NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO (UNAM) SECRETARY OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERDISCIPLINARY UNIVERSITY SEMINAR ON AGING AND OLD AGE (SUIEV) First International Interdisciplinary Congress on Old Age and Aging 1-C IIVE June 10, 11 and 12, 2015 Congress Venue: Graduate Studies Unit, University Campus, UNAM In 2012, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 11.5% of the world population was over 60 years old, while in more developed regions this group could represent up to 22.6%. UNFPA projections suggest that in 2050, one in five inhabitants on the earth (21.2%) will be over 60. In less developed regions this percentage will be 19.5%, which is almost the same as what is currently observed in more developed regions, where one in three individuals (32%) will be an elderly by 2050. For the National Autonomous University of Mexico, aging is a topic that runs through activities related to reflection, research and teaching among university institutes, departments, centers and programs. In fact, there is increased conscience among college students with regard to the great challenge that world, regional and national population aging represents demographically, socially and individually. There is also consensus that the aging phenomenon cannot be addressed without an interdisciplinary line of thought where teamwork prevails to find optimized solutions in the face of scarce resources. For this reason, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, through the Secretary of Institutional Development (SDI) and the University and Interdisciplinary Seminar on Aging and Old Age (SUIEV) proposes to organize the First International Interdisciplinary Congress on Aging and Old Age (1-CIIVE) to take place under the topic, “To age: A challenge requiring an interdisciplinary approach.” The purpose of this congress is to gather researchers, academics, experts and specialists from Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania with different backgrounds to promote an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, research and experiences on studies and actions oriented towards the generation of a healthy and active aging process. There is a special interest in promoting an intergenerational academic generativity spirit, through which the most consolidated researchers transfer their scientific experience to younger ones, while these exchange their scientific and technological innovation experience through sessions with specialized mentors. 1 1. SCIENTIFIC TOPICS The First International Interdisciplinary Congress on Aging and Old Age (1-CIIVE) is conceived as a space that promotes interdisciplinary dialogue, the reflection on and the exchange of knowledge, acquaintances and formative processes geared towards research and human resources training. The topics to be treated are: Generation of theories and theoretical-methodological perspectives for research on aging and old age; Mixed, quantitative and qualitative technical-methodological strategies; Differences in aging processes, due to inequalities, social classes, and social and cultural diversities such as physical, oral and mental health, mortality, gender, social class, quality of life, social networks, homes and families, intergenerational relationships, communities, sexuality and eroticism, spirituality, violence and abuse, economy, politics, emotions, body, identity and social representations, citizenship, multiculturalism, ethnic issues, migration and transnationalism; Community interdisciplinary practices that promote generativity on aging; Training on educational and technological processes and resources for the attention, care, research and life quality maintenance during old age; Artistic expressions and aesthetics of aging; Aging-oriented prospective, public politics and social action. 2. FORMAT Oral (Length: 12 minutes per presentation). The purpose of the oral presentations is to promote thematic discussion between session participants and the audience. Presentations are expected to be well organized and concrete to facilitate the discussion and to identify the most important contributions during the 1-CIIVE. It is recommended to distribute printed materials to support the presentation (one page or a brochure) with the most relevant information about the work. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to assign some of the proposed oral works as posters. The works that are developed under the identified scientific topics will have priority to be assigned as oral presentation. Poster (Length: 50 minutes per poster). The purpose of the poster presentation is to promote a face-to-face discussion between authors and audience. During the poster exposition time, the author will answer questions and discuss their work with the audience. It is recommended to prepare printed materials as part of the exposition (one page or a brochure) with the most relevant information about the work that can be delivered to those who are interested. Information about the poster’s size will be distributed during the selection process. The poster must provide essential information on the work in exposition, as well as be designed to keep the audience’s attention. The basic sections that must stand out explicitly are: (1) Introduction, (2) Method, (3) Results, and (4) Discussion. Content should be brief and clear, and include artwork or graphic material. (5) References should 2 strictly follow the American Psychological Association’s (APA) publishing criteria. 