OLM Weekly Page 1 February 22, 2015 We come together as a community of faith to celebrate with praise and joy! Pastoral Team Office Support Staff Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas C. Costa Rectory Secretary Associate Pastors Sister Eileen Lawlor Ms. Joyce Amoroso Rev. Martin L. Klein, Ret. Rev. Patrick J. T. Grace Rev. Nasir Gulfam—In Res. School Secretary Mrs. Janet Vassallo Pastor Emeritus Religious Ed Secretary Rev. Msgr. James E. Boesel Mrs. Cathy Basso Deacon Michael Devenney Pastoral Council Members School Principal Raymond Badra Nick Perrotta Timothy Snee Donna Varney To contact: [email protected] Mrs. Jane Harrigan Sister Jeannine Toppin, Assistant Principal Sister Joanne Deegan, Principal Emerita + Director of Liturgy & Music Mr. Paul Eschenauer Director of Religious Education Mrs. Joanne Kolasa Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Kevin Kwasnik Parish Finance Committee John Beaudette (Chairperson) Daniel Pisani (Trustee) Joseph Vacca (Trustee) Carmine Serravalli (Business Mgr.) Lorraine & Fred Anderson Richard Faccio, Jr. Timothy Snee Director of Parish Services Mrs. Mary Anne Scott + Maintenance Staff Business Manager Mr. Larry Burns Mr. Kevin McAvoy Mr. David Mullan Mr. Carmine Serravalli Building & Maintenance Director Mr. Timothy Snee Rectory Cook Michelina Gambale Convent Cook Susan Bennett Rectory School Religious Ed. 931-4351 FAX 433-8702 433-7040 433-8286 681-1228 681-1527 Youth Ministry 935-2444 Email contact: [email protected] Parish Services 931-1306 OLM Weekly Page 2 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us February 22, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 3 February 22, 2015 Masses for the Week Monday, February 23rd Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 7:00 AM John J. O’Rourke 8:00 AM John Broderick 9:00 AM Alois Finn Loving Memory – Rest In Peace the unborn and the victims of natural disasters throughout our country and the world. Tuesday, February 24th Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 7:00 AM Juliette Exilhomme & Fam. 8:00 AM Joseph Durante 9:00 AM Frank Gibaldi (1Ann) Wednesday, February 25th Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11: 29-32 7:00 AM Rose Loguercio 8:00 AM Gerald Zuk 9:00 AM Stella Maris Grace Thursday, February 26th Est C:12, 14-16,23-25/Mt 7:7-12 7:00 AM Sr. Mary Kieran, RSM 8:00 AM Thomas Kennedy 9:00 AM Peter Morley Friday, February 27th Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 7:00 AM Heenan & Holzapple Fams 8:00 AM Edward Doll 9:00 AM Mary Licata Saturday, February 28th Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 8:00 AM Nancy O’Grady Joan Vacca John Broderick Geatano Abbatiello Desa Bogovic Remember Our Sick: Zachary Vitti, Sister Maureen Gregory, Barbara Stalter, Inf. Nicolo Michelli, Inf. Bradley Kevin Nees, Fr. Marty Klein, Kathryn Posch, Daniel Coppola, Gayle Callegario, Terry Whall, Jack Costa, John Lombardi, Michael Kiesel, Gayle Cauegario, Alexander Lamparter, Joseph Curran, Deacon Michael Devenney, Muriel McMahon, Jan White, Margaret Dunleavy, Thomas Cimino, Linda, Angela Becella, Michael Posch, Loretta Brown, Dottie Mistretta, Augusto Cesar Miranda, Pamela Moore, Elizabeth Mullan, James Fitzsimmons Long Term Illness: Please pray for our war casualties, all our sick, their caretakers, especially Msgr. James Boesel, Sr. Joanne Deegan, JoAnn Mackin, Ryan Sullivan, Inf. Kendall White, Lynn Klein, James Fisher, Christopher Cucci, Donald Fournier, Theresa Blackshaw and all homebound and in nursing homes Banns of Marriage 4:30 PM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Sunday, March 1st Gn 22: 1-2/9a,10-13,15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10 7:30 AM Frank Bibaldi (1Ann) 9:00 AM Andrew Oreste 10:30 AM Constance Hart 12:00 AM Sophia & Craig Schultz 5:30 PM Paul Magliocco Second Time: Michael Vincent Rapisarda OLM and Jennifer Nicollo - Norte Dame, New Hyde Park WEEK OF FEB 22nd TO FEB 28th, 2015 L.C. Sanctuary Lamp In Memory of Joseph W. Amoroso Donated By Amoroso Family Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 4 February 22, 2015 SPECIAL HOLY WEEK SERVICES 2015 PALM SUNDAY LORD’S PASSION SATURDAY MARCH 28TH Upper Church - 4:30 PM PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH Upper Church - 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon and 5:30 PM Lower Church - 12:00 Noon Monday March 30th Confessions - 3:00 to 9:00 PM WEDNESDAY APRIL 1ST Confessions - 7:30 to 9:00 PM GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 3RD NO MORNING MASS Morning Prayer - 9 AM Confessions - 9:30 to 10:30 AM Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Communion at 3:00 PM Stations of the Cross - 7:30 PM HOLY SATURDAY APRIL 4TH NO MORNING MASS Morning Prayer - 9:00 AM Blessing of the Easter Food - 9:30 AM NO 4:30 PM MASS RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST EASTER SUNDAY HOLY THURSDAY APRIL 2ND NO MORNING MASS Morning Prayer - 9:00 AM Concelebrated Mass of the Lord’s Supper At 7:30 PM followed by Procession and Adoration until 11:00 PM SATURDAY APRIL 4TH Blessing of the New Fire and Easter Vigil - 8:00 PM SUNDAY APRIL 5TH Upper Church - 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:00 Noon Lower Church - 10:30AM, 12:00 Noon THERE IS NO 5:30 PM MASS STATIONS OF THE CROSS EVERY FRIDAY AT 9:30 AM IN UPPER CHURCH & 7:30 PM IN OUR LADY;S CHAPEL Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 5 February 22, 2015 On Stewardship Spirituality Accountability Sacrificial Giving Offertory Weekly Offering for: February 15, 2015: $13,200 February 16, 2014: $11,343* ~~~ ~ *snowstorm! On Stewardship “This prefigured baptism which saves you now is not a removal of dirt from the body, but an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”—1 Peter 3:21 Pray. Fast. Give. It is the call of the universal Church for each of us to participate in Lent—to be stewards of God’s great gifts. Pray for the people of our world. Fast from those things that leave us indifferent to the plight of others. Give of your treasure, as well as your time and talents, in order to build His Kingdom here on earth. These are among the pillars of stewardship. Read and hear the message of Pope Francis—that “all those places where the Church is present… may become islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference!” Without Baptism, you would not A Disciple’s Response: Living Your Baptismal Promise have the gift of The spirituality of Stewardship begins with a sense of identity; with the Faith. truth that we are created in the image and likeness of God. And not just that we were created by God, but for God. All that we are and all that we have are from God. In Baptism, we are called by name to Jesus, as his own. Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ leads naturally to the practice of Stewardship Spirituality. These linked realities, discipleship and Stewardship Spirituality, then make up the fabric of a Christian life in which each day is lived in an intimate, personal relationship with our Lord. The sacrament of Baptism calls Christians to a lifelong vocation of discipleship as children of God, made in his image and likeness. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we are called as disciples to follow Jesus to grow in holiness by the graces God showers upon us. As recipients of God’s loving grace, our hearts leap with gratitude. “How can I repay the Lord for Make the commitment! all the good He has done for me?” (Psalm 116:12) Belong More Deeply From Stewardship, A Disciple’s Response and The Pillars of Parish Stewardship. ~Contact us at [email protected] for more on Stewardship! This Lent you are encouraged to raise up the needs of the world in prayer, to sacrifice by fasting material wants, and to give your time, talent and treasure as good stewards of the gifts God has given you. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us Stewardship Living OLM Weekly Page 6 February 22, 2015 The Celebration of the Sacraments Celebrations of the Eucharist: Saturday: Sunday: Italian Mass: Family Mass: Weekdays: 8:00 AM & 4:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM 8:45 AM, 2nd Sunday of Each Month 10:30 AM 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 AM Mon., Wed. & Fri. 7:00, 9:00 AM Tues. & Thurs. Rosary after 9:00 AM Mass First Fridays: 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00 AM Adoration 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Holydays: 5:00 PM the evening before 7:00 & 9:00 AM, 12 Noon & 7:30 PM Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:15 PM and Eve of Holydays 4:00-5:00 PM in the Church Anytime by appointment-please call and speak with a priest. On Becoming A Catholic: R.C.I.A. welcomes those interested in becoming a Catholic and/or anyone seeking to further their education in the Catholic Faith. Please leave your name and telephone number at the Rectory Office. Parish Membership: All new families and individuals are welcome to our parish. We request that you register in the rectory when you move into our community so that we can be of service to you. Our parish