The Church of St. Pius the Tenth 300 Lacey Road, Forked River, New Jersey 08731 609-693-5107 Religious Education 609-693-0368 Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00pm Daily Mass Schedule: Monday-Saturday: 8:00am Church of St. Pius X All are Welcome MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS PASTOR Rev. Richard Basznianin WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Msgr. Charles C. Cassidy Msgr. John Pintabone Rev. Thomas Brennan Rev. Paul Iovino DEACONS Deacon Philip Craft Deacon Joseph Gili Deacon James T. Heller (Retired) Deacon Earl Lombardo Deacon Michael Maione Deacon Anthony Martucci Deacon Anthony Repice Deacon Henry Rohrman BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Mrs. Anne Brennan COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Patricia Colando COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Jeanne Easton PARISH TRUSTEES Mr. Phil Baldelli Mrs. Suzanne Fay ST. PIUS X CHURCH IS OPEN DAILY FROM 7:15AM-4:30PM SATURDAYS FROM 7:15AM-5:30PM SUNDAYS FROM 7:00AM-1:00PM HOLY DAYS FROM 7:00AM-12:00PM PARISH OFFICE Office hours Monday–Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM Phone: 609-693-5107 Fax: 609-693-6829 Web Address: Email: [email protected] THE ANGEL SHOP At St. Pius X Thursday & Friday 9:00AM-2:00PM Sat. 3:30PM (closed at 4:00PM for Mass) and re-opens after Mass till 5:30PM. Sun. 8:30AM-12:00PM (closed during 10:00 Mass) SAMARITAN CORNER Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:00am– 4:00pm Fri. 9:00am-1:00pm Phone 693-6105 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER Monday &Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Tuesday & Wednesday 2:30am-8:30pm Friday - Closed Phone: 693-0368 Email: [email protected] ALTAR SERVERS– Deacon Philip Craft BEREAVEMENTCompanions on the Journey- Paula Little Funeral Mass Preparation– Office Staff Journey through Grief- Paula Little Rainbows - Paula Little BIBLE STUDY- Deacon Earl Lombardo BULLETIN– Fran Kopack CALENDAR– Rita Kakascik CHURCH CLEANERS– June Oppici COUNTERS– Barbara & Bonny D’Amato EVENING BIBLE STUDY- Maria Stork EVENT PLANNING- Sandra Zuzola EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST- Deacon Joseph Gili Scheduling of Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors– Rita Kakascik FAITH SHARING- Deacon Earl Lombardo GOD’S FAITHFUL DISCIPLES/GOD’S LITTLE ANGELS– Deidre Mitchelli KITCHEN/PARISH HALL-Peter Melchiano-Anna Chanik HOSPITALITY– 8:00am- Anna Chanik 10:00am- Mary Ann Eckhart INTERFAITH SUPPORT SERVICES- Ginny Plesnarski LECTORS– Deacon Joseph Gili MEN’S DISCIPLESHIP GROUP– Peter Melchiano MUSIC MINISTRYAdult & Children’s Choir- Joe Dalton- Music Director Praise Band- Joe Casilli PARISH NURSING- Pat Martucci PARISH REGISTRATION– Sandra Zuzola PLANT & FLOWER MAINTENANCE– Joan Zuczek RCIA– Mary La Bruna RESPECT LIFE- Carol Petrucelli ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY– Suzanne Snyder RETREATS- Women– Peggy Craft Men– Tom Craft SAMARITANS– Rita Kakascik SEW & SEWS- Joanne Brass SPIRITUAL DIRECTION- Marian Repice THE ANGEL SHOP AT ST. PIUS X– Sandra Zuzola USHERS– Deacon Joseph Gili VOLUNTEERS– Hazel Ferrara & June Oppici YOUTH MINISTRY- Jeanne Easton CATHOLIC WOMEN OF ZION– Eileen Lombardo CURSILLO-ULTREYA- Pat Martucci KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS– Grand Knight– Frank Pielhau Ladies Auxiliary– Doreen Mason Page 1– 590 February 15, 2015 The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF February 15, 2015 FOR THE GLORY OF GOD February 16, 2015 Mary Gaughran– by Bernie & Sue Snyder Tuesday, February 17, 2015 8:00am June Skowrenski– by Bernie & Sue Snyder Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:00am For The Living & Deceased Members Of St. Pius X Church 7:30pm Milenko Fatovic Thursday, February 19, 2015 8:00am Dorothy Posik, by daughter, Dorothy Zilavetz Friday, February 20, 2015 8:00am Thomas A. Buglnig– by Bernie & Sue Snyder Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:00am Joseph D’Amato– Birthday Remembrance– by Bonny & Barbara D’Amato This Sunday's second reading gives us a great motto that we should post on our bedroom mirrors so that it's the first thing we see as our sleepy eyes awaken each morning: "Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God." Monday 8:00am NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, February 21, 2015 4:00pm Dorothy Lawlor– by Lawrence & Janice Celmer Mary & William Reck– by