From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. Effect of Low-Dose Interleukin-2 on Disease Relapse After T-Cell-Depleted Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation By Robert J. Soiffer, Christine Murray, Rene Gonin, and Jerome Ritz T-cell depletion of donor bone marrow has been associated with an increased risk of dwase relapse after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Recombinant interlwkin-2 (IL-21, which is capable of increasing the antileukemic activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from patients who have undergoneBMT, hasbeen proposed as a potentially useful agent t o reduce the risk of relapse post-BMT. We have previously shown that IL-2administered t o patients at very low doses after BMT is both clinically tolerable and immunologically active. We now report on the clinical outcome of 29 patients treated with low-dose IL-2 after CD6-depleted allogeneic BMT for hematologic malignancy. IL-2 was administered by continuous infusion for up to 3 months beginning at a median of 67 days post-BMT. Eligibility requirementsfor IL-2 therapy included demonstration of stable engraftment and absence of acute grade 2-4 graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Low-dose IL-2 was well tolerated by themajority of patients, with only 4 of 29 subjects withdrawn early. Acute GVHD developed in only one individual. After 12 weeks of treatment, the mean number of circulating natural killer cells in patients increased IO-fold without any significant change in T-cellnumber. Of the 25 patients who received a1 month of IL-2. only 6 have relapsed. Relapserate and direase-free survival (DFS) were determined in the 25 patients who completed at least 4 weeks of IL-2 treatment and comparedwith historical controls transplanted at our institution forthe same conditions and treated with an identical ablative regimen and method of T-cell depletion. Onlycontrol patients who had survived disease free for 100 days post-BMT were included in this analysis. Cox’s proportional hazards regression model suggested that, comparedwith control patients without a history of GVHD, patients treated with IL-2 had a lower risk of disease relapse (hazard ratio 0.34; range, 0.14 t o 0.82) and superior DFS (hazard ratio 0.39; range 0.18 to 0.87). A randomized controllod trial of 11-2 immunotherapy after T-celldepleted BMT should now be undertaken. 0 1994 by The American Societyof Hematology. T mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from patients after BMT can develop the capacity to lyse cryopreserved autologous leukemic blasts upon exposure to IL-2 in Moreover, in patients with CML who have undergone a Tcell-depleted allogeneic transplant, the cytolytic activity of IL-2-stimulated PBMC against leukemic targets has been correlated with the likelihood of subsequent disease relapse.” The cytotoxic activity of these activated PBMC has been found to reside predominantly in cells with the immunophenotypic characteristics of natural killer (NK) cell^.^^"^ In a preliminary report, we were able to show that in vivo administration of very low doses of IL-2 for prolonged periods can selectively expand and activate NK cells without significantly affecting T cells in patients who have undergone T-cell-depleted allogeneic BMT.I6 Because activated NK cells from patients post-BMT have been found to exhibit antileukemic activity,17this approach provides a strategy that may help compensate for the loss of GVL activity associated with the removal of alloreactive T cells from donor marrow. We now report on 29 patients with hematologic malignancies who have been treated with low-dose IL-2 after T-celldepleted allogeneic BMT. We find that daily infusion of IL2 at doses of 2 to 4 X lo5U/m2/d can be tolerated for up to 3 months bymost patients. Low-dose L - 2 treatment can activate PBMC in these patients and can markedly expand the number of circulating NK cells. Moreover, multivariable analyses comparing these patients with historical controls transplanted at our institution for the same diseases suggest that IL-2 therapy lowers relapse rates and improves DFS, and thus, may restore a component of the GVL activity lost with donor marrow T-cell depletion. -CELL DEPLETION of donor bone marrow (BM) decreases the incidence of acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in patients undergoing HLA identical allogeneic BM transplantation (BMT) for hematologic malignancies.’,2 However, T-cell depletion has been associated with an increased incidence of disease relapse and, as a result, has not significantly improved disease-free survival (DFS) posttrans~ l a n t .There ~ . ~ is considerable evidence that links the development of GVHD to lower relapse rates POS~-BMT,’-~ and the increase in disease recurrence after T-cell-depleted BMT appears to be related, at least in part, to the reduced incidence of GVHD. This phenomenon has been termed the graftversus-leukemia (GVL) effect.’ In animal systems, it has been possible to induce GVL activity in the absence of GVHD.9”1However, the cellular and humoral mechanisms underlying the GVL effect in humans have not been precisely elucidated, and efforts to separate GVL activity from GVHD and its associated toxic sequellae have not been successful in clinical trials.” One potential approach to the restoration of GVL activity after T-cell-depleted allogeneic BMT involves the administration of interleukin-2 (IL-2) in vivo to stimulate immune reactivity. It has previously been shown that peripheral blood From the Divisions of Hematologic Malignancies and Biostatistics, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. Submitted January 25, 1994; accepted April 6, 1994. Supported by NlH Grants No. A129530 and CA41619. R.J.S. is a recipient of the Baruj Benacerraf Clinical Investigator Award. Address reprint requests to Robert J. Soiffer, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney St, Boston, MA 02115. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8403-05$3.00/0 964 MATERIALS AND METHODS Patient eligibility. Twenty-nine patients who underwent CD6depleted allogeneic BMT at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) since 1990 were treated with IL-2 in the posttransplant period. Patients were eligible to begin L 2 therapy after at least 6 weeks had elapsed after marrow infusion. Initially, only patients transplanted Blood, Vol 84, No 3 (August l ) , 1994: pp 964-971 From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. LOW-DOSE IL-2 AFTERT-CELL-DEPLETED BMT with a history of relapsed acute leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), or accelerated phase chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) were eligible for this study. After the relative safety of IL-2 infusion was established, inclusion criteria were broadened to include patients transplanted for acute leukemia in first remission and CML in stable phase. Pretreatment evaluation in all patients included a physical exam, complete blood count, serum chemistries, liver function tests, urinalysis, thyroid function tests, chest x ray, electrocardiogram, and pulmonary function tests. Eligibility criteria at the time of study entry included good performance status (ECOG 0-1) and near normal parameters of hepatic, liver, and pulmonary function. Absolute neutrophil count 2500 X 106 celldpL with a platelet count 2 40,OOO/pL independent of transfusion were required. All patients were required to be free of active infection at the time of protocol entry. All patients with evidence of active grades 2-4 GVHD were excluded from study, as were any patients receiving immune suppressive medications for GVHD or other indications. Written informed consent was obtained in all cases. The treatment protocol was approved by the Scientific Review and Human Subject’s Protection Committees at DFCI. During the period between January 1990, when studies were begun, and February 1993, a total of 81 patients were transplanted for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) acute myeloid leukemia (AML), CML, MDS, or NHL at our institution. During this time, 29 patients were treated with L-2. Of the 52 patients who did not receive IL-2 post-BMT, 14 were not eligible for treatment because they had grade 2-4 acute GVHD, 14 refused for logistical reasons, 8 were patients with early-stage acute leukemia or stable-phase CML who were transplanted when the treatment protocol was limited to patients with advanced disease, 6 had experienced early-disease relapse (before day +60), 6 had suffered toxic deaths (before day +60), 2 had poor performance status, and 2 had experienced graft failure. BMTprotocol. The