3. PRESENTATION TYPE Individual (oral or poster). Proposals in Spanish, Portuguese and English will be considered. The Scientific Program Committee will organize the individual submissions into thematic sessions. If an individual submission is accepted as an oral presentation, the speaker will be granted up to 12 minutes for their presentation. Each oral thematic session will have a moderator who will be elected from the session’s participants. The Scientific Program Committee will also organize the poster submissions into thematic sessions. Authors may present in their preferred language but electronic presentations (Power Point, Prezi, etc.) must be in Spanish. Symposium (oral or poster). Oral symposium sessions will last no more than 50 min. and will include 3 to 4 works. Poster symposiums will be exhibited during 50 minutes (see the poster description above). The symposium presentations are expected to generate discussion between presenters and the audience. There will be a moderator integrating the main comments, findings and proposals during symposium. In oral format, each individual submission will have up to 12 minutes to present. Five additional minutes might be considered for critical analysis of the presentations constituting the symposium. It is authors’ obligation to discuss the work with the audience and of the moderator to integrate the main comments on one page. This text will be delivered to the Scientific Committee. A general report will be displayed at the closing session. For both formats (poster and oral), it is suggested that copies of the works presented be distributed. 4. PRESENTATION MODE Research work (oral or poster). (Length: 12 minutes in oral format: 50 minutes in poster format). This is a research data presentation that must include an introduction clearly justifying the work’s contribution to research and logically leading to the issue, method, results and conclusions, following APA’s Publication Style Manual (2014 edition). These will be grouped with similar topics into a session. Case Study (oral or poster). (Length: 12 minutes in oral format: 50 minutes in poster format). This is a description of a concrete professional intervention case considering a specific issue related to aging or old age. The summary must include a description of the issue, evaluation and diagnostic, an explanation of the resources used during the intervention, and the results reached. Data related to the experience’s effectiveness should be included. Each proposal must be submitted SEPARATELY AND ONLY ONCE to the following email address: [email protected] The system will automatically void those proposals sent more than once. Please carefully follow the instructions described on this page. 3 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF SUBMITTED WORKS Submissions discussing theoretical or field research, case reports or professional experiences that meet the following criteria will be considered. Format: Title. Must have 15 words maximum. Topic. Identifies with one of the seven topics described above. If the submitted work does not correspond to any of the topics specified, the author must justify the relevance and pertinence of the topic. Authors’ information: full name (first name and last name), academic degree achieved (Ph.D., Master, Bachelor), institutional affiliation, curricular synthesis (in a five-line paragraph), telephone or cell phone number including country and/or city code, and email address. Abstract (250 to 300 words) and five key words Word-2007 or Word format (.doc or .docx) Times New Roman 12 point font Single line spacing Justified text Each document submitted for presentation to the Scientific Committee must adhere to the following requirements. It is important to clarify that the use of an adequate structure will be the first filter on works selection. Different types of works (theoretical, field or experimental research, case study or professional experience) require different written structures (further details provided below), but in all cases, sections must be clearly identified. Theoretical research ➢ Introduction (precedents, topic problematization, objectives and research question, related to one of the seven Congress topics). ➢ Development (systematized discussion of the issue divided in sections). ➢ Conclusion. ➢ Bibliographical references strictly following APA’s format. 4 Field or Experimental Research • Precedents (issue approach and justification, whether its theoretical or empirical relevance is shown, ideally related to at least one of the seven Congress topics). • Research question and objectives. • Sustained and systematic theoretical framework. • Method, where at minimum, the following four sections must be covered: (a) Participants and sampling method used, (b) Conceptual and operational variable definitions, (c) Applied instruments; if indirect (i.e., attitudinal scales), the psychometric criteria must be detailed (reliability, validity), (d) Procedure, what actions were followed to empirically test the possible hypothesis formulated must be described step by step. • Results, where the findings must be synthesized, sustained and clearly exposed. The formulated research question must be answered or sustained evidence on the hypothesis test provided. • Discussion and conclusions, where results will be analyzed and the explanation will be given based on the data and the theories reviewed. • Bibliographical references strictly following APA’s format. Case study or professional experience: ➢ Identification of the issue to be treated, ideally related to one of the seven Congress topics ➢ Determine objective(s) ➢ Description of participants and/or social context ➢ Intervention method (individual or communitarian), where the intervention strategy was applied, the duration, and how possible changes were documented and must be explained • Achieved goal(s) • Scope and limitations ➢ Bibliographical references strictly following APA’s format 6. PUBLISHING PROPOSAL The proposed and accepted presentations submitted to the 1-CIIVE’s system may be published in the Aging and Interdisciplinary: Challenges, issues and solutions book 5 (tentative title) with the works that meet the following requirements. 