Bulletin - Saint Francis of Assisi Parish

St. Francis of Assisi Parish
February 15, 2015 • Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor’s Desk
his weekend our parish is invited to par cipate in the
Diocese of Sacramento’s 25th Annual Catholic Appeal
for support of social services, tui on assistance for
needy Catholic school families, and the training of future clergy
who will serve in this diocese. 25% of all funds contributed by
our parish is returned to us, which we will use for our Assistance
to the Needy program.
Our parish has
responded very well over
the 25 years of this Appeal.
You are to be commended
for your generosity, for
caring about those who are
in need here in midtown,
and those who are in need
elsewhere in our diocese.
In many places in our
diocese, people live below
the poverty level. This is
especially true in the north
area of the diocese as well
as in the small agricultural
communi es. Our awareness, and our willingness to reach
out to the most vulnerable and marginalized is a witness to
our gra tude for what we have received from God, to our
willingness to share our gi s, and to our radical commitment
to live the gospel—to our Franciscan values.
We enter into the Lenten Season this coming Wednesday
with the recep on of ashes. Lent is a me for looking at who
we are and what we have. It is a me of repentance. Our
tradi on suggests that giving “alms;” taking me out of our
busyness for “prayer,” for serious reflec on on what needs
to change in our lives; and performing acts of “penance”—
all lead to “repentance” and provide us with an opportunity
for something to happen within each of us that deepens our
rela onship with God and one another and ourselves.
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil 5:15 pm
Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am, Noon
Weekday Masses
(in St. Clare Chapel)
12:10 pm
A means to move us in this peniten al me is our
Parish Lenten Retreat, which will begin next weekend with the
preaching of Sister Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ at all the Masses.
Sister Mary Beth is a top-notch scholar and teacher, and a
deeply prayerful and insigh ul person, who will encourage us
to use this Lenten Season to open our minds and broaden our
horizons to experience Lent as a Spring me of new hope and
life in the Spirit, inspired by
Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi. I
hope that you will join me for her
presenta ons on Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday evenings (February
23-25) in the church—as well as for
the soup suppers in Brunsman Hall,
before the presenta ons, which
will be prepared and hosted by our
parish staff and ministries. Sr. Mary
Beth will also present a morning
session on Tuesday, February 24,
for those not able to come to the
evening sessions. I also invite you to
join us on Thursday evening for the
celebra on of our parish Lenten Community Rite of Reconcilia on.
During our recent retreat, the parish staff spent some
me in faith sharing, and I was inspired by what our staff
members were sharing to ask that they contribute to this
column during the weeks of Lent, sharing with you some
reflec ons on what this season means to them and how they
envision their ministries encouraging each of us on our Lenten
journey of repentence.
On a closing note, I wish to thank all those who contributed their me and talents to the wonderful dedica on of our
altar last weekend at the 9:30 am Mass.
Un l next week…. May The Lord Give You Peace…. kjl
Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm
or by appointment
Church Hours
M-Th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Opportunities and Information
Franciscan Pathways of Justice and the Sacramento Diocese
Black Catholic Ministry are sponsoring:
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18
Lenten Journey For Racial Justice
Mass with Distribution of Ashes
6:30am, 8:30am (with our School) and 12:10pm
in the Church
Sunday, February 15
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Brunsman Hall
Evening Service of the Word with Distribution of Ashes
6:30pm in the Church
sh Wednesday marks the beginning of the season
of Lent. The Lenten season is not just a ma er of
personal renewal and healing. We do not enter it alone. We
enter as community, seeking to renew the heart and soul of
our community. (Note: the 8:30am Mass will be with the students, faculty and staff of our parish school. All are welcome
to par cipate!)
lease plan to join us
for a workshop on
racial jus ce. Our guest
speakers at the workshop
will be:
• Father Bartholomew
Landry, CSP
Parochial Vicar at Old Saint
Mary’s Cathedral, San Francisco.
Fasting and Abstinence
• Judge Ronald A. Wilson, reƟred
Founder of the Na onal Jus ce Founda on, the Roots College Preparatory School for Wayward Children. His many
awards include: the NAACP Rosa Parks Living History Makers
Award, the Mar n Luther King, Jr. Drum Major Award, and
the Ida B. Wells Social Jus ce Award. Before re rement he
served as Presiding Judge for South Tucson, AZ.
