Vol. 59 No.10 February 2015 Des Plaines Elks Lodge #1526 http://www.desplaineselkslodge.com/ All-American Lodge 2012-2013 State Lodge Phone: (847) 824-1526 For Dinner Reservations or Lodge Information Bar Opens at 11:00 A.M. Lunch 11:30. A.M. Kitchen Closes at 9:00 P.M. Closing Times Vary Inside This Issue: Pages E. R. Message 4 ————————— Lodge of Sorrows 4 ———————— Secretary Message Lodge Directory 5 —————————————————— Lodge News 4-14 ———————— Club Mgr, Message 12 ———————— Calendar 13 Find Your Lucky Member Number! If your number appears anywhere in this issue of the Elks Tooth, stop by the club and claim a $10 gift certificate, good anytime at the restaurant or bar. p.s. This ain’t your daddy’s Elks Tooth anymore Lodge Meetings Tuesdays February 3rd and 17th WIFI Code elks4life A GOOD REMINDER TO BE THANKFUL FOR AMERICA Frank Sinatra considered Kate Smith the best singer of her time, and said that when he and a million other guys first heard her sing "God Bless America" on the radio, they all pretended to have dust in their eyes as they wiped away a tear or two. Here are the facts... The link at the bottom will take you to a video showing the very first public singing of "GOD BLESS AMERICA". But before you watch it, you should also know the story behind the first public showing of the song. The time was 1940. America was still in a terrible economic depression. Hitler was taking over Europe and Americans were afraid we'd have to go to war. It was a time of hardship and worry for most Americans .This was the era just before TV, when radio shows were HUGE, and American families sat around their radios in the evenings, listening to their favorite entertainers, and no entertainer of that era was bigger than Kate Smith. Kate was also large; plus size, as we now say, and the popular phrase still used today is in deference to her, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings". Kate Smith might not have made it big in the age of TV, but with her voice coming over the radio, she was the biggest star of her time. Kate was also patriotic. It hurt her to see Americans so depressed and afraid of what the next day would bring . She had hope for America , and faith in her fellow Americans. She wanted to do something to cheer them up, so she went to the famous American song-writer, Irving Berlin (who also wrote "White Christmas") and asked him to write a song that would make Americans feel good again about their country. When she described what she was looking for, he said he had just the song for her. He went to his files and found a song that he had written, but never published, 22 years before - way back in 1917. He gave it to her and she worked on it with her studio orchestra. She and Irving Berlin were not sure how the song would be received by the public, but both agreed they would not take any profits from God Bless America. Any profits would go to the Boy Scouts of America. Over the years, the Boy Scouts have received millions of dollars in royalties from this song. This video starts out with Kate Smith coming into the radio studio with the orchestra and an audience. She introduces the new song for the very first time, and starts singing. After the first couple verses, with her voice in the background still singing, scenes are shown from the 1940 movie, "You're In The Army Now." At the 4:20 mark of the video you see a young actor in the movie, sitting in an office, reading a paper; it's Ronald Reagan. To this day, God Bless America stirs our patriotic feelings and pride in our country. Back in 1940, when Kate Smith went looking for a song to raise the spirits of her fellow Americans, I doubt whether she realized just how successful the results would be for her fellow Americans during those years of hardship and worry..... and for many generations of Americans to follow. Now that you know the story of the song, I hope you'll enjoy it and treasure it even more. Many people don't know there's a lead in to the song since it usually starts with "God Bless America ...." So here's the entire song as originally sung..... ENJOY! https://www.youtube.com/embed/TnQDW-NMaRs?rel=0 (Thanks to Dan Burns for passing this along) ▲Please copy this into your web browser to watch the video ◄Kate Smith Irving Berlin► (For a truly stirring rendition of this song, attend the meetings. We all close the meeting with “God Bless America” Tickets are available at the lodge office, main bar or from any ticket seller. 