Reuven H. Taff Rabbi The Weekly Scroll Benjamin Rosner Cantor George Wald Cantor Emeritus Mission Statement Mosaic Law Congregation is the vibrant, spiritual home for all members of the Sacramento region seeking a life of Jewish education and support within the framework of Conservative Judaism. Irit S. Winston Director of Education & Youth David Long President Vision Statement A thriving, vibrant Conservative Jewish congregation, whose members are invested and engaged in creating a welcoming, participatory synagogue for the betterment of the Jewish community, the greater Sacramento area and the world. Shabbat February 7, 2015 | 18 Shevat 5775 | Parshat: Yitro Torah: Exodus 19:1 - 20:22 page 400 | Maftir: Exodus 20:20 - 22 page 412 Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1 - 7:6; 9:5 - 6 page 1154 Friday, 2/6 (17 Shevat) 10am-1pm: KOH Library Open 1-4pm: Gift Shop Open 5:15pm: Candle Lighting 6pm: NO Kabbalat Shabbat (Chapel) 7:30pm: Friday Night Live Service followed by an Oneg (Sanctuary) Shabbat, 2/7 (18 Shevat) 9am: Shacharit Service/Siddur Ceremony (Sanctuary) 9am: Learner’s Service (Chapel) 9am: USY Schmooze (YL) 11am: Tot Shabbat (Rm 8) 6:25pm: Havdalah Sunday, 2/8 (19 Shevat) 9am: Shacharit Minyan (Chapel) 9am: Religious School 9:30am-12:30pm: Gift Shop Open 10am-1pm: KOH Library Open 11:30am: Larry Anapolsky Unveiling (HoP) 12:30pm: Perachim & B’nai Mazel Event (Offsite) 2pm: 2nd Night Seder General Meeting (YL) Monday, 2/9 (20 Shevat) 7:15am: Shacharit Minyan (Chapel) 10am-1pm: KOH Library Open 1:30pm: Rabbi Melamed Discussion Group (KOH) 5:45pm: Ma’ariv Minyan (Chapel) 4:30-5:30pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (Rm 8) 4:30-6pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (Rm 6/7) 6:30pm: Hillel Board Meeting (YL) 7:15pm: Choir Rehearsal (SH) MLC Events Bernard A. Goldberg, Poet, Playwright, Educational Consultant, will present “Accessible Torah: Finding Common Ground in Biblical Faith: Windows, Gateways, and Narrative Subtleties in Universal Patterns” Sat, Feb 14, following Services (1-2:30pm) in the Chapel. Friday Nights - For those needing to say kaddish as well as making our Fridays much more dynamic, here is a schedule of Friday Night activities: Traditional Friday Night Services are at 6pm followed by a dairy Oneg when there is no additional programming. Friday Night Live or Shabbat Under the Stars - The 1st Fri of every month depending on weather (but not during Passover), followed by a dairy Oneg. Shabbat Unplugged - Mar 20. These are traditional Shabbat service with only classical guitar accompaniment. They start at 6pm followed by a dairy Oneg. Tuesday, 2/10 (21 Shevat) 5:45pm: Ma’ariv Minyan (Chapel) 4:30-5:45pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (SH) 4:30-6pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (Rm 6/7) 6:30-8:30pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (Rm 6/7) 7pm: Torah Reading Class (Rm 3) Wednesday, 2/11 (22 Shevat) 3-6pm: Gift Shop Open 4pm: Religious School 4:30-6pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (Sanctuary) 4:30-6pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (SH) 5:45pm: Ma’ariv Minyan 7pm: MLC Board Meeting (YL) Thursday, 2/12 (23 Shevat) 7:15am: Shacharit Minyan (Chapel) 10am-1pm: KOH Library Open 4:30-6pm: Sac Children’s Chorus (Rm 6/7) 5:45pm: Ma’ariv Minyan (Chapel) 5:45pm: Adult Meditation Class (Rm 2) Friday, 2/13 (24 Shevat) 10am-1pm: KOH Library Open 1-4pm: Gift Shop Open 3pm: RS 2nd & 3rd Grade at Einstein 5:23pm: Candle Lighting 5:30pm: Shabbat Shalom in the Home 6pm: Kabbalat Shabbat (Chapel) Shabbat, 2/14 (25 Shevat) 9am: Shacharit Service (Sanctuary) 11am: Tot Shabbat (Rm 8) 1pm: Accessible Torah with Bernie Goldberg (Chapel) 6:32pm: Havdalah Shababababa Services - Feb 20 and May 15. For families and grandparents with kids 0-8 followed by dinner. RSVP by