Sacred Heart Parish ● Corner of Lewis Road & Walnut Street ● P.O. Box 64 ● Royersford, PA ● 610-948-5915 ● ● Fax 610-948-0573 ● Website: ● FEBRUARY 15, 2015 R. Alleluia, alleluia. A great prophet has arisen in our midst, God has visited his people. PASTOR Reverend Peter J. DiMaria [email protected] WEEKEND ASSISTANT Reverend Frank Giuffre DIRECTOR OF LITURGY AND SACRED MUSIC Sister Marganne Drago, SSJ [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Dear Friends in Christ, HOLY CROSS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL In a few days time Lent will begin. With it comes the opportunity to enter more deeply into the life of grace offered to us by the Lord. Will lent be different for us this year or will we go about our daily lives in the same fashion? Bishop Sheen used to say: “There are no plains in the spiritual life. Either we are ascending or descending.” To continually ascend is to never grow tired of battling ourselves and opening ourselves to others in transformative love. Mrs. Patricia Fauls Mrs. Theresa Healy, Principal thealy@ 610-489-9434, ext. 2225 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Come adore our Eucharistic Lord in the Little Flower Perpetual Adoration Chapel which is attached to the Rectory. The Chapel is available for prayer at all times day and night. THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Saturday Anticipated Mass: 4:15 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:15 AM Weekdays Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM Holy Days Consult Bulletin for Schedule SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 PM Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30 - 7:50 AM Wednesday: 6:30 - 7:15 PM We “do” in order to “become.” Therefore, allow me to suggest that the traditional Lenten disciplines of fasting, almsgiving and prayer enable us to “become” more authentic followers of Christ. For the last few weeks we’ve advertised the special Dynamic Catholic daily email Lenten program. Have you signed up for it? If you are a senior citizen, think about making daily Mass a regular part of your Lenten program. If you work perhaps a local Catholic Church will have a Mass you can attend during your lunch hour? Each Wednesday evening of Lent there will be Stations of the Cross and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. I am especially excited about the “Shroud Encounter” which will be coming to our parish on Monday, March 16th in the parish gym. Look for more details. Finally, I cannot recommend enough the small groups which we are once again introducing. Great things happen in small groups: wonderful friendships are formed and the Church is experienced at her best. May your lent be blessed! Father DiMaria REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE DUST by Father Allan James White, O.P. Recently in England, Ash Wednesday was declared “National No Smoking Day.” Giving up smoking is about penance and self-denial and something to do with ash, therefore Ash Wednesday seems an obvious day to choose. “Give up smoking and save your life. When people give things up, when they diet or go on an exercise plan, it can be because they want to feel better. They want to fashion a different self-image. At the end of the process they can say “this is the new men. Look what I have made.” We gain a certain satisfaction in self-mastery, but Christian self-denial is not about that. The Gospels warn us against pride and the piety of achievement. We are not our own creations. During Lent, Catholics deliberately cast a cold eye on death, reminding themselves that all of this beauty will pass. It will come to an end, unravel, fragment, and disintegrate into dust. When we daub ourselves with ashes we state that this is what we are without God, dust, like Adam before he was Adam. Renewing our sense of who we really are before God is the core of the Lenten experience. In earlier centuries, Lent was seen as time to consider judgment and to realize in intense penitence how our sins brought Christ to the cross. Its character as a pilgrimage of return to the baptismal font was obscured. Self-denial was seen as an essential component in the fashioning of the new penitent “me”; one who is worthy of heaven. Christian self-denial has to do with growing into a new “me,” but on this journey I do not become other than what I am but I become entirely what I am, which is what I made on the day of my baptism when I was forged into a new creation. What is the new “me” in Christian terms? How do I grow into it? The possibility of the new humanity is offered to me in Christ who is the true face of humanity. As I am drawn into communion with him and grow into his image I am