009154 Elks at the USO ◄On December 19th, Left to Right Aug Schwiesow, Bill Ritchie, Mike Butler, John Marquardt, Ginny and Dudley Parenteau, visited O’Hare to take food for our military personnel at the USO. Pictured on the right are two sailors enjoying the spread that our Lodge volunteers put out for them and others. Thanks to all the fine folks that helped to put this together Page11 Page 2 HEARTS & FLOWERS AN EVENING OF ROMANCE FOR VALENTINE’S DAY _______________________________________________ Saturday, February 14 – 5:00-8:30 p.m. _______________________________________________ Des Plaines Elks Lodge Main Dining Room A special menu just for Valentines Day offering several dinner options. ● Price is dependent on dinner choice Cocktail Specials ● A Gift for the Ladies Enjoy the music of Gail & Rich after dinner in the Fireside Room ●Reservations required and can be made anytime between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. Call 847-824-1526 For Reservations SENIOR DRIVER SAFETY COURSE The Elk’s Lodge is proud to announce that they will be hosting another AARP Driver Safety Program for seniors over age 50.It will be held on Wednesday February 18 and Friday February 20 from 9:00am-1:00pm each morning. Upon completion, participants will receive a discount on their car insurance This “Smart Driver Course” is designed to teach Seniors defensive driving techniques, safety strategies to reduce crashes, new traffic laws and rules of the road, as well as the future of cars. The cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. To register, call the club at 847-824-1526 or Maryanne Forde at 847-692-3423 COMING SOON! LODGE ENHANCEMENT RAFFLE Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 14, 2015. At 6:30 p.m. in the main bar the lodge enhancement raffle will be held. The gr and pr ize will be $10,000.00. Ther e will also be five second pr izes of up to $1000.00 and five third prizes of up to $500.00 depending on the number of tickets sold. Tickets are $50 each and only 1000 will be sold. The proceeds will be used for new carpeting in the club. In past years the proceeds have been used to tuck point the building, repave the parking lot, purchase an awning for the entranceway and other projects. Tickets are available at the main bar, lodge office or from any member ticket seller. Those members who sell tickets will automatically be entered into a seller’s only, $500.00 cash prize, raffle to be held the same night as the Pot O’Gold raffle. Each ticket you sell will you earn a chance to win. The more tickets you sell the more chances you will earn. There is no limit to the number of chances you can earn. See the club manager for more information. Get your raffle tickets soon. $10,000.00 could be yours on March 14. Tickets were printed by Mobile Print, Mount Prospect. Page 3 PAGE 14 February ER Message, “The clock of their day has stopped and across its dial, motionless shadows mark the hour of eleven. With us, the golden hour or recollection” ———————————————Donald Papan ———————————————Date of Birth: 08-10-1936 Date Initiated: 02-03-2009 Deceased: 12-21-2014 ———————————————George A. Walsh ——————————————— Date of Birth: 01-16-1944 Date Initiated: 10-17-2000 Deceased: 01-0502015 Pat Manning Exalted Ruler It’sFebruary.Winterisinfullbloom.Manyofuswillbebuyinggiftsandplanning activitieswithoursigniicantotherforSt.Valentine’sDay.Asthecalendarapproachesmonth-end,webegintoentertainthoughtsofacomingspring.AndourLodgeis preparingforitsVolunteerAppreciationDinneronFebruary20,2015. ILODGEIMPROVEMENTS:OurDesPlainesLodgehasexistedforoverhalfa century.Ithascapacityfor500peopleandparkingfor125vehicles.Anditisindeed animpressivesight.Weshouldallbegratefulforthegenerosityandforesightofthe memberswhohaveprecededus. ButthegiftofthisLodgealsoentailsanobligationonourpart.Weareresponsible foritsupkeep.OurLodgeandgroundsrequireabout$50,000ayearbetween Maintenance(e.g.Plumbingrepairs)andCapitalImprovements(e.g.Repavingparkinglot).Recentlytheseexpenseshavebeencloserto$100,000annuallybecauselittleupkeephadbeendoneinprioryears. Thoseofyoupatronizeourrestaurantmayhavenoticedthatitscarpetingisworn andinneedofreplacement.InfactallLodgecarpetingisattheendofitslifecycle. ThisyearourLodgeImprovement’smajorprojectistoreplacetheLodgecarpeting. Theamountofcarpetingactuallyreplacedisdependentuponhowmuchmoneywe haveavailabletospendonit. Tohelpdefraythecostofnewcarpeting,JaniceStoneofourLodgeisconductinga POTO’GOLDRafle.Only1,000ticketswillbesoldat$50each.Adrawingwillbe heldonMarch14thattheLodge.Thewinnerwillreceive$10,000.Therecouldbeten additionalprizesofupto$1,000.TicketsareavailableattheLodgeintheBarareaor attheClubGeneralManager’sofice. Witheveryone’ssupport,yoursandmine,Iknowthisfundraiserwillbesuccessful. IITHOUGHTFORFEBRUARY:Whentoldbyareporterthathe’dmadesomevery luckyshotstowinagolftournament,ArnoldPalmerreplied,“TheharderIwork,the luckierIget.”Let’sallrememberthatit’sindividualeffort,notchance,that’sresponsibleformuchofthegoodinourlives.Haveagoodmonth. Pat Sickness and Distress If you know of a member who has been ill lately, please let the Lodge Secretary know. We would like to make sure that everyone is remembered in the Tooth and at our meetings. Sickness and Distress If you know of a member who has been ill lately, please let the Lodge Secretary know. We would like to make sure that everyone is remembered in the Tooth and at our meetings. North District Exalted Rulers Ball The North District Exalted Rulers Ball is the