Ushers and Greeters Don Holck, Betty Holck, Fenton Ludtke, Bunny Ludtke, Lee Cassidy, Mary Cassady The Flower Arrangement has been given by Sarah Lanier in memory of her son Brian Lanier. The Flower Designer this week is Sandy Mayer. Fellowship Hour. Carroll Klahr, Dean Klahr, Charlie Seaton and Nell Seaton will be hosting fellowship hour. All members and visitors are invited for lemonade, coffee, cookies, and fellowship following the service. Prayer Requests For Those Serving in the Military For Members Tim Athey Family of Phil Boggs Lucy Barrett Harry Heck Higbee Family Janet Miller Anne McClure Susan Usher For Friends and Family Lisa Bannon, Daughter of Rex and Ann McClure Chuck Curtis, Spouse of Jan Curtis and friend of Carolyn and Bob Ernest George Ljungdahl, Brother of Lars Ljungdahl Meredith Gilmore, Friend of Jan and Tom Schendorf Family of Tommy Nease Sr.,Friends of David & Linda Denhard Emily O’Reilly, Friend of Ray and Diane Krstolic Lea Anne Marchart, Friend of Preschool John Mitchell, Brother of Judy Gandelot Frankie Preston, Sister of Shirley Carter, Staff member Grace Petrany, Friend of Gerry Baumgardner Nick Robbins, Friend of Bob and Carolyn Ernest Larry Welsh, Brother of Bill Welsh Philip Boggs, serving in the Army, stationed in Ft. Carson Colorado, grandson of Patty & Phil Boggs Devin Crute, serving Homeland Security/Border Patrol, grandson of Lori & Bob Harris Bret Dalton, serving in Afghanistan, son-in-law of Al & Jane Steuber Richard Kelly, serving in the U.S. Navy, grandson of Margie Kelly Sam Gates, serving in the U.S. Navy, currently in Great Lakes boot camp grandson of Don and Sandy Mayer Jimmy Laird, serving in the U.S. Navy, grandson-in-law of Al & Jane Steuber Patrick Lenihan, serving in Afghanistan , grandson of Priscilla Beckwith Matt Quinn, serving in the U.S. Army, grandson of Gerry Baumgardner Taylor White, serving in the U.S. Navy in Texas, grandson of Bunny Ludtke Milo Moore, Serving in Fort Hood, TX, son of Milo and Judy Moore Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church Emily O’Reilly has been on our prayer list since the summer. She is a 34 year old mother with a 3 year old and 1 year old twins. She is suffering with a rare form of liver cancer. She and her family live in Ohio and are friends with Ray and Diane Krstolic. February 15, 2015 10:00 AM 50 Diamond Causeway Savannah, GA 31411 (912) 598-0151 About Our Logo The cross is symbolic of where we are going and whom we follow. The rings represent the building blocks and the energy of our ministry. We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation Rev. Dr. Jeff Garrison Dr. Mary McKee, Director of Music/Organist Presbytery Pulpit Exchange February 15, 2015 10:00 AM God Calls Us PRELUDE To God All Praise and Glory MIT FREUDEN ZART arr. Roger C. Wilson OFFERTORY ANTHEM Come Dwell in Solomon’s Walls Z. Randall Stroope ** DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Amen. PRAYER OF DEDICATION CHIMES WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS (All please fill out your attendance cards in your bulletin) INTROIT Earth and All Stars CALL TO WORSHIP (adapted from Psalm 62) Leader: Only God is my rock and my salvation—I will not be shaken. People: Our refuge is in God! Leader: All you people: Trust in Him at all times. Pour out your hearts before Him! ALL: Alleluia! Let us worship the Lord! ** HYMN # 6 Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above Elder of the week, Dick Shomaker SHARING OF JOYS AND CONCERNS DEXTER Elder of the week, Dick Shomaker MIT FREUDEN ZART PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER (Unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. ** HYMN # 371 SERMON CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION (a prayer by Rev. Teri Peterson) All: Creator God, You paint the world with Your vision, You whisper through our voices, You write on our hearts. Yet we turn our eyes away, close our ears, and harden our hearts. Where You have created, we have destroyed. Where You have brought together, we have divided. Where You have loved, we have ignored, and feared, and hated—often in Your name. Forgive our lack of vision, and help us to see as You see, in order that we might love as You love. (A moment for silent, individual confession and repentance) PRAYER RESPONSE Threefold Amen ASSURANCE OF PARDON Leader: Hear the good news! Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. People: The old life is gone; a new life has begun. Leader: Let us proclaim the good news together, ALL: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. ** GLORIA PATRI (Hymn 623) ** PASSING THE PEACE AND GREETING ONE ANOTHER CHIMES INVITATION TO THE OFFERING Sue Jones CHANCEL DRAMA TRADITIONAL Have Thine Own Way, Lord “Reluctant Prophets” Jonah 3:1-10 (Pages 860-861) Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. ADELAIDE Rev. Mary Beene ** AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (Unison) Apostles Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. ** HYMN # 349 Trust and Obey (verses 1-3) TRUST AND OBEY ** BENEDICTION ** BENEDICTION CHORAL RESPONSE Send Me, Jesus ** POSTLUDE God Reigneth THUMA MINA (music & words from South Africa) Chester Nordman ** Those who are able please stand The Worship Leaders for this week’s service are: Rev. Mary Beene, Dr. Mary McKee, Dick Shomaker and the SIPC Chancel Choir. If anyone has special needs, concerns or desires to become a member of our congregation, you are invited to meet with our Elder of the week, Dick Shomaker. He will be available immediately following the service at the front of the church. Join us for a special evening celebra1ng early literacy. Time to “Get Your Plaid On” Family Night And Book Fair Save this date! Sunday, February 22, 2015 10 AM Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans Thursday, March 5, 2015 6:00 pm-7:30 pm Save the date & sign up to carry your family’s banner and/or help with the church The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans is a Scottish-American remembrance that celebrates one of the heritages of the Presbyterian Church as our “mother church” was the Church of Scotland. At such a service, banners from the various Scottish