Abstinence from Meat
Observed on Ash Wednesday,
Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent
by all Catholics 14 years and older.
Observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all
Catholics 18 to 59 years old. The tradi onal norm for fas ng
is to eat only one full meal. Smaller meals throughout the
day, if all added up, should not be more than one full meal.
• Father Bernard Kwame Assenyoh, SVD
Past Provincial Council member of the SVD Southern Province,
Priest Council Member of the New Orleans Archdiocese, and
Superior, SVD New Orleans District.
5:00pm in the Church (immediately following workshop)
Lenten Soup Suppers
Sponsored by Our School
February 19
ather Bartholomew Landry will preside. Music will be provided by the St. Dominic Youth Choir, whose mission is to
“bring those present closer to our Lord by providing a musical
se ng that allows the spirit to speak to and open hearts.”
“Penance and Merciful Cross”
(please bring 1 can of soup per person)
For more informaƟon please contact Galen (GalenU@
sƞrancisparish.com or 916-443-8084 x114).
6:00 - 7:00 pm Lenten Reflection and Activity
February 25:
March 18:
“Stations of the Cross and Resurrection”
Little Black Books for Lent
oin our school families in Brunsman Hall for a simple
meal and an opportunity for prayer, reflec on, and prepara on for Easter. RSVP not required but greatly appreciated for
a general head count: Tami Gu errez ([email protected]).
This Weekend
After Mass in the Old Sanctuary
e are once again offering the Little Black Books as a
prayer opportunity for our Lenten journey! Copies of
this very popular Lenten guide will be available after all Masses
in the old sanctuary space and during the week at the Parish
Center. $1 donation.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays in Lent, starting this Friday
3:00pm and 6:00pm in the Church
e invite you to join our parish community in
praying the Sta ons of the Cross.
A Springtime
of Franciscan Giftedness
Parish Lenten Retreat with Sr. Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ
Monday – Wednesday, February 23 – 25
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the Church
(Preceded by a Simple Supper at 5:50 pm in Brunsman Hall hosted by Our Parish Ministries)
MONDAY: “Beauty and Abundant Love: A Springtime of Franciscan Giftedness”
TUESDAY: “Lent: A Time for Conversion into Love”
WEDNESDAY: “‘God So Loved the World’ — Walking the Narrow Path into Life”
“Lent: A Time for Conversion into Love”
Tuesday, February 24
9:30 am - Noon in Brunsman Hall
(9:30 - 10:00 am Coffee and Refreshments • Parking available in the schoolyard)
r. Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ is a sister of St. Joseph of Orange, currently on the faculty at the
Franciscan School of Theology in Oceanside. She has a doctorate in Medieval Philosophy from the
University of Fribourg, Switzerland and taught for many years at Loyola Marymount University, where
she was chair of the Philosophy Department and Professor of Philosophy. Her specialty is the thought
of Franciscan Master, Blessed John Duns Scotus. Sr. Mary Beth is the author of many books and ar cles,
including Rejoicing in the Works of the Lord: Beauty in the Franciscan TradiƟon (2010), and is a frequent
speaker at Franciscan gatherings.
Your Financial Support
Mardi Gras Gala
Thank You, St. Francis!
(Includes direct deposit and online donaƟons)
January 18
Year-to-date (7/1/2014-1/21/2015)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
Our Mardi Gras Gala was a wonderful
celebra on of community and, thanks
to your overflowing presence and
generosity, it was a huge success, with
a record-breaking a endance of 300!
All proceeds will help support our
parish ministries, especially our Step
Live Auction Item
Ministry, which provides shelter
Donor & Winner
each night of the week and a nutri ous
breakfast each morning to our homeless brothers and sisters.
(Includes direct deposit and online donaƟons)
Building Fund (includes ONE Campaign 25% share)
Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-1/21/2015)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
There are many people to thank and to recognize for their
hard work and commitment: the Mardi Gras Commi ee, which
met monthly beginning in August 2014: Diana Bosley, Clayton
Whitehead, Phil Trimboli, Bob Reid, Fran Anderson, Jackie
Mikesell, Judy Guardalabene, Bernade e Claire, Rose Richards,
Janet Vi , Marguerite Oates, and Galen Unruh.