event, in which we honor the Exalted Rulers from all eight Lodges in our district. These eight Elks served the membership and the order for the 2014-2015 lodge year. Their tasks were difficult but rewarding. All members and guest are invited to attend. It is a classy evening of dining, cocktails and dancing. Several menu items to choose from, an open bar and band. Please show your thanks to the Exalted Rulers for their hard work and dedication. Our time to honor them is: Saturday March 7, 2015 at the Des Plaines Lodge Jim Cusack PER Ballroom is two people dancing together to music, touching in perfect harmony. Anton du Beke Page 4 Lodge Phone: (847) 824-1526 Lodge Officers/Directors 2014-15 Exalted Ruler Leading Knight Loyal Knight Lecturing Knight Secretary Treasurer Tiler Esquire Inner Guard Chaplain Organist Patrick Manning Danilo Kovilic James Fornelli Gerald Stone Donald Bahr PDDGER Dale Multerer PDDGER Gerald Snarski Michael Butler PER Ricky Benavidez Anthony Vella Phyllis Perry Lodge Trustees/2014/2015 1-year 2-year 3-Year Dolores Dean PER Thomas Bantz PER Daniel Burns PER Lodge Directors/2014-2015 Patrick Manning Danilo Kovilic James Fornelli Gerald Stone The Des Plaines Lodge annual dues notices will be mailed on February 15, 2015. Please submit your remittance early. Remember to inform the secretary of your current address, add or change of email address, home phone number and cell phone information to insure accurate member account information. Commencing March 1st, 2015: Widow identification cards are available in the lodge office for pickup or by sending the secretary a stamped self- addressed envelope. The next initiation for new members is scheduled for Feb 3, 2015. The Ritual program will be performed by our Past Exalted Ruler’s Alumni of the Des Plaines lodge. Nominations for officers for lodge year 2015-16 will also be proposed at this meeting. Under our lodge by-laws the following members qualified for and were approved by proper ballot for the status of Life Membership in the Des Plaines lodge #1526. Congratulations to the following Michael Cayley. Thomas Conrardy, Nick Dublinski, Gerald Greene, Robert Kirch, Robert Klein, Jeffery Lipman, Richard Mendelson, Thaddeus Mitrenga, and James Nolan. Please note the list of members in this issue who are delinquent in dues for 2014-15. They will be dropped from active membership on 3/1/2015. Happy Valentine's Day. Don Delinquent Members List House Committee 2014-2015 Chairman Vice Chair Secretary Delegate Delegate Delegate Secretaries Message Don Bahr PDDGER Jerry Smith PER James Cusack PER Janice Stone Michael Butler PER Daniel Burns PER Bruce Robb Des Plaines Elks Club Club Manager: Joseph Huebsch [email protected] Elks Tooth 2014-2015 Editor James Gamboa Email: [email protected] The Elks Tooth is an official publication of the BPOE, Des Plaines Lodge #1526 Published at: 495 Lee St. Des Plaines, IL 60016 Published monthly, with one combined issue for July/August of each year. George Floyd John Signe Donald Marion Phillip Matthew Ronald Ralph Jean John Paul Walter Mark Mary Glenn John David James Mary Grzegorz Walter Edward Anne Frank Tom Marilyn Sally Edwin W G J W H L G Paul A F Joan R G D Lou F I M A L Allen Allen Anastos Baffa Biging Borgardt Campbell Cerasa Dahlgren Davis Delfosse Di Matteo Dietzel Dose Duckmann Edelman Estry Fusco Gillespie Glass Gorski Grabowski Grady Graham Jr Hogan Hooper Hooper Horejs Jakubowski Jantho 010209 012186 007994 011824 008628 011637 010367 012167 010859 010758 012029 010557 005209 011826 011827 011705 011217 012007 009922 008945 012139 011417 011891 009435 011418 012143 011999 011552 011655 011104 Richard Donan Charles A R H ChristoEdward William Gene Robert Thomas William Edward Lawrence Julia Charles Kenneth Carl James Michael Christian James Robert Mike Frank Lisa Sean Michael Suzanne Charles H A J T Johnson Johnson Kepley Kim Kindybalyk Kissane Kohl Koujourian L Kouros F Kretz S Kura J Lafeber Lawler W Leistico H Leitza M Lenca Leonard M Lesser H Lindhoy R Link D Long Lopez P Lucido P Magnusson J Maguire Joseph Manning Mattern A Matz 011421 011466 006679 012174 010571 011236 007633 010305 010670 011194 009613 011943 012043 012094 012080 004343 010782 011017 009884 009374 006905 012183 010839 012179 012098 012177 011696 011446 Page 5 Delinquent Members Continued Douglas Andrew Tim Ruth Gus Neil William Joseph Daniel Alfonzo James Marie William Joseph J J M N J C L R L Mc Clement Miller Molinare Nelson Nicolopulos Norcross O'Toole Paglini, JR. Palumbo Patricelli Quirk Reale Redfield Rexing 011578 009988 009380 010326 002377 011932 004912 011997 011717 010989 007927 010740 011652 012038 Keith Richard Rose Larry Earl Greg Brian Girard Don William Judy Patricia Daniel A Marie M Albert F T Rose Runyon Russell Schaal Schneider Schnur Schroeder Schuessler Sherwood Smith Solomon Brophy Stubig Tetzlaff 011834 011917 012015 011682 011648 011810 012200 007354 012137 010662 Martin 010204 Gerald Mark Thoma Von Schwedler