This Week`s Bulletin - Fairmount Christian Church

February 15, 2015
Sun 02/15
- Contemporary Chair Take-Down - Friends
8:15 am - Traditional Worship ~ Sanctuary
- K-12th Grade ~ Worship with Parents
- Good News Bible School Class ~ Rm. 132B
9:30 am - Contemporary Worship ~ FLC
- Bible School & Forever Friends (Inf.-2nd Gr, 6th Gr & Adults)
- 7-12th Grade CommUNITY ~ Activity Center
- Junior Church (3rd-5th Grade) ~ Rm. 150
10:00 am 7-12th Grade Bible School
10:50 am - Growing Kids God’s Way ~ Rm. 152
11:00 am - Worship: Traditional ~ Sanctuary; Contemporary ~ FLC
- Bible School (3-5th Gr. & Adults)
- 6-12th Gr. ~ Worship w/Parents
- Children’s Worship Opportunities (PreK-2nd Grade)
12:15 pm - JC Crew Meeting ~ Rm. 150 (until 3pm)
12:30 pm - Impact Haiti Mission Team Meeting ~ Rm. 132b
4:30 pm - Orchestra ~ Sanctuary
5:00 pm - Joyful Sound Drama Rehearsal ~ Rm. 152
5:30 pm - MS CONNECTion ~ Meet in Gym
- God Rocks! ~ Rm. 174
6:00 pm - Branches Choir ~ Rm. 111
- Jacob’s Ladder Choir ~ Rm. 151
- Joyful Sound Choir ~ Rm. 150
6:30 pm - HS CONNECTion ~ Goodman’s Home (vans return by 8:15pm)
- Feed His Sheep Meal Preparation & Delivery
- Helping Hands Meal
7:00 pm - Impact Jerusalem Meeting ~ Library
02/17 10:00 am - Forever Young Meeting & Luncheon ~ Sanctuary & Rm. 132
1:15 pm - Forever Young Choir ~ Rm. 106
02/18 10:00 am - Adult Bible Study ~ Rm. 132
Wednesday Night Suppers ~ Make reservations by noon on Monday
5:00 pm - Dinner is served (until 6:15pm)
6:30 pm - Classes for all ages (location guides online or at dinner)
6:30 pm - Worship Choir ~ Rm 106
- Impact World Meeting ~ Library
7:30 pm - Contemporary Chair Setup - Living Water & Salt & Light
8:00 pm - Handbell Rehearsal ~ Sanctuary
02/19 6:00 pm - Women’s Ministry Team Meeting ~ Rm. 129
6:15 pm - Rise Up! Rehearsal ~ Rm. 150
7:00 pm - Dress Rehearsal ~ “A Most Beautiful Plan”
02/20 7:00 pm - “A Most Beautiful Plan” Performance ~ Family Life Center
02/21 3:00 pm - “A Most Beautiful Plan” Performance ~ Family Life Center
7:00 pm - “A Most Beautiful Plan” Performance ~ Family Life Center
Please visit our Guest Reception Area following your worship
service to find out more about us & receive a gift.
We’re glad you’re here!
Calling all men - join the Men’s Ministry for the
Annual Beast Feast on Saturday, March 14th, from
5-7pm here in the Family Life Center. This year’s
speaker is Lee McBride, a comedian, evangelist and
preacher who has a great way of connecting with people
through humor. You’ll also enjoy some delicious "beast"
cooked by our very own barbecue "pit master", Mike Banton,
along with appetizers of rabbit, venison, black bear and beaver bites prepared by Ed and
Kathy Muller. Tickets are available beginning this morning from the Beast Feast table
in the front foyer and at the church office during the week. Cost: $10 per adult male;
$5 for boys under 12 years old. Buy some extra tickets and invite your friends!
Forever Young Meets This Tuesday at 10am: Enjoy a concert of piano
& violin music by Tracy & Tia Thomas in the Sanctuary followed by lunch
catered by Tommy Norwood in Rm. 132. For information on Forever Young,
Fairmount’s senior adult group, contact Jack Raybourne at 730-9614.
Wednesday Nights: Supper is served from 5-6:15 followed by classes for all
ages from 6:30-7:30. If you plan to eat, please sign up on the Sunday before
the dinner using a green supper card or call or email the church office by
noon on Mondays (559-8070 or [email protected]).
Menu for February 18th - Roast turkey w/stuffing, mashed potatoes, green
beans, rolls & assorted desserts; Children’s alternative - pizza
Serve: Christian Homemakers Clean Up: Real Life Connections
Friday, February 20th at 7pm
Saturday, February 21st at 3pm & 7pm
Sunday, February 22nd at 2pm
No tickets necessary. All performances are free!
Invite your friends and neighbors to join you.