Step Ministry
Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-1/21/2015)
Last year
$ Change
% Change
Francis House (January 2015)
Volunteers who helped on the day of the event with
set up, gree ng, raffle cket sales, “spo ng” bidders at the
live auc on, clean up and...: Anny Beeson, Bob Mar nez, Kay
Skonieczny, Susan Greene, Steve and Cheryl Tholcke, Judy
Miranda, Pat and Vickie Cosen no, Paul Rieschick, Skip Bacon,
Dale Richards, Maureen Paley, Andy Molina, Jackie Mikesell,
and Adam Pacheco. A special thanks to 7th-grade students
from St. Francis Elementary for helping assemble table decora ons: Mariah Hudnut, Samantha Lingao, Chloe Splinter,
Alaine Blasé and Mira Saab—and to parishioner Mar n White
who was their guide.
ONE CAMPAIGN: January 2015 Update
Pledged & One-Time Gi s:
% of Goal:
# of gi s:
% par cipa on:
Prayer Requests
Most of all, a big thank-you to those who donated items
for the live and silent auc ons and raffle, to those who bid
on and purchased those items, and to all who joined us for
the evening. Your community spirit and generosity made the
Mardi Gras Gala a big success. Congratula ons, St. Francis!
Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters
Who Are Ill or in Pain
Michele Dyke
Who Have Been Called to Eternal Life
Richard Sanchez, Inez Dolores Millesis
Mass Intentions for this Week
Feb. 14 Sat.
Feb. 15 Sun.
Feb. 17 Tue. 12:15pm
Feb. 18 Wed. 12:15pm
Feb. 17 Thu. 12:15pm
Feb. 17 Fri.
Lawrence Weisser
FMU (Franciscan Missions)
Mona Mertens†
Pro Populo (for parishioners)
Lawrence Weisser
Lawrence Weisser
Lawrence Weisser
Lawrence Weisser
o request that your loved one be added to our prayer
request list, please contact Galen Unruh, Director of
Outreach (443-8084 x114 or GalenU@s rancisparish.com). To
request a Mass Inten on, please contact SJeanay Willis Bolden,
Parish Secretary (443-8084 or SJeanayB@s rancisparish.com).
Welcome New Parishioners
Joshua and Kate Alves
and daughter Zoie and son Ryker
Marissol Ramirez-Maldonado and
Vicki Maldonado-Ramirez
From Our School
End of Year Statements
Catholic Schools Week Staff Appreciation Day
Your 2014 Donations to St. Francis
any students arrived on the morning of January 27 with
gi bags, flowers, and small tokens of apprecia on for
our incredible teachers and staff. Meanwhile, our Parent Club
and Room Parents organized breakfast treats, lunch, and an array
of tasty desserts in the teacher’s room.
hank you to all who shared with
St. Francis from your financial
resources in 2014—no gi was too
small, and every gi ma ered, helping to build up our community and
support our parish programs
2014 summary statements of dona ons have been
mailed out. If you did not receive a statement and would like
a copy, please contact Fran Anderson (frana@s rancisparish.
com or 443-8084 x102).
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
This Weekend and Next Weekend
very week, someone leaves
something behind in the
church—prescrip on glasses, car
keys, sweaters, rosaries.... These
items are taken to the Parish Center on Monday mornings.
Kinders Come to Mass
n January 24, our
joined us at our School
Mass for the first me.
They were accompanied by
their Big Buddies in the 8th
Grade, and we were delighted to have them join in
our celebra on. The Mass
was led by the 3rd Grade,
who chose to donate items
to the SPCA as part of their offering. One of the highlights was
the enthusias c par cipa on of our students during the invigora ng final song, "Rise Up In Splendor" — which was led by our
always harmonious School Choir.
This weekend and next weekend, items that have been
collec ng for a period of me will be in a box near the main
doors of the church, so if you have lost something, you are
welcome to go through the items.