Walsten Gerald Kenneth Randal I Michael Joseph Lee Warchol Wiesner Willoughby Wolinski Zitkus Zulawinski 009972 012182 008614 008623 012155 008240 R E A T 008065 012096 012154 010913 011439 Good Ink The Des Journal printed the following article on Wednesday December 17. Elks Send In Nominations For National Police Award The Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks presents the Enrique S. Camarena Award every year to a 009069 member of law enforcement who best exemplifies the qualities and principals for which agent Camarena gave his life. Camaena who was a Mexican-born American was an 11 year veteran agent of the DEA. Camarena was kidnapped and killed in Mexico in 1985. Prior to serving in the DEA he was a firefighter, criminal investigator and narcotics officer. His death has inspired millions of Americans to lead a drug-free life and the Elks celebrate his commitment to this effort with an annual award. Des Plaines Elks Lodge 1526 had the opportunity to select individuals for local awards. District awards were made in October to ensure they could be included in the state competition. A police officer can be nominated having shown exemplary service in drug Enforcement. A state winner is then forwarded to the Grand Lodge. On December 31, a national winner will be selected and invited to attend a national ceremony along with the sponsoring state chairman. Sponsoring lodges will also receive an award. By January 15 all national runner-ups receive an award and a letter from the national directors. At the state convention the state winner is honored and the state award presented. (editors note: for more info on Mr. Camarena, check this out on Wikepediahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiki_Camarena) The 2015 Illinois Elks Children's Care Calendars will be here Now. By buying a new calendar you become eligible for multiple drawings throughout the year. A total of $21,550.00 in Prize Money is awarded. There will be 247 Weekly Drawings of $50.00, 12 Monthly Drawings of $100.00, 3 Special Drawings of $1,000.00, and a "GRAND PRIZE DRAWING" of $5,000.00.By purchasing a Children's Care Calendar you are "Helping Children with Special Needs". Calendars can be purchased at the Lodge or from Bev Edwards. There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children. Nelson Mandela Queen of Hearts Raffle Rules Drawings on Thursday Nights The Queen of Hearts Raffle consists of a standard deck of fifty two playing cards and two Jokers sealed face down. $1.00 tickets are sold during the week for the drawing on every Thursday at 6:30 P.M. Players are not limited on the amount of tickets they wish to purchase. The tickets are then placed in a drum and mixed for the drawing. A Lodge Member in good standing will pick the raffle tickets in public view. The winner of the drawing is awarded $200.00 if they are present; $100.00 if the winner is not. The winner must be present in order to pick a card off the Raffle Board. An additional $100.00 is awarded if the winner picks the Joker from the Raffle Board. The raffle is a progressive game and continues until the Queen of Hearts is selected from the Raffle Board. Each week the drum of tickets is emptied and the tickets are discarded for the next weeks drawing. With the start of the next Queen of Hearts Raffle, twenty percent of the total winnings will be deducted and used to start the next raffle. The intention of this change is to start the next raffle with a larger amount of money and hopefully building a much larger jack pot. This will be the norm going forward if the Lodge members support this new change. Page 6 A Visit to the Home of Sweet Tea By Don Kovilic, Esteemed Leading Knight “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” ~Proverbs 17:17 Not long before Lisa and I packed up the car for a road trip down south during the Thanksgiving holiday, I made a point of contacting several fellow lodges in hopes of securing a place at their table to celebrate the feast of all feasts. Not surprisingly, lodge after lodge reported back to me that they just wouldn’t be open for Thanksgiving. “People have families,” one secretary remarked; “and they’re not always Elks.” Other lodges were less cordial; they didn’t even bother responding to our messages. Still, with my wife and I looking forward to smelling the salty ocean air, we were resolved to make the trip even if it meant peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in lieu of a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. And then something magical happened. A representative by the name of Joel Larkin called me back with more excitement in his voice than I had experienced all week. “A t Lodge #2719, all Elks are welcome. A ll Elks are family here.” Just how far south is Lodge #2719? “Summerville, South Carolina. Home of the Sweet Tea. Come hungry at noon sharp.” We did, and we did. After a fifteen-hour drive the night before, Lisa and I arrived in our Sunday’s best. I