Our Lady of Mercy Church Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Charles P. Granstrand, Pastor Rev. Robert T. Ulak, Parochial Vicar Rev. Msgr. James C. Turro (Weekends) Rev. Msgr. Carl D. Hinrichsen (In Residence) Rev. John Chadwick (Weekends) Joseph Romano, Deacon Gary Tankard, Deacon John Rokoszak, Pastoral Associate Debra Wyka, Minister of Music Amy Ballanco, Religious Education Coordinator Jennifer Kavanagh, Youth Minister Donna Quinn, Business Manager RECONCILIATION Saturday: 9-9:30AM & 1-1:30PM Monday: 7-7:30PM MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 5:30PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, 12:30PM Daily: 6:30AM, 8:30AM Saturday: 8:30AM BAPTISM The Sacrament is celebrated one Sunday every month. Parents should contact the rectory prior to the birth of their child for dates of Baptism Preparation Sessions. MARRIAGE Couples planning to be married should contact the rectory at least ONE YEAR PRIOR to the wedding date. Rectory Websites School 201-391-5315 UROLM.org 201-391-3838 2 Fremont Ave. OLMAcademy.org SCHOOL Our Lady of Mercy Academy 2011 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence 25 Fremont Avenue, Park Ridge, NJ 07656 Laraine Meehan, Principal CATECHETICAL MINISTRY Grades K-6: 4-5PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Grades 7-8: 3:45-5:15PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Catechetical Center 201-391-3590 201-802-1771 Music Minister E-Mail 201-358-2994 [email protected] [email protected] OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady of Mercy Parish is a Catholic community that worships God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, celebrating Mass, proclaiming the Gospel Message and uniting in prayer. We strive to welcome all and to educate ourselves and others in the Good News of Jesus Christ. We support one another in times of joy and sadness and attempt to serve each other by reaching out to those in need in our community and beyond. We are imperfect people on a journey. Our goal is that the life of each person leads to the Lord. MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 5:30 John Kashickey, Sr. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/ 1 Cor 6: 13c-15a, 17-20/ Jn 1: 35-42 7:30 People of the Parish 9:30 Daniel & Gertrude Clements 11:00 Donald & Kathleen Tonner 12:30 Maureen Ferguson LET US PRAY In your love and kindness please pray for the sick especially: Ella Gamble, Brian Long, Colleen Strabone, Fr. Peter Funesti, Lek Nikolla, Teresa Hurd, Patricia McGowan, Violet Squellante, Vincenzina Mazza, Claire Mangieri, Henry Dong, and Joseph D’Angelo. Please also remember the deceased of our parish and their families, especially: Angela Malara, George Roy, Patricia Eichenlaub, Gertrude Dukes, Michael Pansini, Margaret Pusterla, Stephen Asanio, Carol Iatarelli, and Kenneth Hoppe, Sr. Martin Luther King, Jr. MONDAY, JANUARY 19 Heb 5: 1-10/ Mk 2: 18-22 8:30 Ralph & Ferdinando Forcellati Please join with us in praying one OUR FATHER per day for all those who have no one to pray for them. St. Fabian & St. Sebastian TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 Heb 6: 10-20/ Mk 2: 23-28 6:30 Kathleen V. McNicholas 8:30 Catherine Vaccaro THE SANCTUARY LAMPS burn this week in memory of: Albin Frenzel, Betty Finnegan and for a Special Intention. St. Agnes WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 Heb 7: 1-3, 15-17/ Mk 3: 1-6 6:30 John Johnson 8:30 John Johnson 2pm Mass at the Plaza Regency for a Special Intention Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 Heb 7: 25—8: 6/ Mk 3: 7-12 6:30 Patricia Hinspeter 8:30 John Johnson St. Vincent & St. Marianne Cope FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 Heb 8: 6-13/ Mk 3: 13-19 6:30 Nancy Lovett 8:30 John Shanahan If you would like more information about reserving a Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one or for a Special Intention, please call the rectory office at 201-391-5315. GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING – Tithing Christmas Collection to date: $109,434 Last Sunday’s Collection: $ 17,453 Last Year’s Collection: $ 17,613 Tithing is God’s plan to support His Church. Full tithing means 10% of gross income to God. We ask half of this, or 5%, for your Parish church. The other 5% goes to your favorite charities. SCRIPTURE SHARING GROUP with Deacon Gary Meets every Monday after the 8:30am Mass in the Gathering Space. As has been the custom, the scripture reading of the Mass of the day will be used. All are welcome. St. Francis de Sales SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 Heb 9: 2-3, 11-14/ Mk 3: 20-21 8:30 Rudy Schemitz 5:30 Rose Aiello THE FAMILY OF GOD PRAYER GROUP meets every Tuesday at 7:30PM in the chapel to praise God and pray for special intentions. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Jon 3: 1-5, 10/ 1 Cor 7: 29-31/ Mk 1: 14-20 7:30 Ed Feddock 9:30 People of the Parish 11:00 Caroline Miller 12:30 Patrick & Kathleen Lavelle THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA will be recited each Saturday in the Sacred Heart Chapel immediately following the 8:30AM Mass. ABUNDANT LIFE PRAYER GROUP meets Thursday mornings at 9:30am in the Chapel. THE RECTORY OFFICE will be closed Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There is one Mass, 8:30AM and no scheduled confessions will be heard. PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, At the 12:30 Mass on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord a great number of the families with young children preparing for their first Holy Communion came to take part in a ceremony of Enrollment. It was good to see so many young children with their families and filling all the front pews on every side. Father Turro and Deacon Joe led the celebration of the Eucharist and during the Eucharistic Prayer itself all the children were invited forward to gather around the altar. It was beautiful to see this youthful and respectful presence. I thank Amy Ballanco and Diane Manzione and their helpers for coordinating this special event and the delightful reception afterward in the Gathering Space. Please pray for these children as they prepare for their special days after Easter. I am also happy to welcome Father Bill McDonald to celebrate our monthly Mass in Spanish this Sunday. Father Bill is a friend from my days as a member of the formation faculty of the North American College. Bill then was studying for the priesthood and is now a priest of the Diocese of Stockton in California. This year he is helping out at our Seminary of the Immaculate Conception on the campus of Seton Hall University. I am glad he is helping me out while I am away, but I wish I could see him in action at Our Lady of Mercy. Peace in the Lord, The next installment of our Discovering Christ series, Following Christ is scheduled to begin on Thursday, February 12th at 7:30pm—9:30pm in the Lower Gathering Space. All those who have participated in the Discovering Christ series are invited to attend. The format of each Thursday night consists of a teaching, dessert break and small group discussion. The dates and topics are: February 12th February 19th February 26th March 5th March 12th March 14th (Sat.) March 19th March 26th Daily Personal Prayer Hearing God in Scripture The Power of the Sacraments Forgiving One Another The Spirit Empowered Life RETREAT DAY The World, the Flesh, and the Devil Advancing the Mission of the Church Celebration Dinner If you are interested, kindly contact our Rectory Staff or email us at [email protected]. As always we look forward to your continued support of Our Lady of Mercy’s evangelization efforts. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Your Servant Is Listening In today’s first reading, Samuel hears the Lord’s voice, but mistakes it for Eli’s. Fortunately, Eli is familiar enough with the ways of the Lord to help Samuel make his response. As we seek the Lord, it is good to have someone like Eli who is familiar with the Lord’s voice. There are many voices that bid us “Follow this way,” and the Lord’s call is not always easy to discern. There are people, too, who would pretend to know the Lord and draw others to themselves rather than to God. Eli could have taken advantage of Samuel’s naïveté and claimed it was he who had summoned Samuel. But Eli claims neither to be God nor to speak for God. Instead, he encourages Samuel to listen for himself. What Are You Looking For? Perhaps the most profound line in all of today’s readings is Jesus’ question of the two disciples who begin to follow him. “What are you looking for?” he asks plainly and directly. Finding the Messiah was partly a matter of what one was looking for. If one lived with the expectation of the Messiah’s coming, there would be a certain alertness, a certain watchfulness to life, and a certain openness to God’s movements. The two disciples had followed John the Baptizer, but as soon as John pointed to Jesus, they were ready to follow him. It has been said that what we find in life is pretty much what we have sought. “What are you looking for?” is a challenging question for each of us to ask of ourselves. Our honest answer to this question can reveal much about our faith and our values. Those who, like Andrew and the other disciple, are looking for the Messiah will find the Messiah, dwelling now, as then, among the people. “Come and see!” Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. THE OLM MASSBOOK for February 2016 is open. If you would like to schedule an intention, please stop by the Rectory Office during Rectory hours: Monday— Friday 9AM—7PM. Saturday 9AM—1PM. Sunday 9AM—-1:30PM (Second notice) BIBLE STUDY—Nocturnal Adorers! Deepen your love for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament by participating in the spring bible study, “The Eucharist In Scripture.” To register and get more information, come to the Gathering Space on the weekend of January 1718 or see the web site. Study begins the week for February 2. OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY HSA will be selling calendar raffles after all Masses in the Gathering Space and Vestibule January 24/25 and 31/February 1. R.C.I.A The group will meet after the 9:30 Mass in the Parish Center on January 25, February 8, March 8, 22, May 3, June 7. For more information, or if you are unable to make a Sunday Session, please contact John Rokoszak at 201-391-3590 or call/text 201-264-6376 or email [email protected] HANDBELL RINGERS NEEDED for Holy Week and Easter. Rehearsals begin in mid February on Tuesdays for adults and children in Grades 6-12. See Debra Wyka, Music Minister for schedule or