Ann & Dan Dietz Thomas Otte Miklosey– by Skip Miklosey James Malady– by Jennie Giannantonio Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:00am For The Living & Deceased Members Of St. Pius X Church 10:00am Noreen McGillick– by Stork Family Anthony Romayo– by Rob & Fran Kopack & Family Raymond Davis– by Renata & William Dondero Joyce Cybulsky– by Chanik Family 12:00pm Mary Zanko– by Kay Schendorf Florence Berlinski– by Anthony & Joyce Berlinski & Family William Grenz– by Fred & Maria Miranda & Family Cheryl Fevola– by Emil & June Oppici Everything! Brush your teeth for the glory of God. Kiss your family "Good morning!" for the glory of God. Go to Mass for the glory of God (in other words, we don't go to church just for what we can get out of it). Do your work for the glory of God. Drive politely for the glory of God. Shop and eat and greet others for the glory of God. Say yes to the needs of the Church for the glory of God. And receive all that he wants to give you (the compliments, the money you earn, the answered prayers, the good times and rewards) all for the glory of God. This should be part of our daily prayers every morning: "Holy Spirit, help me to do everything today for the glory of God. Amen!" By making it a daily habit to start the day this way, the glory of God becomes integrated into our character. When we remember to see our activities through the lens of "whatever you do, do it for the glory of God", we become stronger in avoiding all kinds of sins. It sanctifies each moment of every day. Often, we see religious activities as separate from our normal activities. We take "time out" from our schedules to go to church. We stop what we're doing when we want to pray. We think that only Clergy and Religious can be religious all of the time and that a layperson who is like that is a "fanatic". But why? Why should we limit "for the glory of God" to only what is "holy" -- Mass attendance, religious rituals, prayers, the works of ministry, etc.? We can sanctify every moment by remembering that whatever we do, we want to please God with it. © 2015 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources, Printed by permission. Page 2– 590 Church of St. Pius X A Stewardship Parish PARISH STEWARDSHIP REPORT 1st Collection: 2nd Collection: Total: $13,518.00 $ 4,957.00 $18,475.00 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday:4:00pm,Sunday: 8:00am,10:00am, 12:00pm DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Saturday: 8:00am. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE See Mass schedule for the week. DAILY RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Every day after the 8:00am Mass. CONFESSIONS Confessions are heard Saturdays 3:00pm-3:30pm. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET The Chaplet is recited every Thursday at 3:00pm, during Eucharistic Adoration and on Saturday following the 4:00pm Mass in the Chapel. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoration is held every Thursday following daily Mass until Benediction at 3:15pm in the Chapel. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Call the office to arrange for a Priest or Eucharistic Minister. MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer is held every morning (except Sunday) in the Church at 7:30am prior to daily Mass. NOVENA PRAYERS The Miraculous Medal Novena is recited every Saturday following the 8:00am Mass. SACRAMENT AND OTHER GUIDELINES Baptisms The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:15pm in the Church. Parents must be registered and Baptismal Preparation classes are required for parents of the child. Classes are scheduled for the 1st Saturday of the month. Godparents must be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptisms, Holy Communion and Confirmation, and if married, married within the laws of the Church. Please make arrangements by calling the main Office at 693-5107. Weddings According to Diocesan policy, weddings should be arranged at least 1 year before the intended date. Prior to making any wedding plans and arrangements, the bride or groom need to be active registered members in the parish for at least 3 months. Please call the office and ask for Anne. Registration Those wishing to register should contact or visit the Parish office. Registration in our Parish and regular use of the envelope system are required for anyone wishing to receive eligibility certificates or letters of recommendation. Please call the office if you are unsure of your registration status. Shop Rite Card ProgramsBefore going shopping, did you purchase your Shop Rite gift cards? Cards come in $25, $50 & $100 denominations. Gift cards can be purchased Monday through Friday in the main office and in the Narthex following all weekend Masses. Masses, MemorialsWe have Masses, Healing Masses and Memorials available. The donation is $10.00. Also available Novena Masses for 9 first Fridays; the donation is $15.00. