Delta Dharma THE WALNUT GROVE BUDDHIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER PO Box 336, Walnut Grove, CA 95690 916 776-1312 [email protected] FEBRUARY 2015 CHURCH ACTIVITIES As far as our church activities are concerned, we are again off to a great start this year. On day one, January 1st, we had our New Year’s Day Service, officiated by Reverend Roy E. Mayhugh. Following the service, attendees regrouped in the social room to sing Toshi no Hajime, toast for a happy and healthful new year, socialize, and enjoy tasty refreshments which included the traditional Ozoni. Other activities held during the month of January included the monthly Shotsuki Service, and the Board Meeting for which Ted & Mary Oda provided an abundance of tasty refreshments. For breakfast following the monthly Oasaji, Mrs. Ayano Kusunoki prepared and served delicious Zenzai, a traditional New Year treat. Another traditional event, the annual New Year’s Party, co-hosted by our Bukkyo Kai and Fujin Kai was held on January 17th, with Aki Ito ably serving as emcee. The tables were beautifully set with festive floral arrangements. The party, featuring delicious Chinese food (and goodies furnished by Fujinkai members) and topped with raffle prizes, was enjoyed by a cheerful crowd of approximately sixty members, family and friends. Dharma School and Adult Study Class took place the following morning. Attendance to the Adult Study Classes, conducted monthly by Rev. Roy Mayhugh, continues to grow. For coming events, please refer to the February calendar included in this issue. BEREAVEMENT We are sorry to learn of the recent passing of Sharon Nakayama. As past members, Sharon and her parents, the late Ted and Elsie Nakayama, have had a long association with this church. BAZAAR MEETING There will be a bazaar meeting on Saturday, February 7, from 10:00 AM. All bazaar and booth chairpersons, committee members, interested parties, etc. are asked to attend. MEMORABILIA If you remember, or have ever heard of the mighty Walnut Grove Deltans, the 1950 champion baseball team, you will be interested in the article in this newsletter by Janet Sakata, and the accompanying group photograph, shrunken to fit the page. The actual size of the sales photograph is 17” x 11”, and the proceeds will be a fund raiser for the church. Richard Okamoto was very instrumental in this project. He not only allowed use of his copy of the original photograph, but also meticulously identified the individuals captured in the photograph, a tedious task with valuable results. 二月祥月法要 February Shotsuki Deceased Bunroku Kitaro Kunisaburo Takao Shizu Jyohichi Moheiji Jun Teruko Yuishin Kiyomi Setsu Suenari Suemi Sotaro Asakichi Hanjiro Nami Yoshio Kimito Gohei Minoru Atsumu Toshio Ray Robert Yoshimi Matsumoto Ishizuka Sugimoto Sakai Sakai Sakai Nagoshi Mizutani Kondo Okada Hirakawa Koga Shimozaki Iguchi Koyanagi Heisen Ike Ikeuchi Kimura Yasumori Takaki Ohara Matsubara Pauls Moshu (Chief Mourner) 吉見 文六 松本 喜太郎 石塚 国三郎 杉本 孝雄 坂井 シズ 坂井 尉七 坂井 茂平次 名越 順 水谷 憶子 近藤 祐真 岡田 きよみ 平川 せつ 古閑 末成 島崎 すえみ 井口 荘太郎 小柳 浅吉 平仙 半次郎 池 ナミ 池内 義雄 木村 君登 安森 吾平 高木 実 大原 緝 Mary Bob Joanne Hiroko Gene Gene Gene Mikio Edwin Edwin June James Dorothy Dorothy Gary Gary Gary Nobuko Wayne Betty Mitsuko Alyce Shigeru June Holly Yoshimi Matsumoto Ishizuka Sugimoto Sakai Sakai Sakai Nagoshi Mizutani Mizutani Okada Hirakawa Koga Koga Hirotsu Hirotsu Hirotsu Shoji Ikeuchi Kimura Norikane Takaki Ohara Matsubara Pauls 吉見 松本 石塚 杉本 メリ ボブ ジョアン 博子 名越 幹雄 岡田 平川 古閑 古閑 ジェーン ジェームス ドロシー ドロシー 小路 池内 木村 乗兼 高木 大原 信子 ウェーン ベディー 光子 アリス シゲル Peace? Freedom? Equality? Wealth? One day, I went to San Francisco for a meeting at 10:30 AM. On that day, the traffic was very bad. I thought three hours was enough to get to San Francisco, but it wasn’t. When I got to the bay bridge, it was already 9:50 AM. Hundreds of cars were lined up at each tollbooth. All lanes were very crowded. I also waited in a line. By chance, I looked at the other lines. It seemed that the other lines were moving