Parish of The Most Holy Sacrament & St. Osburg Upper Hill St, Coventry CV1 4AQ Tel. 76 220 402 Canon Garry Byrne. email: [email protected] Parish Website: Presentation Sisters Also in residence, Fr Michael Stack, Chaplain to University Hospital, Walsgrave THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 7th/8th Feb. 2015. Mass Book p.61 SUNDAY MASSES: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: TIMES OF MASSES Sat: 5.30pm. Sun: 11.30am Mass 12.10 pm Mass 12.10 pm Mass 12.10 pm Mass 9.05 an 12.10 pm Mass 12.10 pm Mass 11.30 am PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED RECENTLY , especially Michael Griffin of Fynford Rd. Funeral Mass is on Wednesday 11th February at 12.10pm; also Breda Convey, of Sunnyside Close. Funeral Mass is on Thursday 12th February at 12.10pm; also Elfried Parker, aged 95 years, of Samuel Vale House. Funeral Mass is on Friday 20th February at 12.10pm; also Lesley Ann Stephen. May they rest in peace. BISHOP’S VISITATION OF THE PARISH Our area Bishop, Bishop William Kenney, is visiting our parish this weekend 7 and 8 February. All the parishes in Coventry are in the process of being visited, as the Bishops do periodically. Bishop Kenney will review with us the life of our parish in Christ; how we are engaged in mission, with a special emphasis on social outreach. It will be a time of encouragement and challenge. th th THERE WILL BE AN OPEN PARISH MEETING AFTER THE 5.30pm and 11.30 am Masses this weekend when we can review together the life of our parish. You will have an opportunity to share your reflections with the Bishop, as he will with us. THE LENT ‘WALK WITH ME’ BOOKLETS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED NEXT WEEKEND. WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FRIDAY MARCH 6th The Service for this 2015 Day of Prayer, “Jesus said to them: ‘Do you know what I have done to you?’”, has been prepared by the Christian Women of The Bahamas. Men and women are inclusively invited to this Celebration 11.00 am to 12.15pm in the Methodist Central Hall, Coventry. FR. DAVID KENIRY of The Ark of the Covenant, Coventry, 2002/2011, and known to many in Coventry, celebrates his Golden Jubilee of Ordination on 13th March this year. A special Mass will be celebrated at 7.00 pm on Friday 13th March, at Christ the King Church, Warren Farm Rd., Kingstanding, B44 0QN, followed by a reception to which all are welcome. If you would like to come, please leave a message on 01926 773744 or at [email protected] to facilitate catering. CHRIST THE KING BOXING CLUB is now accepting new members. The Boxing Club meet each week at St Augustine’s Sports Centre and further details are available from Brendan Malone on 07950 690122 and Colm Doherty on 07814 882236. Members have to be aged between 9 years and 18. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament this Saturday morning from 9am until Mass at 11.30am. WINTER NIGHT SHELTER – OPPORTUNITY TO HELP Louisa, our coordinator, has asked if more people could offer to help sometimes with the morning shift rota at St Osburg’s from 7.00am – 9.00 am on a Thursday morning. In a friendly way the volunteers serve a simple breakfast, assist in putting away the bedding, bag the laundry, and clean the kitchen and toilets. Please contact [email protected] ST ELIZABETH’S SCHOOL ARE ADVERTISING FOR CLASSROOM TEACHER RED MISSION BOXES- ANNUAL RETURNS THANKS During the past year our parish contributed £1,232.43 via the Red Mission Boxes, to the Pontifical Missionary Society, which distributes these funds to the missionary needs throughout the world, including helping the seminaries in poor countries to train future priests. Thank you to everyone who has a Red Mission Box and thank you to Paul Keenan, our parish secretary for Missio. SECOND COLLECTION FOR THE CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE: £214.49 Thank you. “300 CLUB” If you have any queries, please contact Ann Fenton on 76 599544 Please pray for THE SICK of the parish: Kathleen Tierney, Ralph Murray, Garry Hobbs, Fr Terence Fitzpatrick, Teresa Rynne, Cameron Reilly, Carla Lawrence, Kathleen McKinney, Josie Kennedy, Terence Harris, Patrick Connolly, Mark Correia, Colin Hipperson, Mary Kelly, Diane Cunningham, Kieran Connell, Ahmed Musa, Carol Sparks, Ruth Glithero, Jan Carusso, Nadia Faruk Hannah, Maria Conway, Tom McDermott, Alva Saunders, Shirley Hartnett, Carmel Silver, Ron Hamilton, Sharon, Ron Jones, Frances Crowley. Please pray for those who have died recently: Geraldine Rodger, Breda Convey, Michael Griffin. Leslely Ann Stephen, Elfried Parker, Please pray for all those whose ANNIVERSARIES occur about this time Michael Clarkin, Jack Shanahan, Francis Miller, Alice Cross, Pierce Butler, Damian Hainey, Margaret Roache, Margaret Gregson, Eva Chambers, Bridget Sharkey, Elizabeth O’Brien, Patrick Collins, Margeret King, Sally Joyce, Marguerite Jones, Samuel McWhinney, Andrew Clarke, John O’Brien, Sarah Worwood, John McCormack, Margaret Joyce, Maureen McCooey, James McCarron, Hugh McCooey, Mary Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth Kennedy, Helena Port, Kathleen Whitecross, David Kilfeather, Gillian Harris, Rose Breen, Kathleen Patchett. SUNG VESPERS 66 6.00 pm. CONFESSIONS Sa Saturday 12.00 – 1.00pm; 6.15 – 6.45pm W Weekdays: After the 12.10pm Mass Web Camera. We have a 24 hour webcam in church, to share our liturgy and prayer with those unable to be here. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216
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