FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A Place To Belong Sunday, February 15th, 2015 11:00 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Welcome in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Bibles (blue cover) and hymnbooks (brown cover) are provided for your use. A nursery is available in the lower hall for infants and toddlers. Washrooms are also located in the lower hall. If you wish to have a cushion or hard of hearing headset, please speak to one of the ushers who will be happy to obtain these items for you. We invite you to complete one of the blue Visitor Cards in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate toward the end of the worship service. This will help us get to know you better! Please silence cell phones and other electronics. Speak softly, move Many people have allergies to fragrances and perfumes, so we try to keep our church a scent-free zone in consideration of the health and wellbeing of others! Thank you! -onDuty will be pleased to meet with you following the worship service. Please come to the front, west side pew. Perhaps this prayer may help you begin your preparation today: God, on the holy mountain You revealed to chosen witnesses Your well-beloved Son, wonderfully transfigured, in brilliant white clothing. In Your mercy, may we, being delivered from the anxiety and emptiness of this world, see Jesus our King, in all His beauty, for ourselves. May this vision change us and empower us to take up our cross and follow Him always. With You, Father, and You, Holy Spirit, Jesus lives and reigns: one God, forever and ever. Amen. Ushers: William Crook (Head Usher) George McKenzie Eileen Hutton Freddy Oubah Deacon on Duty: Martha Pauls Greeters: Sanctuary: Balcony: Elevator: Susan Cowen William & Janet Romanuk Dena Clifford AV Ministry: Marvin Fuller & Patrick Palmer Service of Worship Sunday, February 15th, 2015 Second Sunday After Epiphany 11:00 a.m. *Indicates congregation is invited to stand as able* 1 Music for Gathering Morning Chimes Mark Anderson Mark Anderson *The Introit Rejoice, the Lord Is King Congregation Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks, and sing, and triumph ever more: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! Welcome Reflective Moment Joel Russell-MacLean THE APPROACH: THE PRAISE AND WORSHIP OF GOD Call to Worship Invocation or the Collect *Hymn of Praise God at Work Xavier & Rowan Russell-MacLean Immortal, Invisible #25 Heather Russell-MacLean Gift of Music Karen Martin CONFESSION OF SIN Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon John Nelson Gift of Music Sanctuary Choir THE WORD OF GOD FOR CHILDREN Be Still & Know (v. 1) #343 (The children will come forward during the singing of this hymn.) Joel Russell-MacLean Be Still & Know (v. 2) #343 (The children will return to sit with their parents for the remainder of the service.) 2 THE WORD OF GOD READ Scripture Reader: Adoniram Holtslander & Ben Sentis Old Testament Lesson: Isaiah 62:1-3 (O.T. pg. 692) Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 50:1-6 Leader: The Mighty One, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. Choir: Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. Congregation: Our God comes and does not keep silence, before Him is a devouring fire, and a mighty tempest all around Him. Leader: He calls to the heavens above and to the earth, that He may judge His people: Choir: Congregation: Who made a covenant with Me by ALL: The heavens declare His righteousness, for God Himself is judge. *Gloria Patri #623 Congregation Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. The Epistle: II Corinthians 4:3-6 (N.T. pg.180) The Gospel: Mark 9:2-9 (N.T. pg.44) Reader: People: This is the word of the Lord! Thanks be to God! THE WORD OF GOD PROCLAIMED *Hymn of Approach Congregation (Words and music on following page) Sermon Joel Russell-MacLean 3 RESPONSE TO THE WORD AND RETURN TO THE WORLD *Hymn of Response I Have Decided to Follow Jesus (vs. 1-3) #376 Congregational Life and Ministry Call to Prayer Prayers of the People Mark McKim Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Our Gifts & Offerings Mark Anderson *Response Of Praise Praise the Lord Congregation Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. He has washed shame. Now and forever praise His holy name! Praise His holy name! Praise His holy name! To God be the glory, now and forever, praise His holy name! Benediction Joel Russell-MacLean *Choral Benediction We Gather Together Congregation (Tune: , #157) O Spirit of God, O so vibrant and free, Surprise and surround us, unite us to be One people of earth who respond to Your call To go ews for all! Music For Departing Mark Anderson Please join us in the lower hall for coffee, tea, juice, cookies and fellowship. February 15: Natasha Bellows, Rosemary Ward, Derrick Bellows & Julie Rich th February 8 , 2015 Worship Attendance Morning Worship Service 168 4 Preparing For Next Sunday: Scripture Lessons February 22nd Old Testament Lesson Genesis 2:7, 15-2, 3:1-15, 22-24 Psalm Psalm 148:1-5, 9-13 Epistle I Corinthians 15:20-22 The 2014 income tax receipts have been placed into the mailboxes in the foyer. Please make sure to stop by and pick your receipt up. If you are unsure about the location of the mailboxes please speak to one of our ushers who would be happy to assist you. DOUBLE BABY SHOWER FOR ELI & SAMANDRIEL, (The two new Holtslander babies!!) WHERE: FBC, Lower Hall WHEN: Thursday, February 19th TIME: 7:00 p.m. INVITED: EVERYONE!!! Please talk to Heather Russell-MacLean (306-531-5634, [email protected]) if you would like to contribute to a group gift or have any questions about the event. Eli Theodore: born Dec. 24th, 2014 to Haley & John Samandriel Nora: born Jan. 13th, 2015 to Liesey & Michael DEACONS, TREASURER, PASTORS AND ALL COMMISSION CHAIRS Will all meet together at 7:00 p.m. on February 24th in the Board Room. Deacons instituted these meetings last fall. They are intended to happen three or four times a year as a way to encourage communication, provide mutual support and prayer for one another. CONGRATULATIONS to Zane Clifford for having been selected to sing with the SASKATCHEWAN YOUTH HONOUR CHOIR. 