Th 5th 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 15th February 2015 Our Mission: We follow the words of our patron, St John Vianney, who said “He is here”. We recognise Christ is in the Word, the Eucharist, and in us, His people with a special reverence for Him in the poor and marginalised. We are called to make Christ present through our prayer and charity. We seek to grow in our spiritual lives and create a community where everyone is welcome; the young and old, together to experience the loving presence of God. We believe He is here amongst us and we joyfully go out to make Him present to all. St John Vianney's, Manly & St Jude's, Gumdale Dear Friends, This week’s gospel reveals Jesus doing the unthinkable…..”He stretched out His hand and touched him.” Our Lord touched the man with leprosy which went against every law and custom. Lepers were unclean and as the first reading reveals, being unclean they must live alone, outside the camp. Our Lord’s compassion is something all of us can imitate, as St Paul tells us in the second reading. Jesus was very strong in going the extra mile to help others, even to the extent, that through His healing of the leper, Christ Himself became the one rejected and ostracised because He challenged the authorities of His time and the laws and customs that became more important than the message of God which are mercy and justice. We too are challenged to go out deeper in our love of God and neighbour. Those who lose their life will find it says the Lord. He is referring to charity and its ability to break boundaries that keep people isolated and outside the camp. We are challenged to touch those, in other words, to take their hand, to become involved, with the lepers of our society. We do not need to look very far. They are within our family, our Parish, our school, work and street. Many are hidden in the distressing disguise of mental illness, unemployment, refugees, sickness of all kinds, old age, widowhood, divorce and the lonely. Being imitators of Christ calls us to move beyond our boundaries and to see with the eyes of compassion. February the 11th was the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Her message of deep love for the sick and infirmed inspires us to reach out and touch those who are suffering. We can be encouraged by the tender love of Mary to hear the question of those who suffer “If you want to, you can make me clean” - Our response like Jesus is “I want to.” Let us ask Our Lady for her help in giving us the courage to become involved in the sufferings of others through prayer and active good works. In this way, we can share the joy of helping another to be healed and belong again. Please keep our RCIA candidates in your prayers. We have 10 young people entering the Church. Please remember our children preparing for the Sacraments this year. Thanks to all who generously give of their time and talent to these good people. As we begin Lent, let us take time to increase our peace and charity and God Love You Fr Frank hope. What’s happening this week ? Mon 16th Tues 17th *********************** 6:00pm Mass - Manly Ash Wednesday 9:10am Rosary - Manly 9:30am Mass - Manly 11:30am Liturgy - Birkdale 6:00pm Mass - Manly 6:00pm Mass - Birkdale Wed 18th Thurs 19th 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Fri 20th 9:30am Mass - Birkdale Sat 21st Sun 22nd Reconciliation - Birkdale Mass - Birkdale 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:15pm Reconciliation - Manly Mass - Manly Mass - Birkdale 7:00am 8:00am 9:30am Mass - Gumdale Mass - Birkdale Mass - Manly PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Elaine Somerville, Faith Bell, James Brown, Karen Booker, Daphne Eddleston, Michael Gibbings, Norm Goopy, Denise Hobbs, Gordon Lee, Joyce McBarrow, Gwen Pook, Pat Quelch, Bryce Scott, Colin Shrubb, Judy Shultz, Mary Schmidt, Helen Stevenson, Joyce Starkey, Margaret Turpin, Ruth Louise Wragge, Gayle Wharton, Madge Wiese, Julie Whitaker, Pat Wilson, Sandra Wilson, Sr Teresa Geraghty, Pat Brennan, Mary Forrester, Krystyna Kelly, John Harrison, Therese Sheehan, Sheila Petersen, Antoinette Brennen, Richard Pook, Terry Bonny, Violet Phillips, Ash Dean, Anthony Cassell, Maura Poots. ANNIVERSARIES: Martin Ball, Russell Barton, Murray Bradley, Flynn Brown, George Campbell, Sr Denise Candy, Eileen Cook, Leonard Cunnington, Maria Cybulski, Ernie Erzetic, Mary Forbes, Robert Hooper, Jamie Kaden, Ivan Katic, Blanche Mahoney, Peter Martin , Kai Mathie, Franklin Pankhurst, John Pease, Valerie Smith, Warren Smith, Mary Thornthwaite, Frederick Ward, Kathleen Wellington. RECENTLY DECEASED: Fr Paul Siebert OMI, David Vidler, Donna Pytko, Ronnie Mason-Johnson. Pastor: Fr Frank Jones Associate Pastor: Fr Epati Tamati Parish Office: cnr Ernest and Kooralgin