02.01.15 Take Me Home.pub - McFarland Lutheran Church

NOTE: All Bulletins, News You Can Use, & other paper used by the church is recycled.
January 31 & February 1, 2015
Altar Flowers and Communion Wine are given to
the glory of God by Carri Wolff.
Last week’s attendance was 311. SUPER FOOD DRIVE
After worship, confirmation students
will be collecting monetary donations for the McFarland Food Pantry.
Help advance the movement that is
transforming Super Bowl weekend
into a celebration of giving and serving. Our food
pantries require our extra effort during this time of
year. Thank you for your gifts!
Worshipful Changes
The Worship Planning Team has written a Feedback
Form that is inserted in your bulletin today. We
would like to hear from you regarding our worship
life, as we move forward together in mission!
Please read over the form, pray for our congregation, and give us your response. The forms may be
dropped off in the box on the Gathering Space
table, or dropped off at the church office during the
week. We will also have the Feedback Form in the
next newsletter.
After we have had a period of time to collect responses and reflect on them, the Worship Planning
Team will schedule some listening sessions with the
congregation. If you have any questions, feel free to
speak to a member of our committee: Len Lane,
chair; Bonnie Dirks; Chris Malueg; Deb Nygaard;
Daryl Rupnow; Marilyn Vandeberg; Keith Voelker,
council liaison; Carrol Vollmer; and Pastor Tim Dean.
Let us continue to worship the Lord with gladness,
and be sent as witnesses to Jesus’ light and life in
the world!
n Deuteronomy God promises to raise up a
prophet like Moses, who will speak for God; in
Psalm 111 God shows the people the power of
God’s works. For the church these are ways of
pointing to the unique authority people sensed in
Jesus’ actions and words. We encounter that authority in God’s word, around which we gather, the
word that trumps any lesser spirit that would claim
power over us, freeing us to follow Jesus.
This Week we Thank . . .
Tom & Betty Showers for improving and
organizing the nursery area.
Sunday School will start every week in the Sanctuary with music before heading downstairs to their
3’s, 4’s & Kindergarten will explore a story in their
1st-5th grade will continue to explore the story of
Confirmation (6th, 7th, & 8th grades) – We will have
large group class at 9:15AM in room 101 in the
basement. Chris will be leading today’s lesson:
“Why did Jesus get Baptized?”
HS Youth Group – We will have our regular HS
Youth Hour at 10:30AM in the Conference Room.
As Baptized Christians, how do we live out this
Adult Faith Formation – Today, Dietrich
Bonhoeffer was a theologian during the Nazi regime
whose courage, vision, and brilliance have greatly
influenced the 20th century church and theology.
Next Sunday, we continue with our study of Dietrich
Bonhoeffer. RM 113
Next Sunday - Feb 8th from 9:00-10:30AM
Breakfast Fundraiser
Between services, we will be serving pancakes, breakfast burritos, sandwiches, yogurt & granola,
juice, milk, and coffee. Our youth will host breakfast in the FLC. A freewill offering will help fund
our trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit Michigan this summer. We hope you can
join us for breakfast and help celebrate our youth ministries together.
Face Time: Conversations about Parenting and Faith
This is a new ministry opportunity for parents of young children. Pastor Tim invites you to a new group
today during the 9:15 a.m. faith formation time. Come and bring your insights, questions and topics you
would like to discuss!
Get a treat, something warm to drink, and join the group in the Family Life Center. We will meet around
tables set up near the doors to the Gathering Space. The usual bible class will meet downstairs in room
113 at the same time. All are welcome at either place!
Our Mission...
Want to talk about God/Bible/Prayer with your kids but don’t know where to start? MLC wants to help equip
families to talk about faith at home, in the car, wherever!
