The Winter 2015, Volume 64, No. 3 Climate Change is (not) for the Birds President’s Letter Dear Friends, by Jack Kozuchowski What is Bedford Audubon doing about climate change? For more than a century, Bedford Audubon’s citizen scientists have contributed local observations during the annual Christmas Bird Count.The data are used in climate change models—a far cry from the Count’s early days. Climate change models are key to predicting impacts on birds and other wildlife. Our Hawkwatch and Eaglewatch projects track raptor numbers, data that is critical in helping us understand how birds are, or aren’t, adapting to climate change and other environmental conditions. We’re also making Bylane Farm, circa 1730s, more energy efficient and reduce its ecological footprint. Bylane Farm serves many purposes for us—offices, meeting rooms, libraries, and lodging for staff. But whether it’s replacing the boiler, installing LED light fixtures, or buying recycled paper—the Staff and Board are always looking for ways to go green. And thanks to a grant from Volunteer New York and student volunteers from John Jay High School, the Leon Levy Native Garden became more climate-resilient this fall. Students helped us plant more than 40 native shrubs and small trees along the northern border to protect the garden and grounds.Together with Bylane Farm, the Garden is an evolving example of how to make your home more bird-friendly and climate-resilient. Stop by to see what we’re doing and how you might incorporate some of these practices at home. We can’t do any of this without you though! On behalf of the Staff and Board, thank you to all the volunteers that give so generously of their time. Without your help, many of our projects could not be accomplished. Donations from you, our members and friends, are essential to keeping Bylane’s doors open, staff paid, and continuing our conservation research, environmental education, and other important projects. If you haven’t yet contributed during this holiday season, I urge you to do so! Your donations are critical to fulfilling our goals for making the Hudson Valley more bird-friendly and climate-resilient. We’re looking forward to an exciting 2015, and with your loyal support to many more years of protecting habitat and birds! M ost scientists agree that climate change is a reality—one that is already showing its effects like sea level rise, shifting of habitats and ecosystems, and drought. But what about the birds? Climate change is not for the birds. Consider these facts: National Audubon’s groundbreaking report on climate change and North American birds found that by mid-century, 314 species will be impacted by climate change, and 126 species are at risk of losing more than half of their ranges, leading to serious decline. Read the full report here: sites/default/files/ AudubonBirds-Climate-Report-v1.2.pdf Photo by Trudy Battaly Climate change is a controversial and hot (literally) topic, but it’s an important one that we’re devoting this edition to. For years scientists have predicted and observed the shifting and shrinking ranges of bears, butterflies, and other species and changes in flowering schedules and pollinators struggling to adjust to those new schedules.Thanks to the Audubon climate change report that was released this fall, we know 314 North American bird species are climate threatened or endangered.These alarming changes are only the beginning. The Northern Saw-whet Owl is predicted to lose 99% of its range by 2080. The Journal of Conservation Biology published a study on the physiological and ecological effects on landbirds due to climate change. Sekercioglu and his colleagues found that for every degree of warming, extinction increase exponentially. In the worst case scenario, we could lose 400 to 550 bird species worldwide in the next century. Read the study here: doi/10.1111/cbi. 2008.22. issue-1/issuetoc. Allen Hurlbert analyzed citizen science observations of birds’ arrival dates to their breeding grounds and identified earlier arrival times ranging from 0.8 days to as many as 6 days for every degree Celsius of warming.You can read the full findings here: 1371%2 Fjournal.pone.0031662. continued on page 3 Carol Cioppa 2 Bedford Audubon Society • Visit our website at • Winter 2015 Bedford Audubon Society, Inc. KEEP IN TOUCH BOARD OF DIRECTORS Carol Cioppa, President, Pound Ridge Dr. Jim Jones, Treasurer, Pound Ridge Walter Fowler, Vice-President,Yorktown Lynn Becker, Katonah Dr. J. Alan Clark, Armonk Marilyn Glass, Bedford Marilyn Shapiro, Pound Ridge COMMITTEE & PROGRAM LEADERSHIP Development, Carol Cioppa Education, Dr. Linda R. Burke Great Swamp, Dr. Jim Utter Facilities, Carol Cioppa Finance, Dr. Jim Jones Governance, Dr. J. Alan Clark Henry Morgenthau Preserve, Marilyn Shapiro Leon Levy Native Garden, Lynn Becker Nominating, Walter Fowler Program Registrar, Jeanne Pollock Science & Research, Dr. J. Alan Clark Strategic Planning, Walter Fowler & Dr. Jim Jones STAFF Janelle Robbins, Executive Director Tait