As we go forward, “found” items will be kept for one
month at the Parish Center. Usable items will then be donated
to chari es; other items will be discarded.
Illness and the Liturgy
Illness and the Liturgy
ur tradi on of prayer involves close contact with each
other. By gathering together, singing, praying, sharing a
pew, exchanging the sign of peace and receiving communion
we respond to God’s call to worship as members of Christ’s
body and to be nourished by Word and Sacrament. However,
if you are ill, it is a sign of charity for your brothers and sisters
to keep that illness from spreading to others.
CSAC Needs You!
re you a registered member of our parish? Do you have
a strong and posi ve commitment to Catholic school
educa on? Nomina ons are now being accepted for our Catholic School Advisory Commission (CSAC), for a two-year term.
Guided by Franciscan values, the CSAC advises Fr. Ken
and Principal Ivan Hrga about opportunities and goals
in these areas: Planning, Policy Development, Finances,
Facilities Management, Marketing and Development. Members par cipate in monthly mee ngs, as well as ad hoc and
execu ve mee ngs. New members a end the Diocesan "New
School Advisory Commission Members' Workshop."
To help us to protect and care for our
brothers and sisters, we are asked to:
If you are interested, please submit a nomina on form
(available on the school webiste under “Forms,” or from the
Parish Center) in a sealed envelope to St. Francis Parish, 1066
26th St., Sac 95816, a n: Fr. Ken Laverone, OFM.
• Receive Holy Communion in the form of
bread only (un l flu season has passed).
• Pray the Lord’s Prayer with our hands
joined instead of holding hands.
• Exchange a sign of peace that does not
involve touching others. (it helps to smile!)
Ongoing: All Are Welcome
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Young Adults
Sundays during the Liturgy of the Word at our 9:30am
Mass, children K-4th grade are escorted from the church to
the Parish Center Chapel by an adult catechist for CLOW. No
registra on required. Parents may accompany their children.
If you are in your 20’s or 30’s, come try out our young
adults groups called Chris an Life Communi es (CLC), where
you will become part of a young adult community (approximately 4 - 10 people). There is no commitment—just a end
once and go from there. Our CLCs are based on Igna an as
well as Franciscan spirituality and are a place for growth,
companionship, and transforma on. More info: Patrice at
YoungAdults@s rancisparish.com.
Church Tours
4th Sundays a er Noon Mass.
Communion Visitation
To request a visit for you or a loved one, please email:
SFCommunionVisita [email protected]. Please include your
phone number in your email. Or call Galen (443-8084 x114).
Other Opportunities
Clara’s House Needs You!
Contemplative Prayer
Healing Prayer ministers are available to pray for you or
your loved ones. Email your prayer pe ons to healingprayer@
s rancisparish.com, or call the parish office (443-8084).
Be a missionary in your own back yard to those living in
poverty, those who are homeless, those without enough to
eat, those who are poor and ill without access to health care.
They are o en invisible, yet they live here in our own back
yard! You can be a missionary to these people through Clara’s
House – a primary health-care clinic serving the voiceless and
vulnerable among us. Opera ng completely with volunteer
staff, we need skilled and caring people to serve as medical
professionals, clerical workers and recep onists. See “How to
Help” at www.clarashouse.org for more informa on. We ask
the prayerful support of everyone. Thank you.
High School Youth Ministry
World Marriage Day - Renewal of Vows
Mondays 6:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel.
Tuesdays a er 12:10 pm Mass in St. Clare Chapel.
Gospel Series
Sundays 11:00 -11:45 am in the Parish Center. Reflecon and medita on on the gospel. Sponsored by the Peace &
Jus ce Commi ee. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753).
Healing Prayer
High School Youth Ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6:00-8:00pm in the Parish Center.
Light dinner provided. Don’t forget to bring a friend!
February 21 Bishop Jaime Soto will preside at a special
11:00 am Mass at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in
which married couples may renew their wedding vows. An
informal recep on for couples and their families will follow.
Special cer ficates will be given to couples celebra ng milestone anniversaries (10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 50+). If you are
interested in a ending this free event, please register (names
and anniversary year) at www.SacWMD.com. More info: (916)
Sundays a er 9:30am Mass join us for coffee and donuts
in Brunsman Hall.
