MEEU set to launch stir from Apr 1

First OST centre inaugurated
IMPHAL, Feb 14: The first ever Opioid Substitution Therapy
(OST) centre in Government health facility in Imphal West was
inaugurated at Community Health Centre (CHC), Wangoi today.
Speaking at the occasion, Joint Director, TI, MACS,
Abhiram Mongjam said that Opioid Substitution Therapy or
OST helps in achieving a comfortable level whereby injecting
drug users would be able to reduce the amount of drug intake.
Padmashree Dr Bimolakumari, CMO, Imphal West,
Abhiram Mongjam and Dr S Gopal, district AIDS Control
Officer, Imphal West were the chief guest, president and guest
of honour respectively.
The Joint Director, while appealing the IDU community of
the locality to come forward and get the services said that two
more centres would be inaugurated at Sekmai CHC and Urban
Health Centre, Singjamei next week.
Dr Bimolakumari, during her speech, highlighted the importance of having OST in Government health care facilities.
She further appealed authorities concerned to support the
initiative taken up by Manipur SACS for the inclusion of such
programme in Government health set-up.
The centre was set up under the auspices of Manipur State
AIDS Control Society.
On its opening day, seven IDUs were enrolled at the OST
and many others registered.
The ceremony was also attended by officials of North East
Regional Office of NACO, MACS, CHC Wangoi and representatives of TI NGOs.
Voluntary Service Centre, Mayang Imphal, ESDO Samurou
and Care Foundation Imphal East also provided technical
support to the centre for its management.
NEIAPSCON organised
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 14 : The North East Chapter of Indian Association
of Paediatric Surgeon in association with Paediatric Department
of Surgeon, RIMS held a one-day 11th North East Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeon conference 2015 (NEIAPSCON) at
RIMS Jubilee hall today.
Chief guest of the event, Professor Ch Arunkumar Singh,
Director, RIMS during his speech said the conference is aimed
mostly to implement modern ways in child treatment procedure.
A more advanced approach towards child treatment and the
treatment carried out by renowned paediatrics across the globe
were the main highlights of today’s conference.
Child specialist from around the world shared their perspective of how a child should be treated during the
conference. NEIAPSCON reception committee chairman Prof
GS Moirangthem, during his speech, said that large number
of deformity cases are recorded among children every year in
the State.
Fortunately, he added, the State has efficient medical tools
and instruments to tackle the problem. He further advised
expecting mothers to avoid smoking, consuming alcohol or
any such intoxicants to prevent deformity in new borns.
JD(U) reminds ofAFSPApromise
Contd from page 1
His party would never compromise with the territorial integrity of
the State, Tombi said and added that JD (U) also demanded the
Home Minister to bust the unrecognized camps of NSCN-IM in
the State.
The party also urged to bring an early political solution/
dialogue with armed groups which are currently under SoO
and MoU with the Government. He said that the memorandum
also expressed serious concern over detention of Minister
Francis Ngajokpa and MLA D Korungthang by AR troops at
Khudengthabi. He said that JD (U) is against putting up of
flags of National political parties, scarfs and symbols at Tulihal
airport whenever any leader of these parties visit the State.
Instead of putting up party flags at the airport complex,
these parties can always welcome the leaders at their respective
party offices, he added.
The press conference was also attended by party general
secretary Lien Gangte, secretary administration Sekh
Muffijuddin, minority chairmen Ajijur and other party members.
HC rules against service extension
Contd from page 1
expressed its gratitude over the delivery of such judgements in
public interest. However, the judgement would have been more
effective and enforceable, had it been delivered a little earlier.
However, the judgement would have been effective and justifiable,
had it been delivered a little earlier, it said in the statement.
The judgement delivered on a petition filed by some Engineers of PWD was represented by Dr RK Deepak Singh,
Advocate, the petitioner’s counsel.
Conference from February 17
IMPHAL, Feb 14: Sagolmang Naga Students' Association
(SANSA) will organise its 56th general conference cum sports
meet from Feb 17 to Feb 24 at Sinakeithel village, Ukhrul district.
Apropos to the news item published on the front page of
this daily under the heading, ‘Red Cross’ on February 14, the
surname of late Krishnadas must be read as Sarungbam and
not as published.
The oversight is regretted.