clans are presented and prayers are offered that we might be blessed by the courage of the Highlanders. It is a time of celebration and remembrance for everyone, whether or not you are of Scottish ancestry. A bagpipe will call everyone to worship and we’ll sing songs with links to Scotland. This year, our pastor is in a series on Presbyterian beliefs and will speak about our understanding of the church (or “the kirk” as it is known in Scotland) and will also draw from John Knox, who reformed the church in Scotland in the mid-16th Century. Use your attendance card to indicate your interest Help us raise money for a new RIDING LOT for our preschoolers! $20 adults $5 children (6-12) Children 5 &under are free! Today is Pulpit Exchange Sunday in the Savannah Presbytery. Due to limited seating advanced reservations are required. Please reserve your spot early! Pastor Jeff is preaching this morning at White Bluff Presbyterian Church. Yes! Reserve our spot! Family Name:_______________________________________________ Dine in To-Go #_________ Adults @$20 each . . . . . . . . $_________ Total Free All are welcome to attend the concert. $_________ Check is Attached Yes Free Music Concert Mary & Tim McKee will be performing works by Bach and Beethoven on organ & piano this afternoon at 4 pm at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. #_________ Children (6-12) @$5 each . . $_________ #_________ Children 5 and under . . . . . We welcome the Reverend Mary Beene to our pulpit. Mary currently serves as stated supply pastor at Faith Presbyterian Church in Rincon. No The Session of Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church has authorized the receiving of a love offering for Beth Heddleson who has served our congregation for the past year and a half as the Office Administrator. She has resigned due to health issues and family concerns. If you would like to contribute to this offering, please make your gifts payable to the church and note what it is for or you can make your gift to Beth through a card that you either send directly to her or drop off at the office to be presented to her when we honor her on Sunday, March 1. Pastor Jeff Garrison will be presenting a talk titled “Becoming Mark Twain” for the Learning Center’s Lectures at Skidaway Island tomorrow (Monday, February 16). These lectures are held in Liston Hall. Church members can attend at the member price ($15), a savings of five dollars over the visitor price. A reception is at 5 PM and the lecture begins at 5:30 PM. All Church Sunday School Classes Adult Forum - The Adult Forum involves a relaxed but focused approach to studying God’s word. Each week, elected class members will select scripture and lead discussion. Prayer for individuals and church concerns are an important part of this class. The class is open to everyone and meets in the Johnson Parlor at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday. This Sunday, February 15, the class will be led by Debra Pekarski. Next Sunday, February 22, the class will be led by Grace Walter. Serendipity –The Serendipity Class will continue to discuss “The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller. On Sunday, February 15, Dee Angell will lead the class in a discussion on the Epilogue. On Sunday, February 22, the class will be led by Hazel Brown. We will begin a new book by Craig Barnes entitled When God Interrupts. Participants will purchase their own books. (Amazon offers a Kindle edition for $9.99.) Tax Efficient Stewardship Gifting shares of appreciated stock to SIPC is very tax efficient. You avoid the capital gain tax and get a full charitable deduction, in almost every case. Your shares are sent electronically from your broker to our account at Fidelity: ToFidelity: DTC 0226 SIPC account: Z73-568791 This Week at SIPC… Sunday, February 15 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Worship Service Fellowship Hour Monday, February 16 ****Church Office Closed for President’s Day Holiday Tuesday, February 17 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Kay Arthur’s Precepts Bible Study Boy Scouts Wednesday, February 18 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service Beth Moore Bible Study Thursday, February 19 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Handbells Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Saturday, February 21 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study at Marshwood ASH WEDNESDAY A brief service that includes the placing of an ashes on the forehead (in the sign of a cross) will be held this Wednesday (February 18) at noon at the Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. At this day we are to be reminded of our human limitations and our dependence on Christ as we remember what He has done for us and prepare ourselves for accepting the mystery of resurrection Please let us know when you are doing a transfer. We will report back to you upon its completion. Birthday Wishes This Week… Sunday Flower Arrangement donations. The new flower card signups for 2015 are now on the board in Liston Hall. Please pick your date to help glorify God with flowers in the Sunday service of your choice to celebrate an occasion, honor the memory of loved ones, or honor a special person. The flower arrangement donation is $65.00 and should be paid to “Skidaway Island Presbyterian Church” with a notation on the memo line of your check to “Flowers and the date of your Sunday.” The Flower Guild thanks you. Coffee Hour Hosts and Hostesses Needed Extend the friendship and hospitality of this loving congregation by helping occasionally to host our coffee fellowship after worship. You simply set up the refreshments, pour coffee and lemonade, and greet our members and guests as we mingle after worship. Choose an open date from the sign-up calendar posted in Liston Hall. February 21 Sam Eskew If you would like to become a member of SIPC, please talk to one of our elders or Pastor Jeff Garrison following Worship Service. We would love to count you among our family in Christ! To nurture Christians who by their words and actions reflect the face of Jesus to the world.
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