Library Hours
Thursdays, Noon-2:00pm and
1st and 3rd Sundays, 8:30-11:30am in the Parish Center.
Registrations Now Open for Camp Pendola
Nursery Program
Catholic Iden ty through small group Chris an living is a
part of the mission of Camp Pendola. Each cabin group has the
opportunity to learn to live and play together with a collegeage counselor leading the way in a fun environment that experiences the wonders of God’s gi of crea on. For more informaon check out www.pendola.org or call 916-733-0123.
Sundays: Child care (staffed by an adult and teen helpers) for children ages 1-3 during 9:30 am Mass in the room
opposite the cafeteria on the first floor of our school on the
Sundays when Faith Forma on classes are in session. Registra on is on-site.
Prayer Service
Weekly Readings
Mondays: Led by our school children at 8:10am in the
church (when school is in session). All are welcome!
Taizé Prayer
Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00pm, in the church.
T’ai Chi Chih
Saturdays 9:05am in St. Clare Chapel or, weather permi ng,
in the park across from the church.
Wednesdays 6:00pm in the church (during Taizé Prayer).
Thomas Merton Circle
Meets bi-monthly. Refreshments provided. More info:
John (482-6976).
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11;
1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45
Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21;
Mk 8:11-13
Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b,
9c-10; Mk 8:14-21
Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17;
2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15
Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15
Parish Information
St. Francis Parish Center Ofϐices: 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.443.8084
Fax: 916.443.7356 • Website: www.stfrancisparish.com • Office Hours: MON-FRI, 9AM-5PM
St. Francis Elementary School: 2500 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.442.5494
Website: www.stfranciselem.org • Office Hours: MON–THUR, 8AM–4PM and FRI, 8AM-2PM (during the School Year)
Associate Pastor
Pastoral Associate
Director of Liturgy
Director of Faith Formation
Director of Outreach
Administrative Associate
Plant Manager
Office Assistant
Parish Secretary and Wedding Coordinator
Communion Visitation Ministry Coordinator
Infant Baptism Coordinator
Library Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Parish Council Chair
Young Adults Ministry Coordinator
Youth Ministry Coordinator
In Residence at the Friary:
Ken Laverone OFM
Sebas an Sandoval, OFM
Kjlofm@s rancisparish.com
Sebas anS@s rancisparish.com
Ivan Hrga
Principal@s ranciselem.org
Peggy Chambers, OMC
PeggyC@s rancisparish.com
Deborah Jones
DeborahJ@s rancisparish.com
Skip Bacon
SkipB@s rancisparish.com
Galen Unruh
GalenU@s rancisparish.com
Fran Anderson
[email protected]
Joe Prassa
JoeP@s rancisparish.com
Pamela Caballero
PamelaC@s rancisparish.com
SJeanay Willis Bolden
SJeanayB@s rancisparish.com
Jacquie Embs
JEmbs@s rancisparish.com
Peggy Briggs
SFCommunionVisita [email protected]
Carol Spinella
InfantBap sm@s rancisparish.com
Pat Pavone
Library@s rancisparish.com
Christelle Cobian
Membership@s rancisparish.com
Michelle Hernandez-Flores
ParishCouncil@s rancisparish.com
Patrice Clemons
YoungAdults@s rancisparish.com
Traci Bean
[email protected]
Ray Bucher, OFM • Ken Laverone, OFM • Sebas an Sandoval, OFM
Mark Schroeder, OFM • John Summers, OFM
Register as a Member of Our Parish • Update Contact Information
Name 1:
Name 2:
(Last Name, First Name)
(Last Name, First Name)
(Street Address)
(City, State)
Home Phone: (
Work Phone: (
Cell Phone: (
Mass you attend:
[ ] 5:15
[ ] 7:30
Children’s Names
[ ] 9:30
[ ] Noon
PđĊĆĘĊ place this form in the collec on basket or
• Mail it: 1066 26th St., Sacramento CA 95816
• Fax it: 916-443-7356 or
• Register online: www.s rancisparish.com/membership.htm
(Zip Code)
Date of Birth
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