going online or by calling Mary. RSVPs must be received by the Tue before the event. Cultural Programming and Concerts Come to MLC for music lessons! Teachers use our facilities to teach more than 20 instruments. This also raises money for the synagogue! For more information, go to content/music-lessons-mlc. Os Lorenzos Band featuring Marc Epstein - Mar 28 at 8:30pm, at the KOH Library and Cultural Center, following Shabbat with Latin Jazz and Choros from Brazil. J-JAM Returns! - Sunday May 31st at approximately 4:15pm. Keep your eyes open for another in partnership with Beth Shalom at the Einstein Center, showcasing the musical talents of the Sacramento Jewish Community. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The MLC Second Night Passover Seder returns Sat night, Apr 4! You won't want to miss Rabbi Mosaic Law Congregation 2300 Sierra Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95825 916-488-1122 Visit our website at Taff and Cantor Rosner as they lead the seder and delight, educate, and entertain you, your family, and your friends! We will sing, tell stories, and enjoy a gourmet meal catered by none other than Master Chef, Yair Luria! Register online at or look for the Seder flyer with tear-off registration section in the foyer. RSVP early to enjoy early-bird ticket prices! ESCAPE THE ORDINARY-- ESCAPE FROM EGYPT! at the Mosaic Law Second Night Passover Seder! Announcing two future dates for Shabbat Shalom in the Home: Feb 13 and May 8. Shabbat Shalom in the Home is a free quarterly Shabbat home hospitality event for Mosaic Law members and friends. Celebrate Shabbat and get to know your fellow congregants in an informal home setting. To sign up as either a host or a guest, please contact Alla Gamarnik at 392-5782 or the MLC office or fill out a host or guest questionnaire which can be found on the Mosaic Law website. Please email the questionnaire to [email protected] or drop it off at the Mosaic Law office. for helping to fund this mitzvah. This is intended to be an ongoing project. If interested in either, please contact Caren Zorman at [email protected]. MLC Religious School Religious School will meet on Feb 8, 11, 18, 22 and 25. No school on Feb 15. Siddur Ceremony - Sat, Feb 7. All Mosaic Law children and parents are invited to attend the Siddur ceremony. 3rd graders will receive a Siddur and 6th graders a Tikkun. The children will participate on the bimah with the Shabbat prayers. At 10am they will have a weekly parsha telling from Leslie Kuperstein! The service will be followed by lunch in the Social Hall. SAVE THE DATE - March 1 - MLC's Education Committee is conducting a drawing for a car. The drawing will be held at the Purim Carnival on March 1st. Tickets will be on sale from Feb 1st to Mar 1st. Interested in taking a Conversational Hebrew Class? Classes will begin Wed, Feb 25 and continue every Wed for 12 weeks from 5:15-6:15pm. Fee is $15 per class or $180 for the course. Contact Irit at (916) 488-1122 x17 or [email protected]. Youth Services Forming Mosaic Law Congregation Havurot - Havurah is a word derived from Hebrew for "friend." Havurot are groups created to facilitate friendships within our congregation. If interested, please email Jan Linver at [email protected]. Upcoming Women's Network Events Mark your calendars now for these two exciting events: Women's Network Shabbat - Saturday, February 21 at 9am. Vashti's Banquet - Sunday, March 8th - 12-2pm Lunch in the Red Tent, honoring our MLC Women of Valor, an inspiring speaker (to be revealed next week) and much camaraderie. Dues - If you have not yet paid your 2014-2015 Annual Dues, please do so today so that you may join us for these events. Dues are $40 and should be made out to MLC Women's Network. The MLC Isaiah Team for Tikkun Olam is hosting an overnight shelter for approximately 100 homeless individuals on Monday