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF February 15, 2015 MondayGn 4:1-15,25; Mk 8:11-13 TuesdayGn 6:5-8;7:1-5,10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday–Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6,16-18 Thursday- Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 FridayIs 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday- Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 Weekly, monthly and yearly votive candlesCandles can be obtained by completing the coupon and returning it to the main office with payment. Please call the office if you have any questions. *CANDLE REQUEST FORM CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 5 OF THE BULLETIN. Flowers at the Altar, Chapel & Blessed Mother Flowers can be ordered for a donation of $35.00. They can be in remembrance of a loved one or to celebrate Anniversaries and Birthdays. Page 3-590 WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday, February 16, 2015 7:00pm Praise Band– Chapel Tuesday, February 17, 2015 10:00am Sew ‘n’ Sews– MR 2:00pm Journey Through Grief– MR 6:15pm Children’s Choir– Chapel 7:30pm Adult Choir– Chapel Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:00am Faith Sharing & Bible Study– MR 11:00am Scripture Study– MR Thursday, February 19, 2015 8:30am Adoration– Chapel 3:00pm Benediction– Chapel 4:30pm Rainbows– CCD Friday, February 20, 2015 9:00am God’s Little Angels– MR 4:30pm Fish Fry– PH Saturday, February 21, 2015 Sunday, February 22, 2015 8:00am Hospitality– PH 9:45am RCIA– MR MR- Meeting Room PH- Parish Hall N– Narthex CCD– CCD Conference Room ASH WEDNESDAY Ashes will be distributed during the Masses. The Mass Schedule for the day is as follows: 8:00a.m. and 7:30p.m. There will also be a Service and general distribution of ashes at 12:00p.m., 4:00p.m. & 5:00p.m. As a reminder Ash Wednesday is a day of both Fast and Abstinence. On this particular day only one (1) full meal is permitted and no meat is permitted. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Mediterranean Cruise- June 19-27, 2015. Join Deacon Tony and Pat Martucci aboard the Celebrity Cruise ship Equinox to follow Saint Paul’s Fourth Missionary Journey. Fly from Newark Airport to Istanbul. Ports of call include: Mykonos, Athens and Corinth, Greece; Malta; Catania, Sicily; the Amalfi Coast, Italy. Return flight from Rome. Cost from $3998 includes airfare, most excursions, on board meals and gratuities. For more information call 609 242-0112. Flyers are available in the Narthex and the office. CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 20-March 27 March 11 April 25 Fish Fry Senior Lunch Health Fair LENTEN FISH FRY COLLECTION COUNTERS SCHEDULE Team 1 will be counting on Mon. Feb. 16, 2015 MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING 4:00pm- Mass on 2nd Saturday 8:00am- Mass on 2nd Sunday 10:00am & 12:00pm- Mass on the 3rd Sunday CHURCH IN CENTRAL & EASTERN Thank you for your generous contributions to the Collection for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe. Your gift is an expression of solidarity with the suffering people of this region. Through joining in the work of this collection, you are helping to restore the Church and build the future. Please visit to learn more about what your donations have accomplished. Our Lenten Fish Fry will start on Friday, February 20 and continue for six consecutive Fridays until Friday, March 27, in the Parish Hall. MENU Battered North American Cod Fish, Shrimp, French Fries, Coleslaw, Tartar Sauce, Rolls & Butter Manhattan Clam Chowder or Soup of the Week CHILDRENS MENU Pizza or Macaroni & Cheese & Beverage ***TAKE OUT ORDERS ARE AVAILABLE*** PAGE 4-590 SAMARITANS’ REQUEST FOR DONATIONS HOLD THE DATE ST. JOSEPH’S & ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER For our Italian/Irish parishioners... St. Joseph will be taking a prominent place, alongside St. Patrick at our Dinner Celebration. We will be serving