V o l u m e 4 6 - I s s u e 2 - F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 5 Heres to You Buzz Words from Larry Lange and photos from brother Paul Quesnell Buzz Quesnell left Seattle, but not for long. In late 2013 he moved to California, where he could be close to his brother and a longtime friend. Buzz was suffering from dementia; he couldn’t manage his affairs, and needed attention. Last Thanksgiving Day he died at a Vista, Calif., assisted living center, where he’d been living for just over a year. He was 66. But in a manner of speaking, he’ll be returning soon to Puget Sound, where he grew up and where he’d been active in the Puget Sound Regional Group before moving away and taking his trademark red 1937 Ford pickup with him. Family and friends have arranged to hold a memorial service on June 27 at the old Hangar 30 at Magnuson Park, to make sure all of Buzz’s many friends can attend. The following day, his ashes will be scattered over Puget Sound near Camano Island. “People all over knew Buzz. That’s just the way it was,” said brother Paul Quesnell. Walter J. “Buzz” Quesnell was born June 3, 1948, in Seattle. The son of Seattle firefighter Walter E. “Chico” Quesnell and homemaker Ina Quesnell, he earned the nickname “Buzz” from an aunt who made buzzing sounds to calm him when he cried as an infant. “He’d laugh and stop being fussy, so they called him Buzz,” his brother said. Above left, Buzz in 1952 training for our Sargent at Arms. Above right Buzz in 1955 See Page 5 for more 1 President-Elmo Lewis 425-888-2118 [email protected] 2015 PSRG WHO’S WHO Vice-President- Guy Generaux Committee Chairs Accessories-Scott Jenkins 206-778-9097 [email protected] 206-323-5709 [email protected] Advertising-Guy Generaux Secretary-Ken Stobbe 425-33792 [email protected] Activities Coordinator-Bruce Anderson Treasurer-DickJauch 360-387-1580 [email protected] Parliamentarian-Ron Costello 206 550 4370 [email protected] 2014 Directors Sharon Heckel 425-697-5951 [email protected] Mike Amos 425-881-2054 [email protected] 206-323-5709 [email protected] 425-226-5505 [email protected] Fall Banquet -Sharon Heckel 425 697 5951 [email protected] 43nd Annual Early Ford V-8 Car Show and Picnic-Bruce Anderson 425 226 5505 [email protected] and Gerry Herber 425-641-8569 [email protected] Historian-Rick Mann 425-481-0544 [email protected] Librarian-Rick Mann 425-481-0544 [email protected] Dave White 206-999-8138 [email protected] Membership/Rosters-Guy Generaux Dave Hoffman 425-778-6548 [email protected] MeetingRaffle-Dick Jauch Mike Reece 425-941-8992 [email protected] Refreshments- Carol Keenholts 206-546-9097 mkeenholts@ frontier.com Newsletter- Scott Jenkins 206-778-9097 [email protected] Sunshine- DickJauch 360-387-1580 [email protected] Program Coordinators Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 [email protected] Dave White 206-999-8138 davidcwhite@comcast. net Web Site www.efv8psrg.org Web Master- Ray Bunn Summer - 360-422-7314 Winter - 760-636-1148 Cell 206-979-1752 [email protected] Puget Sounds is published by the Early Ford V-8 Club PSRG #18 solely for the enjoyment and use of its members, and to present a forum for the personal stories of the staff and contributors. The Puget Sound Regional Group #18 does not endorse any opinions nor does it warranty information contributed by any individual. Articles, Comments and Information are greatly solicited and may be sent to the Editor: Scott Jenkins [email protected] 206-778-9097 206-323-5709 [email protected] [email protected] Mike Amos 425-881-2054 michael.e.amos@gmail. com Ken Stobbe 425-33792 [email protected] Sunshine-Dick Jauch 360-387-1580 [email protected] PSRG Summer Picnic- Your Name Here ?? Swap Meet-Dave White 206-999-8138 [email protected] Tours-Gary Duff 206-284-1613 Tour of The Year-Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 [email protected] Welcome-Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 [email protected] 22 We are pleased to have items for publication in other newsletters when credit is given to the source. Submissions are requested by the 19th of the month prior to publication. Note: The Early Ford V-8 Club PSRG #18 respects our members and friends confidentiality and privacy. We do not make our mailing list available to other organizations. The Puget Sound Regional Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. At the Luther Memorial Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave N. in Seattle. Unless scheduled at a special location. Board meetings start at 7:00 