night Mar 23. In addition to providing a warm, secure space to spend the night, we will provide a warm dinner, evening entertainment or fellowship, and a morning meal. If you would like to help obtain, prepare, or serve food, spend time with an individual for one evening, or collect/donate toiletries to distribute to our guests before they leave, please contact Chuck Adelman 425-2957 or Marilyn Bargman 709-4065. Once we were slaves and now we are free - to clean! Please share your time and energy to help clean and kasher our Mosaic Law kitchen for Passover and our Second Night Seder. Shifts will be scheduled between Wednesday March 25 and Wednesday April 1. Please contact Ricki Lobel at [email protected] or 916-3637066 to volunteer and to choose your hours. Thank you in advance for your help with this great mitzvah! 4th Annual Kiddush Cup Golf Tournament – Fri, Jun 12. This year we’ll be returning to the beautiful Whitney Oaks Golf Club. Registration 7am with continental breakfast, shotgun start 8am, kosher BBQ after golf. Registration fee is $125.00 per golfer; sponsorship opportunities available. Contact Steve Turtletaub (916) 549-3725 for more information. Shemesh Camp - MLC has scheduled a summer camp for children between 3yrs and 6th grade. They would like to offer swimming lessons for the children. If you have a backyard pool that would be available for swim lessons, please contact Irit S. Winston at (916) 488-1122 x117 or [email protected]. Volunteer Opportunities - Have you been visiting the sick or homebound? MLC is pleased to announce the opportunity to bring homemade chicken soup to those who are recovering from illness or hospitalization. The soup is located in the MLC kitchen; if you’re interested in taking some to a MLC congregant, please contact JoAnne to arrange access. Volunteer opportunities also exist for those who want to participate in the making of the soup and/or Tot Shabbat - This weekly service is for children 5 years and under, 11-11:50am in Rm 8. This is a parent-led volunteer cooperative. KOH Library Events Our hours are: Sun, Mon, Thu and Fri: 10am to 1pm; Wed: 9am – 12pm and 1pm – 6pm. We are also available as needed – just call ahead to be sure someone is here to assist you (916) 485-4143. Ongoing Groups Rabbi Melamed’s Discussion Group – Meets at 1:30pm the second Mon of each month. Hadassah Discussion Group – Meets every other Wed at 9:45am. Contact Soni Meyer for more information: (916) 383-5743 A Night of Yiddish Music and Culture Sat, Feb 21 at 7:00pm. Adults-$10, Seniors/Students - $5. This is a fundraiser for the KOH Music Series & MLC Music Programs. Reservations/ Questions? Contact Taliah Berger at 916-541-3720 KOH Film Club/Special Speaker - February 22nd - "Novia Que Te Vea" (Like A Bride) - 2pm This film is about two Jewish teenagers growing up in Mexico City in the 60s. One is from a Sephardic Jewish background. Her relatives came from Turkey to Mexico. They speak Ladino, the language spoken by the Jews in Spain. She has a big family. The other has only her parents and one uncle. Her family was executed during the Holocaust. Rejecting the social and political traditions, will they find happiness? One of the very first movies regarding the Jewish community in Mexico City. Our speaker, Elias Baron, was born and raised in Mexico City during the time period of this film. He will be speaking about his experiences growing up a Jew in Mexico City, the connection the Jews in Mexico have to Israel and the film. Community Passover Seder Planning Group Meeting - Sun, Feb 8, at 2pm in the Mosaic Law Youth Lounge. The meeting will only last 60 minutes, refreshments will be served. If you have an interest in providing your input into the planning, promotion, and preparation (from how the tables are to be set to how the Haggadah is to be read) please come and offer your important