Bulletin (English) - Church of The Holy Cross

Church of the Holy Cross
450 Clementi Ave One Singapore 129955 www.holycross.org.sg
OUR MISSION: We strive to deepen our faith by knowing the Word of God,
living it in love and service, thereby being witnesses of Christ.
25th Jan 2015
3rd Sunday
in Ordinary Time
1st reading:
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
2nd reading:
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20
There will be a 2nd Collection this weekend
for Church Maintenance Fund.
RCIA 2015 conducted by Fr. Richards has begun.
* Inquirers are still welcome *
It will be held every Thu from 7:45-9:45pm
in the Auditorium at level 4.
Registration forms are available at the entrance of
the Church or outside the parish office.
From the Catechists’ Office
Parents Briefing in the Main Church
Parents of P2 & P3 students on Sun 25 Jan 2015 at 12.45pm
Parents of P4, P5 & P6 students on Sun 1 Feb 2015 at 12.45pm
Parish Faith Formation 2014
Speaker: Fr. Eugene Vaz
In today’s first reading,
Jonah, sent by God to warn
the people, storms through
Nineveh, frightening the
citizens out of their wits. It
works! They repent before
Jonah makes his way
through a third of the city,
and God sees “by their
actions” how they have
turned from evil.
Then we hear Paul
telling the Corinthians that
“the world in its present
form is passing away.” He
calls for a change of heart.
He stops short of telling
them to set aside their
everyday lives, but still he
urges them—rather
mysteriously—to live as
though they aren’t doing
the things they’re doing.
Finally, Jesus stands on
the shore and cries, “The
kingdom of God is at hand!”
The apostles-to-be abandon
their nets and follow him.
Thus in all the readings we
hear an invitation to a
radical and immediate
change in our lives.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Duration: 12 Mondays - 9 Feb to 27 Apr 2015
Dates: Feb 9,16,23 * Mar 2,9,16,23,30 * Apr 6,13,20,27
Time: 8pm
Venue: Church Auditorium at Level 4
School of Witness
The School of Witness (SOW) will be doing an
outreach to the youths of Holy Cross Church.
Fri 30 Jan 2015 at 8pm
@ St Michael's Room.
All youths, especially those who had completed their
confirmation and above, till age 25 years old are invited
and encouraged to come for this event.
It will be a time of prayer, songs and reflection.
Calling ALL Music-Loving Youths 13 Years and On!
Join the Choir for the Youth Mass on Sat 14 Feb as
Choir Practices are as follows:
1. Wed - 28 Jan - 7.30pm to 9.30pm
2. Sat - 7 Feb - 2pm to 4pm
3. Sat - 14 Feb - 2pm to 4pm
If interested, please contact Gretel Lim @ 90661753 by 27 Jan.
Mass for the Sick
* Sun 8 Feb 2015 at 5pm *
For anointing request (seriously ill or old age),
please come 15mins before Mass
for registration at the church entrance.
On this day, we also offer communal prayers
for the sick and aged, care givers and healthcare professionals.
In imitation of Our Lord, the Good Samaritan par excellence who
moved with compassion, dismounts from his course and reaches
out to suffering humanity, we are all called to come and pray for
our suffering brothers and sisters, the Sick and Aged
and with them especially for those who are unable to attend.
Fr. Richards Ambrose
Fr. Peter Zhang Si Qian
6776 1330
Fr. Jovita Ho
6777 2523
6777 5858
6773 5676
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lauds - 6.15am, Mass - 6.30am
Vespers - 6pm, Mass - 6.15pm
Lauds - 6.15am, Mass - 6.30am
Novena - 4.15pm
Sunset Mass - 5pm
Mandarin - 6.30pm
7.30am, 9.30am, 11.15am & 5pm
Tagalog (Every 3rd Sun) - 3.30pm
Public Holiday:
Mass @ 8am followed by potluck
breakfast. No Lauds before Mass.
P.A.R.I.S.H Holy Hour:
Every 1st Friday at 8pm
Prayer Room Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri: 7am - 9.45pm
Sat & Sun: 7am - 6.15pm
Public Holidays: 7am - 9.30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
15 minutes before sunset mass on
Sat and all masses on Sundays.
Infant Baptism:
1st Sunday of:
Jan, Mar, May, July, Sep & Nov.
Funeral Arrangements:
Please check with the Secretariat and
Priests for the availability of the
Church before making arrangements
for funeral mass, cremation or burial.
Wedding: Please check with the
Secretariat, at least six months
before for availability of dates.
Parish Counseling Service
This is available every Wednesday
evening. Please call our Parish
Secretariat @ 67775858 during
office hours (9am to 1pm) for
an appointment.
Ash Wednesday 18 Feb 2015 (Eve of Chinese New Year)
There will be imposition of ashes at all Masses on Ash Wednesday.
Mass timings:
* 6.15am (English) *
* 12.30pm (Mandarin) *
* 2pm (English) *
Fasting can take place on Ash Wednesday itself OR
another day to be decided by the individual (yourself).
The decision was made by the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei
for pastoral reasons to facilitate maximum participation.
It tries to accommodate the cultural needs of those who are celebrating
the family reunion dinner on the eve of the Chinese New Year.
Others may continue with the norm of Ash Wednesday.
How can I dispose off my old palms?
Feast of Presentation of the Lord
There will be blessing of candles
and incense at both Masses
(morning & evening) on Mon 2 Feb 2015.
Bring them to church next Sunday
when you come for Mass.
These will be burnt and
the ashes will be used on
Ash Wednesday (18 Feb).
Those who would like to get their candles
and incense blessed, please do bring
them along with you for Mass.
Holy Cross Charismatic Prayer Group
* Topics for the Month of February *
* 7.45pm in St Michael room @ level 1 *
3rd Feb
“Make Jesus known and loved. Pope Francis understanding of Jesus today.”
10th Feb
“You are God’s special child.”
17th Feb
Thanksgiving and Fellowship
24th Feb
“Have you found salvation?”
All are welcome to praise and thank the LORD with us!
WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER invites you to a private getaway weekend with your spouse.
Treat yourselves to a most loving gift and reignite your romance by spending a weekend of
undivided attention to each other, as you learn how communicate more deeply than ever before.
* Coming Weekends: 6-8 Mar, 1-3 May and 5-7 June 2015 *
To register, call 9670 5390 or go to our website at wwmesg.org
Marriage Preparation Course 2015
Q1: 4 Jan to 8 Feb 2015
Q3: 19 Jul to 30 Aug 2015
Q2: 26 Apr to 31 May 2015
Q4: 4 Oct to 8 Nov 2015
Come journey with your partner in the Marriage Preparation Course (MPC)
where you will learn the cornerstones of a happy marriage, how to live a Christian marriage,
discuss challenges that couples face and along the way the way discover even more about each other.
* Forms are available at the Parish Office or through www.catholic.org.sg/MPC *
Applications should be made at least six months in advance.
For enquiries, please email to [email protected] or contact:
Terence & Lynette @ 98571829 (Registration Couple), Peter & Rita @ 93673411 (General Enquiries)