much faster and smoother than the line that I was waiting in. The line, which I was in, was very slow.” Darn! I had chosen a wrong line. I should be lined up in the other lines.” I really envied the other drivers, but I had no chance to move to the other lines. When it was at 9:59 AM, there were a few more cars in front of me to the tollbooth. I prepared $6.00 in my hand to pay. At that moment, a miraculous thing happened. The electric bulletin board said, “The current time is 10:00 AM, the charge for the bridge is $4.00” It was unbelievable. I got a $2.00 discount. I was so happy and felt so sorry for the drivers who went through the toll before 10:00 AM. Before 10:00 AM, I got irritated and upset while I was watching the other lines. After 10:00 AM, I was in a happy mood. My mind had completely changed because of just the $2.00 difference. Even a small thing changes my mind easily. My mind is always wavering. My mind is not steady and reliable. However, my mind is not the only thing, which is wavering. TV and Internet tell us a lot of news, which makes me feel that this world is also wavering and is not steady. Conflict, Terrorism and war continuously occur in the mid-east. Ebola was raging in West Africa. There was a big demonstration in Hong Kong. California had serious drought. And a few weeks ago, terror attacked on a newspaper office in Paris, France and 12 people were killed. More incidents and tragedies have been happening one after another in this world. Human beings have had peace, freedom, wealth, and equality as goals of their own life and ideals of this world since the far past. We are still seeking ways to achieve them. However, as a result of seeking peace, human beings eventually start fighting. Human beings also fight for obtaining freedom and equality. Pursuing wealth becomes a cause of poverty and environmental destruction. It is sad but I think human beings (we) have been breaking their (our) goal and ideal by themselves (ourselves). It is strange but seeking our goal and ideal: Peace, Freedom, Equality, Wealth, may be a cause of war and this world’s instability. I truly feel that human beings need to reconsider what the goals of our life and ideals of this world are. The larger sutra teaches us the following: “Wherever the Buddha travels, be it country, province, town, or village, there is no place, which does not benefit from his virtue. Peace and harmony reign throughout the land. The sun and moon shine brightly, the wind and rain are prosperous and the people live in peace, so there is no need to use soldiers and weapons. People respect virtue, cultivate benevolence, and diligently observe propriety and humility.” Our mind, unfortunately, is not steady and reliable. Because of that, the goals and ideals, which we set, are weaving and changeable. What is steady and reliable is Amida Buddha’s mind and wish. Amida Buddhism tells us we should aspire for being born into the Pure Land, attaining Enlightenment and becoming Buddha. These must be our goals. We should walk the path to the Pure Land and becoming Buddha instead of seeking peace, freedom, equality, and wealth. As a result of walking the path of becoming Buddha, our human goals are naturally fulfilled. Our founder, Shinran Shonin is the person, who walked the path to pure land and became Buddha. There were so many wars during his time. A lot of natural disasters also occurred. In these situations, he centered “Namoamidabustu” in his life. Reciting “Namoamidabutsu” was the only reliable path for him. We are living in a different time from his time, but I think we can learn how we should live from how Shinran Shonin lived. <2015 Resolutions> The evaluation of 2014’s resolution (E-excellent, G-good, S-so so, B-bad) Lodi: Get 24 new members WG: Get 8 new members Give my dharma talk without paper Practice playing “Ryuteki” Practice playing golf G B E B B 2015 Memorial Service Schedule 2015 is the memorial year for those who passed away in: 2014 1 year 1999 17 year 2013 3 year 1991 25 year 2009 7 year 1983 33 year 2003 13 year 1966 50 year In Gassho, Rev. Katsu: [email protected] 【平和?