Sts, Manly, 4179 Postal Address: PO Box 5174 Manly Qld 4179 Office hours: 9.00am to 2.30pm Mon, Wed, Fri Ph: 3131 2610 (Birkdale 3822-2139) Fax: 3396 9630 email: [email protected] PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 1 Steve Pratt (Chairman), Bruce Corrie (Secretary), Leslee O’Connell, Ray Devoy, Katie Pook, Joshua Walsh, John Muller, Rebecca Sullivan and Arnold Read. Entrance Anthiphon: Gospel Acclamation : Lk Be my protector, O God, a mighty stronghold to save me. For you are my rock, my stronghold! Lead me, guide me, for the sake of your name. 7:16 Alleluia, alleluia! A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited his people. Alleluia First Reading: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46. Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 The leprosy left him and he was cured. As long as he is unclean, he must live alone, outside the camp. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 31:1-2, 5, 11. The Prayers of the Faithful: I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble and you fill me with the joy of salvation. For our Holy Father Pope Francis and for all leader-servants of the Church, that they stretch out their hearts and hands to heal discrimination and injustice. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. Happy the man whose offence is forgiven, whose sin is remitted. O happy the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt, in whose spirit is no guile. R. For our civic leaders, that they stretch out their hearts and hands to help the poor, the homeless, the hungry and the victims of war. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. But now I have acknowledged my sins; my guilt I did not hide. I said: 'I will confess my offence to the Lord.' And you, Lord, have forgiven the guilt of my sin. R. For all of us here today, that we stretch out our hearts and hands to help those who need our spiritual and material assistance. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. For those who care for the ill, the elderly, and the dying, that they continue to stretch out their hearts and hands to heal and comfort their patients. Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, exult, you just! O come, ring out your joy, all you upright of heart. R. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. Second Reading: Corinthians 10:31-11:1 That all who have died, may they rest in peace and glory. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults: The Archbishop has approved the new Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults policy. Training in this policy is mandatory and part of our strategy for educating and reducing risk for all people, our volunteers as well as those whom we serve. All parishioners who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults are invited to attend training in this policy and the associated procedures. Priests, religious and parish staff will also attend training. CARD PLAYERS Are you interested in playing “500” on the 3rd Tuesday of each month? If so, please contact Joan Carmichael on 3901 0334. THE LITTLE KING’S MOVEMENT Once a year conducts a Door Knock and Church Appeal. The Movement caters for people with disabilities in social and spiritual activities. There is no Government funding and the Movement is staffed by volunteers. The appeal for our Parish will be conducted this weekend 14th & 15th February, Please give generously to this worthy cause. Training will be offered at two times on Thursday, 5 March 2015 at 9:30 am - 12:30pm and at 6:30 pm 9:30pm in the Parish Centre - 12 Hardy Road, Birkdale. ROSTERS for March and April have been emailed where possible. Hard copies are also available in the foyer. St John Vianney’s Rosary Group are asking parishioners for donations of craft items to sell or other items suitable for monthly raffle prizes. Please leave items at the Piety shop or contact Leslee on 0430 331 921. Thank you God Bless Looking for a great Kindergarten? 4 year old and 3 year old places available. Mon and Tue long day group. Wed Thur, Fri group. Call Debbie 3396 6514. Ashton Street Wynnum Manly Community Kindy. Next Week’s Roster: 22nd Feb 2015 1st Sunday of Lent Gen 9:8-15, St Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:12-15 Counters Group: F SJV St Jude’s MASS TIME SACRISTANS READERS Sat. 5:00pm Gaye B Paul F Aidan G Sun 9:30am June M John M Helen C Sun 7:00am Jayme S Lorraine B MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Alison G Gaye B Donna E Margaret H Martin M Libby C Robyn A John C 2 ALTAR SERVERS Charlotte H Mackenzie H Brooke P Phoebe J Juliet C SCREENS HOSPITALITY Patrick E Denise A Pat S Tracy J Marina S Elise M Thank you for your contribution to our Planned Giving
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