5 ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE 7:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 18TH Come join us for a special evening worship service this Wednesday. We begin Lent with this service, where anyone who wants to can have ashes placed on their foreheads. This is a good service for all ages, with a mix of hymns and contemporary songs, lots of participation, and the visual of the ashes. Pastor Joel will be leading. JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER THAT THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON FEB. 16TH FOR THE FAMILY DAY HOLIDAY. Copies of the record from the town hall meeting are available on the tables in the foyer. TH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 AT 11:50 a.m. An enthusiastic and exciting group for people ages 50 years and up. Meet at 11:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month January-April. Favourite Food*Fabulous Fellowship*Delightful Devotions Cost: $13.00 Menu: Pork, Rice & Peas, Vegetable, Garden Salad, Fresh Fruit, Assorted Cakes and Beverage. *catered by Elizabeth Morgan* Speaker: Cpl. Dean Ross, Regina Police Service Topic: E Fraud Plan to attend and bring a friend or two with you. Contact: John Nelson (306-359-1450 ext 223), or the church office (306-359-1450 ext 221) for information. A V Celebration...H E I R Enlightenment. Spirituality Tear off and place in offering plate or call any of the above contacts. Name_______________________________________________________ Number attending______________________________________________ 6 Voice will meet at 7:15 on Wednesday, February 25th Living Water: Essential Practices From the Six Great Traditions of Please speak to Laureen if you need any information or wish to be included on the e-mail notification list. Voice NOVEL Study On Saturday, February 7th a group of women got together to discuss the book by Sue Monk Kidd. We enjoyed this well written, engaging book that, while set during the time of black slavery in the United States, challenged us to look beyond the status quo to what God would have for His world today. The NOVEL STUDY is intended to weekly study, a chance to get together and enjoy the thoughts and perspectives of others on the chosen book. If you are interested in adding your name to our e-mail list, please let Laureen know. Another NOVEL STUDY will be held in the spring. The books we are considering reading are . Do you have a suggestion? Let Laureen know. 1. EASTER ALLELUIA PRESENTATION Sunday, March 29th, 7:00 p.m. Seasonal Singers/EXALTATION members are invited to join the Sanctuary Choir on Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m. to learn the music for our Easter presentation. Guest musicians: Charlee Wielgoz (violin), Dawn Henry (vocal), plus other guests to be confirmed. Participating: Sanctuary Choir, JuBELLation Ringers, Exaltation, Christa Walsh, Mark Anderson, Karen Martin, Gordon Kerfoot, PLUS MORE to be confirmed! Mark your calendars! Invite your friends and family!! Posters & invitations coming soon for distribution. 2. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Festival of Praise Concert Sunday, May 31, 7:00 p.m. Bells*Choirs*Instrumental/Vocal solos, duets, trios, quartets*PLUS SPECIAL GUEST MUSICIANS*Rumour has it there might be an ICE CREAM SOCIAL TO FOLLOW FOP! Stay tuned!! 7 MATURING ADULTS CORNER Summer@Carey -sponsored by the Centre for Healthy Again Transitions (C.H.A.T.) AT Carey Date: August 24-27, 2015 Time: Check daily schedule online Cost: $60.00/per person/per day Location: Carey Centre on UBC Campus (Google) Parking: $7:00 per day. Passes can be purchased at reception upon arrival Presenter: Dr. Richard Johnson a) b) c) ies: How to successfully minister in Living d) New Meaning, and e) t How to take the frustration, guilt, helplessness and anxiety out of caregiving and replace them w e. *Carey provides short stay accommodations on the beautiful campus of UBC-first-come, first-serve basis by calling Reception TOLL FREE 1-844-862-2739 8 SPRING CONGREGATIONAL MEETING This meeting will be held on Sunday, March 22nd, immediately following the morning worship service. REPORTS FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT BOOK The reports must be in the church office no later than Thursday, February 26th in order to be included in the annual report book. Our church secretary has to have this much lead-time in order to collate and format reports and to photocopy the report books, as well as make photocopies of the annual audited statement and get all this material into the hands of the congregation