6 & 7 February Business Design Centre, London Masterclass and Seminar Programme New, free, educational seminars added courtesy of headline sponsor : 9.30-9.55 Friday 6 February The backbone of health: Vitamin D Angie Jefferson, Registered Dietitian & The importance of school breakfast clubs, Laura Street, Kellogg’s Nutritionist 9.30-9.55 Saturday 7 February Food for the brain: diet and cognitive function Professor Louise Dye, Chair of Nutrition and Behaviour, Human Appetite Research Unit, University of Leeds Call us NOW on 0207 501 6343 to reserve your free place at these seminars! www.nurseryworldshow.com Headline Sponsor Childcare & Early Years Careers Zone sponsored by Media Partners Now incorporating Child Care magazine FRIDAY 6 FEBRUARY MASTERCLASS 9.30-12.30 Join us at the Nursery World Show 2015 to: lshare best practice lattend seminars and masterclasses lhear from leading names in the early years ltalk to the sector’s suppliers lmeet up with colleagues old and new lfind inspiration and ideas that will enhance your practice So take a step back from the everyday, challenge your current thinking and be inspired! Show Highlights lOur seminar programme has been developed by the Nursery World editorial team and will help you get to grips with current developments, develop your practice, gain new ideas and put these into practice lA live workshop area where leading early years experts will demonstrate best practice and new product developments Meeting the emotional and learning needs of two-year-olds 9.30-9.45 Coffee and welcome 9.45-10.35 Enabling Environments for two-year-olds: the essential components of quality provision Julia Manning-Morton 10.35-11.25 Closing the gap: delivering better outcomes for disadvantaged two-yearolds through a focus on HOUR-LONG SEMINARS 10.00-11.00 Friday 6th February 9:30-12:30 Preparing for your Ofsted inspection under the revised EYFS A step-by-step guide to the revised EYFS, self-evaluation and preparing for inspection “Meeting the emotional and learning needs of two-year-olds” Led by sector experts Julia Manning-Morton, Penny Tassoni and Alice Sharp, this masterclass is a must-attend for early years practitioners 10.30-11.30 Masterclasses Saturday 7th February 9:30-12:30 “How Children Learn – delivering and assessing best practice” Led by world-renowned early years pioneer Professor Ferre Laevers and early years specialist Jan Dubiel, this masterclass will focus on why well-being and involvement are critical to learning, how they evolve in childhood and how to satisfy children’s learning needs. Delegates will also have the chance to participate in a Q&A. Make sure you book your places early to avoid disappointment. Jo Caswell and Penny Fisher (to be confirmed) The Prime Areas of Learning: making the vital links to achieve best practice How PSED, PD and C&L interconnect, and reflecting these essential links in your practice and assessments Kay Mathieson 11.30-12.30 For exhibition and sponsorship enquiries please contact Jacki Rosendale on 0207 501 6698 or email [email protected] Inclusion in the revised EYFS: the essential principles of best practice The policy paperwork requirements may have gone, but the onus on practitioners to meet the development and learning needs of every child remains as important as ever — hands-on practical strategies to ensure real inclusion Who should attend? 12.00-1.00 The Exhibition If it’s services and resources you need, then make sure you visit our early years suppliers at the Nursery World Show 2015 to discuss ways to enhance your setting and provision. Our exhibitors have a wealth of experience and will be pleased to share tips and advice so you get the most out of your visit. The Nursery World Show is relevant to all those working and studying in the early years including: lNursery Owners and Nursery Managers lEarly Years Practitioners lEarly Years Professionals lSpecial Needs Co-ordinators lNursery Chain Executives lSchool Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers lLocal Authority Early Years Advisors, Heads of Early Years and Early Years Teams, Healthcare Professionals lLecturers, graduates and students lChildminders, Nannies and Childcarers Book your seminars now for early booking discounts at www.nurseryworldshow.com Vicky Hutchin Nutrition in the nursery An essential guide to healthy eating for children aged one to five, including guidance on portions and advice on overcoming common challenges Diana Hawdon 1.00-2.00 Prime Area of Learning, PSED: why well-being is central to child development and early years practice The importance of well-being to children’s development and learning, the practitioner role in fostering it, and the need to Communication and Language Penny Tassoni 11.25-11.45 Coffee break: your chance to network 11.45-12.30 Stimulating play experiences for two-yearolds: creative and sensory learning ideas for the nursery and the home Alice Sharp support practitioner well-being to achieve excellence Julia Manning-Morton 1.15-2.15 Approaches and strategies to managing child behaviour Greater knowledge about early brain development and the