sported our lodge jacket for the affair, and Lisa, ever the photographer, toted her camera and a healthy dose of curiosity for our distant brethren. Tammy the bartender (and wife of the Exalted Ruler) personified southern hospitality best with a simple phrase that spoke volumes: “We’ve been expecting you.” Over fifty Elks and their guests joined us for a Thanksgiving feast unlike any we’d ever experienced before. The lodge roasted four turkeys and smoked a fifth. Everything else was pot luck, with sides upon sides outfitting two long buffet tables. The variety of traditional fare included mashed and sweet potatoes, green bean casseroles and cranberry sauce. There were at least four different types of stuffing alone, corn breads, bread puddings, pudding-stuffed pies. The spread could have fed an army much less a herd of hungry Elks. Community is important down here.” Exalted Ruler Tim Polzin remarked. “Elkdom cannot thrive without it.” What a simple yet stunning revelation, so basic yet so profound. How often do we forget or take for granted the existing members within our ranks or the value of their support? Community is indeed the backbone of our cause as Elks. As Elks, we must nurture its growth to sustain our Order for future generations. We spent the afternoon discussing issues facing our respective lodges and the Order on the whole, all of this against the backdrop of clinking glasses and holiday football games, of camaraderie in its finest, unforced and uninhibited form. Is this not the spirit of Brotherly Love? Strangers coming together as effortlessly as lifelong friends to celebrate all that we have, including each other; truly this is what our founders must have envisioned long ago. To Exalted Ruler Polzin and his lovely wife Tammy, to Past District Deputy Bob Koscianski, Joel, Pat, Allen, John, Dawn, Kayla and all the rest at Summerville Lodge #2719, thank you for reiterating the cardinal principles of our Order in a most hospitable fashion. The lesson will be repaid in-kind to every visiting Elk who passes through our doors. ▲Leading Knight Don Kovilic with Summerville Lodge #2719 Exalted Ruler Tim Polzin (Center) and Member Joel Larkin (Right). Exalted Ruler Polzin proudly wears his Chicago Bears game jersey during the Bears-Lions matchup (don’t bother asking who won). Member volunteers carve up turkeys in preparation of a Thanksgiving Day feast fit for a herd of Elks. Page 7 Getting to Know You Meet Jose’ Gonzalez. Jose’ has been with us at 1526 for 10 years. He does maintenance work around the Lodge and also buses tables in the dining room and lounge. He lives in Berwyn and is a neighbor of our daytime bartender Joselino. Jose’ has been married to his wife Letecia Mora for 8 years and they have a son, Leonardo who is 7. Jose’ enjoys the people he works with and loves the way the Lodge members treat him. He feels like a member of the family here. When not at work, he likes to relax with his family and play with his son. Keep up the good work Jose’ as it’s people like you that help to make being here at the Lodge and enjoyable experience. When employees are happy, they are your very best ambassadors. James Sinegal GER John Amen Requests Assistance with Delinquent Members GER John Amen wants to personally ask every "at risk" Member on our Lapsation rolls to pay their dues and remain a Member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He's asking all Lodge Secretaries to help by mailing a letter through CLMS2PC. Let’s all try to help Don Bahr and our lodge. If you know of a delinquent member try to persuade him or her to stay and Elk! 010252 Great goals require great effort. Last Month’s Lucky Numbers were on: Page 6 USO Page 7 Deadline Page 9 Roast Ad Page 10 Hoop Shoot Letters Page 12 Calendar Would You Like To Receive Your Elks Tooth Via Email? Please send you request to [email protected] and you will be added to the Lodge email list that our lodge secretary creates. A lot of members already are getting it this way. It will arrive prior to the first of each month. You won’t have to rely on the USPS to deliver it before the first of the month. The Elks Tooth will be sent to the printer in time to be posted by the first, but you never know if it will get there in time. Message From the Editor A little birdie told me that Loyal Knight Jim Fornelli got down on his knees and proposed to his main squeeze, Gerri. She said yes and it looks like they will be married soon. Best wishes to the happy couple. May you both enjoy many happy years together Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave. Martin Luther Also please consider helping out as a door greeter, or working bingo or working Texas Hold’em. It’s only one day a month and it will help the Lodge with much needed income. Contact [email protected] go sign up. The next Elks Veteran's meeting will be in March. Details to follow in the March Newsletter. Page 6 Page 8 For Dinner Reservations: Call (847) 824-1526 SUPER BOWL PARTY At The Elks Lodge February Door Greeters Greeters: If you are unable to make your date, please contact Sara Lee at (847) 395 8605 or (847) 951-8605 ASAP so that she may find a replacement. Greeter hours are 5:30-7:30 pm. Friday: February 6th February 13th February 20th February 27th Saturday: February 7th February 14th February 21st February 28th Oh, Those Great IDEAS! We have a suggestion box that Is located in our lobby. If you have an idea or suggestion, please fill out one of the cards and place it in the box. We have received some good ideas lately and all will be given the utmost Fred Gross consideration. 