transplant ablative regimen consisted of cyclophosphamide (60 mgkg intravenous [IV]) on two consecutive days followed by 1,400 cGy total body irradiation delivered in seven equal 200 cGy fractions over 4 days. One patient who had received prior radiotherapy was instead treated with busulfan (16 mgkg divided over 4 days) followed by cyclophosphamide (60 mgkg IV X 2). Twenty-eight patients who were treated with L - 2 had received bone marrow from an HLA-identical sibling donor. One patient received sibling marrow that was serologically mismatched at a single HLA locus. BM was collected by standard techniques. BM mononuclear cells were isolated and treated with anti-T12 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) (anti-CD6) and baby rabbit complement (Pel Freeze, Brown Deer, WI)as previously described.’*No patients received immunosuppressive therapy of any type for GVHD prophylaxis, including corticosteroids, methotrexate, or cyclosporine. After discharge from the hospital, patients routinely received multivitamins, folic acid supplementation, oral acyclovir for herpes simplex virudvaricella zoster virus (HSVNZV) prophylaxis, and either oral trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or aerosolized pentamidine to prevent Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. IL-2 therapy. All patients received L - 2 by continuous intravenous infusion through an indwelling central catheter. Drug was delivered by a portable computerized ambulatory pump (Pharmaciaetec Model 5100 HF; Pharmaciaetec, StPaul, MN). The treatment was completely performed on an outpatient basis with one clinic visit each week. The supply of L - 2 was renewed every 7 days by the outpatient pharmacist. Recombinant L 2 was provided initially by Hoffmann-LaRoche (Nutley, NJ; 24 patients) and, more recently by Amgen, Inc (Thousand Oaks,CA; 5 patients). Because some patients were treated as part of a phase 1 protocol, the starting dose varied from 2 X 1 6 U/m’/d to 6 X l6 U/mz/d. Planned duration of therapy was 3 months. Patients were not routinely treated with any prophy- 965 lactic antipyretic or anti-inflammatory agents while on study. If patients had difficulty tolerating the initial dose level, therapy was temporarily interrupted and then resumed at a reduced dose level when symptoms abated. Doses were not escalated above the starting dose during the course of treatment. Immunophenotypic studies. PBMC for immunologic studies were obtained weekly. Blood was collected in preservative-free heparin. PBMC were obtained after Ficoll-Hypaque (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) density gradient sedimentation. PBMC were analyzed by direct immunofluorescence for reactivity with a series of MoAbs using standard techniques. Cells were analyzed for reactivity with a panel of MoAbs, including T3 (CD3). T4 (CD4). T8 (CDS), NKHl (CD56). and Tac (CD25) (Coulter Immunology, Hialeah, FL). Immunofluorescence reactivity was determined by automated flow cytometry analyzing 104 cells in each sample (ELITE, Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL). Statistical analysis. The effects of IL-2 therapy upon risk of disease relapse and DFS post-BMT were evaluated in the 25 patients who completed at least 4 consecutive weeks of treatment. Comparison was made to historical controls transplanted at our institution for the same diseases and treated with a similar ablative regimen and method of T-cell depletion. Patients who died or relapsed S 100 days post-BMT were not included in the control population because these patients would have been unlikely to have been eligible for IL-2 treatment. There were 92 patients who satisfied the above criteria. These 92 patients were then classified into two groups, depending on whether they did (n = 23) or did not (n = 69) have grade 2-4 GVHD post-BMT. Data were analyzed through September 1, 1993. Descriptive statistics are reported as proportions, medians, and means. Fisher’s exact test’’ was used to compare proportions and the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance testz0was used to compare the median follow-up time among the groups. Time to relapse (risk) and DFS curves for each subgroup were constructed by means of the Kaplan-Meier product limit method.” The log-rank test” of survival analysis was used tocompare the