Port Ludlow Yacht Club February 2015 JIB SHEET The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. William A. Ward Commodore’s Column As we start the New Year, January is a very busy month for our board members as we plan out the activities for the year. We have many new members on our board and I have discovered they are very hard working, organized and I am very appreciative of their efforts. Our club calendar has come together and you can now find it on our Web Site. To get there, go to the Events and Activities page then look for the link at the bottom. One of our first tasks we have to complete is the dues renewal process that our Secretary Chris Dean is coordinating. We started this process earlier this year to allow us to get the directory and budget completed early. If you haven’t already sent in your dues renewal, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for renewing your membership in our club and thank you Chris for all the work you are doing in organizing the renewal process and directory update. As we look at our budget for 2015, our Treasurer BJ Luce is finalizing the numbers and it will be reviewed/approved at our next board meeting in February. Our Vice Commodore Steve Antoine is busy looking at the requirement of the Wreck Room for this year. June Antoine, our WR Coordinator and Debie Svik, our Special Events Coordinator have been busy scheduling and planning events for the year. Please support these ladies by visiting the Wreck Room and volunteering for events when they put out the call for help. Rear Commodore Anne Burrell-Smith is also busily planning for Training Day. This is one of our clubs big events and will be held April 11th at the Beach Club. I am sure Anne will be putting out calls for help and I again ask for your support. It is so important to kick off the boating season with some training to refresh our minds and skill sets. - continued - Upcoming Events Board of Directors Meeting – February 4th , 2015 Wreck Room is Open Most Wednesdays and Fridays Valentines Events at the Wreck Room February 13th Mardi Gras Event at the Wreck Room February 17th Business Meeting & Officers Open House March 14th She has been busy ordering new items and selling at all events. Come on down and take a look at what she has done and help support our club. Commodore’s Column — continued Past Commodore Steve Hall will be heading our clubs nomination committee to recruit new leaders to serve on the board. He will first recruit members to serve on his committee. We do not have a Sail Captain again this year as no one volunteer to take on this job. I know there are a lot of sailors out there and I am putting out a call for help!! If there is anyone who would like to take on this task and help revamp our sailing program, please come talk to us. We would love to have you on the board and want to help establish a robust sailing program. Our JAG Janet McKinnon has returned back to PL after an extended stay in Mexico. Janet provides us with legal council and looks after our insurance portfolio for the club. Fleet Captain Sheila Brunstad has been very busy planning for the cruising season ahead. Cruise directors have been selected for all cruises and a Cruisers Kick-Off party was held at the Wreck Room January 20th. It is very exciting that we have volunteer directors and cruises planned so early in the season. Good Job Sheila! On 16 January we had a Thank Deanne event at the Wreck Room. As most you know, Deanne has been the WR coordinator this past year and has done a stellar job. We had a well attended potluck to thank her for all the time, sweat and tears she put into the job. Thank You Deanne!! And Thank You Olav!! Wishing you two the Best of luck in your next adventure in life. I am sure you will have many visitors come visit you down in New Orleans. I am also please to announce that Jeanne Joseph and Sherrie Robinson will be having their women’s only boating and boat handling course this year that had been so well attended and received in the past. This will be modified from the course they had presented in the past but I am very excited to know they will be putting this on. Ladies – please stay tuned and sign up when these skilled boaters want to share their knowledge with you. Crossing the Bar: Lastly, it is with great sadness that I report the passing of Bill Whitney, a long time PLYC member and Past Commodore (1996). I met Bill a couple years ago at a Christmas event and discovered I had gone to high school with his son in Beirut, Lebanon while Bill was working in Saudi Arabia. Our sincerest sympathy goes to Barbara and Bill’s family at this time. Opening Day is planned for May 9th and Port Captain Neal McQuarrie is busy organizing the program. Neal has also been working on renewing the Reciprocal Agreements with the Marina at other clubs. As he puts out the call for volunteers for our Dock Captains duties, please see if you can volunteer for a week. This is a great way to meet cruisers from other clubs and most of us who have done this, really enjoy meeting new cruisers and welcoming them to our community and club. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 437-4012 or [email protected] Property Officer Sue Oemichen has been busy putting her touch on the Ships Store, redecorating the store nook and setting up a new system for buying (for the cash register). 2 Fleet Captain’s Column by Sheila Brunstad The Cruisers’ Kickoff Party was held January 20 at the Wreck Room, and attended by an enthusiastic group of cruise directors and potential cruisers. A representative of each PLYC cruise discussed the highlights and planned itinerary. If you plan to cruise to Canada, now is a good time to apply for I-68 or NEXUS documentation both of which enable speedier border crossings. For more information, Google a topic or check out these Web sites: There are seven cruises planned for a grand total of 55 cruising days in 2015! http://www.nwboatinfo.com/customs.html, They include: Wakeup Cruise, May Cruise to the South Sound, June Cruise headed north, July Cruise headed further north, September Commodores’ Cruise TBD, a short October Cruise to Kingston, Edmonds and Port Townsend, and the Holiday Cruise to Bell Harbor. All of the cruises have a full group of directors, with preliminary arrangements made at many marinas. The dates are available on the PLYC Web site’s Cruise Schedule page. http://www.cbp.gov/travel/pleasure-boats-private-flyers/ pleasure-boat-locations/psound-ne-wa http://www.cbp.gov/travel/trusted-traveler-programs/nexus https://dtops.cbp.dhs.gov In prior years, the Customs officer from Port Townsend has visited Port Ludlow to process I-68s for PLYC members who have obtained their DTOPS decal number (required for vessels 30 feet and over). I will try to schedule an I-68 processing session in Port Ludlow with the Customs officer probably in late April. As we have done in the past, we will post I-68 information on the Web site for you to download, print and use. It looks to be a busy cruising season in general as we are finding many of the U.S. and Canadian destination marinas already booked and much busier than last year. Plan to cruise with us. It’s a great way to enjoy our beautiful Pacific Northwest and meet many others in the club. ! New Members David and Laurie Howe recently retired moving to Port Ludlow from California where David was an attorney and Laurie taught in elementary school. They’re looking forward to enjoying an active lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest, especially boating. The Howes have been boaters for over 15 years, and are in the final process of purchasing a Bayliner 4087, their third boat and first cruiser. The new arrival will be moored in the Port Ludlow marina. David and Laurie were sponsored for membership by Steve Antoine, who has known them for 40 years, and Peggy Kulm. Welcome aboard! 3 Vice Commodore’s Column by Steve Antoine January was the month for us to get acquainted, and I hope you came by the informal “Get to Know Your Board” night at the Wreck Room on January 28. It was a good opportunity for us all to put names to new faces, and hopefully everyone had a fun time in the process. Buddy Hills and I have quite a few “Grillin with the Commodores” planned on the deck, and we will repeat the popular “Party on the Dock” from last year, maybe more than once, if that is what you would like. Keep communicating those great ideas to us. Ideally, we would like more volunteers at the Wreck Room. The more bartenders and helpers we have, the fewer total shifts we all need to work. It really isn’t work though. Most members who do it will tell you how much fun they have when they are there, so please give it some thought, come down on a quieter night and we will orient you and let you see what is involved. I would also like to wish Olav and Deanne Pederson all the best as they move back to New Orleans. I hope everyone had a great time at their potluck dinner, when more than 70 members turned out to say thank you and farewell! June and I are