Thi Fourth Sunday of ADVENT Year B 21st December 2014 Our Mission: We follow the words of our patron, St John Vianney, who said “He is here”. We recognise Christ is in the Word, the Eucharist, and in us, His people with a special reverence for Him in the poor and marginalised. We are called to make Christ present through our prayer and charity. We seek to grow in our spiritual lives and create a community where everyone is welcome; the young and old, together to experience the loving presence of God. We believe He is here amongst us and we joyfully go out to make Him present to all. Let us make a firm resolve to be people of justice and peace. St John Vianney's, Manly & St Jude's, Gumdale “Nothing is impossible to God.” Dear Friends, Then the message of Christmas “I bring news of great joy” becomes real, that the Saviour has been born. That Jesus is one with us, in times of darkness and hardship, in joy and celebration. That He alone makes what is wrong, right. That all is possible with Him. True peace and Unity. Love conquers all. The last Sunday of Advent and the countdown is on for Christmas. Now is the time to turn our minds and hearts to the message of the Angel Gabriel to Mary. “Nothing is impossible to God.” Our Lady takes primary place in the Gospel of this Sunday. Without her, the Saviour is not born. Before Our Lady conceived Our Lord in her womb she conceived Him in her heart through faith in God’s Word. Mary becomes the dwelling place for God. Through her yes is God’s messenger, she fulfils God’s plan to bring to the whole world through her faithfulness and trust, peace and justice in the birth of Christ. During this past week, we all were affected by the most tragic events of the Sydney siege. Many questions remain unanswered. Deep grief and loss and real trauma for so many people. The birth of Jesus is the most important feast for Christians and celebrated throughout the world by so many people of all nations. Christmas brings families together from all over the world. Here in our nation, people travel thousands of kilometres to be united with their families. Why? Let us remember to pray the Hail Mary each day up until Christmas for all those who need peace. God Love you Fr Frank What’s happening this week ? Mon 22nd Tues 23rd Wed 24th ********** 6:00pm Mass - Manly NO 9:30am Mass. 5:00pm Christmas Mass - Manly 7:00pm Christmas Mass - Gumdale In order to celebrate what we hear in today’s Gospel: “Nothing is impossible to God.” Even enemies and those estranged from family and friends are brought together because of faithfulness and love, seen so perfectly in Mary who said yes to God. Thurs 25th 8:00am Christmas Mass - Birkdale 9:30am Christmas Mass - Manly Yes to God is the answer to all our sufferings and strife. Fri 26th NO Mass - Birkdale Yes to His will of peace to people of good will. If we believe, as Mary did, that God’s message of truth is true, then we too can hear the Angel say to us, “nothing is impossible to God.” Let us turn our hearts to Jesus, in prayer. Let us turn our minds and energy into service of others. Let us reconcile with those we are estranged from. Let us ask Mary, the Help of all Christians, to bring healing and peace to all who have suffered so terribly in Sydney. Sat 27th Sun 28th 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:15pm Reconciliation - Manly Mass - Manly Mass - Birkdale 7:00am 8:00am 9:30am Mass - Gumdale Mass - Birkdale Mass - Manly PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Elaine Somerville, Faith Bell, James Brown, Karen Booker, Daphne Eddleston, Michael Gibbings, Norm Goopy, Denise Hobbs, Gordon Lee, Joyce McBarrow, Gwen Pook, Pat Quelch, Bryce Scott, Colin Shrubb, Judy Shultz, Mary Schmidt, Helen Stevenson, Joyce Starkey, Margaret Turpin, Ruth Louise Wragge, Gayle Wharton, Madge Wiese, Julie Whitaker, Pat Wilson, Sandra Wilson, Sr Teresa Geraghty, Pat Brennan, Mary Forrester, Krystyna Kelly, John Harrison, Therese Sheehan, Sheila Petersen, Antoinette Brennen, Richard Pook, Terry Bonny, Violet Phillips, Dawn Logue, Ash Dean, Anthony Cassell, Ronnie Mason-Johnson. ANNIVERSARIES: Edmond Baker, Katherine Barton, Fay Bishop, Dean Bramley, Kevin Byrne, Joan Copley, Catherine Dillon, Kathleen Galea, Meg Griffiths, Stephanie Hankins, Jean Kuter, Jennifer Lynas, Olivia Lewis, Eric Morrison, Gerard Ring, Jean Rosenstengel, Madeline Shenton, Henry Sizeland, Wilma Will, Blanca Wiswell. RECENTLY DECEASED: Win Campbell, Fr Paul Siebert OMI. Pastor: Fr Frank Jones Associate Pastor: Fr Epati Tamati Parish Office: cnr Ernest and Kooralgin Sts, Manly, 4179 Postal Address: PO Box 5174 Manly