Johansson, Naturalist-in-Residence VISIT US Bylane Farm, 35 Todd Road, Katonah, New York 10536 Leon Levy Native Garden John Bull Library Offices James Ramsay Hunt & Mary Welsh Parker Memorial Sanctuary, Katonah Henry Morgenthau Preserve, Pound Ridge Palmer H. Lewis Memorial Sanctuary, Bedford Ruth Walgreen Franklin & Winifred Fels Memorial Sanctuary, North Salem CONTACT US Phone: 914.232.1999 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Facebook: Do you want to stay up to date with what’s happening at Bedford Audubon, special additions to our programming line-up, and other news? If so, make sure you’re receiving emails from us! New to our email list? Send a message to [email protected] with your first and last names. If you aren’t receiving email from us but used to, check to make sure your SPAM filters are set to allow you to receive mail from [email protected]. If you use Gmail, please check your “Promotions” mailbox for messages from Bedford Audubon. By dragging an email from us into your “Primary” mailbox you’ll always see our messages right away. iPhone Mail users may also get what appears to be a blank email from us as well as other organizations. An easy fix is described here: Winter & Early Spring Almanac JANUARY MARCH 2-3 Peak night for Quarantids meteor 5 10 4 10 25 shower. Full Moon. Oaks and beeches are among the few broad-leaved trees still retaining their leaves. Larger waterfowl concentrations form in open patches of water on lakes and rivers, as ice accumulates elsewhere. FEBRUARY 3 12 20 28 Full Moon. Look for fox tracks on newly fallen snow, which resemble small dog tracks arranged in a pattern that is almost a line. Springtails (also called snow fleas), small dark blue insect, are visible on thawing snow. Some willows producing catkins already. 12 15 20 25 Full moon. Spring Peepers heard in full strength on warmer nights; at a distance a Peeper chorus can sound rather like faraway sleigh bells. Compton Tortoiseshell and Mourning Cloak butterflies become active on warm sunny days, having just emerged from hibernation. Bluebirds begin building nests. Spring Equinox; first official day of Spring. Spotted Salamanders head to vernal pools for breeding, watch for them crossing roads on rainy nights. APRIL 4 15 Full moon. American Toads start to congregate in their breeding wetlands; the males attract females with a long, persistent, bird-like trill. Bedford Audubon Society • • Winter 2015 3 Climate Change- continued from page 1 Some bird species may survive a changing climate by shifting their ranges closer to the poles or moving higher in altitude.This means we may see different birds at our feeders, in our backyards, and in our local wildlife sanctuaries and parks. Some of our favorite birds will shift further north, with new species moving in. However, the evolution of ecosystems worldwide will be at a different pace than adaptation by birds—a phenomenon called asynchronous response. Migrating birds will arrive at breeding grounds earlier than their food sources – whether that’s nectar, insects, or seeds – are available. Not enough food can negatively impact breeding success, resulting in smaller broods. There will also be an evolution of something called no analog ecosystems. This is where habitat changes into something that has not previously been seen before. Birds may not be able to establish breeding or wintering territories where they previously thrived because the habitat is now alien to them. Climate change is global, but its detrimental effects on local ecosystems and the species we care about are nearly assured. However, no one can predict with absolute certainly how ecosystems will change. But change they will, and the effects on habitat viability, migration, and food will chaotically affect some species—depending on how well humans can slow or stop climate change. Join us for the next article in this climate change series in the spring newsletter on mitigation—how you can reduce your carbon footprint. 10 Climate Endangered Birds in New York These are just ten common species that are climate endangered in New York State.This means that these birds are projected to lose more than half of their current ranges by 2050. American Black Duck Bald Eagle Brown Creeper Bufflehead Common Loon Greater Scaup Hooded Merganser Ring-billed Gull Ring-necked Duck Ruffed Grouse Please show your support for Bedford Audubon Society’s conservation mission by making a gift today. Your tax-deductible donation is truly needed and appreciated. To donate, please mail this form and a check payable to Bedford Audubon Society, 35 Todd Road, Katonah, NY 10536 If you wish to make a secure donation using a Visa or MasterCard, visit $50 $100 $250 $500 $1,000 $2,500 I wish to make a donation of ____________________. My employer has a matching gift program. My check is enclosed. Please send me information on legacy giving. I wish to pay by credit card: VISA MC This is a gift in honor of: ____________________________________ Credit Card Number _________________________________________ Please honor me anonymously. Expiration Date ____________________________ CVV Code________ Please honor me as: ________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Name Address City State Zip Phone E-Mail Bedford Audubon never sells or shares your personal information. Thank you! 4 Bedford Audubon Society • • Winter 2015 Trail maintenance isn’t just for the summer! We’re looking for volunteers to help repair sections of boardwalk at the Hunt-Parker Sanctuary this winter. No experience necessary. Just come and enjoy the brisk weather on half-day work parties to make the Orange Trail safer underfoot! If you’re interested, please contact Jack Kozuchowski at [email protected]. About Birds: Bufflehead by Tait Johansson T he Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), often known to hunters as the “butterball” for its ability to put on quantities of fat during fall migration, is a small, stubby, strikingly-plumaged duck common in our area in winter—as long as there is open water. The odd name is a corruption of “Buffalo-head”, a reference to the bird’s angular, disproportionately large head. The male (called a drake) and female (a hen) are of similar size and shape, but have such different adult plumages that one could be forgiven for thinking that they are two different species. The drake is mostly a bright gleaming white, and boldly patterned with black on the back, wings, and tail.The forehead and lower border of the head has an area of darker coloration that, though it normally looks black, in the right light reveals beautiful iridescent highlights of bronzy-gold, purple, and green. In contrast, hens and young drakes are a gray-brown on the underparts and a darker gray-brown on the rest of the body, save for a small white patch in the secondaries and a small oval of white on the side of the face. During courtship, the drakes do a variety of rather charming displays, involving head-bobbing, wing-lifting, and short flights over and near the hen, with a short “water-skiing” finish, as the drake sticks his bright pink feet out in front of himself as he gradually comes to a stop on the surface of the water. This bird breeds at the edges of ponds and lakes in the boreal forests of Canada. A cavity-nester like the Wood Duck, the Bufflehead’s small size enables it to use a wide variety of tree cavities for nesting—often abandoned flicker nest or Photo: Buffleheads in flight by Marcus Robertson roost holes.They migrate south in autumn to warmer climes. On its wintering grounds, the Bufflehead frequents lakes, ponds, large rivers, and saltwater near shore, where it feeds mostly on mollusks and crustaceans, a change from its usual summer diet of aquatic insects. The Bufflehead is Climate Endangered, with a projected loss of 59 percent of its breeding habitat. Because they rely on trees for nesting, a lack of nesting sites make northern adaptation above the tree line, where the climate may be otherwise suitable, challenging. Bedford Audubon Society • • Winter 2015 5 Late Winter/Early Spring Lectures, Field Trips, and Special Programs We invite you to join us this winter for a wonderful selection of lectures, field trips, and special events. All of Bedford Audubon’s programs are open to the public. Please also check our website and Facebook page for new additions to our program line-up! Unless otherwise noted, please pre-register for all programs with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. In case of emergencies, inclement weather, or other extenuating circumstances it is important that we have your contact information to address last minute changes, postponements, or cancelations. We will make every effort to call or email any changes to registered participants by 6 pm the day prior to the program.Thank you for your attention! Each walk field trip is given one of three levels of physical difficulty: Easy, Moderate, or Strenuous. Please discuss your level of mobility with the program registrar to ensure the program is appropriate for you. Participation carries certain risks, and it is required that all walk and field trip participants carefully read and sign a release of liability. The waiver is available at We appreciate your understanding. JANUARY Thursdays in January & February, 1 hour before sunset, Science in Action: EagleWatch. Starting January 8 and ending February 26,Tait and a team of volunteers will monitor roosting Bald Eagles within the Lower Hudson Valley Important Bird Area (IBA) at George’s Island, New Croton Reservoir, and Verplanck. Family friendly—a great way to introduce science to your kids! If you’re interested in this fun and exciting citizen science project please email Tait at [email protected] or call 914.232.1999. Saturday, January 3, Science in Action: Putnam Christmas Bird Count. Another chance to lend your birding skills to the cause! Contact Charlie Roberto at 914.271.0840 to learn how you can help. Sunday, January 11, 7 - 8:30 pm, Workshop: Grow Native Plant from Seed with Barbara Gerson at the Pound Ridge Library. When invasives outcompete native plants, it’s time to level the playing field! Use Mother Nature’s own methods to propagate native plants from seed. Join us for this Invasive Project – Pound Ridge workshop to learn how to collect and sow seeds. Cost: Free. No registration required. Tuesday, January 13, 7-9 am, Bird Walk: Dean’s Bridge with Bedford Audubon Naturalist Tait Johansson. Start the work day right! If the weather cooperates, ice elsewhere will concentrate large numbers of wintering waterfowl at the open water by Dean’s Bridge for easy viewing and identifying. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Wednesday, January 14, 7 pm, Lecture: An Unnatural History of Wildlife Law with Dr. J. Alan Clark at the Katonah Village Library. We’re thrilled to have one of our favorite speakers back! Dr. Clark is not only a biologist, but also an attorney and this lecture will explore the intersection of wildlife and the laws designed to protect and conserve them. Cost: Free. No registration required; we’ll see you at 7 pm for refreshments and the lecture begins at 7:30 pm. (Please bring a reusable mug to help us reduce our ecological footprint.) Friday, January 16 through Monday, January 19, Special Field Trip: Cape Ann in Winter. We invite you to join us for this special trip to Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Cape Ann is the winter home to a spectacular range of seabirds. Our masterful Naturalist Tait Johansson will guide this special extended trip around Rockport and Gloucester. Our negotiated group hotel rates and optional fixed price dinners at local restaurants simplify the logistics and allow you to focus on the main attraction—the birds. Register now! Cost: $100 for members, $130 for non-members and we’ll credit $30 towards your membership. Note: The fee for this trip helps offset expenses associated with our free nature walks and field trips. Level of difficulty: Easy-moderate. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Monday, January 19, Office Closed: MLK Day. Explore our sanctuaries on your own—winter is a great time to scout for tracks and learn more about the mammals that live in our sanctuaries. Saturday, January 24, 9 am to 1 pm, Workshop: Wild for Waterfowl. Last year’s weather didn’t cooperate as much as we would have liked, so we’re giving this another go! Bedford Audubon’s Naturalist Tait Johansson will first lead a classroom session at Bylane Farm on waterfowl biology and identification, and then the group will depart for Dean’s Bridge to put your new skills to work! We’ll also be offering a second session in February. Family friendly for kids 12 and older, but all children must be accompanied by a participating adult. Cost: $15 for Bedford Audubon members, or $30 for non-members and we’ll credit the workshop fee towards your membership if you join that day. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. continued on pages 6 -7 6 Bedford Audubon Society • • Winter 2015 Late Winter/Early Spring Lectures, Field Trips, and Special Programs Sunday, January 25, 9 am - 12 pm, Field Trip: Discover the Meadowlands in Winter with Meadowlands Field Specialist Mike Newhouse. Waterfowl galore, winter raptors, possible Snow Buntings and Horned Larks are all possibilities! Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Saturday, January 31, 8 am-1 pm, Bird Walk: Explore Greenwich Point with Bedford Audubon Naturalist Tait Johansson. Long-tailed ducks, scoters, and Goldeneyes oh my! Depart Bylane at 7 am, or meet in the lot at the concession stand by 8am. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. FEBRUARY Tuesday, February 3, 9 am-1 pm, Workshop: Wild for Waterfowl with Naturalist-in-Residence Tait Johansson. Tait will first lead a classroom session at Bylane Farm on waterfowl biology and identification, and then this time the group will depart for the Edith Read Sanctuary in Rye to put your new skills to work. Family-friendly for kids 12 and older, but all children must be accompanied by a participating adult. Cost: $15 for Bedford Audubon members, or $30 for nonmembers and we’ll credit the workshop fee towards your membership if you join that day. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Saturday, February 7, 9 am-3 pm, See Us: EagleFest! Join us at the New Croton Dam for a day of viewing our Nation’s symbol, the Bald Eagle. We’ll also be monitoring the local waterfowl and other birds, too! No registration necessary! Snow date Sunday, February 8. Saturday, February 7, 10 am-12 pm, Volunteer: Vinecutting at the Russell Preserve in Pound Ridge with Bob DelTorto. Learn to identify vines in winter and the best way to remove invasive vines to protect the health of native trees with the Invasives Project – Pound Ridge and the Pound Ridge Land Conservancy. Please bring work gloves, loppers, and pruners if you have them. Cost: Free. Register with [email protected]. Wednesday, February 11, 7 pm, Lecture: The Gotham Coyote Project with Dr. Mark Weckel at the Katonah Village Library. Coyotes