trying to come up with new ideas and venues that you want. We are listening to your suggestions, and we need those to continue. Thank you to those who have stepped forward to help us thus far! We are also trying to keep things at the club as efficient as possible, and I want to thank Bar Manager Neal McQuarrie for working with me to optimize our efforts there. Many members do their best, and sometimes a little unofficial assistance is a HUGE help. If you have a special skill or are interested in any part of the running or maintenance of the club, please talk to me, or June. Summer hours for the facility will be Wednesday and Saturday evenings. We will not switch to Fridays and Saturdays as in previous years. There have been daytime activities requested, and we will certainly see those as the weather improves and into the summer. Rear Commodore’s Column by Anne Burrell-Smith The 2015 PLYC Training Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 11 at the Beach Club. Preparations are well underway for this annual educational forum. The theme this year will focus on competent boaters, new technology, and safety. The day will include a variety of breakout sessions, hands-on activities, and presentations. Detailed information will be forthcoming in March’s Jib Sheet. Please be sure and save the date! If you are interested in volunteering at this year's Training Day, please email or call me at [email protected] or 770-361-7800. We certainly could use your help. Please reach me by phone at 770-361-7800, or email [email protected]. It will be a great opportunity to review and hone our skills prior to April’s Wake-Up Cruise. 4 Wreck Room Highlights for February by June Antoine, WR Social & Events Coordinator Since this is the month celebrating Saint Valentine, I hope everyone has a fabulous time with that special someone in their life, not just on February 14, but every day! Life is too short not to make the most of it, or to spend it being grumpy, so shake off those winter blues and have some fun with whoever is important to you! The Pederson’s Potluck Dinner was unbelievable! PLYC members outdid themselves with the amount of food they brought forth, and all of it was spectacular in taste and variety. Olav and Deanne will be missed for sure, but we sent them off in true PLYC tradition, with lots of love and many good wishes. We all hope they will eventually return to these waters, but wish them success in their endeavors back in NOLA. Speaking of fun, we had some great times at the Wreck Room these past few weeks. Judy Newell made us more of her awesome hotdogs, which she promises to do each month, so watch for them. Our birthday celebrations will also continue so come down and enjoy those with friends! The Carter’s Salmon Bake was to die for. If you missed it, well you missed a GREAT MEAL! AND they are going to host the Mardi Gras event, so keep Fat Tuesday open for original fun at the Wreck come February 17! February promises lots of events at the Wreck Room, but we need your participation to make them fun and successful. Talk to any of us about the volunteer roles that might appeal to you, or if you would like to host a special meal or drink night. There are many opportunities to be involved, but our club is only as successful as our members make it. Help us make this year what you want your club to be! February’s Wreck Room Schedule Wednesday, February 4 — Soup Night Friday, February 6 — Pizza Night Wednesday, February 11 — Baked Potato Bar Friday, February 13 — Valentine’s Dessert Night Tuesday, February 17 — Mardi Gras Friday, February 20 — Hot Dogs & Birthdays Wednesday, February 25 — Appetizers Available Friday, February 27 — Tom & Mary Ann Callahan Farewell 5 PLYC CRUISE SCHEDULE April-December 2015 APRIL WAKE-UP CRUISE: Pleasant Harbor and Alderbrook 1/19-23 Mon-Thu Cruise Directors: Peggy & Gale Kulm, Jamie & Bob Bima, Katherine & John Simpson MAY CRUISE: South Sound 5/11-20 Mon-Wed Cruise Directors: Mollie & Jim Tulley, Marilyn & Jim Colee, Doris & Joe Guillien JUNE CRUISE: Closer North 1/10-19 Wed-Fri Cruise Directors: Beth & John Weaver, Sue & Franco Robba, Meriann & Neal McQuarrie JULY CRUISE: Farther North 1/16-24 Thu-Fri Cruise Directors: Sheila & Harold Brunstad, Sue & Brett Oemichen, another TBD AUGUST: Nothing scheduled, cruise on your own or with friends SEPTEMBER COMMODORES’ CRUISE: TBD 9/11-20 Fri-Sun Cruise Directors: Karen & Buddy Hills, June & Steve Antoine, Anne Burrell-Smith & Ramsay Smith, Steve Hall & Kathy Kubesh OCTOBER CRUISE: Nearby, TBD 