call 201-358-2994. N.I.C.E. “Liturgy of the Word With Special Needs” SESSIONS CALENDAR 2014-2015 JANUARY 18, 25 FEBRUARY 1, 8, 22 MARCH 1, 8, 15, 22 No sessions on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday APRIL 12, Last Session April is Autism Awareness Month. A resource table will be set up in the Gathering Space. ALL DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. If you are coming for the first time, please call to be sure we are in session and for further instructions. Religious Education Office 201-391-3590 Amy Ballanco/DRE No fee required. Donations accepted. OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence celebrates Catholic education Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service Are you looking for a better education experience for your child? Along with an outstanding Preschool Program, Our Lady of Mercy Academy offers an excellent full day Kindergarten– 4th Grade Primary School Program, a stand alone Grade 5-8 Middle School Program, a Before/After School Program and additional enrichment programs. We follow the curriculum guidelines of the State of New Jersey and the Archdiocese of Newark. Our students' standardized test scores are well above national norms. Catholic Schools Week Open Houses Sunday, January 25th 10:30am – 12:30pm Tuesday, January 27th – Wednesday, January 28th 9:30am-11:00am & 1:00pm-2:00pm Bring your child or come alone. Take a tour of our school and have all your questions answered by members of the Home-School Association. On Tuesday and Wednesday we will have classroom visitation in addition to school tours. Questions? Call the school office at 201.391.3838. Visit our website www.olmacademy.org. THE OLM FALL NEWSLETTER can be viewed on line at www.urolm.org. NEW HOPE, INC.—The all-volunteer staff of New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center sends our heartfelt thanks to the parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Church for their wonderful Advent Tree generosity including $950 of monetary and food cards and piles of baby supplies and books. This enormously helps our outreach services to first time mothers and their babies. Please continue to pray for these needy mothers and for all who minister to them. We, in turn, pray daily for you, our supporters. Blessings! Please contact 201-408-4726 if you wish to volunteer. The Acoustic Café Music Series at OLM is looking forward to our first show of the year on Saturday, January 24th when we welcome critically acclaimed singer/songwriter Ellis Paul! Ellis has won 15 Boston Music awards, has 19 record releases, a documentary film, a book of poems & short stories, an award winning children's book project, as well as songs featured on Hollywood soundtracks. More info about Ellis here:www.ellispaul.com Special guest 17 year old emerging artist Hayley Reardon will open the show. Proceeds benefit the Vallieres, Haiti Scholarship Fund. 8 PM in OLM Academy. Get your tickets now $20 advance online, $22 at the door. www.cafeacoustic.org 201-573-0718 Refreshments, accessible. HACKENSACK SOUP KITCHEN - THANK YOU A big thank you to all who donated and prepared food and to the volunteers who served 100 men and women at the Bergen County Health and Human Service Center in Hackensack on January 8th. We will be hosting the next dinner on March 12th. For more information please contact Elaine Hart (201-391-5051) or Dolly Diffendal (201-247-8102). SOCIAL JUSTICE & PEACE MINISTRY NEWS: Just a reminder that OLM will hold its own "S-OUPER BOWL 2015" food drive on the weekend of January 31February 1. OLM’s generous donations will be sent to: Pascack Food Pantry, Park Ridge; Center for Food Action, Mahwah; Buddies of NJ, Hackensack; Blessed Sacrament, Newark. The list of food items will be in next week's bulletin. Grocery Gift cards and cash donations are always welcomed. SJPM will meet on February 24, March 25, April 21 in the Parish Center at 7:15 P.M. THE TRI-BORO FAMILY CARE FUND wishes to thank all of the parishioners at OLM for the certificates given thru the Advent Giving Tree for local food supermarkets and local clothing stores to be used during the year for local families in need. WOMEN’S RETREAT 2015—San Alfonso Retreat House—Long Branch, NJ. “Where God & the Sea Meet.” The Women’s Retreat weekend will be March 20 -22nd. The theme of the retreat is: “Living in Love.” The cost is $200 for the weekend. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required by March 1st the latest. Anyone interested please contact Beth Gangeri at 201-391-2569 or email [email protected]. THE 2015 ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE will be held in Washington, D.C. on January 22nd, on the 42nd anniversary of the US Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion on demand. The chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston, said before last year's March that the over 55 million abortions since the decision reflect “with heartbreaking magnitude” what Pope Francis means by a “throwaway culture. Yet our society relegates abortion to a matter of personal choice, often denying the integrity and even the recognition of the personhood of unborn children." If you are interested in attending the March contact Art Lavis at 201 391-6431 for information.
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