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 14: Continuing its effort to promote the
use of Meitei script among the
people of the State, MEELAL
has yet again come up with a
new drive to secure a place for
Meitei Mayek among the
MEELAL activist are
presently busying themselves inscribing Meitei
Mayek on number plates of
every vehicle driven in the
MEELAL vice-president
M Naokhomba Meitei said
they have inscribed
registration number in
Meitei script on 30 vehicles
during a drive conducted at
Jiri parking today.
Similar drives would be
held at Tera, Sayang and
Sagolband area tomorrow
and will continue to other
places in the days to come.
As per MEELAL’s
notification, vehicle owners
have got down to sticking
printed number plates to
avoid the Lup’s procedure.
The vice-chairman while
calling for mass support
from the people, necessitated the same to refrain
from using paper stickers
on number plates.
MEEU set to launch stir from Apr 1
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 14: Even as
Works Minister Dr Kh
Ratankumar has said that the
State has seen improvement in
the power situation in the past
few years after the State Power
Department has been changed
into a corporation, Manipur
Electricity Employees Union
(MEEU) has threatened the
Government to launch different
forms of intense agitation including ceasework strike from
April 1 this year if their demand
for regularisation of 318 workcharge and muster-roll
employees is not fulfilled by
March 31.
The Works Minister was
speaking at the 48th general
body meeting of Manipur
Electricity Employees Union
(MEEU) held at Lamyanba
Shanglen, Palace compound
today. Ratankumar said that it
is a must to improve the
power situation as erratic
power supply would not only
hamper development of the
State but also create problems
in running industries.
Saying that employees
might be facing some inconvenience after the State
Power Department has been
changed into a corporation,
Dr Ratankumar urged the
employees to bear it with the
Government for some time.
He also requested the employees not to stage agitation
by serving ultimatum to the
Government or setting deadlines.
However, MEEU general
secretary N Rajen while
speaking at the meeting said
the union would stage intense
agitations including cease
work strike from April 1 this
year if their outstanding demand for regularisation of
318 work-charge and muster
roll employees is not fulfilled
by March 31.
He said that the State
Power Department earlier had
402 work charge and muster
roll employees.
However, after passing
away and retirement of some
employees, the Department
now has 318 work charge and
muster roll employees.
Earlier at the meeting, the
gathering observed a twominute silence to mark respect
to 12 late employees.
The meeting also witnessed presentation of gifts to
47 retired employees.
Works Minister Dr Kh
Ratankumar, Hill Areas Committee Vice Chairman and
INTUC Manipur Branch
president Z Kikhonbou
Newmai, INTUC Manipur
Branch senior vice-chairman
Elangbam Dolendra, Manipur
State Power Distribution
Company Ltd R Sudhan and
Joint Secretary (Power) Th
Kirankumar graced the meeting as chief guest, president
and guests of honour respectively.
LJP chief asks MLA to withdraw support
Contd from page 1
with the NDA, the party
president asked MLA Shyam to
withdraw his support from the
Congress Government.
Ram Vilas Paswan stated
that he raised the issue of
AFSPA as well as Irom
Sharmila’s marathon hunger
strike in the Parliament several times.
“As soon as I reach Delhi,
I will call on the Prime Minister and urged him to repeal
AFSPA from Manipur in the
collective interest of the people. I would also submit a
written representation to the
Prime Minister”, Ram Vilas
Paswan assured.
He further assured that
necessary measures would be
initiated to prevent harassment
and discrimination of people
from the Northeastern region
at Delhi.
With Prime Minister
Narendra Modi committed to
bring about rapid development in the North East region,
all the Union Cabinet Ministers have been instructed to
visit the region so as to facilitate speedy development of
the region. He said that he
would convene a joint meeting of relevant officials of
Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland
and South Assam to discuss
about implementation of National Food Security Act.
Efforts are on to complete
the work of laying broad
gauge railway line from
Lumding to Silchar by March
31 this year, Ram Vilas
Paswan added.
He appealed to the gathering to elect at least 10 LJP
candidates in the next
Manipur Legislative Assembly election.
As advised by the party
president, MLA K Shyam
declared that he would withdraw his support from the
Congress Government.
He also sought attention of
Ram Vilas Paswan towards
the collective struggle to save
the life of Irom Sharmila by
way of repealing AFSPA
from Manipur.
Pointing out that there are
many historical places within
Langthabal A/C, Shyam
sought Ram Vilas Paswan’s
cooperation in securing a special package for the Assembly
segment from the Government of India.