自由?平等?豊かさ?】 ある日、私は、サンフランシスコへ向かっていました。その日は。10時半に人と会う約束がありましたので 、ローダイを7時半ごろ出発しました。朝の渋滞があっても、3時間あれば、間に合うだろうなと思ったので すが、とんでもありませんでした。渋滞がひどく、予想以上に時間がかかり、サンフランシスコへ渡るベイブ リッジに到着したのは、9時50分ごろでした。各料金所には、長蛇の列ができていました。私も、その中の 一つの列へ並びました。なかなか、先に進まずイライラしていると、なんだか他の列はスイスイ進んでいるよ うに見えます。他の列へ並べばよかったと思っても、もう移動することはできません。料金所の上の電光掲示 板に、通行料6ドルと書いてあったので、6ドルを準備して、順番が来るのを待ちました。時間が過ぎ、電光 掲示板の時間の表示が10時になりました。その時、目を疑うような奇跡的なことが起きました。橋の通行料 が6ドルから4ドルに下がったのです。「やった、2ドル得した」と思ったと同時に、私のイライラは消え、 10時前に料金所を渡った人たちに対して、「ざまーみろ」と何か優越感にひたったような気持ちになりまし た。この瞬間、私は、自分を何とも心の小さい男だなと思いました。また、私の心というのは、こんなに変わ りやすく、不安定で、頼りにならないものだなとも痛感しました。 しかし、不安定なのは、何も私の心だけではないようです。テレビやインターネットのニュースを見ている と、なにかこの世の中も不安定でぐらぐらしているなと考えさせられるニュースばかりが飛び込んできます。 中東の方では、テロや争いが絶えません。昨年は、エボラ出血熱がアフリカで大流行し、多くの人が亡くな りました。香港では、大きなデモがありました。カリフォルニア州は、干ばつによる水不足に苦しめられまし た。つい数週間前には、パリでテロが起こり、多くの方が命を落とされました。ここに挙げたのは、ほんの一 部で、他にも世の中が不安定だと感じさせられるニュースが、日々伝わってきます。 太古の昔から、人は、平和、自由、平等、豊かさなどを求めて生きてきました。それは、今の私たちも変わ りません。しかし、私たち人間は、平和を求めているはずが、いつの間にか、戦争を始めます。自由や平等を 得るためにも戦争をします。また、豊かさを求めていく中で、貧富の格差を生み、またそれが時として、争い や環境破壊の原因となります。人間が望む理想の行き方を、私たち人間が自ら壊しているように思えてなりま せん。不思議なことですが、平和、自由、平等、豊かさを求めることが、争いや不安定な世界の原因になって いるように思います。私たちは、目指すべ人生の目標やこの世の理想を見直す必要があるのではないでしょう か。 仏説無量寿経は、このように教えてくださっています。 「仏が歩み行かれるところは、国も町も村も、その教えに導かれないところはない。そのために世の中は平 和に治まり、太陽も月も明るく輝き、風もほどよく吹き、雨もよい時に降り、災害や疫病などもおこらず、国 は豊かになり、民衆は平穏に暮らし、武器をとって争うこともなくなる。人々は徳を尊び、思いやりの心を持 ち、あつく礼儀を重んじ、互いに譲りあうのである。」 私たち人間の心は、残念ながら、不確かで不安定なものです。そんな私たちの心から生まれた理想や目標は 、いつの間にか、争いの種に変わってしまうことが多々あります。ですから、私たちは、不安定な心を持つ私 たちが掲げた理想、目標ではなく、揺らぐことのない心を持った仏様が掲げられた理想、願いに向かって生き ることが大切なのです。仏様の願いとは、私たちが、浄土へ生まれ、仏となることです。ですから、私たちが 、まず目指すべきは、平和、自由、平等、豊かさではなく、仏、悟り、浄土なのではないでしょうか。仏説無 量寿経が教えてくださっているように、仏様の教えに導かれて生きていくことで、平和、自由、平等、豊かさ という私たち人間が求める理想や目標が自然と実現していくのです。 そのように、常に仏様の方を向いて、浄土へ向かう生き方をされたのが、私たちの宗祖、親鸞聖人です。親 鸞聖人の時代も、争いが絶えませんでした。人間の手には負えないような災害も多々あったようです。そんな 中、親鸞聖人は、“ただ念仏のみぞまこと”とお念仏を生活の中心とされていました。時代は大きく違います が、親鸞聖人の生き方の中に、今の世の中を生き抜くための大きなヒントがあるように思えてなりません。 がっしょう 合掌 くすのき 楠 かつや 活也 Outgoing President’s Message December 20, 2014 Dear Fellow Members and Friends of the Walnut Grove Buddhist Church, Congratulations! We’ve completed another year! To our members and friends, THANK YOU!! Your heart, drive, hard work and determination helped us through another successful year. Under the leadership of Bazaar Chair Craig Nakahara we hosted a very successful 60th anniversary of our annual bazaar. I’d like to thank Craig Nakahara for planning, organizing and executing another successful event. I’d also like to thank our members, our many friends, and our generous community for their support, without which, the bazaar would not be possible. I’d like to thank the Fujin Kai for all of their hard work this year. They are always willing to lend their support. In addition, I’d like to thank the Sonen Kai for all of their support this past year. The support of these organizations at our bazaar and other church functions are integral to our success. I’d like to congratulate Craig Nakahara for being elected 2015 Board President. Craig has had to fill in for me on several occasions this year and I extend my sincere thanks. I would also like to congratulate the entire 2015 Cabinet of officers. You hold important roles in keeping the church going. Thank you to Reverend Kusunoki and Reverend Mayhugh for your leadership and guidance this past year. I look forward to hearing more of your Dharma messages. Just a month ago, our church competed in the NC District Bazaar Chicken Throw-Down. Under the leadership of Chicken Booth Chair Craig Nakahara, Walnut Grove received First Place in the Judges choice!! Walnut Grove will hold the trophy for one year. Congratulations to Craig and his Grilling Team!! As we begin 2015, I extend my best wishes for a healthy and happy new year to all of you. I hope 2014 has been a fruitful year and that 2015 is an even better one. It has been a privilege to represent The Walnut Grove Buddhist Church, and I thank