pm at the hosts chosen location. General Meeting Minutes Presidents Words Ken Stobbe Elmo Lewis To start with I want to thank those of you who volunteer and take PSRG GENERAL MEETING JANUARY 6, 2015 on the many tasks for our club and those who support them. The meeting opened around 7:20, with Dave handing out the material for the Swap meet in May. This went very well and all had a good time and eating some Pizza at the same time. President Elmo Lewis opened the business meeting at 8:30 Elmo thanked all those who have stepped up to help the club ran smooth all last year. Ken Stobbe read the min of the Dec. meeting and it was accepted as read. Donna Christensen gave report on the Stocking that were given out, and the We now have a chairperson for the Fall Banquet and she amount of children who received them. She also says she enjoys doing this - thank you so much, Sharon Heckel. reported that the gal from the Holiday Stockings for If you missed the last General Meeting - Sharon would the per- homeless Children will be at the February meeting. son to contact if you would like to attend the 34th Annual Tulip We received a letter from Tom Daily thanking us for the Plaque & the debit card we sent to him. We will Rally – which is sponsored by the Northwest MG Club. really miss his help at the Swap Meet. Elmo also noted the Personal Coordinator for the Swap meet will We received a thank you from Tom and Alice Dailey expressing their appreciation for the plaque and the “generous” be Guy Generaux, and Bill Meade, and that we have debit card! Their contribution and participation in the club’s many one new member Marshal & Carol , they have a 1937 hump back. activities through the years was and is greatly appreciated. No old business…no new business. On to committee reports, Pete reported that he has the latest car Elmo Lewis show book with the added green sheet with the latest additions. Sharon reported that she will put information on the next Garden tour in the next newsletter. Scott would like any one that has stories about Buss Quesnell or pictures; he would like them to put in the next newsletter. The Ford Picnic will be on June 7, at the Belleview collage, but it looks like the construction will still be a problem. At this time Elmo turned the meeting over to Dick for the Raffle The winners are as follows, Elmo Twice, John Christensen, Bob Porter, LD Charf, Steve Wilk, And Grant Stobbe. The $50.00 winner was Steve Wilk. Elmo closed the meeting at 8:45. The attendance for the night was 49. Ken Stobbe, Secretary At the present there is a need for volunteers to host the Board Meetings for the months of April, May, June, July, September, October and November. This will help Bruce complete the event calendar. The club and I would like to thank Guy for making sure we had pizza at our Swap Meet Information letter stuffing. Of course, this was possible because Mike and Trina had the materials printed in preparation for the meeting. By the way, Mike and Trina did all this while fighting the flu and preparing for their trip to India - WOW! 3 Membership Leads & Needs Guy Generaux Leads & Needs listings are free for club members. All listings will run for 3 months unless they are renewed or terminated early. Listings will be dated so you will know when they expire. Contact Scott to have them kept in another month or to have them removed earlier. E-mail your listing to the newsletter editor at [email protected]. or call 206-778-9097 General Meeting Happenings. Remember, PSRG meets the first Tuesday each month, arrive 7:00-7:30 p.m. Lead: 41Ford front Bumper with Gaurds Very nice condition $130.00 Butch 425 481 5584 This ad expires Feb. February 3 - A Seminar On Flathead Starters. PSRG resident flathead expert, Gary Duff will discuss common problems with starters and what you can do to alleviate those ills. Gary plans to share his recent experiences with high torque field coils, a new technology that is now available for our V8 flathead starters. Lead: please ask fellow club members if anyone needs a bench seat in excellent condition taken out of a 41 Ford also I also have 3 back windows for same car Rosalie Fisher 350-631-5821 or Mike Voggenthaler [email protected]. March 3 - Everything About Electroplating. Member Richard Troberg demonstrates how chroming works with a do-it-yourself electroplating kit. April 7 - “Roar With Gilmore!” V8 Times advisor Alan Darr will make a visit to our meeting for a special presentation on his new book about America’s most interesting petroleum company: Gilmore