both an Italian Menu and a traditional St. Patrick’s Menu on Saturday, March 14 in the Parish Hall. MENU Tossed Salad Chicken Parmigiana Baked Ziti Meatballs Corned Beef Brisket & Cabbage Potatoes Rolls Dessert Coffee, Tea, Soda Catering will be provided by Sweet Jenny’s Tickets $20 per person Doors open at 5:30pm BYOB Tickets will be going on sale soon. Keep watching the Bulletin for details You, the Parishioners of St. Pius X Church, have been so generous in your food donations through the years but now we have a different kind of need. There is a growing population of families who are encountering financial hardships due to illness and unemployment. The Samaritans have been able to help with this to this point but now our funds are vastly depleted. We are asking if you can make any monetary donations, either to the poor box, or by giving your donation to the people who man the Shop Rite tables. Include a note or place in envelope with a notation that it is for the Samaritans. Please note that we are not as much in need of Shop Rite cards at this time. The Poor Box donations are given to the Samaritans weekly to help the poor of our community. May God continue to bless all of you for your continued support! THINKING OF VOLUNTEERING ? Do you have some free time? Why not donate it to your Church? We are looking for help in our Angel Shop. No experience necessary. Ladies and gentlemen welcome. We are also in need of Power Point Operators to run the screen slides during weekend and Holy Day Masses. Power Point Operators must be 18 years of age or older. Volunteers are also needed at 10:00AM hospitality. Training will be provided. Please contact the Parish Office at 693-5107. CANDLE ROOM Saints in the candle room, beginning on the left side: Guardian Angel, St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Therese, St. Francis, St. Monica, St. Pius X, St. Katherine Drexel, St. Padre Pio, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton & St. Peregrine. CANDLE REQUEST We are in need of Altar Servers for Funerals. Training will be provided. Please call the Parish Office at 693-5107. Thank you! “HERE I AM LORD.” VOLUNTEER FORM DATE_______ Name to be placed on candle ______________________________________ Candle for the Week donation $5.00 ______ Candle for the Month donation $25.00 _____ Candle for the Year donation $250.00______ Saint you wish candle lit by_______________ Name of person requesting candle_____________________________ Phone number_________________________ Name_________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Interested in ____________________________ I do not know where I can be helpful, but would like to help St. Pius X _______. In addition to helping your church & parish family, volunteering is a great way to meet new friends. You can call the office and ask for Hazel or June at 693-5107. Page 5-590 LENT AND FASTING IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WHY DO WE PUT ASHES ON OUR FOREHEAD? The Roman Catholic Church has a long tradition of fasting and Lent. Unlike most other Christian churches, the Catholic Church has specific regulations for its members covering Lenten fasting. Ashes are applied to our forehead in the sign of the cross as the words, "Remember, you are dust and to dust you shall return" are spoken to us. The other formula which is used, "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel" emphasizes our call to continual conversion and holiness of life. This act symbolizes our mortality as well as our need for ongoing repentance. It is a reminder that this life is short and merely a foreshadowing of what we shall become through the redemption of Jesus Christ on the cross. The work of our redemption will not be complete until we are raised from the dead, in resurrected bodies like His own and called to the eternal communion of heaven. Not only do Catholics fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but they also abstain from meat on those days and all the Fridays during Lent. Fasting does not mean complete denial of food, however. On fast days, Catholics are allowed to eat one full meal and two smaller meals which together, do not constitute a full meal. Young children, the elderly, and persons whose health would be affected are exempt from fasting regulations. Fasting is associated with prayer and aims giving as spiritual disciplines to take a person’s attachment away from the world and focus it on God and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. WHAT ARE THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS AND WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THEM? The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Via Dolorosa, is a narration of the final hours in the life of Jesus Christ on earth that continues to provide spiritual conviction for every Christian and application to our lives. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCES OF THE 40 WEEKDAYS BEFORE EASTER? The 40 days of Lent, which precedes Easter is based on two Biblical accounts: the 40 years of wilderness wandering by the Israelites and our Lord's 40 days in the wilderness at which point He was tempted by Satan. Each year the Church observes Lent where we, like Israel and our Lord, are tested. We participate in abstinence, times of fasting, confession and acts of mercy to strengthen our faith and devotional disciplines. The goal of every Christian is to leave Lent a stronger and more vital person of faith than when we entered. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "The seasons and days of penance in the course of the liturgical year (Lent, and each Friday in memory of the death of the Lord) are intense moments of the Church's penitential practice. These times are particularly appropriate for spiritual exercises, penitential liturgies and pilgrimages as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial such as fasting and almsgiving, and fraternal sharing (charitable and missionary works)." (CCC 1438) The Stations of the Cross serve as a stark reminder of the humble manner in which Jesus was willing to set aside any privilege of deity in order to provide a path to salvation through His sacrifice. 1. Jesus is condemned to death. 2. Jesus is given His cross. 3. Jesus falls down for the first time. 4. Jesus meets His mother Mary. 5. Simon of Cyrene is forced to carry the cross. 6. Veronica wipes blood off of Jesus’ face. 7. Jesus falls down for the second time. 8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem. 9. Jesus falls down for the third time. 10. Jesus is stripped of His clothing. 11. Jesus is nailed to the cross – the Crucifixion. 12. Jesus dies on the cross. 13. Jesus’ body is removed from the cross – the Deposition or Lamentation. 14. Jesus’ body is placed in the tomb. Stations of the Cross will be held in the Church every Friday evening during Lent at 7:30 PM. Page 6—590 COMMUNION PARENTS The Angel Shop at St. Pius will be selling their stock of Communion Dresses at reduced prices on Tuesday, February 24 & Wednesday, February 25 at CCD at 5:30PM. As an added convenience, Communion Accessories will also be available. They include Ties & Tie Clips, Arm Bands, Veils, & Gift Sets. *If you need help with purchasing a Communion Dress, please call Anne B. at the Main Office at 693-5107 for assistance. SENIOR YOUTH MINISTRY WINTER RETREAT Juggling for God The Senior Youth Ministry Winter Retreat on Saturday, February 21 at 9:00am —Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 9:00am will be held at Maris Stella, Long Beach Island. Includes discussions, lunch, swimming, ice breakers, walk on the beach, Adoration, Confession, Mass, dinner, movie, & breakfast. Please call Jeannie Easton for more information at 609-693-0368. IS GOD CALLING YOU? Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation with other like-minded meant through prayer and sharing vocation stories and experiences. The group meetings aren’t meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your true vocation and build your relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting of February 22nd, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at Saint James Parish, 115E. Delaware Avenue, Pennington, New Jersey. Join Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Walsh, as he shares his experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and conclude with conversation and a meal. Please register with Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling (609) 406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! “IRISH CELEBRATION” Begin your St. Patrick’s Day festivities as St. Dominic’s Parish, 250 Old Squan Rd., Brick, NJ, presents an “Irish Celebration” on Friday, March 6th at 7:00PM. This dynamic concert features the finest in Irish song, dance, music and laughter. Starring vocalist Tony Kenny, Star of Jury’s Irish Cabaret, the lineup includes