Each week during Lent we will post something (a prayer, questions about a Bible story, etc.) on our Facebook
page and in the newsletter and News You Can Use to help open the door to talking with your family about
We will try it out for six weeks and then ask what you thought! Let us know if you don’t have a Bible for your
little one – we love handing them out! We’ll see you during Lent as we watch our Growing Disciples Grow in
Dedication Booklets Available
We give thanks to God for the wonderful blessing of the new Sanctuary, and for the Dedication worship
we shared Sunday, December 7! We have extra copies of the Dedication booklet at the Welcome Desk,
if you have not picked up one yet. They are also there for you to give away to family members or people
connected to our congregation who have moved away. Thank you to Andrea Wendorf, for her wonderful gift of designing the booklet! Let us continue to worship the Lord with gladness! (Psalm 100:2)
Vacation Bible School!
Yes, you read correctly – we’re already gearing up for VBS! It is June 21-25, 2015. We will be having an
informational/planning meeting Tuesday, February 3 at 6:30 pm – downstairs in Room 113. Interested in
helping? Have questions? Contact Brenda Moen at 873-1634 or [email protected].
Please enjoy your treats and beverages in the Gathering Space or the FLC.
Thank You!
Bill Dean* (Pastor Tim’s father)
Mandy & Logan* (Cleo Eliason’s grand-niece & nephew)
Diane Voiss & Linda & Dave Ferge* (Diane’s sister &
brother-in law)
Corey Egner
Kari Behnke* (friend of Kim Henes)
Sandy Brunker* (Kathy Westby & Eileen Richter’s sister-in-law)
Pastor Margo Peterson* (Bonnie Dirks’ daughter)
Dave Brown* (Susi Miller’s brother-in-law)
Shirley Flynn* (friend of Laura Nygaard)
Justin Petitt (Sheri Gehrke’s Cousin)
Ron Walsvick
Karen Vick* (Sister-in-law of Tom & Nancy Vick)
Reuben Carlson
Jane Southern
Mary Seiler* (friend of Bonnie & Randy Hansen)
Gary Oftedahl
Mission & Frida Bagonza*
Karen Pribbenow
Cheryl Dokken*
LaVon Paulson* (Don Berryman’s sister)
Alice Fay* (Dan Fay’s mother)
Sandy Caputo* (friend of Sue Straub)
Ron O’Keefe* (friend of Norma & Dick Kohl)
Anna Mischnick* (Child of CLM family)
Bonnie & Ray Spangler
Tom Ray* (Nephew of Tom & Nancy Vick)
Jennifer Lyans* (Niece of Jackie Voight)
Sherry Kalamarz
John Murphy* (Friend of Sue & Steve Schoch)
Tracy Bracey
Don Barnes Sr.*
* Non Members
Michael & Renee Gray*
Harry Papcke
Sue Dahlk* (Friend of the Potts family)
Bill & Mary Jane Kneebone* (Friends of Marla Grover)
Valorie Brown* (Niece of Susi Miller)
Arlene Clift
Rick Shoby* (Brother-in-law of Bonnie & Randy Hansen)
Bethany Austin
Karen Landerud
Bruce Burnside*
Thoreson Family* (Friends of Donna Thompson)
Linda Othrow
Roberta Thieding* (Sister-in-law of Ernie Thieding)
Holly Eversoll
Barb Vollmer* (Sister-in-law of Vicky Beyler)
Midge Larson
Karen Clark* (Niece of Donna Leverentz)
Steve Olson
Dru Vratil* (Marla Grover’s niece)
Mildred Kelley
Edwin Jacob* (Jeanne Jacob’s husband)
Lois Pullar
Dennis Brunker* (Brother of
Kathy Westby & Eileen Richter)
Prayers If you know of
Hondo Schmitt* (Friend of Myron someone to include on the
Sherry) and Hondo’s daughter,
prayer board (Printed in the
Zoey Schmitt*
bulletin insert on Sundays
David Lund* (Son of Willard
and the Newsletter
bi-monthly) or on the
George & Carol Newton*
Prayer Chain (e-mailed to
(Brother & sister-in-law of Bonnie
the Prayer Chain particiHansen)
pants only), please call the
Diane Wells
church office: Monday—
Betty Josheff
Friday 8am to 4:30 pm at
Carol Stoeckmann
Willard Lund