011256 Tim O’Mahony It is incumbent upon all of us to Judy McPhal make Lodge 1526 the best it Lou D’ Attomo can be. Another great way to have your voice heard is to: Nancy Heavey Lou D’ Attomo Tim O’Mahony Dan Fluett ATTEND THE MEETINGS BE INVOLVED Elks Tooth Deadline The 15th of Each Month If you have an article that you want to submit to the Elks Tooth, please remember that the deadline for all articles is the 15th of each month. This will ensure that the Elks Tooth gets to your homes by the first of each month. You don’t have to wait until the last day either. The earlier the better, as it takes a long time to lay this newsletter out. Please send all articles to : [email protected]. This Month’s Beer Specials* Come watch the NFL Superbowl game at the Elks on February 1st this year. We will start accepting money and reservations on Tuesday December 2nd. We will have a seating chart to reserve tables when you pay for your square and this should help alleviate the congestion upon entering the Lodge. Seating at the bar will be first come, first served. No saving seats. No Reservations will be accepted after January 10th Thanks, Dan Burns PER I believe that a bad Super Bowl halftime show is still better than a soccer game. Ron White Last Texas Hold’ Em Date February 9th Starting at 2 pm til Midnight Poker has the feeling of a sport, but you don't have to do push-ups. Penn Jillette This Month’s Cocktail Specials * Tuesdays ————Hendrick’s Gin Drinks………..…$4 Wednesdays———All Flavored Vodka Drinks……...$3 . Thursdays————Zacapa Rum Drinks…………......$4 Tuesdays ——Blond Bomber Buckets..…..$10 Wednesdays—Old Style Drafts…….……..$2 Thursdays—–-Domestic Buckets…………$10 Fridays———Mutiny IPA...…………...…$3 Saturdays——Harp Bottles………....…….$3 • While Supplies Last • I've only been in love with a beer bottle and a mirror. Sid Vicious Fridays————— Piehole Drinks…………………..$5 Saturdays———— Mount Gay Rum Drinks…….... $5 * While Supplies Last There are only two real ways to get ahead today - sell liquor or drink it. W. C. Fields Page Page97 JOIN US FOR WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT IN THE FIRESIDE ROOM February MEMBERS & GUESTS . Saturday, February 7 – Johnnie Matt – A club favorite Saturday, February 14 – Gail & Rich – Enjoy Valentine's Day at the club Saturday, February 21 – Jan & Gino – A great duo Saturday, February 28 – Bonnie Bridges – Great voice, great performer Page 10 A Bit of Elks History My wife and I went to Amelia Island Florida for the Christmas holidays and did a bit of sightseeing throughout the area. 012094 We went to St. Augustine and stumbled upon this Lodge, named the Fountain of Youth Lodge #649. The red sign out front reads as follows: “Elks Rest 100 Washington Street Lincolnville. Fountain of Youth Lodge No. 649. Protective Order Of Elks Of The World and Pride Of Fountain Of Youth Temple 413. Completed in November of 1958. This Lodge called Elks Rest was at the early center of political and civil life of Lincolnville, providing housing for political rallies and cultural events. During the 1960’s it served as the daytime strategy, training and operations center of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and canteen and nutrition center, a bivouac for the hundreds of participants and footsoldiers of the civil rights movement.” Presented by Civil Rights Memorial Projects Committee of St. Augustine, Executive Committee: Gerald Eubanks, Chairman; Bernice Harper, Vice-Chairman; Joe Eubanks and Jimmie Wells and supported by Henry ‘Hank’ Thomas, Freedom Rider, 1961 Erected January 2006 When in the area, we saw a lot of references to Juan Ponce de León and the Fountain of Youth. There seems to be different schools of thought on the Spanish explorers seeking magical waters that would retard the aging process. de León was the first of the explorers to land in Florida and as time went on he was credited with seeking these waters. No one knows for sure if he was in reality on this mission, but it makes for a nice story and there are a lot of statues of him throughout the northern Florida area. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference was founded in January of 1957 with it’s first president being Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It is a primarily African– American organization that supports civil rights. It’s another little known fact about the BPOE. JG Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as our prince of peace, of civil rights. We owe him something major that will keep his memory alive. Morgan Freeman Why is Bill So Happy? It’s because he loves to volunteer his time at O’Hare working at the USO several days a week. Bill exemplifies what it means to be an Elk. As a Marine ( Bill says there’s no such thing as a former Marine) he has a sense of camaraderie with the men and women of our armed forces as they pass through the airport. It’s good to see Bill back at the Lodge and back in action after being in rehab from a nasty fall. Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem. Ronald Reagan New Years Eve Revelers, Get Down, and Get Jiggy With it! Another grand evening was had by all. Good food, good drink and good friends gathered to ring in the new year. Don’t be a stick in the mud,. Make sure you join in on the fun next year. Page Page 11 9 Club Manager Message February Club Highlights, It is that time of year again. The Bears season is over (although it was probably over in November), the Cubs drive to the championship hasn’t quite started yet, and apparently there is another baseball team in town. The Bulls and Blackhawks are here to save the day and keep our attention. That being said, we are going to have special “bar snacks” at reduced prices on game nights (Sundays & Mondays excluded). These snacks will only be available in the bar. So don your best Bulls or Blackhawks apparel and come on in for a snack and a drink. . Thursday Night Queen of Hearts continues to draw well with no winners yet. The jackpot is growing every week and is now over $20,000, so come in and buy a ticket. It’s great to see all the support from our members. Also, the Saturday night draw is continuing to gain momentum. Remember, the more people that attend, the more you can win so come in and see us and have some fun. Great Banquets at the Elks Club in February: Super Bowl Lions Club Meeting Texas Hold Em Literary Book Review Club Lunch( for info call Jeanette at 847 635 6780) Torske Klub Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Lake Shore Retired Teachers Lunch ITAM Fundraiser Many more small and large local birthday parties Banquet Reservations: Please call the office at 847 824 1556 Entertainment: Johnnie Mat Trio, Gail & Rich, Jan & Gino, Bonnie Bridges Restaurant News: Back by popular demand are the specials menus. These menus will have 2-3 entrée choices to go along with our regular menu. They will be items that we do not carry on our regular menu. They will be items that we can get a good case price on so that we can keep the menu prices lower. If you have any suggestions, ideas, recipes, etc. that you would like me to look into, please email me at [email protected]. I will get some pricing and try and get it on the menu. Reminder: Please be sure to make reservations when deciding to join us for lunch or dinner, and don’t forget to show your card. Be Proud & Display your card. Also, as the weather continues to get colder, please make sure to see Natalie and check/hang your coat in our coat room. It is for the safety of you and our staff. We don’t want anyone to trip over a coat that is hung over the back of a chair. If you need assistance with this, kindly ask Tina at the podium and she will be more than happy to help you. Thanks, Joe 1st Annual Exalted Ruler Roast (January 10th, 2015) The 1st Annual Exalted Ruler Roast was a resounding success! Exalted Ruler Patrick Manning bore the brunt of the jokes put forth by a now-seasoned panel of roasters with calm and dignity. The familystyle dinner fare was exceptional. Acclaimed pianist Matt Peterson played his heart out throughout the evening. Roastmaster Don Kovilic, with his poetry and clever one-liners, kept the pace of the program brisk and steady. As one attendee commented, “We should have done this years ago!” With any luck, we will keep this program going for years to come. A roast is like a get-together where people come down and talk about you and dog you out, the way you came up, the knucklehead things that you did, stuff like that. Bootsy Collins Page 1012 Page Page 10 ~ February 2015 ~ Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 SUPER BOWL DINNER SPECIAL DANISH LOBSTER $17.95 Wednesday 4 DINNER SPECIAL FRIED CHICKEN $10.95 Thursday 5 DINNER SPECIAL PRIME RIB $14.95 Friday 6 DINNER SPECIAL FISH FRY $9.95 Saturday 7 DINNER SPECIAL FULL SLAB BBQ RIBS $18.95 LODGE MEETING 8 9 CLOSED 10 CLOSED DINNER SPECIAL DANISH LOBSTER $17.95 11 DINNER SPECIAL FRIED CHICKEN $10.95 12 DINNER SPECIAL PRIME RIB $14.95 DINNER SPE- 1 CIAL FISH FRY $9.95 14 DINNER SPECIAL FULL SLAB BBQ RIBS $18.95 HOUSE COMMITTEE 1 15 CLOSED 17 CLOSED DINNER SPECIAL DANISH LOBSTER $17.95 18 DINNER SPECIAL FRIED CHICKEN $10.95 19 DINNER SPECIAL PRIME RIB $14.95 DINNER SPE- 2 CIAL FISH FRY $9.95 21 DINNER SPECIAL FULL SLAB BBQ RIBS $18.95 LODGE MEETING 2 22 CLOSED 24 CLOSED DINNER SPECIAL DANISH