becoming truly human. This is not a process of acquisition but of dispossession. When I give things up, I am stripping myself of the little self-protective certainties that hide me from myself and interrupt my life with others. In giving things up I am not showing how strong I am, but where my true strength lies - in the God who made me, shaped me, and who holds me in the palm of his hand. Self-denial in our society is a revolutionary and subversive gesture. In our world we are encouraged to define ourselves in terms of possession, what we have and what we can get. Our desires are vulgarized and exploited, drawing us to a phantom fulfillment. Temptations waft before us, we are told we can be what we want to be, but only if we possess this, have that, take the other. When we deny ourselves we are not giving up essentials; we are saying, “These trivial things on which I am so dependent are not myself. They are less than I.” In giving things up we make space for the one thing necessary, and what is that but God? Self-denial is not about achievement; it is about charity, love. That love of God who delivered himself into the hands of sinful men and women and kindled our ashes into the fire of the Holy Spirit. Our life is not a process of getting but of surrendering, and only in that way can we receive the gift which is beyond all price. At the heart of our life is the possibility of beginning again. In eeach new beginning we find the changeless, faithful fire of divine love. BECOMING WHAT WE ARE Our word “Lent” derives from a Germanic word meaning “springtime.” As the earth comes to life again after its long winter sleep, so Christ bursts from the tomb radiating the promise of eternal life. He reveals what we are called to be. During Lent we clear the debris of our lives in order to allow the mercy of God to fall upon them. Christ hallows the dust of our humanity with his own blood. What I am to be is presented in the wounded body of the glorified Christ. Lent begins with ashes and ends with the fire, the Pascal fire of the Resurrection - the assurance of what we shall be. Page 1 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish LET US TURN TO THE FATHER AND ASK HIM FOR THE HEALING AND STRENGTH WE NEED THIS LENT: That this season of Lent will be a time of greater prayer and fervent devotion for us and for all the Church. That these days of Lent will be marked by earnest efforts at peacemaking throughout the world. That we will be generous in our almsgiving this Lent, and attentive to the poor. That God will repair all the broken relationships in our life and make us merciful, gentle and forgiving. That this Lent will be faithful to fasting and to all the ways that the Lord sanctifies us. That God will rescue all those who live at a distance from him because of self-absorption or sin. Loving Father, bless our observance of Lent so that we will live as your holy children. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Lenten Regulations 2015 - Weekdays of Lent: ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Ashes will be distributed at Holy Mass - 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Liturgy of the Word - 4 p.m. No Confessions on the evening of Ash Wednesday. STATIONS OF THE CROSS & BENEDICTION Will be held each Wednesday of Lent at 7:30 p.m beginning on February 25. DAILY MASS Monday through Friday at 8:00 AM (There will be Mass every Friday during Lent beginning February 20 at 8 a.m.) All the faithful are encouraged, when possible, to participate at Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist daily, to celebrate frequently the Sacrament of Penance, to undertake spiritual reading, especially the study of the Sacred Scriptures, and to participate in parish Lenten devotions as well as Lenten education programs. There is no obligation to fast. However, voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: These are days of Fast and Abstinence from meat. There is a limit of one full meal on these days for all between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive. Days of Abstinence: (All Fridays in Lent) All who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain totally from meat. East Duty Obligation: After they have received their First Holy Communion, Catholics are bound by the obligation of receiving Holy Communion at least once a year. This precept should be fulfilled during the Easter Season. Catholics are also bound to confess serious (mortal) sins at least once a year, but this is not limited to the Lenten/ Easter Season. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is especially recommended during Lent. Page 2 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish SAVE THE DATE - MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 –7 PM - “SHROUD ENCOUNTER” “SHROUD ENCOUNTER” will be coming to Sacred Heart on Monday, March 16 at 7 PM and presented by Russ Breault, internal expert on this subject. Shroud Encounter is a production of the Shroud of Turin Education Project, Inc. The presentation is a fast moving, big-screen experience using over 200 images covering all aspects of Shroud research. Mr. Breault has been featured in several national documentaries seen on CBS, History Channel and Discovery. He was interviewed last year for Good Morning America to discuss the latest research. A free will offering will be accepted. Seating will be available in our gymnasium. The Media Ministry of Sacred Heart was formed to increase our Church’s web, media and social media presence and to increase marketing of Church events. We also handle the audio and video needs for the Church. Recently, we released on youtube our first in a series of videos called, “Sharing our Faith.” We design and create signs and logos for Sacred Heart. With many varied talents in our group, we are looking to make Sacred Heart Church and all it has to offer, known to our Parishioners and our community via the efforts of this Ministry. Our group and our needs have grown since we formed less than a year ago, so we are in need of new members to join our team. This is an exciting volunteer opportunity and a chance to share your talents for our Church. We specifically are looking for people with marketing, web or design experience and are also in need of people who would like to be involved with new social media such as Snapchat, Spotify, Instagram and much more. (Teenagers welcome!) To find our more information or to volunteer, email [email protected] or call the church office at 610-948-5915. The Sacred Heart CYO Varsity Girls Team NEXT WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 21/22 (7th and 8th graders of the parish) won the District 18 championship vs Blessed Teresa CYO of Schwenksville, on Saturday night. Score 47-35. An opportunity for parishioners to once again sign up for a FREE 8” x 10” FAMILY PORTRAIT and A PARISH DIRECTORY. UNABLE TO SIGN UP THIS WEEKEND? YOU MAY REGISTER ON LINE at Page 3 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish The girls are amazing and now excitedly move on to the Archdiocesan tournament. MISSION TRIP 2015: We have twenty missionaries signed up for our June trip to assist the poor of Appalachia! Only four slots remain. If you are on the fence, jump in ASAP!!! Contact the Mission Team at [email protected] or flag down Gretchen Brosius, Diane Brunner, George Miller, or Bob Zeller. Visit the SH web site for info form and FAQ. Donate in the collection (mark it "Mission 2015"). And pray, pray, PRAY!!! THE KING'S MEN: Lent is a great time to join, or come back to, The Kings Men. Our Lenten resource is "St. Paul and the Power of the Cross" by Ft. Mitch Pacwa. Men 18+, come grow in the Catholic faith with us each Wednesday 7:10 to 9 pm in Meeting Room A on 2nd floor of Fr. Sheehan Hall (connects the gym and the school). Contact us at [email protected] or call 610-310-5646. 03.07.2015 - A MEN’S SPIRITUALITY CONFERENCE This year Man Up Philly will be holding the 7th annual Men’s Spirituality Conference in Philadelphia. We encourage all men to join us for an inspiring time of faith and sharing. Experience our area’s largest Men’s Spirituality conference first-hand and join others who are ready to Man-Up, by living their true calling. When: Saturday, March 7 - Where: St. Joseph’s University Hagan Arena—2450 N. 54th St. Philadelphia Registration: Order your tickets Online at Speakers: This year’s lineup features: Dr. Scott Hahn -Author of “Rome Sweet Home” ( Devin Schadt - The glory, necessity, and power of fatherhood ( Gus Lloyd - Host of “Seize the Day” on Sirius XM’s The Catholic Channel ( Marie Joseph - Executive Director of Legacy of Life Foundation, a pro life non-profit organization and Author of “Faith on Fire” ( As Catholic men of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, we strive to make Jesus Christ present in our lives. Called together, we seek God’s grace to strengthen one another and grow in commitment to our Catholic faith. Equipped as witnesses of the Gospel, we serve our families and the Church. “Please note our special Student rate of $25 for middle school, high school, and university students” Financial support is available. Sign up soon to receive the early bird discount. For more info please contact Bob Zeller at [email protected] . Anyone student in grades k-8 interested in signing up for SH CYO track and field can register in the cafe after 9:30 or 11:15 Mass on 2/15 or 2/22. Any questions? Contact Gretchen @ 610-792-0554 CYO BASEBALL REGISTRATION THIS WEEKEND: 2/15 - Parish Café - Time: After 9:30 and 11:15 Mass - Questions: please email Chris Haffey at [email protected] Knights of Columbus Council 1374 is accepting orders for Easter Candy. Go to and enter the participant no. 711199-001 to access our group’s site. Thank you for your support. Delivery approx. 