Page 1. Trinity United Methodist Church 412 West Main Street -- Madison, IN 47250 812-265-3059 Voice -- 812-265-6570 Fax Church Office Email (Nita Scarff): [email protected] Website: Facebook: Dennis Ingle, Pastor Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 9 am-3 pm Monday-Thursday (Main Street doors open during office hours – Broadway doors open during evening meetings) 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m 11:55 a.m. 6:00 p.m. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday School Classes (See Spiritual Growth and Small Group sections) Eugene Cooper Class, Room 206 (See Spiritual Growth and Development section) Traditional Worship Service with the Chancel Choir, Sanctuary. Children’s Church Room 104. Coffee, A Snack and A Friendly Face, Fellowship Hall Contemporary Worship Service with the Praise Band, (Smashing Stained Glass), Sanctuary. Children’s Church Room 104. Nursery Room 105. Kid’s Club and Youth Group Page 2. Children’s Ministries Sunday 10:30 & 11:55 A.M. Children’s Moment, every Sunday, Sanctuary Children are invited to come up front to the altar and have a brief discussion pertaining to that Sunday’s Scripture with Shelly Hamilton and others. 10:30 & 11:55A.M. Children’s Church, every Sunday, Room 104 Children ages 3-9 are invited to come to Children’s church after the Children’s Moment is presented in church. We are currently using the curriculum “All in One Sunday School” in Children’s Church. We hear a Bible Story, play games, do crafts and have a snack! 11:55 A.M. Children’s Nursery, Room 105 Children from birth through toddlers are invited to experience Christ’s love in a safe friendly environment. Kids’ Club When: Meets Sunday’s throughout the school year, 6:00-7:30 P.M.. Youth Group also meets at the same time for older children. Ages: 5 years through 5th grade Where: Trinity United Methodist Church What is Kids’ Club? It is a one-day-a-week, action-packed Vacation Bible School program in which children and other adults join together for food, study, crafts, music, recreation and fellowship. Runs February 1 through May 3 Vacation Bible School-This is community wide VBS held each summer at Bicentennial Park from 6-8:15 PM. This is for children ages pre-school through 5th grade. Nine churches participate in this week long event. Children’s Movie Mondays-Held weekly on Monday’s during the summer months from 12:45-3:30 PM. Kids meet at the Ohio Theater for a movie and they walk back to the church for a snack and discussion Page 3. YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH GROUP Youth Group meets most Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 PM in the church basement. We welcome all 6th-12th graders! You don’t have to attend Trinity Church or even be Methodist to come. During Sunday Youth Group, we hang out, share about our past week, have a short lesson, play games, and eat food! Contact Person—Carolyn Markwood, Director of Christian Education MENTORING OF YOUTH Carolyn Markwood offers a youth mentoring program. We know that Junior High and High School can be rough sometimes, and it can help to talk to someone who has been through them recently. Carolyn offers a 45-minute session once a month at a coffee or ice cream shop to any youth interested. SENIOR HIGH MINISTRY Carolyn Markwood offers a ministry for high school seniors to help prepare them for college. We have five graduating seniors this year. Carolyn meets with them once a month to help them prepare for college and also lines up guest speakers. PAST YOUTH ACTIVITES: Lock-in, Mission Trip, River Party, White Water Rafting, Camping, Pizza Party, Winter Jam, Ichthus, Bowling Party, Laser Tag, Haunted House, Pool Party, Paintballing, Roller Skating, Halloween Party, Indoor Trampoline Park, Hiking at Clifty, Dance Party, Hillsong Concert, Trivia Night Fundraiser, Mini Golf/Ice Cream Party, Christmas Caroling, Rent-A-Youth Fundraiser, Outdoor Party, Trip to the movies, Bake Sale Fundraiser, Christmas Party, Youth Sunday, Shoebox Party YOUTH SCHEDULE February February 1: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity February 8: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity February 11: A Matter of Faith movie, 6:30-8:30 PM, Ohio Theatre February 15: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity February 22: Bake Sale Fundraiser, 11:30 & 1 PM, Trinity February 22: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity March March 1: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity March 8: Bowling Party, 6-7:30 PM, Ten Pin Alley March 15: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity March 22: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity March 29: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity April April 5: NO YG—HAPPY EASTER April 12: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity April 18: Trivia Night, 5-9 PM, Trinity April 19: NO YG—REST UP FROM TRIVIA NIGHT April 26: Youth Group, 6-7:30 PM, Trinity Page 4. SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND SMALL GROUPS SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. TOGETHERNESS CLASS, Room 205 Discussion Group. Linda leads an evolving class on Sunday mornings that is discussion based. It is an opportunity to discuss various subjects of study and –ideas, visions, concerns, and goals for the future of Trinity. All are encouraged to attend. Contact Person – Linda Altermatt 9:30 A.M. EUGENE