THE BUZZ 8th February 2015 “Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles.” Isaiah 40:31 B ible Readings This Week 2 Chronicles 20:13-17 Ephesians 4:11-16 Matthew 28:16-20 Psalm 147:1-11 8/2/15 B ible Readings Next Week 15/2/15 p 350 p 951 p 812 p 377 To Be advised Batemans Bay • 8am Nelligen Rev Peter Lord • 8am Traditional Holy Communion Rev Colin Walters • 10am Family Service Rev Colin Walters • 6.30pm Soaking in the Spirit Rev Colin Walters All are welcome to receive Holy Communion at the table of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What’s the Buzz Parish Prayer - Tuesdays at 4:30pm in the church Warden’s Election - Next Sunday after the 8am & 10am services Ash Wednesday Service - 18 February 2015 @ 7:30pm Lenten Study with Bishop George - Tuesday 7:30pm in the Annexe starting 24 February 2015 and finishing 31 March 2015 Parish AGM - Sunday 21 March 2015 @ 1pm Maundy Thursday Service - 2 April 2015 @ 7:30pm Good Friday - 3 April 2015 Easter Sunday - 5 April 2015 Spirit 15 - 17 to 19 April 2015 @ St Peters Anglican College 30%<40=2017 Bishop George has offered to start a group for people under 40, over a meal, to discuss life issues that impact on them and others today. If you know of people who may be interested would you please let Bishop George or myself know Thank you We would like to thank; Lyn Hughes, Julie Sutherland and Liz Maidla who did a great job in our church office while Shelley was on leave. We also thank Mary & Claire who raised $2,800 for our church through the markets over the Christmas holidays, what a wonderful effort on our behalf. Prophecy workshops Have you been given the gift of prophecy? Are you interested in prophecy? If you are then you might wish to join workshops on prophecy on Wednesday evenings @ 7pm in the church starting on 18/2/15. Please place names on the sheet in the office. Praying for Renewal and Revival Some of us will be gathering on Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 7am to 8am to pray for renewal and revival within our church, the combined church in Batemans Bay, the diocese of Canberra and Goulburn and our nation starting on 16/2/15. If you long to see renewal and revival break out in Batemans Bay, our diocese and our nation please join us. You’re not alone We live in a world where we often feel alone, yet in the the commissioning of his disciples (Matt 28:16-20) Jesus reminds us that he is “with [us] always, to the end of the age.” We can take comfort from this because wherever we go and whatever we are doing for Jesus he goes with us. In this week’s Old Testament passage we are reminded that the “battle is not [ours] but God’s” and to “not fear or be dismayed [for] the Lord will be with [us]” ( 2 Chron 20:15&17). As disciples of Jesus I like the idea that Jesus is with us until the job is done and that it is God who changes people’s hearts, wins the battle, and makes people want to follow Jesus. ELECTING A NEW WARDEN. The two Nominees for the position of Warden are: Garry Gray and Julie Sutherland. Voting will take place on Sunday 15 February. Voting sheets will be available on the day as well as in the office the week prior for those unable to be present on this day. YOUNG SINGERS If you still are going to school this is for you! On Sunday 1 March we are looking for up to six young people to sing with the band. Please talk to Jess Hughes to register your name, or ring the Office on 4472 5822 PIANO - GUITAR - DRUMS - THREE QUESTIONS ? 1/ Do you love Jesus? 2/ Do you love worship songs? 