whatever Happened to Dinner? Recipes and Reflections for Family Mealtime, and The Seven Paths: Changing One's Way of Walking.
The Youth selections touch on current topics and offer interesting
reading for adults as well: Bully.com by Joe Lawlor, Refuse to Do
Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-day Slavery. And
children's selections offer humor and connection: Because Amelia
Smiled, The Eye of the Whale: A Rescue Story, and I Can Pray.
February Calendar 2015
For the most up to date information go to barringtonumc.com
8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM
9:15 AM
Moms' Group
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM
Faith Development
11:45 AM
Women's Retreat
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Inquirer's Class
9:15 AM
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
5:00 PM
Inquirer's Class
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
The Banner
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Moms' Group
7:00 PM
Preschool Parent
9:15 AM
Mom's Group
7:00 PM
Worship and Arts
9:15 AM
Moms' Group
7:30 PM
Leadership Council
6:30 PM
Welcoming Ministry
7:00 PM
Trustees' Meeting
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
1:00 PM Prayer
Shawl Ministry
7:30 PM
Staff Parish Meeting
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
1:00 PM Traveling
Tea Party
6:30 PM Preschool
7:00 PM Adult
Faith Development
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Missions Ministry
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Disciple Study
7:00 PM
Spiritual Gifts Team
7:00 PM
Disciple Bible Study
9:30 AM
Women of
the Word
7:30 PM Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
Ash Wednesday
9:30 AM
7:30 PM Worship Women of
8:30 PM Chancel
the Word
Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM
Disciple Bible Study
Barrington United Methodist Church
Informal and Engaging Worship
Saturday, February 14 at 5:00 PM
9:30 AM
Women of
the Word
11:30 AM
Grace/Faith Circle
7:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:30 AM
Breathing Spaces
9:30 AM
Breathing Spaces
9:30 AM
Breathing Spaces
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
Women of
Breathing Spaces
the Word
7:00 PM
Administrative Team
7:30 PM Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
5:00 PM
Preschool Dinner
7:00 PM
Red & White Party
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
11:30 AM Feed My
Starving Children—
5:00 PM
6:00 PM Food
and Fellowship at
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
9:00 AM
Confirmation Class
8:00 AM
Youth group
Epworth UMC in
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
Crossroads is an intimate and informal worship experience that incorporates a variety of musical expressions—songs you might hear
on Friday night at a club to those you’d expect to hear on Sunday
morning—from contemporary Christian, to hymns, to country or
Gospel. Through scripture, study and conversation, we seek to connect our faith with the way we live every day. This worship service
is for everyone, from those who are just beginning their journey of
faith to those who have been pilgrims for some time.
Crossroads meets every second Saturday at 5:00 p.m. A fellowship
opportunity follows every service with an optional meal out at Rosati’s on Route 25 in Carpentersville. (117 N. Kennedy Drive)
Barrington United Methodist Church
Building community. Worshiping God. Creating Disciples. Serving all people.
98 Algonquin Road, Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: (847) 836-5540, Fax: (847) 836-1644
Web: barringtonumc.com
Noah's Ark Christian Preschool: 847-844-3738
Senior Pastor: Rev. Chris Winkler, ext. 102
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, ext. 103
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant: Paula Gordon, ext. 105
[email protected]
Children’s Ministries Coordinator: Missy Konopka, ext 106
[email protected]
Communications Director: Christine Streed, ext. 110
[email protected]
Connections and Engagement
Ministries Director: Gayle Richard, ext. 107
[email protected]
Financial Director: Lynne Richardson, ext. 104
[email protected]
February 2015
Sunday Mornings
8:00 a.m. in the Chapel
9:15 a.m. Faith Development for all ages
10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Second Saturdays
Crossroads Worship at 5:00 p.m.
Director of Music and Worship Arts: Karen Maxwell, ext. 134
[email protected]
Organist: Jeffrey Neufeld, ext. 133
[email protected]
Director of Contemporary Music: Seth Durbin
[email protected]
Preschool Director: Susan Brown, ext. 121
[email protected]
Reception and Facility Scheduling: Elizabeth Laverd, ext. 101
[email protected]
Youth Director: Rev. Christal Bell, ext 109
[email protected]
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Interested in Finding out More about BUMC?
Have you been attending worship services here for a few weeks,
months (or even years) and are ready to take the next steps toward
becoming more involved or exploring what it means to be a member? If so, join us for the upcoming Inquirers Class! Pastor Chris
and Pastor Mi-Sook will lead an informal, conversational-style class
covering the history and theology of the United Methodist Church,
the vision and mission of Barrington UMC, and ways to take the
next steps on your spiritual journey in and through our missions
and ministries. The class meets for two consecutive weeks, Sunday
February 8, from 5-8:00 p.m. and Sunday, February 15 from 9:1510:15 a.m.
For more information or to sign up, please contact Gayle Richard
at [email protected] or at 847-836-5540.
Bible Study at Trinity UMC
As part of the developing relationship between Trinity UMC and
Barrington, Trinity UMC would like to invite members of Barrington to join them in a study of Adam Hamilton’s Not a Silent
Night, a portrait of Jesus’ life through the eyes of his mother, Mary.
Often done as an advent study, the 5 week class begins with the
Resurrection and joins Mary in a retrospective of her son’s life. We
will meet on Tuesday’s at 1pm with a luncheon offered at noon
beginning February 3rd. Trinity UMC is at 1647 Ravine Road in
Carpentersville very near the intersection of IL-25 and IL-68. The
study will be led by Pastor Uziel Hernandez; for more information,
please contact Sig Sundholm.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives us the "I Am" sayings, meaningful
metaphors such as “I am the bread of life” and “I am the light of the
world,” to reveal his mission and purpose. The study book offers
a weekly reading based on biblical study and personal reflections
written by Pastor Rob Fuquay. Each short DVD segment was
filmed in the Holy Land and takes us on location to where the “I
Am” sayings of Jesus actually were spoken. Join us Sunday mornings in Lent for this insightful study series as we learn more about
the God we can know and as we seek to answer Jesus’ question to
us, “Who do you say I am?”
February 22: Introduction to the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus: Knowing God
March 1: “I Am the Bread of Life”: Knowing God’s Satisfaction
March 8: “I Am the Light of the World”: Knowing God’s Guidance
March 15: “I Am the Good Shepherd”: Knowing God’s Care
March 22: “I Am the True Vine”: Knowing God’s Power
March 29: “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”: Knowing God’s Way
April 12: “I Am the Resurrection and the Life”: Knowing God’s Possibilities