Oil. Alan has perhaps the most extensive collection of Gilmore memorabilia in the country. He will have copies of his book available for purchase and one lucky member will win a copy to take home as a door prize! Need: A close friend of the club is looking for an 8BA engine and bell housing adaptor for an installation in a very nice 37 Sedan. And we are looking for a 39 or 40 grille assembly to finish out a really nice car project. Dick Jauch, 360-387-1580 This ad expires April Need: I either need to buy or borrow an engine stand for a flathead. Also looking for a toolkit and headlights for a ‘34 Ford. Or...does anyone know someone that can take dings out of stainless ? Thanks, Brad Austin [email protected] 206-380-1232. You Could Be A Winner! At every General Meeting - one lucky attendee is awarded $50 in a member drawing. You must be present to win and wearing your PSRG name badge. This ad expires April See Page 10 for important dues renewal information Our club is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Ford Motor Company products manufactured from 1932 through 1954. Guests are always welcome and you do not need to own an early V-8 to be a member. However, National Early Ford V-8 Club membership is required. Contact Guy Generaux at 206-323-5709 or [email protected] for additional information. 4 He attended University Heights and Sacajawea elementary Schools, Jane Addams Middle School and Nathan Hale High School, where he graduated in 1966. His lifelong passions were football and teaching. A stocky 6-feet-4 inches tall, he towered over other family members and friends. He played football at Nathan Hale High School { Where Pam Generaux and Mark Keenholts also attended} and was on the 1965 squad that played, unsuccessfully, for a city championship. He enrolled at the University of Washington and played football there his freshman year but was not retained for his sophomore year, so he changed colleges. Below, left Thanksgiving morning 1965... the Nathan Hale Raiders football team was meeting the Queen Anne team for the city championship. Below right, Buzz was on the UW football team during his freshman year. Fall 1966. He continued playing football as a defensive tackle at Western Washington University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in education. He began teaching in the 1970s for Seattle Public Schools by substituting and taking temporary assignments. After being permanently hired he taught math and physical education, mostly at middle schools. “He loved working with kids,” said Claudia Attebery,(cq) a high-school classmate. He had a seemingly endless supply of friends. His brother joked that it could take Buzz 20 minutes to traverse Northgate Mall because as he walked “he’d get stopped by someone he knew.” He kept his hand in organized athletics; from time to time he was an assistant football coach at several Seattle high schools, and he coached the Seattle Police football team for several of its annual “bacon-bowl” contests against the Tacoma cops’ team. He was president of a weightlifting club in Ballard. Although he left the UW, he was a regular football season ticket holder for Husky games in later years. And he kept others laughing. He’d interrupt the high school class comedian by predicting his punch lines. Once at Dick’s Drive-in Buzz got someone to stick a milkshake lid in a buddy’s hamburger. Classmate Gloria Rubens remembered him “from when I worked at the Lake City movie theater. Gary and Buzz were hilarious and always kept me in stitches.” When he wasn’t tickling peoples’ funny bones Buzz was amazing them with his ability to consume large amounts of food. “He loved Dick’s french fries and chocolate shakes,” said Gary Whittlesey, a friend of 60 years, but that was just the start. Buzz entered pie- and pizza-eating contests during his younger years and won one competition by eating five 16-inch pizzas in 10 minutes. At the 13 Coins, Buzz would order a 6-egg fritata and eat it all. One night during his college days at Western, he downed 12 bottles of Cold Duck champagne. Please see page 6 for more 5 There were other escapades. After Buzz bought Whittlesey’s mother’s 1973 Cadillac the two guys would ride it together. “His favorite thing was to drive down the freeway about 80 miles an hour,” Whittlesey said. “Then he’d step on the gas and the tires would just smoke.” The ’37 pickup came into the family in the early 1960s, when his Chico took it in payment for remodeling work he’d done. Paul remembers the truck was “totally a rusted-out