in New York City! Why are they here? Where do they live? How many are there? What do they eat? Mark Weckel of the American Museum of Natural History will explain how the Gotham Coyote Project is trying to answer these questions and others. Cost: Free. No registration required; we’ll see you at 7 pm for refreshments, the lecture begins at 7:30 pm. (Please bring a reusable mug to help us reduce our ecological footprint.) February 13-16, Science in Action: The Great Backyard Bird Count! Launched in 1998 by the National Audubon and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Great Backyard Bird Count was the first online citizen science project to collect data on wild birds and display results in near real-time. Since them, more than 100,000 people of all ages have contributed observations to create this annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds. All you need to do is tally the numbers and species of birds you see for at least 15 minutes on one or more days during the count period, at any location anywhere in the world! Register at Saturday, February 14, 9-11 am, Workshop: Wildlife Photography with Bedford Audubon Members Chet Friedman and Marcus Robertson. Interested in taking a better photo of that stunning Northern Flicker or the Red-tail on the wing? Chet and Marcus will explore wildlife photo etiquette, knowing your subject and surroundings, composition, equipment, tips and tricks. Bring your camera! Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Monday, February 16, Office Closed: Presidents’ Day. We like to think that Washington and Lincoln would approve! Get out and explore our sanctuaries on foot or by snowshoe if the weather allows! Saturday, February 21, 7-9 pm, Nature Walk: The Winter Sky at Bylane with Bedford Audubon Member Alan Alterman. Learn to use an orrey to understand the reasons for seasons, eclipses, long nights and short days, and moon phases and conjunctions—and how Ursa Major lost his tail! The Westchester Amateur Astronomers will bring their deep sky telescopes to help us explore the Moon’s craters, Jupitor’s moons, and the Seven Sisters and also to find Orion, the Bull, the Bear, the Dog, the Queen, and Home Plate.This is a great program for families, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy. Dress warm. Please register with Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Snow date February 22. MARCH Wednesday, March 11, 7 pm, Lecture: Climate Change & Birds with Dr. Gary Langham at the Katonah Village Library. Did you know that 314 North American bird species are threatened or endangered due to climate change? Join Bedford Audubon Society • • Winter 2015 7 National Audubon’s Chief Scientist and author of the groundbreaking climate change report for a lecture on the impacts of climate change on our feathered friends. Cost: Free. No registration required; we’ll see you at 7 pm for refreshments, the lecture begins at 7:30 pm at the Katonah Village Library. (Please bring a reusable mug to help us reduce our ecological footprint.) Saturday, March 28, 7 am-12 pm, Field Trip: Croton Point Park with Naturalist-in-Residence Tait Johansson. Join Tait as he searches for early returning migrants like Killdeer, American Kestrels, and Eastern Meadowlarks. Depart Bylane at 6:30 am. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy to moderate. Register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Thursday March 12, 8 am-1 pm, Field Trip: Marshlands Conservancy & Edith Read Sanctuary with Naturalist-inResidence Tait Johansson. Just in time for displaying waterfowl, Fox Sparrows, early returning migrants, and perhaps Great Horned Owls! Depart Bylane at 7:15 am or meet us at the boathouse on Playland Lake at 8 am. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy to moderate. Register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Tuesday, March 31, 7:15-8:30 pm, Field Trip: Dance of the Woodcock at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. We hope to see you after work at this extraordinary ritual, where the male American Woodcock “peents”, struts, hurls himself into the evening sky, and glides back down to the ground again, all in hopes of attracting a mate. Meet Naturalist Tait Johansson in the parking area just before the toll booth, and bring a flashlight or headlamp. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy-moderate. Register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Saturday, March 14, 7-11 am, Workshop: Birding By Ear with Naturalist-in-Residence Tait Johansson. Get ready for spring migration! Birding by ear is one of the most rewarding yetchallenging ways to identify our avian friends. Tait will demystify bird calls and sounds in this special workshop, teaching you to apply a methodology for identifying and categorizing a variety of vocalizations. Great for novice and intermediate birders. We sold out last year, so register now! Cost: $25 for members, $30 for non-members and we’ll convert your workshop fee to a one-year membership at the Black-capped Chickadee level. Register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Saturday, March 21, 8:30 am-2 pm, Field Trip: Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge/Black Dirt Region with Naturalist-in-Residence Tait Johansson. Join Tait and the group in search of exciting spring migrants like Rusty Blackbird, Wood Duck, Northern Pintail, and Green-winged Teal. Possible stop at Shawangunk Grasslands on the way back for Rough-legged Hawks and Eastern Meadowlark. Depart Bylane 7 am. Cost: Free. Level of difficulty: Easy to moderate. Register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Sunday, March 22, 7-8 pm, Forum: Creating Wildlife Habitat with Dr. Linda Rohleder at the Pound Ridge Library. Lure butterflies, birds and other wildlife to your property by planting their favorite trees, shrubs, and perennials. Join the Invasives Project – Pound Ridge, the Lower Hudson Partners in Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) for this spring forum. Our own Tait Johansson will be on hand with Mianus River Gorge’s Dr. Chris Nagy to answer questions. Cost: Free. No registration necessary. APRIL Wednesday, April 8, 7 pm, Lecture: Stay tuned for more details. Please bring a reusable mug to help us reduce our ecological footprint. Cost: Free. No registration required; we’ll see you at 7 pm for refreshments, the lecture begins at 7:30 pm at the Katonah Village Library. Saturday, April 11, 8 am-12 pm, Workshop: Warblers with Naturalist-in-Residence Tait Johansson. Every spring, about 30 species of wood warblers are found migrating through our area, bringing with them a beautiful but bewildering profusion of colors and sounds.This workshop will focus on how to go about learning to identify the species in this celebrated family of birds, by sound as well as by sight. Cost: $40 for members and $55 for non-members and we’ll convert your workshop fee to a one-year membership at the Black-capped Chickadee level; cost includes “The Warbler Guide” by Stephenson and Whittle. Level of difficulty: Easy. Register with Ms. Jeanne Pollock at [email protected] or 914.519.7801. Save the Date! We’re in the nascent stages of planning a spring birding trip to Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge and Braddock Bay in central New York. Braddock Bay is the best spring Hawkwatch in the northeast, many migrating land birds, and interesting waterfowl along the south shore of Lake Ontario. Interested? Let us know! Bedford Audubon Society 35 Todd Road Katonah, NY 10536 NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS NY Postermaster: Address Correction Requested PERMIT NO 4961 Our Mission The mission of the Bedford Audubon Society is to promote conservation and protection of wildlife habitats in the northern Westchester and eastern Putnam region through education, advocacy, nature study and birdwatching. Photo by Richard Crossley Bedford Audubon’s volunteer family is growing! W ith only two full-time staff members, volunteers are an integral part of Bedford Audubon! To support our growing and evolving organization, we’ve expanded our volunteer network through a number of avenues—Volunteer Match, an online service that matches prospective volunteers to nonprofits; Volunteer New York, formerly known as the Volunteer Center; Skills for Change, a virtual volunteering website; and of course, through our own community. Our volunteers range from Cub Scouts to “professional volunteers” that spend their retirement giving back to their favorite causes. Most excitingly, we have a growing contingent of high school volunteers. Sometimes six decades separate the volunteers, but Bedford Audubon always unites them. We have volunteers that edit articles or design graphics for us from the other side of the world, some that drop in for a week or so to fulfill a service obligation, and others that come every week to work on a specific project. We have a list of volunteers to call when we’re prepping a mailing, or have a special event. Do you want to volunteer? Download our Volunteer Application from and call Janelle at 914.232.1999 to make an appointment to talk about your volunteer interests. Wish List C leaning out your closets, basement, or garage? Check with us first in case we can give your castaways a new life helping Bedford Audubon! We’re looking for: • Hand pruners, loppers, and hand saws in good repair • Oscillating sprinklers and spray nozzles without any leaks • 36-quart or larger wheeled cooler • Galvanized tubs, pails, and sap buckets without holes or noticeable rust If you have any of these items or can arrange for free or discounted items and services, please call Janelle at 914.232.1999 or for more details on our needs. Check out our complete Amazon Wish List for conservation equipment, books, and office supplies by searching for Bedford Audubon Society at And if you designate us as your charity of choice at, your gift goes even further when Amazon donates a portion of your purchases to us!
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