7. PUBLISHING REQUIREMENTS ➢ Use font Times New Roman, 12 point font, single line spacing without formatting instructions. ➢ Maximum title length 15 words. ➢ Include author’s information, including first and last name and institutional affiliation of each of the authors presenting a work. Include email and cell phone number. ➢ Submission length: minimum 1500 words, maximum 2700 words for individual works. ➢ For the symposium, abstracts should have a minimum-maximum length of 500-750 words and full individual works submitted to the symposium should be no more than 2700 words. ➢ Document attachments. Must follow the guidelines set on the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (2014 edition) Manual Moderno, Mexico. ➢ Do not include artwork. ➢ Only if strictly necessary, graphics or tables, may be included as part of the same text submitted for evaluation; these need to be auto-contained and edited within the same .doc or .docx text. ➢ In any case, the 2700-word limit can be exceeded to include graphics or tables ➢ Please make sure to select adequate descriptors that will allow easy location of your work according to participants (elderly, middle age) and the issues addressed. Try to classify your work under one of the proposed topics or clearly propose the topic related to old age and aging that your work addresses. ➢ Capture all of the required information under the Congress section in SUIEV’s website: ➢ The system will reject proposals that do not fulfill length requirements. ➢ You may only submit 2 works as primary author and 3 as coauthor, with no more than 5 works per person. ➢ Only registered Congress participants will receive an attendance certificate. 6 8. AWARDS In order to promote generativity on the study of aging and old age, awards and acknowledgements will be granted to the best works presented under the following categories: a. Best graduate scientific research work. Oral and poster formats. b. Best undergraduate scientific research work. Oral and poster formats. c. Best institutional innovation work proposed by governmental organizations. d. Best community outreach by NGOs e. Best innovation work for private sector companies. 9. PROPOSAL DUE DATES Works may be submitted after the date on which this call is published and ending on March 15, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. (Local time in Mexico City ) At this time, the system will close and no further uploads will be allowed. Submission acceptance letters will be sent no later than April 15, 2015. The scientific program will be delivered to the authors through email by April 30, 2015. Selected submissions will be published only if, at minimum, the primary author’s registration fee is paid before May 1st, 2015. Each proposal must be submitted SEPARATELY AND ONLY ONCE to the following email address: [email protected] Important dates: March 15. Closing of proposal reception through online system and email. April 15. Delivery of decision on evaluated works and acceptance letters April 30: Scientific program issued April 30: Deadline for receiving the registration fee of those interested in having their accepted works published in the Congress book. 10. COMMITTEES Dra. Verónica Montes de Oca –1-CIIVE President. Dra. María Montero y López Lena – Scientific Committee Coordinator. 7 Dra. Pilar Alonso – Finance Coordinator Dr. Lukasz Czarnecki – Linking and Public Relations Coordinator Mtra. Rosaura Avalos – Logistics Coordinator Mtra. Waltraut Rosas – Dissemination and Socio-cultural Events Coordinator Function of Committees: Scientific Committee. Establishes the guidelines for submission selection, coordinates submission review and selection based on which the congress program will be developed. Coordinates the lectures, organizes the symposium, structures the thematic tables with free talks and coordinates the process through which the best submissions will be granted awards. It will also compile the congress book as well as its general report. Finance Committee. Establishes payment methods for registration as well as for the event’s funding. Supervises the transparency of resource-handling as well as the equilibrium on the funding provided by involved agencies. Linking and Public Relations Committee. Establishes and strengthens the links with government, health services, transformation and education institutions that could be strategic for the 1-CIIVE development. Plans for the creation of an interagency directory which will identify the strategic contacts for the 1-CIIVE development at the UNAM’s departments and at universities around the country, NGO’s, sponsors, governmental institutions (IMSS: CASAAM, INAPAM, IAAM-GDF), as well as from the national and international