hulk” powered by a Lincoln engine. Later, the elder Quesnell put the truck through a second restoration -- painting it, installing a correct engine and scouting out other original parts. Buzz inherited the truck when his dad died in 1999. Buzz never drove it much; his body was too bulky to fit between the steering wheel, the pedals and the seat. Acquaintances usually drove the rig and took him for rides. Buzz had PSRG’s Gary Duff do some followup mechanical work . Below left Buzz’s dad in 1963 with the 1937 truck, below right Buzz with the same 37’ truck in March 2014 in Carlsbad ca He had the Cadillac and a Ford Ranger pickup, his regular “driver,” but he built special garage space for the ’37. It reminded of his days riding the truck with his dad. “He idolized his father his whole life,” Whittlesey said. Buzz retired from teaching in 2004 after 30 years and became a regular at PSRG meetings and events. He served on the club’s board of directors in 2010. Sadly, by 2012 he was showing signs of dementia. He hadn’t been paying his bills or answering mail, and he was forgetting appointments. His encyclopedic memory for football statistics disappeared. He was moved to the Aegis Senior Living facility in Shoreline. In November of 2013 he moved to the Vista Gardens assisted living facility in Vista, Calif., closer to his brother in Palm Springs and to Whittlesey in nearby Carlsbad. The Vista facility was better suited to Buzz: filled of activities, secured by a wrought-iron fence and designed with enough room space to hold a bed big enough for him. By last November he was in hospice care, being seen three times each week at Vista Gardens by specialized nurses. “Coherent speech is difficult; walking is barely shuffling,” his brother wrote to Buzz’s old classmates on Facebook. Buzz had been taking falls. “He can’t shower or dress himself,” his brother wrote. There were “panic attacks; outrageous anger outbursts….the past few months have not been good.” As his mind slowly shut down his body functions, he suffered two heart attacks during the last seven days of his life. The hospice doctor said the second one, on Nov. 27, was fatal. Whittlesey and Buzz’s brother looked after him in his last year. Whittlesey visited him almost daily at Vista Gardens. After Buzz came to Southern California he had the ’37 pickup shipped there, as well, so he could continue riding it. Wittlesey drove it, taking his old pal on drives to get him outside. They cruised the California beaches, stopped for burgers and milkshakes, took in car shows and stopped by the Biggs Harley Davidson dealership in San Marco, Calif. Buzz enjoyed seeing other old cars and the pickup was a hit with other enthusiasts. Please see page 7 for more 6 During drives to the ocean they’d honk at girls in bikinis. It was their last bit of fun together. When Buzz died quietly on Thanksgiving Day, Whittlesey and his wife Sharon were with him at his bedside at Vista Gardens. In June his ashes will be scattered near the west-facing shore of Camano Island where his parents lived in retirement. The truck will stay in California. Even when his body and brain were giving him trouble Buzz managed to maintain his playful spirit. “His face lights up when I walk in the room and he can still crack a joke worthy of any gym locker room,” his brother wrote in November. “I’m glad I had a chance to see him at Shoreline,” said another acquaintance, Don Swanson. “He was always in good humor.” A host of others have similar memories. When Paul wrote his Facebook post in November, nearly four dozen acquaintances and friends of Buzz responded. The occasion reminded them of how he’d kept in touch with them. Valerie Monaco said she was “remembering and cherishing his sense of humor and his phone calls once a year.” A time hasn’t been announced yet for the June 27 memorial but friends and family arranged for the hangar location because they expect a big crowd. “Buzz was a people person and also one that loved a good prank,” Attebery said. “He could bend your ear for hours. (He) was a good friend to have. Buzz is going to be missed by so many.” Below Buzz and Gary in California Buzz and I met when we turned out for the then new Nathan Hale high school football team in 1963. We lost all our games that first year ! Buzz’s dad watched us practice while sitting in his 1937 Ford pickup. it was a pea green back then. I lost track of Buzz after college. I was floored to see him sitting at my very first V/8 meeting in 2001. His dad had restored the truck to original with