Contact Alicia Storey SERC Secretary/Treasurer at 334-678

Friday, March 20th
8:45 am – Depart hotel lobby headed for the Naval Aviation Museum
It will be best if we can carpool, so anyone willing to drive would be appreciated.
9:15 am – Arrive at the Naval Aviation Museum
9:30 am – Guided tour begins
11:00 am – 1:00 pm – Lunch on your own at the Cubi Bar located inside the Museum
1:30 pm – Depart Aviation Museum headed to the Naval Aviation School Parts and Crash Labs
3:30 pm – Depart Navy Base and head back to the hotel
Saturday, March 21st
7:30 am – Breakfast
8:00 am – Opening Comments, Mr. Dan McCune, SERC Vice President
8:30 am – Mr. Joe Hopkins, MSI – “Beyond the Smoke, Part 2, A Case Study”
9:15 am – Break
9:30 am – Mr. Walt Houghton, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University - “Lessons Learned from
50 Years of Civil & Military Aircraft Accidents”
10:30 am – Break
10:45 am – Mr. Robert Rendzio, Safety Research Corporation of America – “Air Traffic
Transmissions: An Invaluable Tool in Reconstruction”
11:30 am – Lunch
12:30 pm – Treasurer’s Report, Mrs. Alicia Storey, SERC Secretary/Treasurer
12:45 pm – Mr. Anthony Brickhouse, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University – “Media
Relations for Air Safety Investigators”
1:30 pm – Break
1:45 pm – Capt. Shem Malmquist – “A Look Back At a Closed Investigation. Where We Got It
Right, And Where We Got It Wrong”
2:45 pm – Break
3:00 pm – Capt. Jody Bridges, Naval School of Aviation Safety – “SMS, So Easy a Caveman Can
Implement It”
4:00 pm – Closing Comments, Mr. Robert Rendzio, SERC President
Contact Alicia Storey
SERC Secretary/Treasurer
at 334-678-7722 or
[email protected] for
additional details.