Richie Hayes, Leprechaun of Laughter & Song, Bernadette Ruddy, Ireland’s Best Young Vocalist, and the Trinity Dublin Band. Added into this fine mix of Irish artists are the Dublin City Dancers, tapping and spinning their way across the stage. Tickets are $30.00 (includes complimentary beverages during intermission) and are for sale after all weekend Masses, at the St. Dominic Rectory Office, or by calling 732-840-1410 ext. 47. QUESTION? Just before the reading of the Gospel at Mass, the priest touches his head, his mouth, and his breast. Most of the people do it at the same time. What does this mean? The priest and people are (or should be) making a small sign of the cross on their forehead, their lips, and breast. The action is a prayer that the Good News of the Lord, which they are about to hear, may be always in their minds, on their lips and in their hearts. Page 7– 590 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH The names of the people on the prayer list have been put in the ‘PRAYER BOWL’ and placed by the Altar. During the Mass when the prayer intentions are read, we will pray for the sick of our Parish and their caregivers. A prayer request form can be made to add new people to the prayer list. The name of the person to be prayed for will be listed in the Bulletin and the person’s name will be put in the ‘PRAYER BOWL’. After the name of your loved one has been placed in the bowl, it will no longer appear in the Bulletin. It will remain in the ‘PRAYER BOWL’ for one month. For someone needing prayers for more than one month or to add someone to the list, please contact the office at 6935107. Pray for Chris, Hallie Mc Daniel, Megan Quinn, Mimi Schmidling, and the members of our parish in need of physical, emotional & spiritual healing. PRAYER FOR THE SICK Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. PATRIOTIC PRAYER COLUMN Please pray for Robert Joseph Coll, PFC John Fitzsimons, 82nd Airborne, 1st Lt. Joseph Galgliardi, Sr. Chief Anthony Larangeira, Gy. Sgt. Anthony Lovering, USMC, MM(SS)1 James McDade, Staff Sgt. Kevin Mottershead, Capt. John Sandor, AM1, 1st Class Petty Officer Jacque Sullivan, Captain Michael Tarricone, 1st Lt. Joseph Trainor, USMC, Matthew Varites, USCG, US Navy, USMC, Kevin Schroeder, SPC Christopher Krutzsch, SFC Daniel A. Braun, 2nd Lt. Mark Trainor, USMC and HM2(SW/DV) Shawn R. Kearney US Navy Diving Medical Technician, USN BM Nickolas Pavase and Lt. Justin James Nork, USN., Pfc. Michael J Hyle, Jr. 1st BN 38th Inf., Sgt. Anthony Malagoli, USN AS3-CVN70 Edward A. Kerr, Jayson Hennelly, Sgt. Michael Whitford, Sgt. Kevin Michael McKim, Army, US Navy Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Cimmino, US Army Sgt. Kenneth E. Stewart, Ensign Michael Adamski, USN, USN Brian Elwood, USN, Lt. Alex Dworjan, Brian Holt, 1st. Lt., Fireman Jon Christiansen, USCG, LCPL Robert Boehm, USMC, RCT Daniel Boehm, USMC, PFC Jakob Parker, USMC, L CPL Daniel Boehm, USMC., Kyle Breitenbach, Airforce, Scott Dorsey, Specialist, Army National Guard, AWS3(NAC) Patrick J. Hughes de Ferrari, US Navy, Nathan Sheridan, US Navy, 2nd Lt. Vincent Rossetti, USMC. If your service person has returned home, please call the office at 693-5107 and we will remove them from the list. May God continue to protect them. Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS We pray for Lori Zarycki, Anthony Massaro, and the deceased members of our parish and their families. your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen. PRAYER REQUEST NAME—————————————–———PERSON REQUESTING PRAYER—————— DATE———————— WOULD YOU LIKE NAME IN BULLETIN?——— ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO THEM, O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. MAY THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED THROUGH THE MERCY OF GOD, REST IN PEACE. AMEN Page 8-590 W.B. GRANT AGENCY, INC. ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE Serving The Parish Since 1936 344 S. Main Street • 698-2162 • Barnegat Medicine To Go Pharmacies Tom Kelly, R. Ph. ~ Samantha Kelly, R. Ph. 528 W. Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ 08731 Next to 7-11 and Lacey Diner (609) 242-1400 We Are Here For You Offering You a One-Stop Service Complex! (3567) Auto Auto Repair • 24-Hour Food Mart FAX: 609-242-3330 Full Service Car Wash & Gas Island Courteous, Polite Service 609-242-FLOSS 615 Lacey Rd., Unit 5 Forked River, NJ 08731 [email protected] 609-971-3599 MASTER PLUMBER LIC.