a beautiful red cab and black fenders. Since Buzz was too big to fit behind the steering wheel, I became the driver and caretaker of the truck. I added turn signals so we could run after dark. As Buzz’s mental and physical health faded, his brother moved him from Seattle to California where he lived. I said so long to Buzz and shipped the red pickup south in a car carrier. From Mark Keenholts 7 th 34 Annual Tulip Rallye Date: Saturday, April 25th 2015 Time: 8:00-9:00 am (Check in) Place: Cascade Mall I-5 Exit 230 COME ONE, COME ALL! – We are back for our 34th Annual Tulip Rallye. This event is a gimmick rallye in place of time/distance checkpoints, so everyone will be able to compete successfully. All you need is a sharp eye and a sense of humor. Please note – speed is not recommended! Each car club (5‐car minimum) will have a First Place finish. Non‐club entrants can compete in the “open” class. It is recommended that you pack a picnic lunch to enjoy along the way or at the end point while the scores are being tabulated. There are restaurants along the tour route, but they can be rather crowded. First 150 entrants will receive a free commemorative dash plaque. Pre‐registration will close on April 16th. Any entries received after April 16th will be considered day of. Please fill out the form below and send it along with $12.00 USD or $15.00 CDN per car to MGCCNWC at the address shown below. The cost for day‐of registration will be $15.00 (USD) or $18.00 (CDN). Your car number and rallye information will be issued the day of the rallye. For more information call Bert Cripe @ (360) 731‐ 8758 or Paul Feuerpfeil (206) 612‐3103 (cell). Overnight accommodations are available in the area. The Marina Inn, 3300 Commercial Ave, Anacortes, WA 98221 (360) 293‐3545 has supported many MG functions. Also, the Holiday Inn Express, 900 Andis Road Burlington, WA 98233 (360) 755‐7338 is holding some rooms for the event until 10 March 2015. Mention Tulip Rallye to get the special rate of $149 per night. Please make your payment directly to the Hotelier. Please remember to bring along canned food for donation to a local food bank. The drop off location this year will be at the start point, Cascade Mall. Directions: From I‐5 take exit 230 and head east on Highway 20. Take a right at stop light onto South Burlington Blvd. Take a right at next light onto Cascade Mall Drive. See you there! ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ YES!! I want to participate in the 34th Annual Tulip Rallye! NAME________________________________________________PHONE__________________ TYPE OF CAR (S)________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________CITY___________________________STATE_______ZIP______________ IF YOU BELONG TO A CAR CLUB, WHICH ONE? (please be specific)_____________________________________________________________________ Entry Fee for each car: $12 (USD) or $15 (CDN) advance, or $15 (USD) or $18 (CDN) day of event Event Tee Shirt: Short Sleeve $15.00 (USD) $18.00 (CDN) MED___ LG ___ XL___ XXL ___ Pre‐registration closes April 16, 2015 Make checks payable to MGCCNWC TOTAL Mail to: Tulip Rallye, c/o Rosalie Bottini, 12835 NE 36th St, Bellevue WA 98005‐1323 Bert Cripe (360‐731‐8758) Paul Feuerpfeil (206‐612‐3103) or E‐Mail: [email protected] 8 $___________ $___________ $___________ Floyd Clymer is an old time auto person who wrote a number of books. He wrote a series of Historical Motor Scrapbooks which included advertisements for old cars, accessories and miscellaneous. This one,#8 was published in 1955 but the ads etc go back to the teens. Anyway, the following is not entitled as an Ode to Bill Steil ,but seems it should be! MY FORD I love my Ford; it gave to me The mountains and the trees, The flowers of the field, the wild bird’s song, The ocean’s cooling breeze. It burst the bars that formed my city cell And set me free to wander where I would; It hurried and brought back my fleeting youth, And made me feel that living still is good And oh, I hope that should the time e’er come, When I must yield aught of my modest hoard That it may be my house, my land, my clothes But not my precious Ford! Poem is from Floyd Clymer’s Historical Motor Scrapbook and is dated 1922. It is unsigned. Thanks to Bob Heckel 9 Sunshine Dick Jauch Sunshine Report for February With the Hawk’s win yesterday it is somewhat easier to have a “Sunshine” report. I hope we will be celebrating another Hawk’s win in SB 49. Again most of us are doing OK with what we have, some colds, the flu (I don’t recall