Rajnath apprised about highway woes
Contd from page 1
vehicle plying along these
Dr Borbabu and N Ratan
sought immediate intervention
of the Union Home Ministry
to end this nuisance and harassment once for all.
Urging for establishment
of a Manipur Regiment, the
duo claimed that establishing the Manipur Regiment
would mean giving recognition to a people who for
centuries have been guarding
the frontiers of this great
country. The Manipuris had
fought battles with the Chinese, the Burmese and finally
with the British.
It was also due to the
role of late Maharaja Gambhir
Singh that the Burmese were
compelled to sign the Treaty
of Yandaboo
in 1826
whereby the entire North
Manipur and Tripura got to
be incorporated into British
India in 1826 and today as
a part of the great Indian
Raising the
Regiment would give a profound sense of participation
in the country’s defence
besides creating employment
opportunities for thousands of
youths. “If a Naga Regiment
NE has unexplored business...
Contd from page 1
become a major source of export of fresh fruit and fresh fruit
products to the rest of the country and the world, he added.
Like Kashmir, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, Northeast offers
phenomenal and varied tourism opportunities including river
sports, adventure and wildlife tourism, which are waiting to
be explored to the fullest extent through an approach guided
by vision and professional focus. Once this objective is
achieved, Northeast will develop not only as a hub of business
and revenue generation, but will also offer enormous opportunities of employment to local youth who are otherwise
moving out to different parts of country for livelihood, he
Reiterating Prime Minister’s focus to bring Northeast at par
with rest of the country, Dr. Jitendra Singh called upon the
business community to come forward to invest in the region
and assured them of government’s resolve to provide every
kind of help and cooperation to create a business friendly
environment in each of the eight States.
In this regard, he also referred to government’s initiative to
improve air-connectivity, communication facilities and development of hydro-power projects in order to supplement
business initiatives by potential entrepreneurs.
At the same time, he said, creation of business-friendly
environment would also inspire local youth from the region to
take to private entrepreneurship which would help them both
in serving their region as well as in finding employment for
could be created, we see no
reason as to why a Manipur
Regiment cannot be raised”,
they asserted. They also
sought the Home Minister’s
attention towards extension of
Saurashtra to Silchar Expressway up to Moreh. This
extension would link India
from the shores of the Arabian Sea to the Myanmarese
border besides initiating a
quantum leap in trade and
commerce and general connectivity of Manipur with the
rest of the country.
Reminding that Manipur
used to receive a sum of 500
Sikas per month from the
then Burmese kingdom for
use of the Kabaw Valley by
them following the Treaty of
Yandaboo l826, Dr Borbabu
and N Ratan pointed out that
this payment was arbitrarily
waived off by Pundit
Jawaharlal Nehru, the then
Prime Minister of India in
1953 without consulting the
Parliament of India or the
people of Manipur.
The Government of India
should urge
upon the
present of Government of
Myanmar to either resume
paying the
sum of 500
Sikas in its present value or
to return the Kabaw Valley
its original owner,
Ram Vilas sets July...
Contd from page 1
vigilance committees would be constituted apart from digitization
of the whole process. These committees would function at the levels of States, districts, blocks and Panchayats.
Selection of beneficiaries for NFS Act and percentage of
coverage would be determined by the respective States and the
whole process would be monitored by an independent body
called the State Food Commission, Paswan stated. LJP wishes
to abolish the Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 but the
party has no authority to give any comment on behalf of the
Government of India on the issue. “Nonetheless, I would
urge the Prime Minister to repeal AFSPA from Manipur in
line with the collective wish of the people”, Paswan assured.
MLA Karam Shyam, FCI Chairman and Managing Director C Vishwanath, CAF&PD Joint Secretary Deepak Kumar
were also present at the press meet. Ram Vilas Paswan would
lay foundation stones of two FCI godowns in Bishnupur and
Imphal East districts tomorrow which would have storage
capacities of 5000 metric tonnes and 10,000 metric tonnes
respectively. Meanwhile, the All Manipur Road Transport
drivers and Motor Workers Union has submitted a memorandum to Ram Vilas Paswan seeking his intervention so that
transport contractors are selected and transportation of FCI
rice along Imphal-Jiribam highway is resumed. After perusing
the memorandum, the Union CAF&PD Minister assured to
look into the grievances of drivers. Interestingly, the drivers’
union team and the FCI Imphal DGM had a heated argument
in front of the Union Minister
regarding prohibition
on transporting FCI rice on Imphal-Jiribam highway.