various subgroups with respect to their time to relapse (risk) and DFS distributions in the univariate analyses. In a multivariable analysis, Cox’s proportional hazards regression modelz3 wasused to determine possible predictors of relapse and DFS. The SAS procedure PHREGz4with backward selection (5% significance level for removing a predictor) was used throughout. A test for proportional hazards using timedependent covariates was conducted with respect to time to relapse (risk) and DFS. The proportional hazards assumption was not violated in both instances. The hazards ratios of each predictor (having adjusted for the effects of the other significant predictors) and 95% confidence intervals (CIS)for the hazards ratios were also calculated. All tests were two tailed. RESULTS Patient characteristics. There were 19 men and 10 41 years women who received IL-2. =median age was (range, 21 to 59 years). CML was the most common diagnosis forwhichpatientsunderwent BMT (n = 15), followed by AML (n = 7),ALL(n = 3),MDS (n = 2),and NHL(n = 2). Twelve patientsweretransplantedforeitheracute leukemia in first remission or CML in stable phase and were considered to have been transplanted at an “early” stage of their disease. The remaining 17 patients underwent marrow transplantation for more advanced disease. IL-2 was begun at a median of 67 days after marrow infusion (interquartile range, day +48 to day + l a ) . The median white blood cell count at the initiationof IL-2 was4.2 X 106/L and the median platelet count was 121 X 109/L.Six patients began treatment From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 966 SOIFFERETAL with 1L-2 at a dose of 2 X 10' U/m2/d, 9 patients at 3 X IO' U/m2/d, 1 1 patients at 4 X 10' U/m2/d, and 3patientsat6 X IO5 U/m2/d. Toxicity of low-d(~oseIL-2 @er T-cell-depleted BMT. The toxicities encountered during treatment with low-dose IL-2 after CD6-depleted allo-BMT are summarized in Table 1. The most common toxicities observed were fatigue, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Sideeffectsweremore frequently notedatthe higher starting doses.Indeed, none of the3 patients who were initially treated at 6 X IO5 U/m2/d were able to tolerate more than 2 weeks at this dose, largely because of constitutional and gastrointestinal symptoms. Overall, 25/29 patients were able to complete at least 4 weeks of therapy; 17/29 patients completed at least 8 weeks of treatment. Reasonsfor earlydiscontinuationwerecatheter-related sepsis (3),bronchiolitis(2),gastrointestinaltoxicity (2), disease relapse(2), pancytopenia ( I ) , hypersensitivity (l), and acute GVHD ( l ) . The source of 1L-2 (HoffmannLaRoche, Amgen) did not appear to influence the frequency or severity of side effects. The single patient who developed acute GVHD had grade 3 disease, presenting with an erythematous rash and profuse watery diarrhea at 90 days postBMT. The diagnosis wasconfirmed histologically with biopsies of the skin andsigmoid colon. GVHDdeveloped 7 weeks after beginning IL-2 and persisted long after discontinuation. This patientlater developed fatalAspergillus pneumonitis while receiving corticosteroids. Although several other patients did develop rashes while receiving IL-2, they were transient and usuallyresolved spontaneously. None of these patients had histologic evidence of GVHD when their skin was biopsied. Immunologic effects. Immunophenotypic analysis of PBMC obtained frompatients receiving IL-2 showeda selective increase in the number of circulating CD56+ NK cells without, in general, a change in CD3+ T-cell number (Fig 1). This contrasts sharply with the pattern of immunologic reconstitutionobservedin our non-IL-2-treated CD6-depleted allogeneic transplant recipients in whom no increase Table 1. Toxicity of Low-Dose Recombinant IL-2 After T-cellDepleted BMT Toxicity Fatigue Fever (>38"C) Nausea/vomiting Myalgias Rash Diarrhea Edemalweight gain (21) Dyspnea (21) Catheter infection (17) Thyroid dysfunction Thrombocytopenia ( 5 2 0 x 109/L) Neutropenia (50.5x 109/L) Acute GVHD Azotemia (creatinine 2 2 . 