COOPER CLASS, ROOM 206. Eugene Cooper Sunday School class meets every Sunday morning from 9:30 – 10:25 A.M. in Room 206 which is located near the elevator, behind the sanctuary. Our goal is to study every book of the New Testament (God grant us the longevity!), although we have been known to journey into the Old Testament on occasion. It is a serious, yet fun, time. Come join us as we open Scripture by walking with Jesus, his apostles, and his early followers, and apply their lessons to our lives and to issues we confront in today’s world. Contact person - Therese Johnson New Life Group for Young Adults Forming “Meeting Life on Life’s Terms” Sundays at 10:30 am, just before the Contemporary Service (11:55am). We will be gathering in the “Togetherness Room” beside the Broadway entrance for good conversation, intentional relationships and a healing environment. ** Purposeful activities for your children are provided at the same time by our dedicated staff! Small Groups Dates and Times DAY LOCATION LEADER NAME 3rd Monday of the month at 2 pm Rm.108 Cheryl Campbell “The Life and Ministry of the Messiah” Two Tuesdays a month at 2 pm At 313 E. Third St. Melanie Childress 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 6 pm Rm. 108 Dennis Ingle “Fearless: Imagine Life Without Fear” Thursdays at 1 pm At 5406 W. ST RD 256 Kay & Dale Rankin Every Sunday at 9:00 am Every Sunday at 9:30 am Rm #205 Linda Altermatt “The God We Can Know” Rm #206 Therese Johnson “The Gospel of Matthew” MUSICAL OPPORTUNITIES Chancel Choir (Adult Choir) Rehearsal Sunday 9:30 A.M. Rehearsal Wednesday 7:30 P.M. Praise Band (Contemporary Music) Rehearsal Wednesday 8:30 P.M. We welcome any and all new people. We are an evolving church open to new ideas. Page 5. SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND SMALL GROUPS LADIES DAY OUT – 3rd Wednesday of the month, March-November. Want to have fun and get to know the ladies of the church better? Come to Ladies Day Out. Cindy Sondles leads the group on an adventure to different restaurants around Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. We have been to the Derby Playhouse, Jewells on Main, Streamcliff Farms, Overlook, Kenington Tea Room, Martini Italian Bistro to name a few. Usually held the third Wednesday of each month for lunch, so check the bulletin. We do not have Ladies Day Out in December, January or February. All women are invited to join us on Ladies Day Out. Please make a reservation by calling the church at 265-3059. Contact person – Cindy Sondles. DOROTHY WIANT CIRCLE, ROOM 108 The U.M.W. Dorothy Wiant Circle meets the second Monday of the month between September and May. We meet at the church at 1:00 p.m. We have a program and devotion lead by the members, with guest speakers once in a while. The U.M.W. have served in many ways at Trinity including turkey salad sale, bake sale, bereavement dinners, DAR, Thanksgiving dinner, anniversary & birthday celebrations, and wedding parties. We have always made money so we can help others. We have a lot of fun working for the Lord and being together. We invite all women of the church to attend. For more information, please contact the church at 265-3059. Contact person – Cindy Sondles MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP This group meets for an interesting presentation concerning topics of faith and issues that impact the community. There is a new speaker each month. The breakfasts are always delicious and they have a great breakfast bar. Meets the third Saturday of the month at Thornton Terrace (188 Thornton Rd.) in Hanover at 8:00 AM. Contact person – Fred Sondles SUNDAY HOSPITALITY-AFTER CHURCH FELLOWSHIP Be sure to grab a cup of coffee and a snack immediately after worship in the Fellowship area just below the sanctuary. New helpers are always welcome. Contact persons-Linda Altermatt, Nancy Jones. STAFF The Congregation, MINISTERS Rev. Dennis W. Ingle Sr., PASTOR [email protected] Nita Scarff CHURCH SECRETARY [email protected] Carolyn Markwood, DIR. OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION [email protected] Dr. Stephen Reen, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC [email protected] Dan Hellmann, AUDIO/VISUAL [email protected] James Stanley, ASSOC. DIR. OF CONTEMPORYARY MUSIC [email protected] Steve Jackson, CUSTODIAN [email protected] Angela Leap, NURSERY Page 6. LOCAL COMMUNITY MINISTRIES HOUSE OF HOPE FOOD PANTRY- serves nutritional needs of those in our county. We participate in the ministries of the Community Clearing House to cooperatively meet the critical needs of individuals and groups in our community. Some people need more complex help than just food from a pantry; the Clearing House connects people with the resources in the community to meet their long term needs. Contact Person – Pastor Ingle JESUS CLOTHES CLOSET – open Mondays 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. (excluding Holidays) All Clothing is “FREE”. Any donations can be brought to our church (Main Street) during office hours, Monday to Thursday, 9 –3 PM. Contact the office at 265-3059 with any questions. Annual Rehab Project This is an opportunity to fix up homes for those without means. It is held each summer and all ages can participate. The contact person is Carolyn Markwood or Pastor Dennis Ingle 265-3059. Lay Visitation to Hospital, Nursing Home and Shut Ins Contact the church if in need of this service: 265-3059 