3/ Can you or have you played piano, guitar, or drums? Please talk to anyone in the worship team, Keith or Rev Colin. You will not be pressured to play and we can ease and encourage you if you were to join the team. SING PRAISES TO OUR LORD. Psalm 66:8 “Let the whole world bless our God and loudly sing His praises” WRAP WITH LOVE Commences for 2015 on Tuesday 10th February, 10am-12 noon in the meeting room, St Bernard’s Catholic Church, David St Batehaven. Bring along your 4mm knitting needles or crochet hooks and enjoy a friendly chat and cuppa as you craft wraps for people in need. We meet each second Tuesday and last Wednesday of each month, February to November. Enquiries to Jenny 0414 664 077. PANTRY TOP-UP We are getting a little low on supplies for the welfare cupboard and would appreciate any donations of cereal, long life milk and pasta to give to people in need. SOMA AGM The SOMA AGM for 2015 will held on Tuesday 17th March 2015 at 2pm at Barton in Canberra, ACT. Exact venue will be advised when confirmed. OFFERTORY Please support our ministry by direct deposit to our Church account: Account name - Anglican Development Fund Account number - 05202562 BSB - 702 389 Please label Direct Deposits as - offerings Batemans Bay 2562 Offertory Envelopes or Certificates are also available from the office. Pray for: WORLD ANGLICAN CHURCH IN OUR OWN DIOCESE, PRAY FOR: Bishops Stuart Robinson, Trevor Edwards, Genieve Blackwell and Stephen Pickard, Clergy & People Maiduguri - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Emmanuel Kana Mani Diocese of Bunbury: Bishop Allan Ewing, Clergy and People St John’s Canberra: Paul Black, David McLennan (Cath), Ken Batterham (Elizabeth), Vicky Cullen, David Hill (Barbara), Geoff Sibly (Anne) St John’s Care: Sue Jordan, Coordinator, and volunteers and their current construction work Sutton Road Mission District: Peter Grundy (Kerrie) Australian National University: Chaplaincy Team: Kevin O’Connor University of Canberra: Owen Davies (Hazel) Radford College: Principal, Fiona Godfrey; staff and students; Chaplain, Richard Browning (Melinda), Nikolai Blaskow (Susanna Pain) Bishop’s Prayer for Healing Team Pray for: Ministry to post-secondary students. OUR OWN PARISH PLEASE PRAY FOR: Parish Council, Community Life Programs, Hope House & Hope Place, ������������������������������ All Saints Honiara, St Peters Anglican College PRAY FOR: Sam Northcott, Paul Maloney, Jay Stewart, Edna Webster, Ross Stephens, Kerrie Soadie, Lisa Matthias, Noel Murray, the Ebsworth Family, Pauline & Kevin Brieley, Standleen & Peter White, Daniel Gargner & family, Yvette Parsons, Matt Whittaker, Ray, Helen McInnes, Pat Whitehead, Marina Van der Burt, Alexandria Eschbach, Annabel Lucy, Martin Johnston LONG TERM PRAYER: Lyn Sarah, Shirley Tweedie����������������� ,���������������� Sharon ��������������� Penman,� Rachael Rogan,��������������������������������� June Thane, �������������������� Chris Black, Alison Bailey, Judith Middleton, Robbie Warwick, Andy Balogh URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS: please contact Lesley Austin 4472 7058 or Elizabeth Dean on 4472 4330. PARISH CONTACTS: Office: Telephone: (02) 4472 5822 Address: 6 Herarde Street Fax: (02) 4472 9462 Batemans Bay NSW 2536 e-mail: [email protected] Opening hours: Monday: 9am-12 noon Tuesday – Friday:9am–1pm Webpage: Rector - The Reverend Colin Walters 4472 5432 Parish Administrator - Shelley Macklan 4472 5822 Retired Clergy Assisting in the Parish The Right Reverend George Browning 4472 7470 The Reverend Ken Foster 4472 3485 The Reverend Peter Lord 4471 2303 The Reverend Professor Dr. Elizabeth MacKinlay 0412 623 309 The Reverend Tom Slockee (Contact via office) The Reverend Canon Keith Stephens 4471 3756 Town Chaplain - Kevin Hannam 0428 489 864 If you would like to receive our newsletter electronically please give your name to Shelley or email via [email protected] Your address will only be used for church communications. For regular updates and events we encourage you to regularly visit our own WEB site Copyright Text & songs reproduced (for print or OHT form) for use in our services are covered by CAL lic # 802 & CCL lic # 136375 respectively.
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