Notice Sheet - North Blackwater Parishes

NOTICESHEET 15th February 2015
Info for the notice sheet please send to
[email protected]
Welcome to those visiting! Do please make yourself known to the sidespersons and minister
Prayers for the sick: Mike Gibson, Christine Drake,
Derek Drake, Les Carter, Paul Murray, Lily Dewson, Ann
Parmenter, Alan Berry, Persephone Ford, Frank Price.
Recent deaths: Jean Bouttell, Rhona Heard,
Mr Beckwith.
Year’s Mind : Clive Olley, Monica Allatt,
Emmie Smith, Ellen Lewis, Dorothy Gaskin,
Dilys Butt, John Steward, Peter Hooper, Doris Griffiths,
Dick Houlding, Benjamin Nixon, Yvonne Keeble,
Sidney Parmenter, Ella Parmenter
Sunday 15 February 15 Week 3
Sunday before Lent/Green
2 Kings 2.1–12 Tol 367 D/M 259 Sal 177
Mark 9. 2-9 Tol 1012 D/M 713Sal 178
Tollesbury CW (2) Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
Salcott CW Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss,
Revd Denise Corley to Preach
T. Major Worship Together
Revd Christine Gorringe
Tollesbury Family Service
with Edward Bear Club With Baptisms
Geoff Bayliss
Tollesbury Sung Evensong
Revd Geoff Bayliss,
Revd Christine Gorringe to Preach
Wednesday 18th Feb 15 Ash Wednesday 10.00 am:
7.30 pm: Tolleshunt D’Arcy
Sunday 22nd Feb 15 Week 4 Lent 1
(Sunday after Ash Wednesday) Purple
Genesis 9.8–17 Tols 10 D/M 8 Sal 178
Mark 1. 9-15 Tols 1002 D/M 706 Sal 179
Tolleshunt D’Arcy Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
Tollesbury Parish Communion
No Sunday School as the Holiday Club Service
will be happening at 11 am in the Cong
Revd Christine Gorringe,
Revd Denise Corley to Preach
Congregational Church
Holiday Club Follow up Service
Tolleshunt D'Arcy Worship Together
with Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss,)
This Week Monday
9.15 am Morning Prayer - Tolleshunt D’Arcy
10.00 am Edward Bear Club – Tollesbury
9.15 am
Tollesbury Prayers
10.00 am
See panel
7:30 pm
CCS Course
10.00 am
10.00 am
Holiday Club
10.00 am
Holiday Club
The funeral for Jean Bouttell will be at Colchester
Crematorium on Monday 16th Feb at 10.15 am
The funeral for Rhona Heard will be at Colchester
Crematorium on Monday 23rd Feb at 1.15 am
Sun 15th February - Parish Room
11 am till 3 pm : Sell your unwanted stuff
Indoor table top sale
Pitch booking at £7 a space
Contact Ed Heigham .
The Bell pub in Tolleshunt Major have kindly offered to host
our ladies bible study, while there, we can also indulge in a
delicious cooked breakfast at a great price. It is at 9.30am on a
Friday morning and we are studying ladies of the bible.
The dates are 13 and 27th February, 13th and 27th March, 17th and
1st May. If you would like more details or would like to join us
please contact Laura on 860550 (this is child free time, hope you
Jumble Sale on Sat 7th March at The Parish Room,
Tollesbury St Mary's Church Funds
Jumble from 9am, doors open at 1pm for sales. If you
can help with manning stalls or helping to set up/take
down, ( or providing stuff to sell) we would be very
grateful). Please contact Ed or Jeremy 869723
Thursday 5th March 'Pieces and Peals' in the St
Mary's Tollesbury from 7pm. In place of normal bell
ringing practice,
This is a small event to raise the profile of the Bell
Frame refurbishment fund and will take place from 7pm in
the church. Bell ringers will give some demonstrations,
Jonathon Lindridge will play a couple of bits on the organ
and there will be a cup of tea and some cake probably!
No set charge, but donations please!
Contact Marion Barrett or Ed for info and details.
Saturday March 21st
FOSM made in excess of £500 at the Just Desserts
evening. Thanks to all who attended or helped in any
way with making/setting up/taking down. Thanks Jeremy
This week!!!
Church Electoral Rolls: Once again you are
invited to join the Church membership list of
one our 4 churches. Church membership is
important as it both shows a commitment to a
local congregation. Forms can be found in all
the churches please return them A.S.A.P. to:
Salcott-Muriel Barrett
Tolleshunt D’Arcy- Julia Williams
Tolleshunt Major- Sarah Case