Erasmus+ Programme Placement Offer Form Key Action 1 – Higher Education Students Mobility for Traineeship SCHOOL INFORMATION Name of the school Address inc post code Telephone E-mail Website Number of employees CONTACT DETAILS Contact person for this traineeship Department and designation, job title Direct telephone number E-mail address Primary School no 2 in Luboń, Poland (young learners, age 6-12) Szłoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. hr. Cieszkowskiego w Luboniu Ul. Żabikowska 40 62 - 031 Luboń Poland +48618130392 [email protected] 74 Miss Emilia Wallheim English Teacher +48512359661 [email protected] APPLICATION PROCEDURE Who to apply to (including Miss Emilia Wallheim contact details) [email protected] Deadline for applications (if 30.05.2015 any) Application procedure 1. Please send your CV and application letter to the Traineeship Coordinator at [email protected] 2. All documents will be examined by the committee of teachers by the end of June 2015. Professional skills and competences will be taken into account, together with any information the applicant will consider relevant to the position. 3. The committee will schedule a skype interview with prefferable aplicants. 4. They will receive a reply via email. TRAINEESHIP INFORMATION Subject areas Languages: English and/or German Primary Education and/or Maths and Science, IT and/or Arts and Crafts Location Luboń, Poland (8 minutes out of Poznań by bus) Start Date Duration Working hours per week Description of activities,tasks Luboń is a perfect place to enjoy small town hospitality, local spirit and perks of living in one of the biggest student aglomarations in Poland. You can easily find a student flat in Poznań and work in Luboń. The school coordinator is willing to assist with all every day arragements (e.g. renting a room/flat, city transportation, etc.). September 2015 – the 30th of June 2016 (the dates are flexible) Preferably 5 to 10 months 12-18 hours of ‘school-based’ work per week (any time spent with pupils and any time spent on other work on behalf of the school, such as assisting with european projects or working with the local community) - creating plurilingual enviroment • teaching a foreign language (English or German) • teaching one's own language and culture - observing and supporting subject teachers - teamteaching - planning and teaching one's own subject lessons (CLIL) - developing teaching materials - participating in the school events - organizing extra curricular activities for studens The school is open for any suggestions. The trainee's prefferences will be taken into account before signing the final agreement. COMPETENCES REQUIRED Languages and level of The certified fluency in English (FCE or equivalent / The competence required University Transcript of Records / a recommendation letter). The knowledge of German or any other language will be appreciated.
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