# 8399 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 930 Lacey Rd., Forked River 693-5175 OPEN DAILY “Serving my neighborhood’s Plumbing Needs” Waterfront Dining ALL ABOUT SMILES DENTISTRY Lacey Auto Care C OSMETIC & G ENERAL D ENTISTRY Lou Ann B. Van Liew, DMD CRAIG SMITH PLUMBING & HEATING Open 6 Days, Closed Tues. Available for Parties 609-242-4200 At Key Harbor Marina • 2 Point Rd., Waretown HIMBER & STORK, P.C. Attorneys-At-Law 609-971-1884 Serving the community for over 20 years 630 W. Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ Family Law • Real Estate • Guardianship • Wills/Estate • Personal Injury Maria Ann Stork • Debra M. Himber, L.L.M.* *Masters Degree In Tax Law FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 732-308-9988 FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 214 Lacey Rd., Forked River (609) 971-0051 Roofing - Siding Soffit - Attic Fans Gutter Cleaning Repairs Snow Removal Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 590 St. Pius ~ Forked River, NJ (third) Shore John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Fall Leaf Cleanups and Tree & Shrub Trimming Snow Removal HOMEMADE CHOCOLATES Quality Chocolates & Creamy Fudge Donald & Patricia Meyer 328 Rt. 9, Lacey Mall, Lanoka Harbor 609-971-0871 Lacey Collision Lic. No. 02061A Auto Body Specialists • All Makes & Models 609-971-0977 410 Route 9, Lanoka Harbor, NJ Lacey Memorial Home, llc. (formerly Growney Funeral Home) “Helping make every final tribute as unique as the lives we remember” Independently Owned and Operated, Compassionate, Personal Service Offering Traditional Funerals and Cremation Services, Immediate and Advance-Planning, Veterans’ Services, SSI/Medicaid planning options Jessica Quackenbush, Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 4351 1022 Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731 609-693-6800 [email protected] WHOLESALE CARPET OUTLET “Family Owned & Operated for 45 years” Carpet • Laminates • Wood • Area Rugs 1/31/15. All Installations Guaranteed for the Life of the Product Warranty NOBODY BEATS US GUARANTEED BEST SERVICE LOWEST PRICES Free Installation on In-Stock Rolled Goods and Laminates Open 6 Days, Monday-Saturday 301 Route 9 • Forked River (609) 693-4700 590 St. Pius ~ Forked River, NJ (inside) Shore $1 OFF PER YARD OF CARPET NOT TO BE COMBINED W/ ANY OTHER OFFER $1 OFF UPGRADE PADDING NOT TO BE COMBINED W/ ANY OTHER OFFER John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • RIGGS FUNERAL HOME Ronald L. Bennardo, Attorney At Law 332 Route 9 South, Forked River Tel: 609-971-0600 [email protected] • Fax: 609-971-9737 Lacey Carpet PRE-ARRANGEMENT COUNSELORS 609.693.3003 130 U.S. Route 9 North (609) 693-8222 336 Lacey Rd. Forked River FORKED RIVER Peter & Lynne Deyonker Robert C. Riggs, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 3251 Crystal R. Riggs, N.J. Lic. No. 4957 Jay T. Hartmann, N.J. Lic. No. 3744 Robert C. Riggs, Jr. N.J.Lic. No.4631 Julie C. Riggs, N.J. Lic. No. 4822 LACEY DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING CENTER “Where Seniors Feel the Love” Cathy DiFiore Executive Director 601 N. Main Street Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 609-242-2661 Assisted Living of Forked River 425 Route 9 609-971-0453 An Assisted Living Community that also offers a Memory Support Neighborhood CHIROPRACTIC Marilyn Gartner Sales Representative O: 609-693-2800 C: 732-500-3613 1020 Lacey Road Forked River Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Medical/Surgical Services Including Endoscopic & Orthopedic Surgery Forked River (609) 693-1093 Manahawkin (609) 597-0080 Log Onto Certified Elder Law Attorney 590 St. Pius ~ Forked River, NJ (back) Shore Veterinary Associates Dale R. Bodman, VMD -Director Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards SCOTT M. HANULA, ESQ. 609-242-4300 Fax 609-242-2622 2 Hollywood Blvd. • Forked River (1 mile south of Lacey Rd.) (609) 971-7722 Pilates • Indoor/Outdoor Boot Camp Kids Fitness • Personal Training • Tabata Cardio Kickboxing • Kid Parties & More 639 Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ 08731 CENTER, INC. DR. THOMAS C. McGILLICK 440 Rt. 9 South Forked River (609) 693-6613 3 Months Unlimited $199 Elder Law • Estate Planning Probate • Medicaid • Trusts House Appointments Available F: 609-242-7957 [email protected] conveniently from your home or office. 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