interrelatedness of the Prime Areas of Learning has implications for our realistic expectations of individual children and their learning about behaviour Kay Mathieson 1.30-2.30 Specific Area of Learning, Mathematics: embedding maths in your practice Setting children on the path to ‘school readiness’: how to embed ‘maths’ in your continuous provision and promote mathematical thinking Penny Tassoni 2.30-3.30 How to observe children’s learning The importance of observation, current weaknesses, and methods of observation to promote best practice and enhance practitioners’ understanding of the learning process Stella Louis 2.45-3.45 Magical outdoor play with free and found resources ‘Free and found’ resources offer potential for the richest of learning experiences. Guidance on sourcing materials, health and safety and the scope for creative and cross-curricular learning Julie Mountain 3.00-4.00 Home learning: winning ways to engaging parents Stimulating and constructive ideas for engaging families and promoting learning at home Alice Sharp Speaker biographies Jo Caswell, HM Inspector for Early Childhood in the South East Jan Dubiel, national development manager at Early Excellence Penny Fisher, HM Inspector for Early Childhood in the South East Diana Hawdon, registered nutritionist (public health) and early years project manager for Food For Life Partnership, Soil Association Vicky Hutchin, early years consultant, author and trainer, specialising in observation, planning and assessment Professor Ferre Laevers, director of the Research Centre for Experiential Education, University of Leuven, Belgium Stella Louis, early years consultant, trainer and author Kay Mathieson, early years consultant and trainer SATURDAY 7 FEBRUARY Nursery World is proud to present a world-leading expert on early childhood and education PROFESSOR FERRE LAEVERS: Professor Ferre Laevers has been one of the most powerful influences on early years practice in recent decades. His work, which focuses on both the quality and process of learning, has enabled early years practitioners to develop a greater understanding of child development, the principles of best practice, and learning objectives and outcomes for young children. Central to his contribution to early years practice has been his research on ‘well-being’ and ‘involvement’, the twin traits that he has identified as the fundamental underpinnings of successful development and early learning. Professor Laevers is director of the Research Centre for Experiential Education at the University of Leuven, Belgium. Co-presenting Joining him for the masterclass will be Jan Dubiel, national development manager at Early Excellence. Having trained and worked as an early years specialist, Jan was appointed by the then Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) to lead on the management of the (Early Years) Foundation Stage Profile. Jan has developed a national and international reputation as a conference speaker, consultant and trainer. PROFESSOR LAEVERS MASTERCLASS 9.30-12.30 Anni McTavish, early years and creative arts consultant, author and trainer How children learn — delivering and assessing best practice Julia Manning-Morton, early years consultant, trainer and author Julie Mountain, early childhood landscape designer and trainer at Play Learning Life CIC Gail Ryder-Richardson, Outdoor Matters! early years consultant, trainer and author Alice Sharp, managing director of Experiential Play, and director of Wonderbox Penny Tassoni, early years consultant, trainer and author 9.30-9.45 Coffee and welcome assessment and inspection Jan Dubiel 9.45-10.45 11.45-12.00 Child development: Why well-being and involvement are critical to learning and how they evolve in early childhood Professor Ferre Laevers 10.45-11.45 In practice: How to satisfy and challenge children’s learning needs and gather the evidence for 12.00-12.30 Your questions answered: EYFS curriculum, working with parents, inspections, learning styles, and more Professor Laevers and Jan Dubiel will address common concerns and advise on best practice Specific Area of Learning, EAD: making creative connections with the Prime areas How ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ provides a gateway to creative cross-curricular learning for babies and children in the EYFS Anni McTavish 1.00-2.00 Provocations for learning: bright ideas to stimulate children’s creativity and promote their critical thinking Find out how the right mix of intriguing materials and adult support can support the Characteristics of Effective Learning with this Reggioinspired approach to resourcing Alice Sharp 1.15-2.15 The Progress Check at Two: getting it right for the child and parents A guide to making the Progress Check at Two work effectively for the child, the practitioner and parents. Vicky Hutchin 1.30-2.30 Specific Area of Learning, Literacy: how to promote early reading and writing Understanding the links with Communication and Language; what early reading and writing ‘look like’; and providing the right range of experiences Penny Tassoni 2.30-3.30 Home learning: winning ways to engaging