Regularly. Live broadcast of our service on WORX 96.7 FM & WXGO 1270 AM with audio on television Channel 21 Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Praise Services in the Park – We host periodic worship services in the park at the Broadway Fountain with a live band as an outreach to our community. Parties and special events at the Broadway Fountain. We offer these periodically to connect with our community. Contact – Carolyn Markwood or Pastor Ingle TRINITY SHOE PROGRAM – Provides Shoes for needy children in local elementary schools. We host an annual High Tea to reach out to the community to enable them to become a part of this outreach. Contact Person – Ginny Thorstensen TRINITY PRAYER CHAIN – If you would like to pray for those in need as situations occur you will be notified of needs by telephone as they occur. If you would like to be added as a caller/person who prays on the Prayer Chain, please call the church office (265-3059) TRINITY EMAIL PRAYER CHAIN - Pray for people via email. Contact office to sign up. OTHER LOCAL COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Shut-in Ministry. Encouraging Cards Ministry. Food Drive. Casserole brigade - Delivery of meals to those who are ill. Christmas Caroling & Chili Supper. Fish Fry. Christmas Eve Service. Fall Church Picnic. Soup Stew Chili & Brew event. Ice Cream Social. Halloween Trunk or Treat. Auctions. Game Night. Hanging of the Greens. Special 5th Sunday Programs. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration. Fireworks Party, Community Lenten luncheon. AA – meets - 7:00 P.M Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Page 7. MISSIONS WE SUPPORT Please check your newsletter or bulletin for mission’s projects we are working on currently and how you can help. They include such projects: Africa University. Angel Tree. Clearing House. Coats for Kids. Disasters (Natural), Foreign and Domestic through UMCOR. Food for the Salvation Army. Gideon’s. Heifer Project. McCurdy School-New Mexico. Methodist Mountain Mission Truck. Nothing but Nets. Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Boxes. Operation Classroom – Sierra Leone. Redbird Mission – support for schools etc. Ruth Haven Home. Water for Life. Youth Shelter. Contact Person—Shelly Hamilton FAITH PROMISE COMMITTEE All money donated to Faith Promise goes for missions. It is what we call 2nd mile giving. It is in addition to what you normally give to the church. The Faith Promise Committee meets each spring to decide which mission projects we want to support and establish a budget for each. We have Four categories - International, National, State and Local. Our budget gives us a goal for our fund drive. Later in the year we meet at least two times to distribute the money that has been contributed. Our mission projects are on file in the church office if anyone would like to see them. Recent projects supported are included in the above list. Contact Person – Shelly Hamilton FUND FOR OTHERS COMMITTEE Trinity UMC has a trust fund which has a formula that makes money available to the Fund for Others committee annually. Each spring, the fund committee takes applications from both individuals and charitable groups that need money. It’s the committee’s responsibility to judge which applications are worthy. The only stipulation is that the money must go outside of Trinity. Over the years Trinity’s Fund for Others has given many thousands of dollars to the community. This year the committee was able to award $16,000 to the following individuals and groups: Two Scholarships for Higher Education to Graduating High School Students Girls Inc.-Scholarship for Summer Programs Southwestern PTSO-Project Dress a Student Southwestern PTSO-Project After Prom Evangelism Committee of TUMC-Soccer cleats for needy children First Steps Dev. Therapist-Fencing materials for play area Big Brothers/Big Sisters-Fall picnic for children & volunteers Movie Mondays-Sponsor Movies for Children Jesus’ Clothes Closet-Supplement Clothing Items Madison Ulster Project-Operating Expenses RSVP Lide White Boys & Girls Club-Feed-A-Kid Pathways Youth Shelter & Family-Summer Enrichment Program Jefferson Co. WIC Program-Baby Showers River Valley Resources Clearing House-House of Hope Food Pantry Heritage Trail Conservancy, Inc.-Fresh Start Ministry Contact person – Dick Jones Page 8. Mission Our mission is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”. Matthew 28:19 Vision “Trinity will be a family of disciples worshiping God, forming relationships through Christ and engaging in Spirit led service.” Next Steps to becoming more active…..(Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ) Worship-Attend worship each week to praise God, to be reenergized and to be inspired. Relationships-Forming relationships through Christ in a small group or class. Service-Serve Jesus in a ministry. Find a way to do something for others. This provides you with a purpose and a mission in life. Also attend the Explorer’s Class where you can explore the Christian Faith, relationships and ministries of Trinity. Attend the Spiritual Gifts Class where you will discover your spiritual gifts, passions and opportunities to serve in your area of giftedness. Both are offered quarterly. Be Baptized to affirm your commitment . Become a Member of Christ’s Church. Sign up for further Leadership opportunities and training
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