Qld 4179 Office hours: 9.00am to 2.30pm Mon, Wed, Fri Ph: 3131 2610 (Birkdale 3822-2139) Fax: 3396 9630 email: [email protected] PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Steve Pratt (Chairman), Bruce Corrie (Secretary), Leslee O’Connell, Ray Devoy, 1 Katie Pook, Joshua Walsh, John Muller, Rebecca Sullivan and Arnold Read. Entrance Anthiphon: Gospel Acclamation : Alleluia, alleluia! Drop down dew from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One; let the earth be opened and bring forth a Saviour. First Reading: Samuel Isa 61:1 I am the servant of the Lord: may his will for me be done. Alleluia 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 The kingdom of David will be established for ever in the sight of the Lord. Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 You will conceive and bear a son. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 88:2-5, 27, 29 The Prayers of the Faithful: For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. For our Holy Father Pope Francis, and all leaders of the Church as we prepare to celebrate Christmas. I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord; through all ages my mouth will proclaim your truth. Of this I am sure, that your love lasts for ever, that your truth is firmly established as the heavens. R. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. For all government leaders at every level, that they be conscious of the physical and social needs of people in these final days before Christmas. 'I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn to David my servant: I will establish your dynasty for ever and set up your throne through all ages.' R. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. For all pregnant women, awaiting the birth of their child, that childbirth may be easy and without complications for them or their child. He will say to me: 'You are my father, my God, the rock who saves me.' I will keep my love for him always; for him my covenant shall endure. R. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. Second Reading: St Paul to the Romans For all who care for the elderly in convalescent and other health centres, that they may always be loving towards those in their charge. 16:25-27 The mystery kept secret for endless ages is now revealed. Lord hear us. Lord hear our prayer. EAST TIMOR DONATIONS The container to Our Lady of Graces, East Timor will be packed at Durack on 17th January 2015. A final packing day will be held at the Birkdale parish shed on Sunday 11th January 2015 following the 8:00am Mass. We need volunteers for packing on both of these days and a truck to transport the goods from Birkdale to Durack. Please contact the Birkdale Parish Office on 3822 2139 if you are able to help with packing (at Birkdale and / or Durack) or providing a truck for transport. Calling all the children in the Parish All children are invited to join in our Christmas Nativity Gospel which will be held at 5pm Christmas Eve Mass. Girls please dress as an angel and boys please dress as a shepherd (tea towel secured around the head). Extra costumes will also be available on the night. If you would like to participate please be at the church by 4:30pm. Christmas Masses Wednesday 24th December 5:00pm - St John Vianney’s Manly 7:00pm - St Jude’s Gumdale 7:30pm - St Mary MacKillop Birkdale Thursday 25th December 8:am - St Mary MacKillop Birkdale 9:30am - St John Vianney’s Manly CHRISTMAS CLOSURE The parish office will be closed from Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th December. THANK YOU to the Catholic Church Insurance for the generous donation of a Hamper to the Parish. This Hamper is being included in the parish Christmas raffle. New Year Masses Wednesday 31st December 6:00pm - St Mary MacKillop Birkdale Thursday 1st January 6:00pm - St John Vianney’s Manly CHRISTMAS ROSTER: The Christmas roster is at the back of the church. If you would like to help please place your name on the sheet provided. Next Week’s Roster: 28th December 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3, Hebrews 15:8, 11-12. Luke 2:22-40 . Counters Group: F SJV MASS TIME Sat. 5:00pm Sun 9:30am St Jude’s Sun 7:00am SACRISTANS Leonnie H John G Lorraine B READERS Maureen B Laurie A Kath C Tom C Jan A MINISTERS OF COMMUNION Paul F Maureen B Leonnie H Margaret H Mark R June M John C Helen McN 2 ALTAR SERVERS SCREENS HOSPITALITY Charlotte H Tarah McG Delcia A Mackenzie H Pat S Brooke P Gabrielle S Tracy J Tracy J Phoebe J Martin P Sophie H Thank you for your contribution to our Planned Giving
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