FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT — February 22, 2015 75 8 EUCHARIST – THIS WEEK Monday, February 23 7:45 a.m. Rosary 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Tuesday, February 24 8:00 a.m. Teresa Imola Wednesday, February 25 8:00 a.m. Bruno Beccari Thursday, February 26 8:00 a.m. Frank Dostal Friday, February 27 8:00 a.m. Guiseppina Imola Saturday, February 28 5:00 p.m. Joseph Preca & Emanuel Aguis; Ray Martin; Marilyn Hassen; Rael & Raymond Servant, Linda & Jerry Roy; Int. of Lorna Galang nd Sunday, March 1 – 2 Sunday of Lent 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Our Faith Community _ ____________________________________________ THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Monday, February 23 Friendship Group 6:30 pm Tuesday, February 24 First Eucharist – Parent & Child Session 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 25 Euchre 12:30 pm CIC Meeting 5:20 pm Small Faith Sharing 6:30 pm R.C.I.A. Meeting 7:00 pm Thursday, February 26 Cantor Practice 6:30 pm Choir / Schola Practice 7:00 pm Friday, February 27 Eucharistic Adoration until 3 pm 8:30 am Saturday, February 28 Reconciliation 4:00 pm Brant Men of Song Charity Concert 7:30 pm PREPARING FOR NEXT WEEK Genesis 22.1-2,9-13,15-18; Romans 8.31-35,37; Mark 9.2-10 LENTEN RETREATS Women’s Lenten Retreat Weekend will be offered at Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre, Mississauga on th th Friday, March 6 – Sunday, March 8 . This is an opportunity to rest, renew, pray and grow in your personal relationship with Jesus. For further information or to register please call (905) 287-5229. DISCERNMENT RETREATS Have you thought about the priesthood or religious life? If you would like to learn how to listen to God’s call in your own life, and how to follow that call in your own vocational discernment, then this retreat is for you. Open to people 18 years old and older: March 13-15 (for men) and March 20-22 (for women). To register or to find out more visit and click on the “Discernment Retreat” tab. SYNOD OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY Pope Francis has called a Synod of Marriage and Family to be held in October of 2015 which is to include Bishops from around the world. This is your invitation to participate in the gathering of information from the Hamilton Diocese. You may submit your responses: Fill in the questionnaire which can be found on the Hamilton Diocesan web site at The questionnaire seeks information from the faithful on the content of the Lineamenta, which is the working document for the upcoming Synod. It can be completed on line, or printed and faxed or mailed to the Family Ministry Office. The deadline for th submission is February 27 . The information being gathered will provide essential input to the Bishops as they prepare for the Synod. Please consider engaging in this process in one or both of the ways provided. For further information contact Teresa Hartnett at 905-528-7988 ext. 2250 or [email protected]. EASTER MEMORIAL FLOWER INTENTIONS We remember those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith this Easter. Donations are accepted for the purchase of flowers for the church in this Easter season. Simply complete the form, place it in an envelope marked “Easter Flowers” and deposit it in the collection basket th or bring it to the parish office no later than March 25 . RETROUVAILLE WEEKEND A Lifeline for Marriage – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about, or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on March 13-15 in Niagara Falls please call (905) 6645212 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2015? If you are, you are cordially invited to join couples from across the Diocese of Hamilton for a Wedding Anniversary Mass th on Sunday, June 7 , 2015 at the Cathedral of Christ the King at 1:30 pm. Please refer to the poster in the lobby of the church for information on how to register for the celebration. CWL REMINDER Do you know of a CWL member who is ill or is facing a hospital stay and would appreciate a visit? Contact any CWL member or notify Mary Anstett (519) 759-3688. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT – February 22, 2015 DIOCESAN PRAYER CALENDAR YOUTH MINISTRY CORNER Monday, Feb. 23 Rev. Boniface D’Souza, O.C.D. Tuesday, Feb. 24 Rev. Peter Meyer Wednesday, Feb. 25 Discalced Carmelite Nuns (O.C.D.) Thursday, Feb. 26 Rev. Michael King Friday, Feb. 27 Rev. Bradley Markus Saturday, Feb. 28 Rev. Joseph de Viveiros, C.R. UPCOMING YOUTH PROGRAMMING YOUTH MINISTRY ROCKS! The St Pius X Youth Ministry program welcomes all young people in grades 6 and up to join us on our annual rock climbing th trip on Saturday, March 7 to Gravity Climbing Gym in Hamilton, Ontario. We will meet in the church hall at 6:00 pm. Pick up from the hall is at 9:45 pm. The cost of the trip is $25.00 per climber. To register, or for more details, please contact Andrew Beach at [email protected]. Permission forms are available on the Youth Ministry website. All permission forms, including release forms, are due in by th the end of day on Wednesday, March 4 . FIRST COMMUNION MEETING Remember, there is a meeting for parents and children this th Tuesday, February 24 at 7:00 p.m. First Communion preparation books will be handed out at this meeting. VBS LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS Are you in grade 6 or above? Are you interested in working with children aged 5 to 11? Do you have talents – like singing, dancing, acting, set design, painting, public speaking, etc. – that you’d like to put to good use this summer? Do you have a connection with your faith life, or are you looking to grow in faith and knowledge? Consider whether you might be suited as a Vacation Bible School th volunteer. Applications will be available April 28 . Contact Andrew Beach for more information. COME AND SEE WEEKEND St Peter Seminary in London is hosting a Come and See Weekend offering a special opportunity for men considering a vocation to diocesan priesthood to reflect on the call of God in their lives, immerse themselves in Seminary life, and interact with seminarians who can share and witness from personal experience. The weekend is th th March 6 to 8 at St Peter Seminary beginning with registration on the Friday evening between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and concluding with lunch on Sunday afternoon. The weekend is open to men who are in grade 12 and older. Please feel free to contact Father Kuzma at the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Hamilton at for further information or to register as a participant. LENTEN DAY OF PRAYER Join the Sisters of Social Service, 11 Perthshire Court, th Hamilton on Friday, February 27 form 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for a Lenten Day of Prayer. Bring a bag lunch….Tea & coffee provided. To Register: please call or e-mail 905-388-3966 or e-mail: [email protected] PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED In your charity, please remember in your prayers: Paul Bell, son of Helen Burt; Margaret Szabo, aunt of Joseph Kupinszky. May they rest in the peace of Christ and rejoice in the glory of Heaven. WELCOME TO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY We welcome the following children to the household of faith through the waters of Baptism: Isabelle Jacqueline Michalski; Joshua Patrick Michalski; Zachary Daniel Jack Michalski; Keira Christina Diane Polidori; Emily Catherine Swan; Lily Ann Joyce Eberth and Ava Lynn Elizabeth Swanson. Let us pray that they will continue to grow in faith. COME AWAY AND PRAY FOR AWHILE All interested women are invited to join the Sisters of St Joseph at the Motherhouse, 574 Northcliffe Avenue, th Hamilton, on Saturday, February 28 from 9:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The day will include Mass, a short talk, time for prayer and reflection. Lunch is included. Suggested contribution is $20. Please call 905-5280138 for directions or to register by February 22, 2015. Looking forward to seeing you! PERSONS SEPARATED AND DIVORCED LEARNING TO COPE (Level 1) is a ten week support rd program starting Tuesday, March 3 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton. The program is for persons experiencing difficulties as a result of a separation or divorce. For more information, please contact the Family Ministry Office at (905) 528-7988, ext. 2249. Cost: $35. Past participants are welcome to inquire about further Levels programs starting the same week. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE MEETING The next meeting of the Catholic Women’s th League will be on Thursday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. The guest speaker will be PC Margaret Couch. The theme is “Spring Refresh”. Women and men are welcome to this evening about health and fitness for seniors. You will need to bring a can of soup for weight training. We are hoping for this evening to be well attended.
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