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Application are invited from energetic and dedicated
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HRI releases poster
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 14: Demanding justice and identification of skeletal remains recovered at Tombisana High School complex, a
poster in this regard was released by the Human Rights Initiative at
its office located at Wangkhei Thangapat Mapal, Palace compound.
The poster release function was attended by Brajakumar,
president of Manipur Cultural Integration Conference (MCIC),
Joy Chingakham, co-convenor, COMGUARD, FIDAM president K Ranjit, Meira Paibi leaders of Kwairamband Bazar.
The posters which were released today have names of 24
individuals who had disappeared involuntarily, and it also
demanded repeal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958
and identification of skulls and bones recovered at Tombisana
High School.
Speaking at the function, Brajakumar said, "The Armed
Forces Special Power Acts 1958 was imposed 57 years ago
in the State with an assurance to review it after 6 months by
the then Home Minister. Till now, the assurance is yet to be
fulfilled. People have been deprived of their rights while
innocents have been killed under this gruesome Act. Though
the State Government had submitted a report to CBI for
thorough probe, no concrete conclusion has been reached."
Minister announces projects
SENAPATI, Feb 14: The seed sowing festival of the Nagas, LuiNgai-Ni festival celebration began this evening at Senapati amidst
pomp and show.
RD&PR Minister Francis Ngajokpa, Senapati DC Jacintha
Lazarus, Chairman COHSEM, Arthur; Yaoni Angami, Joint
Secretary, Govt of Nagaland and various other dignitaries
attended the celebration.
Leaders of various Naga civil society organisations also
attended the programme.
Speaking at the occasion, Francis Ngajokpa announced
various projects for the district including upgradation of 50
bedded hospital to 100 bedded hospital, commencement of
construction work for IIIT, Polytechnic, construction of 10
MVA power station at Mao and Mayangkhang, construction
of four-lane National Highway and construction of mega sports
complex at Senapati public ground.
Rally taken out
By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, Feb 14: Students and teachers of Bhairodan Maxwell
Hindi Primary High School took out a rally around the school demanding the concerned to maintain calm and clean atmosphere.
The rally which began from the gate of the school passed
through Gurudwara and Marwari Dharmasala.
District Implementation and Monitoring Committee, Imphal
West Member Secretary Dr Hemananda said that nearby vendors have not only given disturbance to the school but also
created the area dirty.
It may be mentioned that under the Manipur Pollution
Control Board, the committee has been putting in effort to
maintain calm and clean atmosphere around different Government schools.
Imphal Municipal Council is planning to set up fresh vendor space around the school even after cobblers have been
provided vendor space in the northern side of the school, Dr
Hemananda said. He also drew the attention of the Government Department concerned regarding the matter.
School Headmistress Kh Sunita said that fruit vendors
have not only created lots of noise but also made the area dirty.
She said that the school authority would inform the matter
to the authority concerned.
Kejriwal vows to wipe out...
Contd from page 1
in the Indian capital, which has suffered a recent spate of attacks on
churches, promising "strong action" against acts of religious hatred. Some analysts have attributed the Hindu nationalist BJP's
poor performance in the Delhi polls to a failure to address religious
extremism in India.
Kejriwal, whose supporters range from domestic servants
to teachers to business entrepreneurs, based his election campaign around pledges to deliver cheaper water and electricity
as well as a promise to counter corruption. On Saturday he
said that both the BJP and the Congress party, which ruled
Delhi for over a decade before suffering a humiliating defeat
at the polls, had paid the price for being "arrogant".
"We must not let our victory go to our heads," he said.
The new chief minister was dressed simply in a navy
sweater and trademark white paper cap bearing the words
"complete self-rule" -- a reference to his ambition to secure
greater autonomy for Delhi.
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Kangpokpi, the 13th February, 2015.
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onwards during office hours from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm).
6. The basic scale of pay will be fixed from Rs. 7000/- per month
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Sd/- Thangzangul Touthang
Secretary, Parizeau Maranatha Academy, Kangpokpi
Date 14/2/15 under IED-II Lamphel, Manager Lamphel
Sub-Division No.II a drive lead by Manager at Langol Housing Complex Zone II for tapping of Electricity and unauthorised consumers 6 persons were arrested and a sum of Rs.
33,180/- was recovered as fine from the said persons.
So Electric consumers are informed to utilise Electricity in
proper way by the Manager IED -II. This drive will continue
to different places under Lamphel Sub-Division No.II.