April 2012 Mark Holman (in NZ with Willow Creek Association & Focus on the Family) Snack Music While I was in Auckland for the Way2Go Conference at the end of March, I was able to spend some time with Brendan and Laura from Snack Music. It was really exciting to meet with them and share their vision for reaching kids with fun music with a great message. The Snack Music team’s mission is to use music to help kids see just how amazing our God is and encourage our young ones as they meet and journey with Jesus! The music is fun, upbeat, singable and sometimes just a little bit silly- a perfect combination for our primary aged kidsespecially the younger ones! They’ve produced two CD’s and an interactive CD for kids that works in most desk top computers. Check out their website for more information, some interactive games (like Smelly Socks!) and ordering details. www.snackmusic.com.au Smiles Julie Pentecost craft ideas Twisting spirals: http://www.dltk-kids.com/animals/mspiralsnake.htm This template is for a snake, but it’s easy to make it just a spiral. When these hang over a light or candle (be careful!) the spiral twists. This is a wonderful and very simple craft idea to help children experience the power of something they can’t see. Pinwheels: http://www.leslietryon.com/3dcolorcutout/makepinw/make pinwheel.html Pinwheels are great activities for kids. They’re also fairly straightforward to make and work well (with invisible breath or wind power). This is one way of doing them. Try it out and make any adjustments you need to before working with a group of kids. AUCKLAND 6th & 7th May Pakuranga Baptist Church & Columba Presbyterian HAMILTON Gateway Christian Centre 8th May NEW PLYMOUTH Northpoint Church 9th May WELLINGTON/LOWER HUTT Knox Presbyterian Church 11th May CHRISTCHURCH 13th & 14th May Spreydon Baptist Church, Hornby Presbyterian & Grace Vineyard For further information contact [email protected] or phone 07 825 8722 Messy Church Messy Churches are springing up all over the place! You can locate one near you on the StraNdZ website http://www.strandz.org.nz/?sid=371 If you haven’t had the chance to have a Messy experience, try it! And if you already are involved with Messy Church and yours is not on the page, please flick me and email and let me know. I regularly get requests for Messy locations and the only ones I have are the ones on the site. It would be great to include yours! Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) - the home organization for Messy Church, UK - is really excited about what’s happening with Messy Churches around NZ. With that in mind, BRF has committed some finances for Messy Church administration work here in Aotearoa. One of our goals is to have an area coordinator in each part of the country so that Messy Church teams can be even better equipped and encouraged! If you are already involved in helping and resourcing Messy Churches in your area or might be interested in getting involved, please let me know. Messy Church is nondenominational and Area Coordinators can be affiliated with any church. Doves that turn into flames: Both doves and fire are symbols of the Holy Spirit. One time as I was playing around with making doves, it was clear that turned 90 degrees, the dove looked like a flame, especially if it’s cut out of yellows, oranges and reds. White doves above and red/orange flames below make a Contact Details great Pentecost banner. Snail mail: 29 Hillcrest Place Avonhead, Christchurch 8042 Email: [email protected] Phone: 03 342 3556 Mobile: 021 337 705 Skype jul Skype: juliehintz www.strandz.org.nz April 2012 course will be taught in 2012 as a Block course, by Dr Scottie May of Wheaton College, Chicago. The oncampus block week runs from Monday 25– Friday 29 June. In addition, reading and assessment will take place in the periods both before and after the block component. Students should expect to be studying from 1 June this course until 30 September. Contact Registrar for more information: [email protected] or (09) 526 0340 Engaging with Orange Conference The Orange conference will be held in Auckland on 8th & 9th June 2012 at Windsor Park Baptist Church, 550 East Coast Rd, Mairangi Bay. Pastor Carey Nieuwhof, Senior Pastor of Connexus Community Church in Ontario and co-author of 'Parenting Beyond Your Capacity' has worked since 2005 helping communicate an 'Orange' message to church leaders and parents globally. Carey is coming to Australia and New Zealand for the first time, bringing his 'Orange' message and will be the keynote speaker at the 'Engaging with Orange' conference. Orange is a ministry philosophy that is having a significant impact on ministry to children, youth and families around the world. The Orange conference aims to equip churches and families to partner together to grow young people as disciples for Christ recognising that two combined influences can make a greater impact than two individual/separate influences. This strategy of partnering with parents, titled "Orange", results in Church leaders making radical changes so that they: Engage parents in an integrated strategy Synchronise the home and church around a clear message Recruit mentors to become partners with families Mobilise the next generation to be the church For questions and info email [email protected] More Upcoming Events: 13 May - Mother’s Day 25 – 26 May - Julie in Hamilton for workshops contact [email protected] for details 27 May – Pentecost 9 June - Re-imagining and re-thinking the Church in the new Christchurch: Fresh Expressions. A workshop at Spreydon Baptist Church, 1pm to 5pm with Murray Robertson, Darryl Tempero, Spanky Moore and John Day No charge. RSVP to John [email protected] or 021 277 2737 25th – 29th June in Auckland - MM672 - Children’s Ministry- Block Course at Carey Baptist College with Scottie May. This course examines the nature and spirituality of children in the light of biblical, theological, and developmental perspectives. Students will analyse current ministry practices in light of cultural trends and will also focus on the faith experiences of children. This th th th th th www.strandz.org.nz Save the Dates AUGUST Messy Conference in Auckland August 25th & 26th – details to follow soon StraNdZ News Newsletters - We’d love to publish our newsletter 4 times a year with news and ideas from around the country. If you’ve got something you’d like to share, please send it in. StraNdZ is about children and families ministry all over the country and we would love for our newsletter to reflect that. So if you have a craft idea, a photo, a lesson or theme or anything else that worked well, please let us know so we can share it with others. Resource Library - Our library ‘catalogue’ is now up on the StraNdZ website, under resources. We have a good collection of curriculum material, Children’s ministry leaders’ resources and cd/dvds. We also have loads of e-resources that we can email to you. If you’re looking for a specific resource or something for your ministry, have a look at http://www.strandz.org.nz/?sid=402 or contact Julie directly. There are a number of ways you can keep up to date with us: Follow us on facebook - StraNdZ Children and Families Ministry On Twitter @StraNdZorg On Pinterest http://pinterest.com/julieatstrandz/ Holidays th th Claire (Admin Support) will be away 18 May – 24 June, please contact Julie during this time. rd th Julie will be away 23 June – 19 July, please contact Claire [email protected] during this time. April 2012 Recent Round up… Glenavy Youth had a great night of activities on Caroline Bay at the end of March – Anyone want a great night’s youth programme? We can put you in touch with Kathy. 24 kids on the bus - laughter, energy, challenge, and lots of hot chips to share at the end!! Louise Weller and daughter Amy teaching puppetry at Unlimited Conference in Christchurch. The Nelson Cathedral’s Children’s Church service- painting words to make a memory verse banner. Some Valentine’s Day mess at Messy Church www.strandz.org.nz Methven Church recently was full with toddlers, children, young adults, and older people – great to see all ages worshipping there, and hearing the news – not everyone would take their youth group rifle shooting, but the kids said it was a great Friday night!! Very good youth and children’s programmes on Sunday too, and planning for FEED underway. A good dose of Anglican vitality there!! Rosie Staite
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