family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. The priests and ministers are here to serve your needs, to share your joy, and to help lighten your burdens. Sacrament of Baptism: Communal Celebrations of Baptism are on the second and last Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. All arrangements for Baptism must be made at the rectory. Sacrament of Marriage: The Sacrament is celebrated on: Fridays: to be arranged. Saturdays: l0:30 AM, l2:30 and 2:30PM Sundays: to be arranged. Arrangements must be made by personal appointment with one of the priests. Couples should make an appointment with the priest at least six months to a year in advance of the marriage date. Nuptial Masses as well as ceremonies are available on Friday and Saturday. Ceremonies only are available on Sunday. Pre Cana-OLM Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Program, is offered twice a year in the Fall and early Spring. Please inquire in the Rectory for dates. Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament for the seriously ill and elderly can be arranged by contacting one of the priests or at any time in an emergency. The Sacrament is also celebrated communally during the year. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: Parish priests and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist regularly visit those who are ill or homebound. Please call the rectory to arrange for home visitation. Rectory Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:00-11:30 AM, 1:00-4:30 PM, 7:00-9:00 PM, Sunday: 9:00-3:00 PM OLM Weekly Page 7 February 22, 2015 Organizations New members are always welcome! Music Ministries: OLM Adult Chamber Choir: Meets Tuesday afternoons at 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the Upper Church. OLM Children’s Choir: Meets Wednesday afternoons at 2:45-3:30 PM or 3:30-4:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. OLM Folk Group: Meets Sundays after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Lower Church. OLM Rock Group: Meets Monday evenings at 8-l0 PM in the Upper Church. Parish Organizations: Columbiettes: OLM Joseph F. Lamb 5723 meets on 2nd. Thursday of the month in the School Cafeteria. For information contact Agnes Peck, President 827-1297. Hicksville/OLM Senior Club: Meets on Mondays 11:00AM-3 PM at the Bethpage Senior Center. For information contact Joan at 938-4261. Holy Name Society: Corporate Mass and Communion on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM Mass. Membership meetings on the following Monday at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room. Phone: (516) 405-OHNS (0467). Email: [email protected] Web: www.olmholyname.org Knights of Columbus: The Our Lady of Mercy Joseph F. Lamb Council # 5723 Knights of Columbus meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM in the School Cafeteria. For information contact Mike Trimarco, Grand Knight, at 938-6067. Angels of Mercy: Meet on every third Thursday of the month starting January 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM in Our Lady’s Chapel. For more information please call Angela Manzi - 938-8106 or [email protected] Legion of Mary: Meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Lower Church. First Saturday Fatima Devotions: 7:40 AM. OLM Youth Council: Council for parish sports. Contact Chris Mistron, President at (516) 753-9890 Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of Month - 8 to 10 PM Lower Church. Prayer Group: Prayer meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church. Rosary Altar Society: Meets quarterly at 7:00 PM in the School Auditorium. See column for additional info. St. Vincent de Paul Society: Contact the Rectory for information (931-4351). The Men of St. Joseph: Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Lower Church Meeting Room. Thrift Boutique: Mon-Sat 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM located in The Trailer Building Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous Groups: First Things First: Our Own Group: Al-Anon: Open Meeting every Friday: 8:00-9:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Sunday: 7:00-8:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Monday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Step Meeting every Thursday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Adult Children meet on Friday evenings: 7:30-10:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. Emotions Anonymous: Families Anonymous: Meets on Thursdays at 8-10 PM in the Convent Basement. Meets on Wednesdays at 7:30-9:30 PM. Convent Basement. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 8 February 22, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 9 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us February 22, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 10 February 22, 2015 Schedule for Weekend of February 21ST, - February 22ND, 2015 Presider Fr. Nasia G. Fr. P. Grace Msgr. Costa Fr. Nasia G. Feb 21-22 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Altar Ser Sunny LoGalbo Fr. P. Grace Msgr. Costa 12:00 PM 5:30 PM William LeHane Samantha Napoli Brendan Graney Alex Ross Christopher Rios Marco Mastrandrea A. Montalbano Victoria Pelliccia Christine Lupo LukePojero Michael Tuozzo A. Piergiovanni Nicholas Roveto Sabrina Colon A. DeGennaro Gavin Cunningham Maeve DeGennaro Greg Boruch Maria Baldwin Johnny Burns Justin Rios ----------------------------------------- Lector 1 Dennis Lyons Loretta Rinaldo Suzanne McCarthy Jennifer Roveto Tyler Murphy Philip Lauto Lector 2 Michael Fucci ------------------- Joseph Mistron Angela Manzi Julia Barrow -------------------- Maria Mangibin Tom Znack Steven Roveto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amy Abraham John Beaudette Kathleen Beaudette -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EM 2 Catherine Murray EM 3 Kelly Lyons EM 4 James Lyons EM Cup 1 --------------------EM Cup 2 -------------------EM Cup 3 --------------------EM Cup 4 --------------------- Peggyanne Shaw Arlene Unverzagt Meghan Kingsley ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIGHT TO LIFE By:Joseph Backholm/Lifenews.com Christine Koopmann Roger Koopmann Francine DeAgresta --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washington State Committee Will Hold Hearing on Bill for Parental Notification on Abortion Continued from last week: Opponents of the bill claim that Parental notification endangers girls whose parents might become abusive when they learn their daughter is pregnant. They say the girl should decide what her parents know. They assume that in crisis you can trust the judgment of the typical pregnant 15-year old better that the judgment of the typical parent. While it is understandable why a girl would not want to tell her parents, it is equally understandable why it would be good for her parents to know despite the child’s reservations. Acknowledging that there are too many abusive parents in the world, it is an insult to every parent in Washington that the abortion industry and their allies in the legislature act as though they have a duty to protect our daughters from us. By requiring parental notification, this bill acknowledges that it is generally a good thing for parents to know what is going on with their children. However, it also contains a judicial bypass provision which would allow a judge to waive the parental notification requirement in the minority of cases in which a child actually could be in danger. It protects those truly at risk without assuming every parent is a danger. That’s what rational public policy should do. The possibility that parents might respond poorly to news that their daughter is pregnant is an argument for keeping parents out of every decision. After all, parents might also respond poorly to news that their child has committed a crime or received bad grades in school. But for good reason, we still tell them. The argument that we should favor keeping parents in the dark in order to protect the children is incoherent. That incoherence exposes the fact that the more likely explanation has much more to do with money the abortion industry makes off of children which eventually finds its way to political campaigns. Parental notification is not an issue about abortion. It is an issue about parental rights and the well-being of our daughters. It is a disagreement between politicians who pretend they care more about our children than we do and the parents who know better. On Monday February 2nd, there was a hearing in the John A. Cherberg building on the capital campus. The hearing room was full, even if they did not wish to testify, there presence communicates the injustice of this issue to legislators who have dragging their heels for years on this issue. They ask that you please call your legislators to share your thoughts on this issue. You can call your legislators directly or through the legislative at 1-800-562-6000. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 11 February 22, 2015 Our Lady of Mercy Religious Education News Religious Education Registration: Re-registration forms will be mailed home soon; every child must re-register in order to be placed in a class for the 2014-2015 School year. Please complete and return the form; along with your family’s tuition fee. Registrations will be accepted Saturday mornings from 9:30am to 12:00pm March 14 & 28, April 18 & 25 and May 2. In addition, Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:15pm March 18 &25 and April 15, 22, & 29. Registrations may also be mailed to the Religious Education Office. DO NOT DELAY IN REGISTERING YOUR CHILD. TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN HIS/HER NOT BEING PLACED IN CLASS. Children entering the 1st Grade in September must attend Religious Education classes in order for them to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion in Second Grade — this is a two-year preparation. Also, children entering the 7th Grade in September must attend Religious Education classes in order for them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Eighth Grade — this is a two-year preparation program as well. Registration forms for children new to the Religious Education Program must be accompanied by a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate and the family must be registered, participating and financially contributing members of Our Lady of Mercy Parish. All registrations must be received no later than Friday, June20th to allot enough time to set up classes. Important Dates February 25: Regular classes for Grades 6-8 and Special Education. February 28: Regular classes for Kindergarten & Grades 1-5. March 04: Regular classes for Grades 6-8 and Special Education. March 10: First Eucharist Parents’ Meeting (children do not attend) at 7:00pm in the Church. Religious Articles will be on sale in the Lobby of the Church and First Eucharist Banners will be distributed to parents. All parents of First Communicants must attend. FIRST EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION Important information regarding the reception of Confirmation and First Eucharist has been mailed to the parents of children receiving either of these Sacraments. PLEASE LOOK FOR THIS MAIL, AND CAREFULLY READ THE SCHEDULE FOR REHEARSALS. THE PARENTS OF FIRST COMMUNICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE FORM THAT IS ENCLOSED AND RETURN IT TO THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE ASAP. Religious Ed. Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs. 9:00am-12:00noon, 1:00pm-4:00pm Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 12 February 22, 2015 Parish Services Serving with Mercy Mary Anne Scott Lenten Reflection Father in Heaven, your Son, Jesus Christ, still carries His Cross in His Persecuted brothers and sisters throughout the world. Make us feel the needs of all persons so that we might as readily help them as we would help Jesus himself. Amen. Lent begins this Wednesday, February 18. Some Lenten activities to consider: Prepare a simple Easter basket of candy or treats for a child served by our food pantry. If you plan to donate a basket, please call Parish Services to let us know. No unwrapped candy in the baskets please. Baskets should be dropped off to Parish Services by March 19. Make an Easter card for a homebound or hospitalized senior to let them know they have not been forgotten. Children should not sign the card with their name but should sign Our Lady of Mercy Parish or the name of their class or group. Cards should be delivered to Parish Services or the Rectory by March 23. Include one extra item for the food pantry in your weekly shopping. Place your extra change in the poor boxes (OLM St. Vincent DePaul and parish Services share these donations to serve our neighbors in need). Pray for our neighbors who need support and strength as they struggle with unemployment, physical or mental disabilities, serious illness, family conflicts or homelessness. Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted. MT 5:4 Bereavement Support Group at OLM Starting Thursday, March 12 4-5:15pm Lower Church Meeting Room This 10 week bereavement support group is designed to assist the newly bereaved learn about the grief process, develop skills to manage their grief and learn to live in a world without the deceased. The group is led by trained facilitators under the guidance of Dr. Lou Sabatini, a professional bereavement counselor with over 25 years experience. Interested individuals should contact Parish Services at 9311306 for a registration form. There is a one-time registration fee of $20. Emergency Heating Assistance Programs If you have a heating emergency-1/4 tank of oil or termination notice for gas or electricity– and no means to pay for the fuel, you may be eligible for help from HEAP or Project Warmth. Even if you think you would not meet income guidelines, since there are no income guidelines for Project Warmth you might be eligible for help. Call our office for more information. Food Pantry needs: Crackers, cereal and soap. *Pantry open Sat., Feb. 28 9:30-11:30am. Parish Services 931-1306 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30AM-12:00PM, 1:00-4:30PM Pantry Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30-3:30PM Wednesday & Friday 9:30-11:30AM Last Saturday of month 9:30-11:30AM—call to confirm date Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 13 February 22, 2015 SUPER BONANZA WINNERS 2015 OUR LADY OF MERCY We are pleased to announce the following winners: Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb 12, - $25. 13, - $25. 14, - $25. 15 - $25. 16, - $25. 17, - $25. 18, - $25. Laura Vianello William Cataldo Leonard Grancio Tom & Pat Lagnese William Stamm Julianna Lunt David & Gina Sepulveda - Syosset - Hicksville - Plainview - Bethpage - Plainview - Plainview - Bethpage Congratulations to the winners, your ticket has been returned to the drum, and you have many more opportunities to win. Checks are being mailed to our winners this week. GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ……….. At just $25 per ticket. Buy one for your spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, godparents, nieces, nephews and friends. You can sell them to your co-workers, neighbors, friends, relatives, mailperson, mechanics, etc; for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Everyday of the week for 52 weeks of 2015, your ticket has an opportunity to win a prize of $25 or $100, $500, $750 or $800. on special events days. White entry cards and the orange gift cards are available on the windowsills of the church as well as at the rectory for your convenience. YOU GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 14 February 22, 2015 SUPERMARKET GIFT CERTIFICATES Thank You! All Rosarians and Ladies of OLM: Kindly continue to pray the rosary. PANTRY NEEDS: Crackers, cereal and soap. Thank you. La Santa Messa in Italiano Siamo lieti de annunciare che la prossima celebrazione della S. Messa in lingua italiana sará Domenica il 8 marzo alle 8:45AM nella Capella della Madonna nella chiesa infe‐ rior. Passa la parola ai vostri amici e par‐ enti chi parlono italiano, e speriamo di fa’ crescere la nostra communitá italiana. To All Parishioners: GIFT CERTIFICATES may be purchased every weekend after Saturday evening and Sunday Masses and also in the rectory during the week during regular office hours. Sales this past week were $2500.00, of this the Parish earned $125.00, If you do not use supermarket dollars, please give it a try! Ask those who use it, how convenient it is! Unclaimed Supermarket Gift Ticket as of: 2-17-2015 *398948 2/17/15 * Won By: N. DeGennaro GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY CELEBRATION Brownies through Ambassador girl Scouts are invited to the Parish Girl Scout Sunday Celebration on Sunday, March 8th, 2015 at the 10:30 Mass. Join with your sister scouts to thank God for being a Girl Scout. All Girl Scouts should wear their vest or sash and meet in the vestibule of the church at 10:15 AM. A breakfast will follow after Mass. All Girl Scouts who attend will receive a Girl Scout Sunday Patch Payable the day of Mass. For information, call Nancy Heuser, Parish girl scout coordinator @ 433-1469 WE WANT YOUR BOXTOPS!! Our Lady of Mercy School collects Box Tops year round to help support our education needs. Collection bins are in the church for you to conveniently drop off your box tops when you come to mass. Please continue to bring in your box tops from the products you use at home or office. We appreciate your continued support for our school! For more information visit: www.btfe.com We recently received a check for $1,458.00 for the Box Top that you sent in, Please keep them coming. THANK YOU! Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 15 Please Remember in Prayer the following parishioners currently serving in the armed forces: For those service members who are no longer serving in the military, please advise the Rectory Office at 931-4351 so we may remove the name. Pfc. Matthew Austin, USMC Pfc. Thomas Austin, USA ABH3 Ryan J. Ayers, USN Lt. Col. James Benson, USA Maj. Vanessa Benson, USA Staff Sgt. Jason E. Bond, USA Maj. Sean Carroll, USMC Jason Cirillo, USN Sgt. F.C. Manuel Collantes, USA Maj. Ralph A. DePalma Jr., USAF MMFN Patrick Fallon, USN Gen. John Ferrari, USA Sgt. Richard Flanagan, USA Capt. Christopher L. Grady, USAF Lt. Michael Hearon, USN Sgt. Ryan Hoey, USA Pfc. Christopher Hosein, USMC Sgt. Charles L. Ihrig, USMC Sgt. Thomas M. Ihrig, USMC 1st Lt. David Jacobs, USA Brian R. LaNasa, USN Staff Sgt. Andrew Masin, USA Maj. Edward Michael O’Connell, USA FC Jeff Odom USAF Pfc. Sean Oliva, USA SrA Dion Charles Paragas, USAF Pfc. Joseph Raffoni, USA Staff Sgt. Richard J. Skelly, USAF Cpl. Jason Tulowitzski, USMC Lt. Col. Michael A. Zaccardo, USAF February 22, 2015 PRAYER FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD As we live daily enjoying the freedom of this country, many loved ones are giving themselves with unselfish love in places of perilous action. Lord, hold in your loving hands our troops and all those who try to respond to the needs of the less fortunate throughout the world. Bless them and their families for the unselfish acts they perform as they attempt to alleviate many global concerns. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. AMEN. First Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel, Jesus overcome the temptations to wealth, power and esteem. As we begin Lent, may we open our hearts to the grace of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist families, providing in food, for utility, rent and other bills. God Bless You! At just $25.00 per ticket, the Super Bonanza is the perfect gift. We will have them for Christmas or (Hanukkah), Birthday, Anniversaries, Confirmations, Communions, Retirements, Grandparents Day, Groundhog Day, Arbor Day or just because you care! We will also have them available after Mass and at the Rectory Office During regular business hours. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 16 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us February 22, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 17 February 22, 2015 Fr. Kevin Cronin, OFM will be Conducting this Retreat. On Feb 23,24,25, 2015 at 9:00AM & 7:30PM - in OUR LADY’S CHAPEL Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 18 February 22, 2015 OLM THRIFT BOUTIQUE Half Price Clearance Sale Everything Half Price Sale Great Clothing buys, gently used! Except Religious Articles. **DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER WE HAVE EXTENDED THE SALE** * February 17th, Tuesday through Saturday February 28th. * Time 9:30 AM to 1 PM - All Sales Are Final Call Boutique at 516-965-3340 Our Lady of Mercy 500 S. Oyster Bay Rd Hicksville Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 19 February 22, 2015 MAKE CHECK OUT TO (Our Lady of Mercy or HNS) THANK YOU Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 20 February 22, 2015 Our Lady of Mercy Holy Name Society Presents Movies of Faith Fridays with the Saints Friday Evenings 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room Feb 20: Edith Stein: the Seventh Chamber The true story of the Jewish female philosopher who became a Catholic and a Carmelite nun and who was martyred in Auschwitz in 1942. Starring Maia Morgenstern (Color: 100 min.) March 20: The Good Pope: John XXIII The true story of Giuseppe Roncalli, Pope John XXIII, the Pope who convened the Second Vatican Council and won the hearts of people all over the world. Starring Bob Hoskins (color, 180 min.) April 17: The Fourth Wise Man The fictional story of Artaban, a fourth Magi, who with his faithful servant Orantes searches for the Messiah for 33 years, finally encountering him on Easter Sunday. starring Martin Sheen, Alan Arkin, Eileen Brennan (color 72 min.) May 22: The Jewish Cardinal The amazing true story of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, Archbishop of Parish, son of Polish Jewish parents and convert to the faith. Starring Laurent Lucas (color, 100 min.) June 19: Saint Anthony The first feature length dramatic film on the life of Saint Anthony of Padua, born in Lisbon and a follower of St Francis of Assisi. Starring Daniele Liootto, Enrico Brignano (color, 95 min.) Compliments of the Holy Name Society there will be free candy, popcorn and beverages. All of these movies are good for the entire family. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 21 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us February 22, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 22 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us February 22, 2015
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