Unit 8 Assignment Directions for completing this Assignment: 1. Watch the video on Marketing Channels and Retailing below. 2. Explore the New Balance Hubway website: Click Here 3. Using research from Chapter 13 and 14 in your textbook, answer the questions on New Balance Hubway in the template provided in Doc Sharing. References Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F., & McDaniel, C. (2014). MKTG7. Mason, OH: Cengage Directions for Submitting this Assignment: Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. For additional help with your writing and APA citation, please visit the Kaplan University Writing Center. Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document and save it as (Example: TAllen-MT219 Assignment-Unit 8.docx). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 8: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 8. Unit 8 Assignment Content per Checklists Answer provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking: Provides correct answers to 2 short essays of 200– 250 words using research from the text. Provides correct response to the 9 multiple choice questions. Provides a viable minimum 100 word defense of each of the 9 answers. (1pt. for each viable Percent possible 100% Points possible 50 80% 44% 22 18% 9 18% 9 Points Earned Comments defense) Subtotal: Provides a complete response in the template provided using correct grammar, spelling, and APA format and citation style and reference page. 80% 40 20% 10 Percent Your Assignment Score: 100% Total Points possible 50
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