LOBSTER $17.95 25 DINNER SPECIAL FRIED CHICKEN $10.95 26 DINNER SPECIAL PRIME RIB $14.95 DINNER SPE- 2 CIAL FISH FRY $9.95 28 DINNER SPECIAL FULL SLAB BBQ RIBS $18.95 TRUSTEE MEETING For your Convenience: We are beginning a take out program here at the Club. If you are having people over or just don't feel like cooking, give us a call and we will do all of the work for you. 2-200 people can be served. Stop by the club for a menu. Phone ahead (847)824-1526 More New Years Eve Highlights Upcoming Events February 1, Superbowl February 3 and 17 Lodge Meeting February 7 Cards for Caring February 9Texas Hold ‘em Bingo Every Wednesday WE STILL NEED HELP Queen of Hearts Drawing Every Thursday Night Saturday Night Drawing And The Band Played On ► ◄ Look What Gus was up to while Betty was drinking Champagne!!! Betty, Mary and The Colonel toasting the New Year▲ Page 13 For Dinner Reservations Call (847)824-1526 Art for Sale Monthly Wine Specials* I will paint landscapes or architecture scenes from your favorite photographs in oil, soft or oil pastels. Prices vary depending on the subject and size. Samples of my work are available upon request or visit www.yellowhouseartists.com/portfolios For more information contact Jim Gamboa at 630-363-6250. [email protected]. Tuesdays: Rob’s Menu Pairing…...………...... $4 Wednesdays: Daily Featured Wine…………….…$3 Thursdays: Warehouse Wine Special…….….…$3 Fridays: Great American Wines ……….……$4 Saturdays: Korbel Splits………………….........$5 *While Supplies Last Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. Athenaeus SCHROEDER & McGUIRE LLC Attorneys With Over 30 Years Experience Wills, Trusts, Estate Administration and Planning, Personal Injury. Let Us Help You With Your Legal Needs 847-496-5930 Visit us on the Web www.schroeder-mcguire.com Assured Caregiver Services LLC ——————————— 960 Rand Road, Suite 108 Des Plaines, IL 60016 Phone: (847) 827-2778 ——————————— Sullivan and Johnson Ltd Certified Public Accountants ●Individual Tax Returns ●Estate & Trust Taxes ●Corporate & Parnerships Licensed by Illinois Department of Public Heath ————————————————–Www.assuredcaregiverservices.com ————————————————–- Hourly or Live-in Companion Services ♥ assistance with hygiene ♥ laundry service ♥ errands and transportation ♥ medication reminders ♥ meal preparation ♥ light housekeeping Caregivers are background checked and insured. Amy J. Sullivan C.P.A. Craig. D. Johnson C.P.A. (847) 759-6100 1420 Renaissance Drive Suite 205 Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 ElksLogo Polo Shirts Now Available Only $25 Each available in Red or White. Contact Pat Manning or Mike Butler and be one of the elite, chic, and dapper members. Just like Jim Cusack, 007354 Dudley Parenteau and Dan Burns! Wall-to Wall Carpet ● Area Rugs●Oriental Carpets Repaired and Refringed ● Binding Service ● In-Plant area rug cleaning Edgewater Carpet & Rug, Inc. Family Owned and Operated Since 1926 (773)763-5533 Mark & Linda Hachigian www.edgewatercarpet.com 6664 NorthwestHighway Edison Park Chicago Phone:(847) 827-2181 Fax: (847)390-7643 Daniel J. Dowd Attorney at Law Dowd, Dowd & Mertes LTD. 701 Lee Street, Suite 790 Des Plaines, Illinois 60016 Page 14 Page15 13 Page Frank’s Home Repair Frank Witkus (847) 894-0359 ☻Free Estimates ☻Interior Painting ☻Exterior Painting ☻Plumbing ☻Maintenance ☻Electrical ☻Honey -Do List ☻Minor Remodeling ☻Door and Window Replacement ☻Free Fishing Tips “I will repair what you have attempted” In-Home Non-Medical Care Non-medical and personal care ————————— Care plans tailored to your needs and budget ————————— Tom Merlin Free in-home consultation www.seniorcaredesplaines.com 847-685-0503 Lippers Carpet Cleaning Carpet & Upholstery Residential-Commercial-Auto Dave Lipp Off –Duty Fireman (773)405-9027 330 E. Northwest Highway, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Office: (847) 259-0202 Cell: (847)226-5428 www.JimGradyHomes.com Email: [email protected] Jim Grady, GRI Broker/ Manager HAVE A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR! CONVENIENT LOCATION! 2074 Chase, Des Plaines Take a look at this great residential lot close to O'Hare and expressways. All utilities on site. Good area to build the house you want. Rivers Casino just a mile south. $90,000 BEAUTIFUL AND READY TO MOVE IN! 711 S. River #612, Des Plaines Beautiful and ready to move in! 2 Bedrms, 2 Baths. 2 parking spaces included - one inside, one outside. Quiet side of the building with nature view. Train station across the street along with the "Metropolitan Square" for shopping and restaurants. Party room, exercise room & sauna all included! $159,000 GREAT LOCATION! 1490 Webster, Des Plaines Walk to all schools and shopping from this wonderful3BR 2.1BA ranch home! Features include all new neutral carpeting, fresh paint, full finished basement with half bath large separate Dining Rm; eating area in Kitchen. Newer windows, siding, and insulation. $294,000
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