opinions, and get involved early on what is expected to be one of the greatest Seders since the Exodus. In honor of its Founder’s Day, National Council of Jewish Women Sacramento Section presents a one-time-only theatrical reading of SEVEN, a groundbreaking work of documentary theater. Based on personal interviews, it tells the gripping stories of seven women from around the world whose tremendous courage led them to become leaders empowering women in Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Cambodia and Guatemala. Sun, Feb 22 from 2-4pm at Congregation Bnai Israel, 3600 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento. Video Tribute “Book” - Copies of the video tribute are available for purchase for $5 each. Contact JoAnne in the office if you’d like to purchase a copy. Introduction to Judaism, Part 1 - Begins Feb 15. The course has been designed with multiple audiences in mind, including committed Jews who are involved with a congregation and would like to fill in gaps in their basic Jewish education; those who might be totally unfamiliar with Judaism; Taught primarily by Dr. Zuckerman with area rabbis serving as guest lecturers. Register by February 8th. $180 for all sessions. 7-9pm at the Jewish Federation, 2130 21st. St., Sacramento. Register online; email your registration form Yom N’suin Sameah… Yom Huledet Sameah… Justin Davidoff Sheila Swift Elena Friedman-Weiss Daniel Gumpert Benjamin & Pamela Wald Gayle Merksamer Andrea Rosenblume Gay Tanner Dana Kleiman Harvey Edber Larry Long Todah Rabah to our Kiddush/Oneg Sponsors, Hosts & Co-Sponsors: Anonymous Alan Lewis Honor your family & support the synagogue by hosting or co-sponsoring a Kiddush or an Oneg. Mail your check or pay on-line at to [email protected]; or mail/drop off your form and payment to the Federation office. A Part 2 class will be held if there is interest from the community. For more information, contact [email protected] or 916-486-0906 ext. 310. The Federation Kosher Food Pantry is in need of items! Please consider donating non-perishable and hechshered goods such as pasta/sauce, peanut butter, canned fruits/vegetables, breakfast cereals, tuna, beans, rice, and crackers as well as toilet paper and laundry detergent. Items may be delivered to the Federation during regular business hours. If you are in need and would like to access the Food Pantry, contact Federation's Community Social Worker Alicia Mittleman at 916-205-0688. Strict confidentiality maintained. For more information, contact Elissa Provance at [email protected] or 916-486-0906 ext. Michael & Elisa Levy Justin Berg Rande Zaretsky Eliana Kurzrock Marie Levander Jordan Anapolsky Jacqueline Anapolsky Shirley Cohodes Jerry Merksamer Judah Rosen Rita Abbott Edmond Yaghoubian Donald Zimmerman In Memoriam… The congregation extends its condolences to… Ann Kerub on the loss of her dear husband, and our dear member, Joe Kerub, of blessed memory. Shiva Minyanim will be held at 7pm on Sat, Feb 7th and Sun, Feb 8th at the home of Dale Cohen (Ann Kerub's mother), 4709 Thor Way, Carmichael, 95608. Yahrzeits… Aliza Ambar Herman Bailin Minnie Bangle HeinzEdelmuth Leo Edelstein Dr. Dennis Eiselman Abraham Elfenbaum Edith Friedman Joan Gollub Julius Greenberg Dean Hoffman Zvi Igra Jules Katz KOH Library and Cultural Center Expanded Hours: Sun, Mon, Thu and Fri: 10am to 1pm; Wed: 9am – 12pm and 1pm – 6pm. We are also available as needed – just call ahead to be sure someone is here to assist you (916) 485-4143. Jennifer Kuttner Donald Landrum Jennie Lang Robert Lehrfeld Frank Loevner Joseph Morvai Tzalach Navi Muriel Nelson Irene Raphael Bernice Ross David Wald Florence Weinberger Bruce Yurman Gift Shop Hours Wednesday - 3-6pm; Fridays 1-4pm, Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm Appointments welcome! Contact Carol Loew at (916) 927-5220. MISHEBAYRACH