private sector (i.e. PNUD-ONU). Logistics Committee. Generates and coordinates the critical path to be followed for optimal 1-CIIVE development. Monitors the time and movement of different committees and supports resource funding to achieve planned activities. Dissemination and Socio-cultural Events Committee. Organizes creativity workshops for late Fridays and Saturdays when possible. Promotes and generates actions on electronic, printed and digital massive media that will allow periodic, intense and convincing 1-CIIVE broadcasting. Responsible for the socio-cultural events congruent with the congress topic. Works with the logistics committee to coordinate the congress opening, its complementary events and the closing session. Works alongside the Scientific Committee to program and coordinate possible field trips to locations relevant to the Congress topic. 8 Dr. José Narro Robles Honorary President Dra. Verónica Montes de Oca Congress President National and International Advisory Committee SUIEV Steering Committee Ronald Angel (University of Texas At Austin) Fernando Berriel (UDELAR de Uruguay) Carlos Echarri Cánovas El Colegio de México 9 Beltrina Cote (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Sao Paulo) Rita María De Cassia (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa) Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) José Miguel Guzmán (ICF International) Alexander Kalache (President, International Longevity Centre - Brazil Senior Advisor on Global Aging, the New York Academy of Medicine HelpAge International Global Ambassador on Ageing) Rosita Kornfeld (United Nations Organization) Julieta Oddone (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-Argentina) Enrique Peláez (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba) Julio Pérez (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Vicente Rodríguez (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Fermina Rojo (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) Francisco Trigo (Secretaría de Desarrollo Institucional-UNAM) 10 Scientific Committee María Montero (Facultad de Psicología) Linking and Public Relations Committee Lukasz Czarnecki (Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas) María del Pilar Alonso (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM) Graciela Casas (Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social) Aline Cintra Viveiro (Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, campus León, Gto.) Enrique Cruz (FES-Aragón, UNAM) Aída Díaz-Tendero (Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, UNAM) Carlos D´Hyver (Facultad de Medicina) Celia Facio (Facultad de Arquitectura) Fátima Fernández Christlieb (Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM) Luis Miguel Mendoza (Facultad de Odontología) Víctor Mendoza (FES-Zaragoza, UNAM) Mercedes Pedrero (Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, UNAM) Paulina Rivero Weber (Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM) María Elodia Robles (Facultad de Derecho) Rocío Salceda Sacanelles ((Instituto de Fisiología Celular) Marissa Vivaldo (FES-Zaragoza, UNAM) Asunción Álvarez (Facultad de Medicina) Rosaura Avalos (Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social) Enrique Cruz (FES-Aragón, UNAM) Margarita Maass (Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM) María Inés Ortiz (Instituto de Geografía) Antonio Ruezga Barba (FES-Acatlán, UNAM) 11 Logistics Committee Rosaura Avalos (Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social) Cruz Álvarez Padilla (Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas) Ilse Hernández Yael Pérez López Alejandra Santiago Carlos Solís Finance Committee María del Pilar Alonso (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM) Alfonso Ayala (Secretaría de Desarrollo Institucional) José Antonio Flores (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM) Rodolfo Velarde (Secretaría de Desarrollo Institucional) Cultural Events Committee Waltraut Rosas (Centro de Enseñanzas para Extranjeros, UNAM) Teodolinda Balcazar (Jardín Botánico, Instituto de Biología) Josafat Aguilar (Dirección de Teatro) Fernando Quintanar (FES-Iztacala, UNAM) Luis Alberto Vargas (Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas) Dissemination Committee Waltraut Rosas (Centro de Enseñanzas para Extranjeros, UNAM) Teodolinda Balcazar (Jardín Botánico, Instituto de Biología) Graciela Casas (Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social) Mercedes García (Facultad de Contaduría y Administración) 10. REGISTRATION FEES Category Professors and researchers: Students with valid student ID: Accredited Civil Society Organization members: Accredited governmental institution officers: General audience Attendees without certificate 500.00 MXN 300.00 MXN 300.00 MXN Speakers 500.00 MXN 1,500.00 MXN 300.00 MXN 500.00 MXN 1,500.00 MXN 1,000.00 MXN 1,000.00 MXN 11. TRANSPORTATION AND PLACES OF INTEREST NEAR THE 1-CIIVE VENUE (check billboard): Available transportation: Subway (metro), metrobus, internal buses Universum Museum 12 University Museum of Contemporary Art Netzahualcóyotl Concert Hall Juan Ruiz de Alarcón Theatre National Library UNAM’s Film Archive movie theatres Miguel Covarrubias Hall (Classical and contemporary dance) Sculptural Space Nearby restaurants: Graduate Unit dining hall; “Azul y Oro”, “Nube Siete” and Universum’s Restaurant Visit: Hotels link in South Área in Mexico City 13
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