0 mg/dL) Jaundice (bilirubin 22.0 mg/dL) Hypotension requiring pressors * Includes all 29 patients treated with IL-2. N* W O ) 6 6 5 2 (7) 2 (7) 1 (3) (3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 4 8 12 Weeks on IL-2 Fig 1. Effect of low-dose IL-2 on circulating NK cell and T-lymphocyte number. The mean number of NK cells and T lymphocytes in patients receiving IL-2 after CD6-depleted allogeneic BMT is displayed over time. Values represent data from 25 patients who received greater than 1 month of therapy. Standarderrors were within 10% of the mean value at all data points. incirculating NK cells is observed beyond6weekspostBMT.''.'' Dual-color immunofluorescence showed that the majority of NK cells noted in these patientscoexpressed CD16 (FcyR,,, receptor) and lackedexpression of CD3. Treatment with IL-2 did not induce expression of CD25, the T low-affinity IL-2 receptor chain, on eitherNKcellsor cells. However,IL-2 therapy didincrease thedensity of expressionofp75,theintermediate-affinity IL-2 receptor chain, on NK cells. Enhanced expression of the p75 IL-2 receptor chain was not induced on T lymphocytes at these dose levels of IL-2. Cytolytic activity against NK-sensitive and NK-resistant tumor targets was increased in all patients receiving [L-2. The timing of IL-2 initiation post-BMT appeared to influence theimmunologic response.Figure2 shows thatpatients in whom IL-2was begun 5 60 days post-BMT had a more striking increase in both total lymphocytes (Fig 2A) and number of CD56+ NK cells(Fig 2B) than those in whom IL-2 was begun later. This phenomenon was independent of IL-2 dose and suggests that there may be aperiodafter BMTduring which NKcellsaremore susceptible to immunologic manipulation. Patient outcome. Eighteen of the 25 patients who received 2 1 month of IL-2 therapyremainalive, free of disease at a median follow-up of 21 months post-BMT. Six patients have relapsed,4 of whom received truncatedcourses of IL-2 because of side effects. The observed relapses occurred in 4 patientswith AML transplanted in 2 second complete remission, 1 patient with stable-phase CML, and 1 patient with MDS. Five of 14 patients (36%) who began IL-2 more than 2 months after BMT relapsed compared with only 1/11 (9%) patients in whom IL-2 was initiated within 2 months of BMT. None of the patients receiving low-dose IL-2 developedcytomegalovirus or any other viral infections after transplant. From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. LOW-DOSE IL-2 AFTERT-CELL-DEPLETED A 967 BMT Table 2. Comparative Patient Characteristics T 4O00 Group 1 l+lL-2) B 30oo T T I Group 3' no IL-2) (no GVHD. no IL-2) 23 69 25 N Age (yrs) (median) Sex Male Female Disease CML AM L ALL NHL MDS Stage Early Advanced Median follow-up (rnos) Week on IL-2 Group 2" (+GVHD. 41 (21-56) 37 (19-59) 33 .l6 (20-57) 18 7 (74%) 34 (49%) ,038 (26%) 35 (51%) (72%) 17 (28%) 6 13 (52%) 6 (24%) 2 (8%) 2 (8%) 2 (8%) P Value (43%) 30 >.5 17 (25%) 4 (17%) 15 (22%) 2 (9%) 4 (6%) 3 (4%) 1 (4%) 8 (35%) 8 (35%) 37>.5 1 1 (44%) 12 (52%) (54%) 32 (46%) 14 (56%) 11 (48%) 23 (8-43) 42 (10-112) .003 (12-80)50 Includes only patients who were alive, NED at BMT. day +l00 post- there was a predominance of males among patients who received IL-2. As expected, the median follow-up of control patients was longer than that of patients who received IL-2. The probability of disease relapse for patients treated with IL-2 is displayed in Fig 3. Among patients without a history of GVHD, those who received IL-2 had a lower relapse rate than those who did not receive IL-2 (log-rank, P = .042). 20oo 0 l0 0 Week on IL-2 Fig2. Timing of IL-2 administration and NK cell response.The effect of IL-2 on absolute lymphocyte count (A) and the number of CD%+ NK cells (B) is compered in patients in whom treatment was initiated before (n = 11) and after day +60 post-BMT (n = 14). We compared the clinical outcome of patients receiving IL-2 with that of patients transplanted for the same malignancies at our institution since 1984. Control patients were treated withan identical method of donor-marrow T-cell depletion and ablative regimen." We separated controls into two groups of patients who either did or did not have evidence of grade 2-4 GVHD post-BMT, as the presence of GVHD would have precluded entry onto our IL-2 trial. We eliminated from the control groups all patients who either relapsed or died before day +l00 post-BMT because these patients would have been unlikely to have been eligible for IL-2 treatment. Clinical variables were well balanced among IL-2-treated patients (group 1, n = 25) and control patients with (group 2, n = 23) or without (group 3, n = 69) grade 2-4 GVHD (Table 2). In particular, there were no significant differences among the groups with respect to patient age, diagnosis, or stage of disease at the time of BMT, although l-OI 0.8. Group 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Years post-BMT Fig 3. Risk of relapse in patients treated with IL-2 post-BMT. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the risk of disease relapse for patients treated with greater than 4 weeks of IL-2 post-BMT (group 1, n = 25) is displayed and compered with the risk of disease relapsein control patients with (group2, n = 23) or without (group 3, n = 6 9 ) a history of grade 2-4 GVHD. Patients who had relapsed or died before day +l 00 post-BMT were excludedfrom the control groups. Among patients free ofGVHD, relapse rate was superiorfor patients receiving 11-2 (group 1 v group 3, log-rank P = .042). From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 968 SOIFFER ET AL Table 3. Multivariate Analysis of Prognostic Factors: Risk of Relapse Prognostic Factor Estimated Coefficient P Value -On Hazard Ratio (95% Cl) IL-2 v no IL-2 (group 1 v 0.34 ,016 -1.075 group 3) GVHD v no GVHD (group 2 v group 3) -1.006 Advanced- v early-stage disease2.59 (1.47-4.59) ,001 0.953 Older v younger (1.02-3.14) 1.79 .0430.581 (0.14-0.82) ,023 (0.15-0.87) 0.37 Cox's proportional hazards model, using a variety of clinical factors including age, sex, diagnosis, disease stage, degree of HLA disparity, presence of GVHD, and treatment with IL-2 was then used to determine predictors of relapse in the overall cohort of patients. As illustrated in Tables 3 and 4, factors such as early disease stage and younger age at the time of BMT were associated with a decreased relapse risk. As anticipated, the development of grade 2-4 GVHD was also associated with a lower risk of disease relapse (group 2 versus group 3, hazards ratio 0.37, 95% C1 0.15 to 0.84). Like patients with GVHD, patients treated with IL-2 experienced a lower relapse rate compared with control patients without GVHD who did not receive IL-2 (group 1 versus group 3, hazards ratio 0.34,95% C1 0.14 to 0.82). The extent of the decrease in the risk of relapse associated with IL-2 therapy was similar to that observed in patients with GVHD. Figure 4 illustrates the estimated probability of DFS for patients receiving IL-2. DFS was superior for patients treated with IL-2 compared with control patients free of GVHD (log-rank, P = .MI). When Cox's proportional hazards model was applied, treatment with IL-2 was found to be an independent predictor of an improved DFS (group 1 versus group 3, hazards ratio 0.39, 95% C1 0.18 to 0.87) (Table 3). In contrast, the presence of GVHD was not associated with an improvement inDFS because of increased transplantrelated mortality observed in patients with GVHD.26 DISCUSSION The widespread use of donor-marrow T-cell depletion in patients undergoing allogeneic BMT has been limited by reports of a higher frequency of disease relapse posttrans~ 1 a n t . lIt. ~has been postulated that marrow purging removes components that serve to control the growth of residual malignant cells that have survived the ablative regimen. Considerable experimental evidence supports the proposition that T Table 4. Multivariate Analysis of Prognostic Factors: DFS Estimated Coefficient Prognostic Factor IL-2 v no IL-2 (group 1 v group 3) -0.937 Advanced- v early-stage (1.32-3.63) ,002 0.783 disease2.19 Older v younger 2.01 ,0070.701 PValue Hazard Ratio (95% Cl) ,021 (0.18-0.87) 0.39 (1.21-3.35) o*21 0.04. 0 Group 3 .. 1 . , 2 3 . 4 . 5 . . 6 7 8 9 1 0 Years post-BMT Fig 4. Effect of IL-2 administrationon DFS post-BMT. The KaplanMeier estimate of DFSfor patients treated with greater than 4 weoks of IL-2 post-BMT (group 11 is displayed and compared with the DFS in control patients who did (group 21 or did not (group 3) have grade 2 through 4 GVHD. Patients who had relapsed or died before day +l00 post-BMT were excluded from the control groups. Among patients free of GVHD, DFS was superior for patients receiving IL-2 (group 1 v group 3, log-rank P = .041). lymphocytes are central to the process of eliminating residual disease.