7-8th Gr. Mission Trip to Mt. Mission School ~ April 6-8: We’ll
fellowship and worship with the kids at MMS, do a little spring
cleaning, and lead a mini-VBS for the younger ones. If interested,
please contact George Koger at [email protected] or 938-5819.
Adult Mountain Mission School Work Trip ~ Join us for a building repair work trip
from April 8-11. Contact Guy Cumby at 380-2033.
Auditions for all roles in The Sound of Music (to be presented
November 13-15 and 20-22) will take place on March 15-16.
Go to for detailed information
regarding auditions. For those without internet access, contact Tracy
Thomas at [email protected] or call him at the church office (559-8070).
Care Packages: Help our elementary children fill care packages for our
college students! Donations of the following items are needed by Wed.,
February 18th: pens, sticky notes, chewing gum, lip balm, hot cocoa mix
and note pads. A donation box is located near the Check-In desk in the
front foyer. Parents, make sure we have your student’s correct mailing address at
college - call the church office today!
Hanover Habitat for Humanity 25th Anniversary Open House ~
Sunday, Feb. 22nd from Noon-4pm: 10202 Ashcake Road, just East of
Ashland in the Habitat-built Bailey Woods subdivision.
Box Car Drive-In
Feb. 27th - 6-9pm, $5 (Max. of $20 per family)
Bring supplies (no glitter, paint or other messy stuff) to transform a
cardboard box (provided) into the car of your dreams! We’ll have dinner, create our
cars, and enjoy popcorn & a movie in front of the big screen - just like at the drive-in!
Parents & Teens - we need you to be crew chiefs. Sign up on the Kids Bulletin
Board or call the church by Monday, February 23rd.
Virginia Preteen Convention - March 27-28 at Fairmount
4th-6th Graders, we’ll look at the blueprint that God created from the very
beginning and learn how we can follow along with His Master Plan. Sign up on
the Kids Bulletin Board and grab a medical release form. Return the completed
form with $50 payment by March 8th to the Children’s Ministry mailbox located
on the Check-In desk.
Sympathy to David Clarke and family at the passing of his
mother, Hettie K. Clarke, on February 7th.
Ralph Ellis thanks everyone for their thoughts, prayers, cards and flowers during
his recent surgery and recovery; and special thanks to the pastoral staff for their
visits, calls and prayers.
Thomas Ball appreciates the prayers, calls, cards and expressions of concern
during his recent hospital visit.
Mailing Address: PO Box 788, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Street Address: 6502 Creighton Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone: 804/559-8070 ~
Rick Raines, Senior Minister  Chris Santasiere, Associate Minister  Mike Langley, Associate Minister
Tracy Thomas, Worship/Music Minister  Mike Campbell, Youth Minister
Ashley Sears, Children’s Director  Rose Williams, Early Childhood Director
The Lord’s Day
Order of Worship
February 15, 2015
8:15 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
*Hymns of Praise
Janet Gill
This Our Prayer
Worship Choir
Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (vs. 1, 3 & 4)
The Solid Rock (vs. 1, 3 & 4)
Scripture & Prayer
Lord’s Supper ~ The Center of Worship
Worthy Is the Lamb
The Lord’s Supper
Taken in Unison
Worship of God with Tithes and Offerings
Special Music
Called Me Higher
Scott Mullins &
Jenny Brawley
Unlocked - Part 2
8:15 ~ Chris Santasiere
11:00 ~ Mike Langley
*Invitation Hymn
Take My Life and Let It Be
*Those who are able, please stand.
“A church without the authority of Scripture is like a crocodile
without teeth; it can open its mouth as wide and as often as it
likes—but who cares? Thankfully, God has given us His
inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word. His people can speak
with authority and boldness, and we can be confident we
have His instructions for our lives.”
Part 2 - Inerrant
February 15, 2015
The Bible is the most important ______________ in the history of the world.
Some people see the Bible as a _________________ to be ________________.
The key to unlocking the Bible begins with four foundational ___________ about
this book: The Bible is _________________, _________________,
_________________ and _________________.
Today, we focus on the _________________ of the Bible.
To say that the Bible is _________________ is to say that it is ______________
______________. Psalm 12:6 “And the words of the Lord are flawless...”
Why can we have _____________________ in the inerrancy of the Bible?
The Bible speaks the ___________________________. Ephesians 6:17
“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
1. God is incapable of ___________. 1 John 3:20
“… For God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything.”
2. God is incapable of ____________. Titus 1:2
“… God, who does not lie ...”
II. Jesus speaks for the ____________ of the Bible. John 17:17
“Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth.”
Jesus taught Scripture from the standpoint that it was __________________
____________________. John 10:35 “Scripture cannot be broken …”
The inerrancy of the Bible gives us confidence to ______________, __________
and _________ its words.