Missionary Highlight: Daniel Smith, Toronto, Canada Today we pray for Daniel Smith, one of our missionaries in Canada. The Early Edition February 15, 2015 He serves in the Brampton area, west of Toronto. He spends his days going door to door in the big apartment complexes, which are filled with many immigrants from Africa. Daniel Smith is also from Africa, so they welcome him and wait to hear what he has to say. His message, of course, is that they need Jesus Christ. He is starting a new church, which so far includes people from Sierra Leone and Ghana, two West African countries. Within five years he hopes to have several churches started among the many thousands of African immigrants in his area. Imagine: Our Cooperative Program giving enables Southern Baptist international missionaries to serve all over West Africa and reach people there for Christ. And our giving also is reaching Africans who have moved to Canada as we support Daniel Smith. We give because God wants every person in the world to hear the Gospel and He wishes to work through us to get the word out. Daniel’s picture is on the power point today. What does it mean to be a Christian? A Christian is someone who is becoming like Christ. It sounds simple, but it’s only possible through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Fully God and fully man, Jesus came to this earth, lived a perfect life, died to pay for everything we did wrong, and rose from the dead so that we could enjoy life with Him. He’s already done everything for our salvation. Our role is to repent (turn away from our sin), surrender our life to Him, and follow Him. Still have questions? Contact our Pastor, visit our JBC website, or visit www.billygraham.org. Sharon is in the church office Monday-Thursday from 9-5. Please submit all bulletin/calendar information by noon on Monday. To EMAIL a prayer request: [email protected] Our website: www.jbcmocksville.org 3203 US Hwy. 601 South Mocksville, NC 27028 Website: www.jbcmocksville.org Welcome to The Church Ministry Budget Jerusalem Baptist Church February 15, 2015 Morning Worship Prelude Carolyn & Nevida Welcome & Prayer Special Music Pastor Donnie “All in All” Praise Team Prayer Dave Wilcox Special Music “O What A Savior” Offertory Hymn #187 “In the Garden” Congregation Offertory Prayer Deacon of the Month Terry Correll His Tithes, Our Offerings Carolyn & Nevida Message from God’s Holy Word Hymn of Decision #285 Choir Pastor Donnie “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go” Congregation Benediction Our Budget Weekly Need: $3,430.80 Last Weeks Budget Offerings: $2,541.84 Grand Total Mission Giving 2014: $28,008.40 Budget Missions: $13,481.47 Vision Ministries & Missions: $14,526.99 Paying Off The Building Debt Building Fund Weekly Need: $1,154.00 Monthly Building Payment: $5,000.00 Last Weeks Building Fund Offering: Balance on Loan: $995.00 $77,933.10 NURSERY WORKERS: Feb. 15th: Sunday School: Aimee’ Crowe & Gaby Mauldin Nursery AM Worship: Shirley West & Julie Stamper PM Worship: Jordain Taylor Wed. Nursery: Pam Allen Feb. 22nd: Sunday School: Janna & Justin Winstead Nursery AM Worship: Melanie Hunter & Amelia Latham PM Worship: Jennifer West Wed. Nursery: Pam Allen Nursery Coordinators: Evening Worship Welcome & Prayer Jordain Taylor: 336-751-6177 Pastor Donnie Business Meeting Win Disciple Serve Jennifer West: 336-492-7658 If you cannot stay in the nursery during the time you are scheduled, please contact a coordinator in advance as far as possible. Thank you for meeting the needs of our “little ones”! To volunteer in the nursery, you must be a member of JBC and out of Watchcare. Anderson, Brenda (Anita L.) Bragg, Betty (Susie Wilcox mother) Brittain, Pam (Judy Phillips) Burgess, Mackie (Judy P). Byler, Katie (Doris Honeycutt) Calloway, Miles (Vicki Thompson) Campbell, Brenda (Barbara G.) Caudill, Freda Collins, Lori (Pam Allen) Corn, Joan (Judy Phillips) Correll, Howard Couch, Jerry (Larry Settle) Cowick, Jewel (Susie W.) Deal, Anthony (Angela Phillips) Dunn, Charlie (Jane Seamon) Horn, John & JoAnne (Judy P.) McNeely, Logan (Bonnie S.) Medford, Laura Self, Nancy (Edna Waldrop) Wilhelm, Doug (Ron’s brother) Recovery Bird, Mark (Edna Waldrop) Campbell, Charles (Justin Winstead) Dunaway, Sandra (Leondra’s mom) Fulton, Mary Ann (Michael’s mother) Harbour, Shelby Honeycutt, Doris Howell, Wayne & Annette (Judy G) Leazer, Karen (Teresa Bailey) Mauldin, Alton McIntyre, Debbie (Leondra) Medford, Gary Morris, Jody (Jon’s brother) Morris, Jon Peeler, Dan (Bonnie Stakeman) Seamon, Jerry Spry, Landen Spry, Lewis Whisnant, Bill (Lyndell Johnson) Williams, Linda Williams, Rosie Williams, Sonny Military Chapman, Joel Spillman, Drew (Laura Medford) Van Gorder, James (Bonnie Stakeman) Van Gorder, Seth (Bonnie Stakeman) Wallace, Zach (Jennifer West) Hospital Brown, Gertha (Bonnie’s grandmother) Cancer Treatment Upcoming Surgery (Chemo / Radiation / Tests / Surgery) Bradford, Linda (Judy Phillips) Calhoon, Kenneth (Freda Caudill) Coble, Carolyn (Judy Phillips) Doby, Kimberli (Susie Wilcox) Duke, Sam (Laura K.) Dyson, Dennis (Barbara Graves) Elmore, Timothy (Lymphoma) Johnson, Charlie (Lyndell J.) Jones, Shirley (Donald; husband) Kimbrough, Leisa (Judy Phillips) McBride, Dana (Ali Keaton) Park, Carol (Juanita Grubb) Sherrill, Brad Wood, Jim (Judy Phillips) Missions Mike & Genia Huffman Family—New Zealand Greg & Missy Wood Family— Mexico Joel & Susie Collette, Church Planters; ClaireVista Church, Vistancia, AZ (SBC) Johnny & Stephanie Hutchins Family –Costa Rica Unsaved People in our Area and Around the World Shut-ins Beck, Billie Jean Sanderson, Frances Bereavement Government Officials Public Service (EMS, Firemen, Police, etc.) What to expect today: Announcements: a time to let you know about opportunities in the church where you can live out our mission at JBC. Nursing Home Worship: a time to connect with God through song. Feel free to stand and sing with us. Beck, Helen, Lutheran Home 820 Klumac Rd., Salisbury, NC 28144 Offering: another way to show love to God by returning a portion of our income for God’s purposes. If you are a guest, please don’t feel obligated to participate in giving. Ashley, Judy, Somerset Court, 150 Ken Dwiggins Dr., Mocksville NC 27028 Beck, Ruth, Alston Brook, 4748 Old Salisbury Rd., Room 113, Lexington, NC 27295 Gardner, Sarah, Autumn Care 1007 Howard St., Mocksville, NC 27028 Grubb, Henry, Autumn Care, 1505 Bringle Ferry Rd. Salisbury, NC 28146 Kimble, M.L., Lutheran Home, 820 Klumac Rd., Salisbury, NC 28144 Messick, Ethel, Genesis Health Care, 710 Julian Rd., Salisbury, NC 28147 Waldrop, Edna, Bermuda Commons 316 NC Hwy. 801 South, Advance, NC 27006 Names in BOLD are recent additions / changes PLEASE keep our information current. You can update us by emailing the church office or with a C.A.R.E. card. Family of Mr. Corn (Joan’s husband) Community Welcome! We are glad you are here. Our desire is that God would bless this time together and that our worship would glorify Him. If a name is missing, please contact the church office. Sermon: a message based on the Bible to teach us how God wants us to live. Prayer: we would love to pray with you about any needs in your life. You can fill out a blue C.A.R.E. card, contact the Pastor, or simply come to the front during the Decision Time. Decision Time: a song and invitation to act on what we’ve heard in the sermon today. Next Steps: If this is your first time with us, please complete a visitor’s card and place it in the