*^*' Allo-reactive T cells may exert their antileukemic activity directly against tumor targets or, indirectly, through the elaboration of secondary cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor, IL-1, or y - i n t e r f e r ~ n .The ~ ~ .therapeutic ~~ application ofdonor T lymphocytes has been underrecent investigation. There have been some preliminary reports indicating that infusion of T lymphocyte-rich buffy coat cells from HLA-identical allogeneic donors can induce hematologic and cytogenetic remissions in patients with CML who have relapsed p~sttransplant.~'.~' However, buffy-coat infusion at the time of BMT, designed to induce GVL activity, has been associated with an increase in fatal GVHD without a decrease in disease relapse rate." Clinical trials are also underwayinwhichfixed numbers of T lymphocytes are being added back to donor bone marrow after exhaustive Tcell depletion in an attempt to restore GVL activity without compromising GVHD prophylaxis. Unfortunately, the appropriate number of T cells or subset of T cells required to accomplish this goal remains unknown. It is likely that the destruction of residual malignant cells post-BMT is mediated through several mechanisms, and some evidence suggests that, like T lymphocytes, NK cells may play an important role. In experimental models, NK cell number and activity have been found to correlate with resistance to metastatic spread of tumors.32In humans, diminished NK cell function has been associated with cancer progression of both solid and hematologic malignan~ies.~~.'~ After allogeneic marrow transplantation, JL-2-activated NK cells can mediate major histocompatability complex (MHC)nonrestricted killing of tumor cells obtained from patients before BMT.I3-l5Therefore, it is possible that exploitation From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. LOW-DOSE IL-2 AFTER T-CELL-DEPLETED BMT of the cytotoxic activity ofNK cells may be an effective way to approach the problem of preventing relapse posttransplant. In addition, because NK cells have been suggested to be important in the control of viral infection, their presence and activity may help to reduce some of the infectious complications typically observed after BMT. The current study confirms that circulating NK cells can be safely expanded and activated in patients who have undergone T-cell-depleted allogeneic BMT. The absence of Tcell stimulation at these low doses probably accounts for the low incidence of GVHD observed during this trial. The contrasting response of T cells and NK cells to low-dose IL2 derives from the distribution of IL-2 receptors on these cell types. The IL-2 receptor is comprised of several subunits with differing affinities for the c y t ~ k i n e .Resting ~ ~ . ~ ~T cells do not express the high-affinity heterodimeric receptor responsible for mediating the proliferative response to IL-2 whereas a fraction of resting NK cells have detectable highaffinity receptor on their surface. Moreover, the p75 chain of the IL-2 receptor, which binds IL-2 with intermediate affinity and may play a role in mediating cytolytic function, is expressed on virtually all resting NK cells, but not on resting T lymphocytes. Thus, by administering IL-2 in low doses rather than in the high doses characteristically used in immunotherapy trials for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma and melan0ma,3'.~~ we can selectively manipulate NK cell number and function and avoid the induction of GVHD by activated T cells. Multivariable analysis of our data indicates that, in patients without evidence of GVHD, treatment with IL-2 is associated with a reduction in the rate of disease relapse post-BMT. Because L - 2 has thus far not been administered in the context of a prospective randomized trial, the multivariate analyses in this study were necessarily performed on historical controls. These controls were comparable in terms of clinical characteristics and virtually identical in terms of clinical treatment. The exclusion of patients who had either relapsed or died within the first 100 days post-BMT eliminated from the control population patients who were unlikely to have been placed on IL-2 treatment. The reduction in the rate of disease relapse associated with IL-2 treatment was similar to that found in patients who developed GVHD after BMT at our institution. Notably, treatment with IL-2 was also associated with improved DFS