you for the opportunity. In Gassho, David Ito, President 2014 Winners of the 2014 Chicken Throw-Down Judges’ Choice Craig Nakahara & David Ito, and, the Grill Team: Roy Hirose, Marvin & Royce Yokoi, Craig, Aki Ito, Jon Ishizuka and Grant Shimada Incoming President’s Message Happy 2015! Start of another year and with it another birthday and anniversary to celebrate. Or ignore. The problem with refusing to acknowledge the aging markers like birthdays is that you don’t stop time. You still are getting a year older. At our temple, I see kids become teens, teens grow to be young adults, the middle age heading to their senior years, and the seniors, well, many are still working very hard to keep our temple going. So I have to recognize that I am getting a year older each and every year. But I have great examples from our active seniors that I can do more. I hope you will join me to strive to keep my temple, your temple, our temple the best it can be to promote Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. I would like to thank our past president, David Ito, for another great job the past year. He, like I, has had multiple terms in this office, that each year brings unique challenges, through which he guided us skillfully. Also, thanks to all the other officers and the many volunteers who do what need to be done every time. I hope I can count on your support this year; otherwise, my aging is going to be more rapid! Let’s have a great and memorable 2015! In Gassho, Craig Nakahara President 2015 BUDDHIST WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION NEWS The first meeting of 2015 with our new board is scheduled for Sunday February 7th at 11:00 AM. We will begin discussions for our annual Keiro Kai luncheon to be held in March. Toban for the month will be Gladys Katsuki, June Matsubara, Kuniko Nishi, Carol Tang and Jean Yokotobi. Thanks to all the BWA members who helped out at the New Year’s Party! The Friday clean-up and set-up went smoothly thanks to the many that showed up to work. Thanks also to Craig Nakahara for his help in the set- up. At the luncheon the speeches were short, the food was hot and yummy, and there were lots of raffle prizes to win. Thanks to all those who stayed to help clean up too! We would like to acknowledge the following donation to the WGBWA by Ruby Kawahara of $50.00 Message from the BWA President The coming of the New Year brings another opportunity for the Fujin Kai to successfully work together. The success of the Fujin Kai rests on the effort of all of us, working together toward our common goal. In so doing, I ask for your support, constructive input and patience as we embark upon the year 2015. Wishing all of you and your families a healthy and happy New Year In Gassho, Toshiko Hamada ADULT/YOUTH DHARMA STUDY NEWS Even though some had to battle fog, January Dharma was well attended. We began at 10:00 with our first meditation session. Rev. Roy presented some different ways to accomplish our meditation and some of what we are trying to achieve. Each month he will offer new ideas for us to learn and try. Fifteen minutes felt like five, and though we might not have achieved enlightenment, we definitely felt peaceful and relaxed! Rev. Roy’s Dharma talk gave us thought to what we can appreciate on a day to day basis, and to appreciate those people that make our lives move along at such ease. It is with great joy that along our Buddhist path we can stop and be thankful for those who forged it. Adult Dharma Study was full enough that we had to add chairs to the room. How wonderful to sit in the presence of others and experience Sangha. Rev. Roy was able to give a wonderful example of appreciating what others do for us when he explained all of the things that our “Den Mother” Yuri Yokoi does for us each month. She brings all the things needed to be placed on the alter for our service, like flowers, rice and fruit, and then she brings delicious refreshments for us to partake during our study class. Thanks