offering plate during the service. The cards are found in your blue visitor packet, or in the card rack in your pew. More information about JBC is available on our web-site: www.jbcmocksville.org. Take the next step on your journey with Christ, or in connecting with JBC. You can fill out a blue C.A.R.E. card, or contact our Pastor. He would love to talk with you. Leadership Team Donnie Chapman Senior Pastor [email protected] 336-284-6363 (H) 336-909-4103 (C) Terry West Deacon Chairman 336-492-7658 Terry Correll Deacon of the Month 336-284-2409 Carolyn Beaver Worship Director 336-998-4470 Dave & Susie Wilcox Praise Team Leaders 336-751-0723 Bonnie Stakeman C.A.R.E. Ministry Coordinator 336-998-5792 Jordain Taylor Nursery Coordinator 336-751-6177 Jennifer West Nursery Coordinator 336-492-7658 Sharon Chapman Church Secretary and to Schedule the Church Facilities [email protected] 336-284-2328 Events and Opportunities to Serve Events and Opportunities to Serve The Women’s Support Group meeting that was scheduled for Feb. 24th has been canceled. Sunday, Feb. 15th: 8:30 AM Prayer 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Morning Worship 4:30 PM Deacons/Wives’ Meeting 5:30 PM Choir Practice 6:30 PM Evening Worship & Business Meeting Tues., Feb. 17th: 6:15 PM C.A.R.E. Meal 7:00 PM C.A.R.E. Ministry Ushers: Feb. 15th: Jeremy Whitaker Garrett Fulton Greeters: Feb. 15th: Ruby Thompson Our monthly business meeting will be tonight at 6:30 PM. Next Sunday, Feb. 22nd: Jerry Seamon The Missions Committee is sponsoring a Fund-Raiser breakfast on March 28th, from 7—10 AM. Donations will be accepted and proceeds go for future international mission trips. Next Sunday, Feb. 22nd: Darrin Hunter Kurt Stakeman The Storehouse for Jesus is needing a meal for its medical center volunteers on Thursday, July 9th. The meal would be for 25 people, and would need to be dropped off at the Storehouse at 5 PM. (They provide the paper products.) If you are interested in helping with this need, please sign up on the sheet in the hallway, and see Sharon if you have questions. Wed., Feb. 18th: 6:15 PM Praise Team Practice 7:00 PM Bible Study; Acteens; Challengers: RA’s; GA’s: Mission Friends; Nursery NC Baptist Missions Conference will be April 10-11 at Calvary Baptist Church in WinstonSalem. Guest speakers/ musicians will be: David Nasser, Bryan Loritts, Kyle Idleman, and Laura Story. Preregistration is required by March 27. See the info in the hallway or visit ww.baptistsonmission.org for more details. Please see Carolyn Beaver if you have questions about this event, or are interested in the ministry of the Women’s Support Group. This is a “full breakfast”, and is open to the public. Flyers for distribution are in the foyer, and on the information table at the fellowship hall entrance. See a member of the Missions Committee (Eddie and Tricia Spry, Debbie Wilhelm, Bob Phillips, or Sharon Chapman) for more details. C.A.R.E. will be this Tuesday, Feb. 17th. The meal will be at 6:15 PM, ministry starts at 7:00. Please sign up in the hallway for the meal. Spring Cleaning Day will be March 14th @ 9 AM. We will be “deep cleaning” areas of the church in preparation for our Easter services in April. If you know of something that needs extra attention, please contact the church office so we can add it to the list. Deacons/Wives’ regularly scheduled meeting will be today @ 4:30 PM. Wednesday Night classes for pre-schoolers & students: Children ages 3 years to 5th grade enjoy Mission Friends, RA’s and GA’s at 7 PM. See Aimee’ Crowe, Michael Fulton, or Tricia Spry for details. Youth in grades 6-12 participate in Challengers and Acteens. See Jon or Leondra Morris for more info.
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