2 weeks before Easter or mailed to your home. Page 4 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish Voice of Therese, The Little Flower God is admirable, but He is, above all, lovable. Let us, then, love Him! STEWARDSHIP IS A WAY OF LIFE GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING Contributions: 02/8/2015 $ 11,779.00 Electronic - Month of January: $ 16,998.26 (Requests for end of year contribution statements are being taken by contacting [email protected] or Valerie at 610-948-5915 Ext. 121.) Praying For the Sick and Those That Need Our Prayers Peggy Haitz, Joseph Iannccone, Kevin Schurr, Audrey Grainer, Caroline Cummings, Mary Colicino, Gloria Goodrich, Danny Boyle, John Jeffers, Christine Jeffers, Josephine Martinez, Jim Wineburg, Hank Edleman, Sr., Donna Willoughby, David Hritz BABYSITTING DURING 9:30 AND 11:15 am WEEKEND MASSES Children ages 6 weeks to 4 years of age are accepted. Children around age five are encouraged to begin going to Mass with their parents. For additional info please contact Miss May at 484-535-0470. WOMEN OF SACRED HEART!! (All Ages-High School +) Weekend Retreat - March 6, 5 pm to March 8, 12 pm Malvern Retreat House Family Life Center led by Fr. Charles Smiech. More info and reservations - Sunny Dougherty @ 484744-3920 or [email protected] Meals for St Mary's Shelter - Our parish will provide meals for the shelter Monday, February 23 through Friday, February 27 . Please plan on feeding 15-20 people. You can provide the complete meal or a portion (salad, dessert, etc). Help is greatly appreciated. Please call Susan Bowes if you can help 610-715-5412. Thinking about your next Fun Adventure? Think VBS! Summer Vacation is only 5 months away! Sacred Heart VBS will be in town from June 29 to July 3, 2015! Registration is in APRIL! DON'T MISS OUT ON THE FUN! ( limited availability) THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Monday February 16, 2015 8:00 A.M. Alfred and Theresa DePaoli Requested by Children of Martin & Anne DePaoli Tuesday February 17, 2015 8:00 A.M. Helen Edleman Requested by Henry Edleman, Jr. Wednesday 8:00 A.M. 4:00 PM 7:00 PM February 18 2015 Mrs. Alberta Hozyash Requested by the McGuigan Family Liturgy of the Word Tink Veale Thursday February 19, 2015 8:00 A.M. Patrick Rigg Requested by the Mellon Family Friday February 20, 2015 8:15 P.M. Dr. John J. Maron Requested by the Decerio Family Saturday February 21, 2015 4:15 P.M. Lewis and Rose Calcinore Requested by Children of Martin & Anne DePaoli Sunday February 22, 2015 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:15 A.M. Theresa Saveri Requested by the Gilinger Family Sacred Heart Parishioners, Living and Deceased Chuck Yanchulis Requested by the Santos Family ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, February 21 4:15 PM Zachary Azar Jake Bird Christian Shaffer Sunday, February 22, 8:00 AM Brendan Kenning Brett McMenamin Sunday, February 22, 9:30 AM Michael Cunningham Melissa Israel Ryder Pham Sunday, February 22, 11:15 AM Jack Brosius Andrew D’Annuzio Andrew Wrightson SAVE THE DATE! Mary Poppins PJPII High -Mar. 13,14, 19, 20 & 21 @ 7 pm; Mar. 15 - 1 pm. Tickets on sale Feb. 27 or online @ so, save your "tuppence" and mark your calendars. Page 5 - 013 Sacred Heart Parish SHALKOP GRACE STRUNK FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES, INC. Your Parish Funeral Home Charles H. Shalkop, F.D. (1916-1995) 135 Bridge Street Robert W. Strunk, Jr. F.D. Spring City, PA 19475 Supervisor, Parishioner of St. Joseph (610) 948-7672 QUALITY WORK • REASONABLE RATES • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Water Heaters Registered • Boilers • Sinks Master • Faucets • Toilets Plumber • Well Water Pumps • New Construction • Additions • Repairs R Beers S Plumbing & Fully Heating Insured Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes Royersford MARK YABLONSKI Parishioner Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 285 Bethlehem Pk. Colmar, Pa 18955 267-477-1445 Rt. 309 & Advance Ln. 430 W. Main St. Trappe, Pa 19426 484-902-8030 Next to Trappe Tavern PLUMBING • PUMPS WATER SOFTERNERS 610-948-5194 852 Limerick Rd. Schwenksville 287-7831 DESIGN~ INSTALL~ ~MAINTAIN~ ~ ~ Brian Thornton & Sons Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 610.495.6347 Licensed & Insured You've enjoyed our famous "Smith Island" crab cakes DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS with your church fundraiser ~ now enjoy them year FOUNDATION REPAIR round at our 2 retail locations OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT Wild Caught Steamed Shrimp • 5 Types of Crab Cakes EMERGENCY SERVICE Party Trays & Appetizers • Homemade Soups FREE INSPECTIONS Lobster Tails & King Crab Legs Sides, Salads & Desserts LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: Take & Bake • Made Fresh Daily • Restaurant Quality $650 OFF 10% OFF JOBS OVER $2000.00 CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT FREE 10% OFF INSPECTION SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT AAA COSMETIC INC. ✔ Expert Basement Waterproofing LIFETIME ✔ Basement Remodeling WARRANTY ✔ Mold Remediation & Odor Removal ✔ Water Damage Restoration & Cleanup Licensed ✔ Crawl Space Water Proofing & Insured ✔ Financing Available 215-512-2309 TOM MAGUIRE LIC. # 086933 INT./EXT. PAINTING ~ Parishioner Discount ~ No Job Too Small 30 Years Exp. Home Cell (610) 222-3824 (610) 504-4800 Fully Insured 610-718-6001 • Christian Bookstore PA Lic. #006806 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE AND HEALTH 212 W. Main Street, Suite 1 FREE INSPECTION Trappe, PA 19426 Licensed & Insured (610) 489-9442 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 TAG & NOTARY SERVICES AVAILABLE! Collegeville Trappe GUTTER CLEANING WWW.TRICOUNTYHOME.BIZ REPAIRS & REPLACEMENTS • ROOFING • SIDING GUTTERS • WINDOWS & CARPENTRY FREE ESTIMATES • LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Tags & Notary 1st Communion • Confirmation 610-705-0130 142 Shoemaker Rd., Pottstown Members of the Diocese Three Peas In A Pod FLORIST & GIFTS 442 N. Lewis Rd. 610-948-7190 610-776-2000 GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 CATTERMOLEKLOTZBACH Funeral Home 610-948-7330 600 Washington St., Royersford, PA Damian M. Petaccio, F.D., Supervisor William E. Harner, IV, F.D. Joshua T. Klotzbach, F.D. 013 Sacred Heart - Royersford (inside) R John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • ROSMOS KEPP Petaccio’s PARK TOWNE DEVLIN & GATCHA BEVERAGE, INC. Driving School, LLC FUNERAL HOME at a time. 310 North Lewis Rd. & Cremation Services, Inc. Forming one safe driver Now Offering GEORGE MICHAEL T. GATCHA, SUPERVISOR Royersford, PA An Online J. RICHARD ROSMOS, F.D. Driver’s Open 7 Days Safety Funeral Pre-Planning Katie Harris Course 517 S. Main St. at Fourth Ave. 610.948.4979 Phoenixville 610-933-3012 610-948-0970 G CANNON FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Center, Ltd. “Caring & Compassionate Service” ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS New Location Serving Royersford Area at 484-653-5800 MAYERSON INJURY LAW A Professional Corporation 610-906-1966 SPRING-FORD FAMILY PRACTICE WADE A. BROSIUS, D.O. • [email protected] SACRED HEART PARISHIONER “Concentrating exclusively in personal injury law and insurance claim disputes since 1994” POTTSTOWN MEDICAL SPECIALISTS, INC. 307 S. LEWIS RD. ROYERSFORD, PA 19468 Defer capital gains when selling business use or investment real estate. 610-792-0300 FAX 610-792-3790 610.792.4880 Margo McDonnell, Parishioner 329 N. Lewis Rd. 610-948-1950 Jason Pozar, Supervisor Gregg S. Catagnus, F.D. Also Serving Pottstown & Boyertown Phoenix Tax Consultants, LLC. “The Tax Tacklers” Tax Preparation & Tax Planning Julie Brufke Wenger, EA $25 OFF with this ad 610-933-3507 Butler's Janitorial Service Floors Stripped & Waxed Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Window Cleaning Power Washing • Home & Office Wilma Butler 610.933.0519 Kelly Stento Director Park Town Plaza • Royersford 610-792-8801 Angels of Our Lady COMMUNION DRESSES AND SUITS RELIGIOUS GIFTS AND BOOKS 592 Schuylkill Rd. - Rt. 724 Phoenixville 610-917-9470 Catering Available Piazza Honda of Pottstown 629 N. Lewis Road Limerick, PA 19468 Tom Reed, General Manager WE DELIVER 301 N. Lewis Rd. 610-792-1974 (610) 495-7076 ext. 516 Michele Sheehan - A Sacred Heart Parishioner RE/MAX Results Realty $10 LARGE PIZZA (425) 210-1634 489-7355 email: [email protected] Cell: Office: (610) $5 OFF ANY ORDER OVER $35 Helping You Find The Place To Call Home 013 Sacred Heart, Royersford (back) R Ages 18months & Up Mention Ad to Receive a FREE T-shirt! JAMES JOHNS PAINTING Deck Refinishing • Power Washing Free Estimates • Fully Insured PARISHIONER 935-2924 • 948-2327 Louis J. Simonetti, D.O. BOARD CERTIFIED IN FAMILY MEDICINE Limerick Office Court 168 W. Ridge Pike, Suite 220 Limerick PA 19488 610-454-9488 • Hours By Appointment New Patients Welcome John Patrick Publishing Company • (800) 333-3166 •
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