` What now then? Children’s work @ Sunnyside Water Board ALPHA up and running This remains our vision and our calling for 2015. LOVE: GROW: SERVE VISION SUNDAY 18th JAN 2015 There were four Services on Sunday 18th January and a vision was shared about our core statement to ‘Love: Grow: Serve’ by using the set Gospel passage for the day. We genuinely didn’t plan it this way but it turned out that 18th January 1998 was the first Sunday that David and Isabel joined us here at Sunnyside so we ended up reflecting on the past seventeen years and using Jesus’ encounter with Nathaniel to put some flesh on the bones of our vison for the next few years. 2015 to 2020 will be a challenging and exciting time to be called to worship and service here at Sunnyside. Do make sure you have the notes and questions relating to The Vison Day. These are special notes and questions which we hope the whole of our church family will engage with and will be committed enthusiastically to the way forward from here on in. We’d also like to encourage everyone within our worshipping fellowship to try and start to think ‘Love: Grow: Serve’. The core questions in the House Group notes for the day are simple enough yet strike at the heart of what it means to be part of the people of God in this place. LOVE: Do I love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength AND my neighbour as myself? GROW: Am I growing in my faith and relationship with God alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ? SERVE: Is my life characterised by my service to others? No one scores 100% here – apart from Jesus himself but we are meant, in the strength of God’s Spirit, to live lives worthy of our calling both individually and corporately. Let’s embrace, pray actively and start to think LOVE: GROW: SERVE. Affinity Water were digging up Ivy House Lane in November. We were able to send out a MailChimp to the hundred or so people who have signed up for MailChimp and warn them a few days before that the bridge would be closed on the Sunday. If you were ‘caught out’ by the road closures then get yourself signed up to MailChimp. It’s so easy to do. Just go to the church website and follow the simple 30 second instructions. sunnysidechurch.org.uk Lent is the Christian season of preparation before Easter. In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day or the start of the season of Lent, which begins forty days prior to Easter (Sundays are not included in the count). Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, and repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus himself - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. ‘In God's Hands’ is the 2015 Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book. In this little gem of a book, Archbishop Desmond Tutu distils the wisdom forged through a childhood of poverty and apartheid, an adulthood lived in the glare of the world's media, and the long and agonising struggle for truth and reconciliation in South Africa, into the childlike simplicity which Jesus tells us characterises the Kingdom of God. What a great read this will be. Sunday 29th March Sunday Special. It’s a 5th Sunday. On the four occasions of the year when the calendar gives us a 5th Sunday we try to do something special. In March we’ll be having another United Service together followed by a light lunch – just as we did for Harvest back in October. Please put the date in your dairy now SUNDAY 29th March Have you popped into the hall recently after the Ten Thirty service to see what is happening in ‘sunday’s cool’? What you see might really surprise and encourage you. Children everywhere, parents chatting and people helping to clear up in between! We now have up to twenty children coming regularly on a Sunday morning. The children range in age from 2½ up to 9 years old, so activities need to be varied and active. We are using a new resource called Urban Saints which allows us to plan around a theme whilst having a range of linked activities relevant to the different age groups. There are always some play activities for our very youngest children too! New leaders and helpers are emerging and we are thankful for them (as well as for those who have been involved with our children’s work for many years). We have also loved having Kate Jenkinson with us each week for 4 months as part of her Duke of Edinburgh award. She was a great asset to the team and we will miss her commitment and help. Thank you Kate. With our numbers growing we could always do with some more help, so if you would like to come and be a part of our children’s ministry here at Sunnyside do have a chat with me. Come for a ‘visit’ for one week just to see what goes on……. Please keep praying for ‘sunday’s cool’ at this time. We are in a time of change and growth and are constantly evaluating all that we do as things evolve. Pray for ‘sunday’s cool’ to be a place where all children (those who come regularly and those who may be visiting) feel happy and safe, where they have fun and make friends and through all that goes on they may learn something of our God who loves and values each one of them for who they are. Look forward to seeing you after a Ten Thirty in ‘sunday’s cool’ one week soon! A ‘REAL’ SUNDIAL Why not make this part of your preparation for Easter this year? For Lent 2015 [which starts on 18th February] why not take up something rather than just giving up something? Read a good Christian book? We said a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to Phil Dormer in December for over a decade of service on the Sundial. We had reserved a sundial (what else) at a local garden centre but gave Phil the option of using our gift to buy something else. But we’re delighted that he chose to take the sundial. Here it is (on a dull day) in pride of place in Jacqui and Phil’s garden. Thanks again Phil. We launched Alpha again at Sunnyside in the middle of Prayer Week on Wednesday 14th January. The first evening was such a roaring success that we’re continuing for the next ten weeks. Thanks to all the people who are making this possible by organising, cooking, clearing up and being on the Course itself. It’s still not too late to join in! When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart. ‘The work of Christmas’ by Howard Thurman PRAYER WEEK Congrats! Tom and Katie are engaged. Wedding details to follow ‘soon’. Yes, he really did get down on one knee to ask! We are really thrilled for them both. The wedding will take place in Devon at a date to be announced. Katie works for The Archbishop of Canterbury but he has yet to confirm his availability to take the ceremony. Don’t hold your breath though! Well over eighty different people came along to Prayer Week, 11th – 17th Jan. This was very encouraging. The variety in the meetings meant that some were very quiet and meditative whist in others prayers seemed to follow in rapid succession. Our thanks to the eighteen different leaders. We continue to give opportunities for people to pray together, not just in House Groups but also here in church. 