parents Stimulating and constructive ideas for engaging families and promoting learning at home Alice Sharp 2.45-3.45 HOUR-LONG SEMINARS 10.00-11.00 Register/ Book your places now Coffee break: your chance to network 12.00-1.00 Treasure baskets and heuristic play How treasure baskets and heuristic play meet the learning needs of the under-threes and practical advice on how to make the most of sensory play Anni McTavish 10.30-11.30 Observation, assessment and planning in the revised EYFS Why ongoing observationbased assessment is at the heart of effective planning and provision; the need to involve parents and children in the process; and evidencing your practice for you, the children, parents and inspections Vicky Hutchin 11.30-12.30 Prime Area of Learning, C&L: meeting the language needs of all children The importance of communication and language to a child’s learning and development, and how to create continuous provision and an education programme that will address the language needs of each child Penny Tassoni Continuous provision for the outdoors Essential resources and practical advice on planning and supporting children’s outdoor experiences Gail Ryder-Richardson 3.00-4.00 Understanding and supporting schemas An essential guide to what schemas ‘look like’, their place in children’s development and how to integrate them into the planning process Stella Louis MA Education reserves the right to make changes to the speakers and programmes without prior notice. Speakers and programmes are correct at time of print. EXHIBITORS INCLUDE 2Simple Software Digital Nursery MA Education 4Children DoorTech Magdalen Nursery Achievement for All Early Education Master Travel Rock & Rain Actiphons Early Years Direct Routledge Aquaint EASYsolution 4 NURSERY EDUCATION Modern Montessori International Morleys Early Years / Reflections On Learning Smart Teachers ArtyChild ASDA Business Astec Solutions Ltd Auditel Barnardo’s Bridgwater College Forest School Eduzone eyLog - The Early Years Log Family Seat Fat Frame Ltd Riverside Training (Spalding) Ltd. National Day Nurseries Association Softplay Gym Never Never Land Super Sport FirstSteps Software Nursery World & Nursery World Jobs Give as you Live OdoCare Bright Horizons Family Solutions Hawk Training Butterfly Print Ltd Hodder Education Cache Hope Education Capture Education HR 4 Nurseries Childbase Partnership Imaginitive Play Store Community Playthings Insane Logic Connect Childcare Kellogg’s Cosy Little Linguist Ltd Craft Code House Little Magic Train Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition London Early Years Foundation Hearty Cookhouse VENUE The Nursery World Show 2015 will be held at the Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH on 6 & 7 February 2015. Please visit www. businessdesigncentre.co.uk for information on getting to the venue. The Business Design Centre is fully accessible for those with disabilities. PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES Angel tube station on the Northern line is a five-minute walk from the venue. The Business Design Centre is situated on Upper Street, which is serviced by the following bus routes: 4, 19, 30, 38, 43, 56, 73, 341. TRAVELLING BY CAR & PARKING Easy access by car from the City and West End. Upper Street forms part of the A1. On-site car parking is available and the Business Design Centre is conveniently located outside the congestion charge zone. ACCOMMODATION Please visit www.phronline.co.uk/public/Events.aspx and enter the unique code nwa to gain access to a wide selection of hotels and discounted rates. Please book as soon as possible to secure your seminar and / or masterclass places. Sessions are filling up quickly. The prices are above right: Show Opening Times: Friday 6 February 2015 09:00 – 16:30 Saturday 7 February 2015 09:00 – 16:30 Follow us on Twitter @nurserywrldshow #NWShow15 Sensetoys Stationery Market Tesco Uniform Embroidery Service The BunkCot Company OT for Kids Outside Classroom Boards PACEY PBD Early Years Training Phorms Education SE Playgarden The Nursery Press Thomson & First Choice TTS Group Ltd University of Greenwich Ur-Tubes Playtime by Fawns Voice Playwear Plus Wesco Positive Image Project Wonderbox Practical Pre-School Books Yellow Door Pre-School Learning Alliance YPO Method of Purchase Price per seminar Booking Deadline Individual Seminars – Online £18 + VAT From 6 December 2014 to 5 February 2015 Individual Seminars– at the show £20 + VAT 6 & 7 February 2015 Friday 6 February Masterclass – online £125 + VAT From 6 December 2014 to 5 February 2015 Saturday 7 February Masterclass – online £150 + VAT From 6 December 2014 to 5 February 2015 Masterclass fee includes: entrance to the masterclass sessions, coffee and light refreshments, and speaker handouts where available. Seminar fee includes: entrance to the seminar and speaker handouts where available. Book your seminars now for early booking discounts at www.nurseryworldshow.com MA Education Ltd, St Jude’s Church, Dulwich Road, London SE24 0PB Tel: 020 7738 5454 www.markallengroup.com
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