compared with control patients who were free of GVHD. Despite the fact that control patients with GVHD relapsed less often than control patients without it, their overall DFS was not superior because of a higher incidence of fatal complications. Our data suggests that low-dose IL-2 therapy can provide a way to reduce the incidence of disease recurrence that is independent of GVHD and free of its toxic consequences. Moreover, our results provide further evidence in support of an important role for NK cells in the GVL process. Despite these encouraging results, it still remains unclear exactly how to maximize the immunologic effects of lowdose IL-2 therapy. We have observed that dose escalation may be difficult because of the development of intolerable side effects. As doses of IL-2 are increased, the selective stimulatory effect on NK cells will ultimately be lost because 969 of saturation of intermediate-affinity receptors on other cell types. Efforts should be directed at discovering ways to further activate the NK cell compartment already expanded by low-dose IL-2, perhaps by exposure to other immunomodulatory agents such as IL-12,39IL-6,40or lin~mide.~' The appropriate duration of treatment with IL-2 is also uncertain. Previous trials of L - 2 post-BMT have involved high doses of therapy for relatively short intervals."'" In contrast, lowdose IL-2, because it is well tolerated, can be continued for an extended period. Prolonged immune stimulation may be important to the GVL phenomenon as witnessed by the strong association between de novo chronic GVHD and freedom from posttransplant disease relap~e."~ However, the inconvenience of maintaining central venous catheters and their susceptibility to infection may make prolonged treatment problematic. Alternative routes of IL-2 administration (ie, subcutaneous) need to be examined to determine if they can produce equivalent degrees of selective NK cell expansion and activation post-BMT. The appropriate timing of IL-2 initiation post-BMT also must be ascertained. Animal studies have suggested that the beneficial effect of IL-2 may be lost if it is not administered close to the time of marrow infusion.&Our preliminary findings suggest a more robust NK cell response with earlier initiation of treatment. There may be a window of opportunity in which IL-2 therapy is immunologically and clinically most effective. However, it is not clear that patients can tolerate IL-2 in the very early posttransplant period. A recent report on the administration of IL-2 to patients with ALL after autologous BMT showed that early treatment produced considerable toxi~ity.4~ Like recipients of T-cell-depleted allogeneic marrow, patients undergoing autologous BMT are at higher risk of relapse than those undergoing unpurged allogeneic BMT."' Because the pace and character of lymphoid reconstitution differ between recipients of autologous and T-cell-depleted allogeneic marrow, it is not certain that the immunologic responses to IL-2 will be identical. Nevertheless, our previous studies have shown that the NK cell response to lowdose IL-2 is similar in these two groups.16 Although no conclusions have been drawn regarding the efficacy of IL-2 in the autologous BMT setting, one group has suggested that it lowers the relapse rate of patients undergoing auto-BMT for AML.49 IL-2 administration might also be useful after unpurged allogeneic BMT for patients with advanced malignancies at high risk of relapse. However, it has not as yet been extensively studied, partially because it is feared that IL-2 would induce severe GVHD." Because low-dose IL-2 appears to selectively activate NK cells, and not T lymphocytes, this approach wouldbeworth investigating in this setting. However, it is possible that allo-reactive T cells, present after unpurged allo-BMT, but generally absent after T-cell-depleted BMT, would be stimulated at lower doses of IL-2 because of the presence of high-affinity IL-2 receptors on their surface. 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For personal use only. 1994 84: 964-971 Effect of low-dose interleukin-2 on disease relapse after T-celldepleted allogeneic bone marrow transplantation RJ Soiffer, C Murray, R Gonin and J Ritz Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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