two Sundays before the spring congregational meeting. Devotional Guide For Lent Available Today! Lent begins this week on Wednesday, and our theme for these days of preparation leading to Easter will be the chilling phrase used in , disordered, broken, creation. A lot of people struggle with a confused mental picture of this story Adam and Eve, people wandering around the desert in housecoats, pyramids, battles, some kings, some prophets and then Jesus. But there IS an underlying story line and if we miss it, it is hard to see what part we have in it or where our lives or allow us to understand reality as it really is perspective. Lent 2015 will be an opportunity for us to get a handle on this big picture story. The tool which has been chosen to help us is this: every Sunday the Scripture lesson will have something to do with night, which is often associated with dark deeds, betrayal, judgement, sin and spiritual darkness. To help you get the most out congregation have written reflections for each of the Scripture lessons, covering each day of the Lenten season. Copies of this, our very own, in-house, Lenten Devotional Guide are available on the tables in the foyer this morning. (A $2.00 donation is suggested to help defray the costs.) Be sure to pick up your copy today!! 9 Heather & Joel Russell-MacLean in Granda, Nicaragua, January 30th-February 8th Heather works at iQmetrix, a Sk founded company that creates business software. This year, the offered to pay for staff to travel and stay in Nicaragua where they would spend a week volunteering in slums on the outskirts of Granada. 200 staff signed up, over 60% of the company, as well as some spouses. Joel took a week of holidays to take part. Four different projects were prepared. Three groups worked on three different school building projects with Free the Children, a Canadian NGO signed up to work on a water project with a Nicaraguan NGO called . Each day, we traveled to the village of Nueva Esperanza and dug trenches to run water lines down streets and into the yards of the residents, who worked shoulder to shoulder with us. Based on the work the iQ teams and the community completed, the utility company committed to seeing that all 200 homes of this village would have clean running water shortly. By our third day, the utility company had hooked up the first homes we had prepared and co-workers were able to go back and visit Ariel, the single was showering herself for the sheer joy of it. Even those without Spanish knew from her tears what this meant to her. We had plenty of time to visit with the people of the village and play with children. The week ended with a community potluck, a presentation of traditional dances, a piñata for the children, and speeches. The elder of the community told the volunteers that every day the people of the village were giving thanks to God that we could all share in this good work together, both in the joy and labour and that they would be praying for God to continue to bless us in the name of Jesus Christ. wrap up for the company, one of those giving a speech said we had experienced had experienced being part of something bigger than ourselves, and he thought it was love. 10 MONDAY TUESDAY . 10:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. OFFICE CLOSED STAFF MEETING BOARD ROOM TNT (SHROVE TUESDAY MEAL) LOWER HALL (CALL JOHN HILLMER TO RSVP PLEASE) ADULT DISCUSSION LIBRARY WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. PRAYER BREAKFAST LOWER HALL ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE - SANCTUARY THURSDAY 7:00 P.M. HOLTSLANDER BABY SHOWER FRIDAY 1:30 P.M. LEGO LEAGUE SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. LOWER HALL LIBRARY/LOWER HALL/NURSERY LEARNING FOR LIFE VARIOUS AREAS MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE SANCTUARY FKBC WORSHIP SERVICE - SANCTUARY PRAYER CHAIN for himself or herself, a loved one or a friend, please contact Pearl Bretz (prayer chain coordinator) 757-3176 with the information. If anyone is ill and wishes to have ministers and/or deacons come and pray for healing and/or anoint with oil (James 5:14), you may make arrangements for such by contacting Annabel Robinson 761-1458 Rev. Dr. Mark G. McKim, Sr. Minister Rev. John Nelson Jr., Assoc. Minister Rev. Joel Russell-MacLean, Assoc. Minister Krista Johnstone, Financial Administrator Erin Angus, Administrative Assistant DIACONATE/TRUSTEES Chair Martha Pauls Vice-Chair John Hillmer Secretary Treasurer Erwin Ziolkowski Member Annabel Robinson Murray Wolfe Heather Holtslander Derrick Bellows Esther Wiens Rev. Zabiak Cung Biaka FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF (ext 222) Sound Room (ext 223) Rev. Dr. George Baxter, Minister Emeritus (ext 224) George McKenzie, Custodian (ext 225) Dr. Mark Anderson, Organist (ext 221) Christa Walsh, Pianist FIRST KAREN BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF (ext 226) Rev. Eh Tha Wah Pastor Pusay Ly (ext 228) Member Member Honourary (ext 226) (ext 226) OUR MINISTRY PARTNERSHIPS Youth For Christ (James Clifford) 347-1900 Katepwa Lake Camp (Jimmy Schimmel) 525-2256 First Baptist Place 359-0859 CONTACT First Baptist Church 306-359-1450 2241 Victoria Avenue, Regina SK, S4P 0S4 First Baptist Church Fax Number 306-352-3338 E-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. Friday 11 4:00 p.m. Closed
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