LIST, February 7, 2015 To add or delete a name, contact the synagogue office at 916-488-1122 or [email protected]. Mark Angeles – friend of Ricki Lobel Seymour Bachmuth (Simcha Haim ben Moshe) – brother of Rita Abbott Robert Balentine – friend of Sandra Bear James Bangle – brother of Judy Persin Martin Baron (Menachem Mendel ben Chanah) – father of Andy Baron Micha Ben-Reuven (Micha ben Breina) – husband of Lisa Ben-Reuven Harry Beskind (Aharon ben Peretz) – friend of Larry & Evie Lieb Steven Block – husband of Cheryl Block Anthony Bustos – friend of the Sokoler Family Chaim Pinkus ben Leah – father-in-law of Jennifer Saltzman Phillips Mark Cohn (Mordechai ben Sarah Rivka) Craig Deutsch – nephew of Shirley Cohodes – friend of the Lawson family Jan DeVries – in-law of Molly & Bernie Goldberg Lane Edwards – friend of Josh Winston Aaron Ettenberg – friend of the Erle Family Abe Faierstein (Avraham ben Basia) – father of Miriam Satin Ian Farrand – family friend of Gay & Paul Tanner Benjamin Fisher – friend of Hy Kashenberg Jerry Fogler (Yochanan ben Bayla) - husband of Nancy Fogler Irv Frumberg (Yitzchak ben Anna) Larry Garber – friend of Jonathan Lightman Arnold & Eddie Gold – friends of Dianne & Mark Cohn Kenny Husak – son of Ruth Elkin’s friend Allen Green (Avrum) – husband of Carolyn Green Harvey Haymore Frank Hebroni (Mordechai Chayim ben Channah) – nephew of Hilda Sadigh Harouni David Hersh (Yehoushua David ben Chenya) – son-in-law of Jerry & Nancy Fogler J. Hindman – colleague of Minna Erle Ethan Kadish (Eytan Chaim ben Elisheva) – son of Alexia & Scott Kadish Yehoshua ben Ruchel – father of Sara Kahn Shapiro Louis Kaplan (Aryeh Leib ben Chaiykah) Marc Kopeikin – friend of Renee Schaffer Tsudik Krivoy (Tsudik ben Miriam) – uncle of Alla Gamarnik Seymour Kupperman – grandfather of Marlo Dewing Peter Kuttner (Meier Zvi ben Avraham) – husband of Susan Kuttner Edward Lackner – father of Nancy Brodovsky Abraham Joseph Levy (Avraham Yosef ben Margaret) – father of Lisa Breslau Colin Leslie – brother of Denise Gottlieb Steven Levick – fiance of Jonathan Lightman’s niece Dr. Rick Lewis – friend of Karen & Steve Polansky Gil Linver (Gidalya ben Rachel) – husband of Janice Linver Benjamin Lipman (Binyamin Yosef ben Rachel) – friend of the Singers Yuval Luria (Yuval ben Ayala Ronit) Les Malkin (Eliezar ben Shlomo Yacov) – husband of Enid Malkin Herb Marks (Chaim Mendel) – husband of Maddy Marks Irwin Marks – brother of Herb Marks Howard Menaker – cousin of Nancy Brodovsky Mordechai Chanan ben David – cousin of Daniel Engel Moshe ben Chana Noach ben Hannah Joseph Pedott – friend of Alan Brodovsky Mark Pullen – friend of the Shaffers Rav Avraham David ben Tobah Leah Jack Reuben (Yakov ben Sarah) – father of Carolyn Green Jay Rosenheim (Yaakov ben Nechama Yehudit) Jerry Roth (Moshe Gershon ben Tziporah) Marvin Roth - Bernie and Molly Goldberg’s nephew-in-law Richard Schaffer – brother of Michael Schaffer Ben Schuster (Binyamin ben Bayla) Donald Schwartz (David ben Yita) – brother of Judy Lewis David Spitzer James A. Steiger – dear friend of JoAnne Eastus Evans Alan Sukin (Avraham Yosef ben Sivia) Alan Verpukhovsky (Ariel ben Yelena) – Son of Alex Verpukhovsky & Yelena Lipskaya Axel Wruck – father-in-law of Craig Samoville David Warren (David ben Manya) Yisroel Yitzchak ben Rina Leah Clay York – friend of Jonathan Lightman Shamai ben Tirtza Stanley Zalkind – friend of Jerry Scheinberg Zechariah ben Leah Cory Zimmerman – friend of Cantor Ben Rosner The Clark Family All the wounded Israeli and American soldiers Cheryl (Chaya Rivkeh bat Shayana Yentyl - (niece of Jerry Fogler) Ahuva bat Leah Golda Aliza bat Sara Rebecca Lindy Asch (Leah bat Chanah) Basha bat Elka – mother of Rabbi Carol Stein Gloria Bennett – cousin of Barbara & Davina Dubnick Bracha bat Shoshana – sister of Victor Strasser Anna Mae Bolar – friend of Beverly & Art Zimmerman Bruria bat Esther Sara Blincoe Ellene Cain (Chava Mindel bat Bracha) Amy Call Moren – friend of Victor & Tara Strasser Ellen Carsch – sister of Sybil Jakob Naomi Caspe - Bernie & Molly Goldberg’s niece Mei-Shui Tu Ben Jien Chang – friend of Cantor Ben Marcia Cohen (Malkah bat Sara) – mother of Michael Rochman Vicki Finberg Cox – niece of Shirley Cohodes Mackenzie Craven – friend of Lauer family Tami Crohn Natalie D’Souza – friend of Art & Beverly Zimmerman Suzanne Herrera Estrada – relative of Doris Walters Julie Flax (Bracha Aviva bat Vitka Chana) – sister of Dana Kurzrock Tammie Fogler-Hersh (Tova Richte bat Chana) – daughter of Jerry & Nancy Fogler Penny Frampton – mother of Taliah Berger Esther Friedman Rita Frumberg – wife of Irv Frumberg Fran Gearhard – sister of Ron Meyer Sharon Goby – friend of Nancy Brodovsky Rachel Goldmark – daughter of Chuck & Marcia Goldmark Diane Golub – sister of Rosalie Roth Laura Green (Yoseffa Ariella bat Sarah) Eve Grossman – friend of Jennifer Barth & Louise Caplan Amy Hare & Glen (husband) – friends of Marily Benson Jacklin Harouni (Esther bat Rachel) – sister of Jack Harouni Sara Haroinu (Salhab bat Tavous) – mother of Tamara Davidoff Karen Herman (Leah bat Sara) – friend of Joel Zimmerman Jan Highman (Shunamit bat Sarah) Taffy Hoffman (Chava bat Ruth) - mother of Deborah Gonzalez Ashraf Elishah Javanifard – mother of Johnny Javanifard Carla Kamhi - mother of Tamar Lazarus Dale Katz (Devorah bat Batia) – sister of Allen Greenberg Joyce Katz – sister-in-law of Lorraine Katz Piri Katz (Teril bat Chaia Blema) – mother of Simone Naftulin Anna Kaufman – mother of Terry Kaufman Tamara Kinevesky (Tova Mara Mindl bat Miriam) – mother of Alla Gamarnik Karen Kubel Keys – cousin of Sue Sperber Sophia Komsky Sarah Levy (Sarah Rivkah bat Elisheva) – daughter of Elisa and Mike Levy Phyllis Limberg (Fruma bat Masha) – daughter of Martha Limberg Frankie Lopez – friend of Leslie Kuperstein Sandra Lutzker (Sarah Leah bat Tovah Gitel) – sister of Joyce Weinberg Malka bat Shoshanah Enid Malkin (Eta Leah bat Basha) – wife of Les Malkin Joni Mehler-Taylor (Yona Pessah) – daughter of Robert Mehler Marlene Michaels (Malka bat Raizel) – wife of Randy Michaels Rachel Muhlstein – friend of Beverly & Art Zimmerman Aly Pachter – daughter of Richard & Terry Pachter Natalie Paris – friend of Judy Kahler Pat (Pescha bat Sarah) – friend of Sandra Bear Carol Brodovsky Pinto – cousin of Alan Brodovsky Meg Powell – mother-in-law of Jason Kamras Diane Pfaff (Devorah bat Tovah Gittel) – sister of Joyce Weinberg Carole Plack – friend of Mike & Betsy Singer Gwen Rich (Gabriella bat Sarah) – daughter-in-law of Sharyn & Lloyd Rich Tori Rogers (Batya Bat Yochevid) - daughter of Jackie Saltz Michelle Rosmarin (Miriam Shaindel bat Frimit) – cousin of Sid Rosenberg Hillary Ross (Hannah bat Malka) Andrea Rubin – cousin of Sheli Varshawsky Sara bat Rachel Maya Salomon Patty Sandoval – friend of Sandi Fahn Andrea Schaffer Lublin – niece of Michael Schaffer Tatiana Shafer – friend of Dianne Cohn Shayna bat Bracha Shlomit bat Bella – cousin of Jonathan Lightman Tillie Schiff (Toibel bat Genendel) Sandra Shaffer (Shulamit bat Rachel) - wife of Lloyd Shaffer Carolyn Steiger – dear friend of JoAnne Eastus Evans Tara Strasser (Tamar bat Guta) – wife of Victor Strasser Eunice Swartz – sister of Sheli Varshawsky Rita Swedlow (Rivka bat Yohoved) Shlomtzion Janofsky Simcha bat Hadas Malkah Tilla bat Brundl – mother of Sara Kahn Shapiro Linda Tossman – good friend of Ed and Rita Abbott Rivkah Tziporah bat Leah Nina Turkov - friend of Barbara & Davina Dubnick Katherine Wexler (Malkah bat Hannah) – sister of Charlotte Ballard Samantha Witcher – friend of Mirie Levy Yarden bat Bat Sheva – friend of Yossi & Sara Shapiro Yehudit bat Esther – friend of Candace Evans
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