9.00am on Monday, the Wednesday 9.30am service or Prayer Breakfast at 8am on Saturday mornings. Have you tried any of these recently? An Oasis David’s brief comment on… INVITATIONS I was delighted to hear that Benedict Cumberbatch has been nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of Alan Turing, OBE. ‘The Imitation Game’ is a remarkable and very moving account of this man’s life. I found myself urging others to ‘go and see’ it. We reflected on Vision Sunday on Philip’s invitation to Nathaniel to ‘Come and see’. Surely we should be as enthusiastic about inviting someone to ‘Come and see’ in relation to our church family life even more than an encouragement for others to go and see a film – however brilliant it is, which it is? But we don’t do it, do we? The famous old Methodist preacher William Sangster used to ask his congregation at Westminster Central Hall two questions every year: When was the last time you shared with someone the importance of your faith in Christ? When was the last time you even tried? Ouch! There are of course social conventions that constrain our sharing of things like ‘personal faith’. Even the phrase seems to imply that what we chose to believe is up to us but don’t force your views on me, my views are as valid as yours – which of course, they are. A wiser wit than I once said that most people go to church in the same way they go to the loo – as quietly and with as little fuss as possible. I wonder how far the good news of Christ would have spread if those early disciples had felt as constrained as we do? It isn’t a case of inappropriately inflicting your views on someone else. As the famous quote says, it is simply ‘One beggar telling another beggar where to find food’. Why not try? ‘Come and see’ is not the most difficult sentence to utter, is it? That’s how many people describe the Wednesday Morning 9.30am service. Three quarters of an hour in the middle of the week to sing, pray, listen and engage with the church family, and share a coffee too. Since its early days as a monthly service using the Book of Common Prayer it has grown and matured into a vibrant and stimulating short service – whilst still retaining the 1662 service on the first Wednesday of the month. We have just started a new series working through what is very likely to have been the first letter/epistle written in our bibles: The Epistle of James. There’s a flyer available about this series and an empty chair you can fill. Wk 1 BCP Communion Wk 2 Morning Prayer Wk 3 Holy Communion Wk 4 Morning Prayer On the four occasions during the year when there’s a fifth Wednesday in the month we all go down to St John’s Bourne End to worship there. Maureen Lamb’s Thanksgiving Service here at Sunnyside on Monday 19th January was simply an amazing event. Many, many thanks to all those who helped it happen. We are so grateful to God for allowing our lives to be lived alongside somebody as remarkable as Maureen Lamb. Do continue to pray for Larry, Janie and Ian. A collection was taken on the day to be divided between CMS and Sunnyside. Thank you to all those who gave. Sunnyside and CMS received £436 each from the collection on the day. Also thanks to those who gave to our Advent Appeal for The Swan (£250), The Women’s Refuge Hemel (£250) and (£1500) to the DEC fighting the Ebola crisis. 5 Star Kitchen Service! For the past couple of years Jenny Hyatt has been the key person with overall supervision of the kitchen. Having been given a five star rating earlier it was a mammoth task to put in place a new regime and keep the kitchen more than up-to-scratch. She is now handing over to Nicci Boddam-Whetham and we are delighted that Nicci has taken on this task and so very grateful to Jenny for the hours of hard work she’s put in to keep a five-star service going. Our ‘people resources’ are stretched in the kitchen. If you think you may be interested in finding out more, talk to Nicci and offer to lend a hand. Monthly Information Update The Series Continues We did suggest in the January edition that you might want to wait until we’ve produced a few regular issues before overwhelming us with negativity but it’s at least good to know that many people are as passionate about our communication as we are. Stick with it: let’s do all we can to get it right. What’s in a name? You may have read in the media about the new Health Centre in Selby in Yorkshire. They ran a competition in the community to come up with a good name for the new centre. The winner was ‘Selby Health Centre’! How’s that for originality? Similarly, we’d like to decide on a name for this publication too. To be honest, Monthly Information Update hardly trips off the tongue does it? If you’ve any creative suggestions, do let us know. All serious entrants will be considered. There might be a super prize for the winner! There again, there might not. LUNCH CLUB Do you know what happens at Lunch Club? Sadly many Sunnyside people don’t and, when they find out, are quite surprised. A whole team of people come into the kitchen and Breukelman room on Monday morning to clean, Make sure you have a set up and cook. copy of the flyer that Meanwhile another team set off gives you information from home to pick up over twenty on which Psalms are elderly people in their cars. being considered in this They all join together with those new Series. Making time who’ve made their own way here. to read the Psalm Someone will arrive and lead a before coming along to simple time of worship with a worship can make a scripture reading or a personal radical difference to the reflection and then a hymn will be effectiveness of this sung. teaching series. A hearty and nutritious meal with Full details of all our a super pud follows amid much worship services from conversation. Epiphany to Easter in The Lunch Club are always looking this flyer. for more volunteers to help with cooking or transport. Can you spare a bit of time on a Monday – if only once a month to help continue the growth and success of Sunnyside Lunch Club? Speak to John and Barbara Driver if you want to know more. We’ve just begun our series on the Psalms The first issue of this publication in January 2015 certainly generated some feedback – inevitably divided. It was however quite humbling to hear just how much ‘The Sundial’ was appreciated by so many people. Thanks again to all those who had toiled away on the Sundial over the years. February 2015
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