the flu as ugly as I had last week) going around and the rest of the stuff. Ron C and Dave E both went to the repair station in Everett for some fixing of things related to being pre-WWII vintage folks. Both reported to be on the mend and expect full recovery shortly. Local PSRG 2015 Membership Dues Under our three-year membership plan, one-third of our PSRG members will be up for renewal next year. Your dues will cover years 2015 through 2017! If your membership is one of these, you should have received a letter in late November from Guy Generaux, noting that your PSRG dues are due and the amount. Dues will be accepted at the Feb General Meeting or by mail to Guy at 2217 Everett Ave E., Seattle, WA. 98102. Deadline is February 4th! PSRG Roster If you are among the two-thirds of the club whose dues are current for 2015, please check your 2014 PSRG Roster and alert Guy by February 4 with any changes of inforNot much else going on at the Sunshine Committee mation: new e-mail address, new home address, added or Headquarters so keep up the good thoughts and pass subtracted a car, etc. We like to have the Club along a prayer to those you feel might appreciate one. Roster be as accurate as possible. Preferably, e-mail your Dick Jauch updates to: [email protected]. Your new 2015 Roster That’s it for now on Sunshine. will be mailed mid-March. Next Meeting:Tuesday, February 3rd - Seminar on flathead Starters, the meeting starts @ 730pm {Yes, pun intended} at Luther Memorial Church. Input for the March Newsletter Deadline: is February 19th. National Early Ford V8 Dues While our local dues are per calendar year, National Early Ford V8 Club dues are renewed on a “cycle” system depending what month you joined. You will be notified by National when your dues are to be renewed or look at the mailing card that comes with your V8 Times magazine for your renewal date. National membership dues/data are handled by Cornerstone Registration (see your V8 Times for contact information) and can even be paid online with credit card at https://secure. cornerstonereg.com/efv8/index.htm. Send Input to: [email protected] 10 We still have room for more ads, so if you would like to add yours please call Guy Generaux at 206-323-5709 or e-mail to Guy at [email protected] 11 2015 Event Calendar General meetings start at 7:30pm at the Lutheran Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave North, Seattle unless otherwise announced. Board meetings start at 7:00pm at the host location below unless otherwise announced January 6th General meeting. Program: Swap meet mailing party. The Reward is Pizza! 28th Board meeting Bob and Sharon Heckel will host February 3rd General meeting. Program: Seminar on flathead Starters. Gary Duff resenting. 25th Board meeting. Mark and Carol Keenholts to host March 3rd General meeting. Program: Demonstration on Electroplating. Rich Troberg presenting 14th and 15th. Almost spring Swap Meet. Puyallup, WA 25th Board Meeting. Elmo and Bev Lewis to host April 7th General meeting Program: “Roar with Gilmore” The new book and history of Gilmore oil company. Allan Darr presenting 9th-11th. Portland PIR and EXPO Swap meet 22nd Board meeting. Host needed 25th. Mount Vernon Swap meet July 7th General Meeting. Program: Meet at Triple XXX in Issaquah. 6:00 PM Joint gathering with Cascade RG 18th Mukilteo Garden and Quilt tour. Sharon Heckel will coordinate May 5th General Meeting Program: V8 trivia contest. Guy Generaux presenting 15th – 17th Monroe Swap Meet. Dave White, Chairman 27th Board meeting Host needed June 2nd General meeting. Program: Trunk Swap Meet 7th Ford car show and Picnic, Bellevue College. Bruce Anderson and Gerry Herber, Co chairman 24th Board meeting. Host needed August 4th General meeting Program: Meet offsite for Chow Down with the Classics. Site to be announced. 26th Board meeting John and Sharon Porter to host September 1st General meeting. Program: Fall Pot Luck and entertainment. Guy Generaux, Ken and Merrila Stobbe presenting. 7th Fall Ford Fest, Cascade Club 11th and 12th. Winthrop vintage auto show. 23rd Board meeting Host needed November 3rd General meeting Program: Silent Auction charity fundraiser. Sharon Heckel presenting. 18th Board meeting Host needed December 1st General meeting. Program: Holiday Gift Exchange. Donna Christensen presenting. No Board meeting 22nd Board meeting. Host needed October 6th General Meeting Program: Show & Tell. Todd Gudmundson presenting. 28th Board meeting. Host needed 12
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