Yuri! Youth Dharma Class led themselves as Sharon is still recovering from a bout with the flu, as they are very capable of doing. It seems they are busy making a card game to be used for Dharma school classes. Our youth class is strong, but small. Please think about those who would enjoy joining the group and invite family or friends. Because it only meets once a month, it fits more easily into today’s busy lives. The Dharma group will be meeting next on February 15th. If you would like to join the meditation, please be there promptly at 10:00 AM, as we will try to be finished in time for those who are not meditating to arrive, and not disturb those who are. The service will be at 10:30 after which we will go to our respective Adult or Youth Study Class. BUDDHIST MEN’S ASSOCIATION NEWS The Sonenkai Annual Luncheon will be held at Raku Sushi, West Sacramento on Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 10:00am-12 noon. We appreciate all the help that's needed to prepare before and during the annual bazaar fundraiser. Planning: Eagle Scout Projects Thanks to Davis Yasuda's Eagle Scout Project, the handrails were repaired and stained; also the much needed clean up in front of the residence was completed. We must also thank the parents of Davis Yasuda, Troop 50 Scouts and parents, and Marty Sakata as Project Coach. The next Eagle Scout project, by Brendan Noguchi, will be to install a French drain and a concrete walk-way from the asphalt to the sidewalk on the south side of the church building. In Gassho, Aki Ito, BMA President Remember the Walnut Grove Deltans? Was your father, grandfather, uncle, brother or friend a supporter of the 1950 Deltans baseball team? The 1950 Walnut Grove Deltans Championship baseball team photograph has been reproduced with each individual identified. As you can see besides the DELTANS team members, it seems like most of the men – and one little girl—from WG are in the photograph. This photograph is 17 x 11 inches and available for purchase from the walnut Grove Buddhist Church (WGBC). To get a copy you may send a check payable to WGBC. The cost is $10.00 The Deltans were coached by F. Morishita; Frank Uda was manager. The last game played was Walnut Grove vs. Fresno. Walnut Grove Deltans became the Northern CA Nisei Valley League Champions by winning this game played on the Isleton Baseball Field. Individuals identified are: S. Ito, M. Bishari, Y. Okamoto, G. Hirotsu, Rev. Mizutani, K. Nagano, T. Nagoshi, S. Watanabe, M. Ito, S. Yagi, E. Tanaka, S. Nagao, J. Ogawa, E. Nakahara, Y. Kawahara, B. Fukushima, R. Okamoto, G. Kawamura, T. Sakai, H. Hirakawa, K. Kinoshita, A. Ohara, M. Furuta, C. Fujii, G. Mukai, S. Fukushima, A. Kagiyama, K. Kirihara, K. Uyeno, K Miyagawa, R. Mishimura, B. Shintani, T. Kawahara, K. Ishizuka, G. Yoshimi, K. Hamatani, J. Yamamoto, T. Matsuoka, H. Fukushima, R. Iseri, Y. Ito, T. Murakami, F. Morishita, J. Fukushima, P. Hamada, S. Kanegawa, S. Kanegawa, G. Sakogawa, S. Uyeno Team Members: H. Uyeno, J. Norikane, F. Uda, Mgr. A. Fukushima, F. Uyeno, G. Yagi, H. Ogawa, T. Yagi, B. Ikegami, Coach J. Nakano, T. Fukushima, J. Ito, B. Kanenaga. Not pictured: J. Honda, B. Matsumoto, G. Watanabe By: Janet Sakata Northern California District Special Lecture “Modern Society and The Teachings of the Pure Land” Special Lecturer: 内藤知康勧学 Kangaku Chiko Naito Date: February 21, 2015 1–4 PM Location: Buddhist Church of Florin 7235 Pritchard Road, Sacramento Fee: $5 Contact: Rev. Yuki Sugahara (Buddhist Church of Florin) Phone: 916-383-1831 email: [email protected] Online sign-up sheet available at the following address: Sun 01 11:00 AM BWA Meeting. (Toban: G. Katsuki et al) Sun 01 1:30 PM Shotsuki & Adult Service Sat 08 10:00 AM Bazaar Meeting Tue 10 7:00 PM Board Meeting (Toban: F. Nakahara & C. Ishizuka) Wed 11 8:00 AM* Oasaji Sun 15 10:00 AM Meditation Sun 15 10:30 AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class (Please note time change)
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