F Th Fourth Sunday of Lent 15th March 2015 (Readings from Year A) Our Mission: We follow the words of our patron, St John Vianney, who said “He is here”. We recognise Christ is in the Word, the Eucharist, and in us, His people with a special reverence for Him in the poor and marginalised. We are called to make Christ present through our prayer and charity. We seek to grow in our spiritual lives and create a community where everyone is welcome; the young and old, together to experience the loving presence of God. We believe He is here amongst us and we joyfully go out to make Him present to all. (This Parish is Child Safety Aware and also complies with Australian Privacy Laws) St John Vianney's, Manly & St Jude's, Gumdale Dear Friends, This weekend we see the blind man given back his sight! The message for all of us is the same “that we might see”. Lent is the opportunity for us to restore our sight. To be open to find Christ in every person I meet. To have the same vision of Jesus, to look with eyes of compassion on the poor, the sick, the elderly and the unemployed. To see the joy of Christ in our young people. Jesus did say in an earlier chapter of the Gospel “You have eyes, but you do not see.” He would often invite those who came close to Him and asked Him “Master, where do you live? His reply was “Come and see.” A beautiful manner of coming to see Christ this Lent will be our 40 hours of Adoration at St John Vianney Church, Manly beginning Friday 20th March at 6pm, and concluding at 9:00am on Sunday 22nd March. Lent is the time to build confidence in God. Confidence emerges from trust. Trust begins with getting to know the other. Prayer will help you attain this confidence and trust. Spending one hour with the One, who can make us completely happy. Return to confidence in Our Lord is the way to new sight and genuine peace. As Job said once “ I had heard of you by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen you” (Job 42: 5). Our heart can awaken to confidence in Jesus if we but only offer Him some love and gentle time alone with Him in prayer. Then we will truly see. God Love You Fr Frank What’s happening this week ? Mon 16th Tues 17th Wed 18th Thurs 19th Fri 20th Sat 21st Sun 22nd *********************** 6:00pm Mass - Manly St Patrick’s Day 9:10am Rosary - Manly 9:30am Mass - Manly All welcome to attend Rosary with morning tea served after Mass 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Reconciliation - Birkdale Mass - Birkdale 9:30am Mass - Birkdale 6:00pm 40hr Adoration commences 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:15pm Reconciliation - Manly Mass - Manly Mass - Birkdale 7:00am 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am Mass - Gumdale Mass - Birkdale 40hr Adoration concludes Mass - Manly PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Elaine Somerville, Faith Bell, James Brown, Karen Booker, Daphne Eddleston, Michael Gibbings, Norm Goopy, Denise Hobbs, Gordon Lee, Joyce McBarrow, Gwen Pook, Pat Quelch, Bryce Scott, Colin Shrubb, Judy Shultz, Mary Schmidt, Helen Stevenson, Joyce Starkey, Margaret Turpin, Ruth Louise Wragge, Gayle Wharton, Madge Wiese, ulie Whitaker, Pat Wilson, Sandra Wilson, Sr Teresa Geraghty, Pat Brennan, Mary Forrester, Krystyna Kelly, John Harrison, Therese Sheehan, Sheila Petersen, Antoinette Brennen, Richard Pook, Terry Bonny, Violet Phillips, Ash Dean, Anthony Cassell, Maura Poots, June Sheppard, Terry Morrison. ANNIVERSARIES: Victor Berger, Paul Bouton, Frances Cassell, Gina Clair, Alice Condon, Louise DeWeger, Beatrice Fox, Maxwell Cooper, Colin Freebody, Norman Hare, Trevor Hankins, Kevin Hatton, Kathleen Howard, William Jackson, Brett Ledwidge, Margaret Lawder, Mervyn Lewis, Mary Massie, Alec Mathams, Thomas Murphy, Geoffrey Peake, Bernard Peterson, Ann Riseham, Ivy Rafter, James Retchless, Valerie Smith, Patrick Tranent, Reginald Thurlow, Anastasia Tripcony, Edward Vinson, Bill Warlow, Kevin Woodgate, Anthony Wright, Wilfred (Bill) Weise. RECENTLY DECEASED: Donna Pytko, Ronnie Mason-Johnson, John Harrison, Barry Creevey. Pastor: Fr Frank Jones Associate Pastor: Fr Epati Tamati Parish Office: cnr Ernest and Kooralgin Sts, Manly, 4179 Postal Address: PO Box 5174 Manly Qld 4179 Office hours: 9.00am to 2.30pm Mon, Wed, Fri Ph: 3131 2610 (Birkdale 3822-2139) Fax: 3396 9630 email: [email protected] Website:manlycatholicparish.org.au PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Steve Pratt (Chairman), Joshua Walsh 1(Secretary), Leslee O’Connell, Bruce Corrie, Ray Devoy, Katie Pook, John Muller, Rebecca Sullivan and Arnold Read. Entrance Anthiphon: Gospel Acclamation : JN 8:12 Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ! I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life. Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ! (Year A) Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning; exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast. First Reading: Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10-13 In the presence of the Lord God, they anointed David king of Israel. Responsorial Psalm: Gospel: Ps 22. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. John 9:1-41 The blind man went off and washed himself and came away with his sight restored. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit. R. The Prayers of the Faithful: For all members of the Church, that by dying to themselves for the sake of others they might have eternal life. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. He guides me along the right path; he is true to his name. If I should walk in the valley of darkness no evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort. R. For all people of the world, that by believing in God’s mercy and love they might have eternal life. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing. R. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. For all those who choose sin and death over life, that they might see the truth and come to the light. For all those preparing for the Easter sacraments, that they might come to greater belief and commitment. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord's own house shall I dwell for ever and ever. R. Second Reading: St Paul to the Ephesians 5:8-14 For all of us here to perform good works in witness to our belief and our coming to the light. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. INVITATION Archbishop Coleridge invites you to the Annual Chrism Mass, Thurs 26th March commencing 7.30pm. This weekend, through Baptism, we welcome Finn Hawkins, Lily & Ruby Keppel, Matthew Schwikkard, Harry and Jackson Woodhead. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers as they begin their faith journey. LENTEN REFLECTION GROUP will be gathering in the chapel at 7pm Wednesday during lent. All welcome. DATE CLAIMER 2nd Rite of Reconciliation will be celebrated this year for both parishes at St John Vianney's Manly on Tuesday 24th March at 6.30pm. Several priests will be available for Confession. This will meet our obligation as Catholics to celebrate this sacrament at least once a year before Easter. GETHSEMANE GARDEN To enable a prayerful setting and focus, we are seeking donations or loans of potted plants to create a Garden of Gethsemane here at Manly. If you are able to help please bring the potted plants to the church. Thank you very much. SJV SCHOOL FAMILY FUN DAY Sunday 22nd March from 11am-3pm. The school is asking for volunteers to help on the day. If you are a whizz in the bar, fancy a shift selling food or can volunteer a short amount of your time please place your name on the roster in the church foyer. For any further information please contact the Fun Day co-ordinator Amanda Harding on 0417 772 836. The Parish will also be participating by running a craft stall in the Nano Nagle Hall and all proceeds will be going to the Parish. If you wish to donate any craft items for the stall please leave them at the Parish office. All donations will be very much appreciated. 40 HOUR ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT As in previous years we will host this most precious devotion of grace by continuous silent prayer before Jesus. Adoration begins Friday 20th March at 6pm and continues through until 9.30am mass on Sunday 22nd March. This year Manly will be hosting the 40 hours. Please consider giving one hour before Christ in silent prayer. A roster will be on the table in the foyer of the church. DURING LENT Adoration of the blessed Sacrament will be celebrated every Tuesday evening from 5pm to 6pm in the Chapel at Manly. Next Week’s Roster: 22nd March 2015 5th Sunday of Lent Jer 31:31-34, Heb 5:7-9, John 12:20-30 Counters Group: C SJV St Jude’s MASS TIME SACRISTANS READERS Sat. 5:00pm Helen V Denise D Gaye G Sun 9:30am Lara B Anne S Libby C Sun 7:00am Arnold R Joan C MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Brother John Paul F Leonnie H Brother John Steve P Eileen C John C Helen McN 2 ALTAR SERVERS SCREENS HOSPITALITY Charlotte H Les V Ricky G Mackenzie H Delcie A Brooke P Tracey J Gabrielle S Paula T Phoebe J Ray T Juliet C Thank you for your contribution to our Planned Giving
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