10/9-13 Fri-Tue Cruise Directors: Liz Healy & Harlen Whitling, Karen & Buddy Hills DECEMBER HOLIDAY CRUISE: Bell Harbor, Seattle 12/7-10 Mon-Thu Cruise Directors: Jan & Bob Quick 6 SHIP’S STORE SPECIALS Your place for convenient, PLYC specialized shopping! Have you stopped by the Ship’s Store lately? If you haven’t, you are missing new merchandise, new displays, and our newly placed sign. Thank you to Joe Guillien for cutting and painting the Ship’s Store sign so that it fits on the back wall. It looks great! You can now find the Ship’s Store the minute you walk into the Wreck Room. Do you have trouble finding the right size or your favorite color of items in the Store? Our new items will have a “PURCHASE ME/OR” tag which will allow you to get just what you want in logo clothing. It’s easy. You can purchase the item OR fill out an order form for the item in a different size or color. You can even change the color of the logo. You won’t want to miss our new vests - just in time for Valentine’s Day! February is a great month to look through your closets for gently used, previously treasured logo items. We will be having a previously treasured logo item sale in late spring or early summer. Items can be donated or sold on consignment. Profit from donated items will go to a charity. Watch for dates and details. The Ship’s Store Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, February 3, at 10:30 am at the Wreck Room. Everyone is invited to join us to share ideas on monthly specials, merchandise, and how to add value to yacht club membership through the Ship’s Store. We will be looking at women’s clothing ideas this month. Hope to see you on the 3rd. Stop by the Wreck Room to check out our February Special. 7 Highlights from the Board Meeting — January 7th 2015 by Chris Dean 1st Reading was conducted for David and Laurie Howe, sponsored by Steve Antoine and Peggy Kulm. Training Day will be held on April 11 at the Beach Club. The annual Change of Watch event is scheduled for December 12. Commodore Buddy Hills advised that the Communication Director will be submitting a regular column regarding PLYC activities to The Voice publication. Past Commodore Steve Hall is assembling a Nominating Committee for election of officers and will be seeking two volunteers, in addition to Steve Antoine serving as the Board representative. Secretary Chris Dean updated the Board on the 2015 Dues Renewal status. We have a 62% renewal rate to date. The process will be closed on January 31. Fleet Captain Sheila Brunstad reviewed the cruise schedule for 2015. The calendar has been finalized, cruise directors appointed and only a few destinations yet to be decided upon. Treasurer BJ Luce $243,706. Port Captain Neil McQuarrie is seeking volunteers for the Dock Watch program designed to welcome visiting boats to our area and club. reported Club assets of Rear Commodore Anne Burrell-Smith announced that an informal “Get to Know your Board” evening is planned for Wednesday, January 28 at the Wreck Room, 5-8 pm. An Officers’ Open House is scheduled for March. Property Officer Sue Oemichen advised that new inventory has been ordered for the Ship’s Store and will be available soon. Watch for monthly specials as well as a monthly raffle. 8 PLYC 2015 Officers Commodore Buddy Hills [email protected] Vice Commodore Steve Antoine [email protected] Rear Commodore Anne Burrell-Smith [email protected] Past Commodore Steve Hall [email protected] Fleet Captain Sheila Brunstad [email protected] Port Captain Neal McQuarrie [email protected] Secretary Christine Dean [email protected] Treasurer BJ Luce [email protected] JAG Janet McKinnon [email protected] Property Officer Sue Oemichen [email protected] Communications Officer Daniel Land [email protected] Sail Captain Vacant PLYC Coordinators Bar Manager Neal McQuarrie [email protected] Wreck Room Coordinator June Antoine [email protected] Port Ludlow Yacht Club JIB SHEET P.O. Box 65338 Port Ludlow, WA 98365 The Jib Sheet is published online monthly by volunteers from the Port Ludlow Yacht Club. The opinions expressed in the Jib Sheet represent the views of the contributors and are not to be construed as the official position of the Port Ludlow Yacht Club, the members, officers, or the Editor. Please email articles, photos, and classified advertising by the 23rd of the month to the editor: Daniel Land at [email protected] . Send email address corrections to the Secretary Chris Dean at [email protected] 9
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