OLM Weekly Page 1 January 25, 2015 We come together as a community of faith to celebrate with praise and joy! Pastoral Team Office Support Staff Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas C. Costa Rectory Secretary Associate Pastors Sister Eileen Lawlor Ms. Joyce Amoroso Rev. Martin L. Klein, Ret. Rev. Patrick J. T. Grace Rev. Nasir Gulfam—In Res. School Secretary Mrs. Janet Vassallo Pastor Emeritus Religious Ed Secretary Rev. Msgr. James E. Boesel Mrs. Cathy Basso Deacon Michael Devenney Pastoral Council Members School Principal Raymond Badra Nick Perrotta Timothy Snee Donna Varney To contact: [email protected] Mrs. Jane Harrigan Sister Jeannine Toppin, Assistant Principal Sister Joanne Deegan, Principal Emerita + Director of Liturgy & Music Mr. Paul Eschenauer Director of Religious Education Mrs. Joanne Kolasa Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Kevin Kwasnik Parish Finance Committee John Beaudette (Chairperson) Daniel Pisani (Trustee) Joseph Vacca (Trustee) Carmine Serravalli (Business Mgr.) Sr. Joanne Deegan Lorraine & Fred Anderson Richard Faccio, Jr. Timothy Snee Director of Parish Services Mrs. Mary Anne Scott + Maintenance Staff Business Manager Mr. Larry Burns Mr. Kevin McAvoy Mr. David Mullan Mr. Carmine Serravalli Building & Maintenance Director Mr. Timothy Snee Rectory Cook Michelina Gambale Convent Cook Susan Bennett Rectory School Religious Ed. 931-4351 FAX 433-8702 433-7040 433-8286 681-1228 681-1527 Youth Ministry 935-2444 Email contact: [email protected] Parish Services 931-1306 OLM Weekly Page 2 January 25, 2015 From the Pastor Today is the opening of Catholic Schools Week around the country and all across our diocese. Our Catholic School system is one of the most important ministries of the American Catholic Church. It was our Catholic parochial schools that kept immigrant children and the children of immigrant families firmly rooted in our Catholic faith back in the 1800’s when our public school system was decidedly Protestant and very often anti‐Catholic! Through the years of the 20th century it was our Catholic school system that enabled Catholic children to rise out of poverty through education and be prepared to not only attend but excel in secondary schools, and in colleges and universities. In our current age, it is our Catholic schools where children are excelling not only in the state mandated examinations but in the areas of critical thinking, compassionate service and ministry and social and community out‐ reach. Our students develop the technical skills necessary to thrive in a digital age without losing the sense of the person and dignity of the individual. Our Catholic faith is a part of every subject and the ambience of every day. Prayer, sacraments, liturgy, the presence of the Lord Jesus, these are not things that need to be hidden, excused, removed or isolated as in our public schools. We are not constrained to a values neutral education like our public schools lest we say some‐ thing “politically incorrect” and offend someone’s sensitivities. We are unabashedly and proudly Catholic and we celebrate, promote and make every effort to live the values of the Gospel and our Catholic Christian faith. If you have children of school age, you owe it to your children and yourself to come and visit our Catholic School: come to open house on Sunday after the 10:30 AM Mass or call the school and ask for one of the many other dates when we will be having open house and school tours. The Diocesan Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation also has considerable funds available for tuition assistance and needs based scholarships: we don’t want anyone to feel priced out of the possibility of this wonderful ministry in our parish. The incomparable work of the Sisters of Mercy who founded our school and who are still pre‐ sent in our school, the professional leadership of Mrs. Jane Harrigan our school principal, our dedicated and fully accredited faculty (seven of whom are graduates of our school), the dedi‐ cation of our school board, and the enthusiasm and involvement of our parents all combine to make Our Lady of Mercy School a school of excellence: come and join the Circle of Mercy! God bless, Msgr Thom Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 3 January 25, 2015 Masses for the Week Loving Memory – Rest In Peace Sam Repoli, Laura Corrado, Virginia Ferrera, the unborn and the victims of natural disasters throughout our country and the world. Monday, January 26TH 2Tim 1:1-8/Mk 3:22-30 7:00 AM George Colban 8:00 AM James Bonarrigo 9:00 AM Vincent Tangorra Tuesday, January 27TH Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 7:00 AM Michael Fornino 9:00 AM Joseph Basile Wednesday, January 28th Heb 10:11-18/Mk 4:1-20 7:00 AM Msgr. Thomas C. Costa (37 Ann) 8:00 AM Val Schreiber (Healing) 9:00 AM Rosemary James Thursday, January 29th Heb 10:19-25/Mk 4:21-25 7:00 AM Thomas Gunning 9:00 AM Vito Calderone Friday, January 30th Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 7:00 AM Anna Morris Simone 8:00 AM Philip Manna 9:00 AM Mary Bove Saturday, January 31st Heb 11:1-2,8-9/Mk 4:35-41 8:00 AM William Stouges Cecilia Mae Wirth Rose Stellato Frank Guarini Gary Sherlock 4:30 PM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Sunday, February 1st 1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 7:30 AM Luciano Oviveri 9:00 AM Thomas Tavarelli 10:30 AM Constance Hart 12:00 AM Helen Schmidt 5:30 PM Gussie Presicci Remember Our Sick: Mary Casteranto, Carlo Mistron, Lucy Cosenza, Ramona Burkel, Samantha Gorman, Melissa Lyons, Margaret Carr, Elke Cardona, Zachary Vitti, Frances Limoli, Nancy Swanso, Peggy DeLuca, Dominic Cinarella, Edward Koerber, Sister Maureen Gregory, James Slattery, Vincent Cataldo, Barbara Stalter, Robert Key, Lynne Casciano, Barbara Rosina, Inf. Harlen Werner, Christina Ehl, Millie Wolfe, Denise Kalsky, Robert O’Connor, Joseph Feeser, Anna Pokinska , Bruce MacDonald, Theresa Blackshaw, Denise Capponi, Arlene Figura, Mildred Faiello, Richard Long, William Herbst, Thomas Page, Norma Young, , Inf. Nicolo Michelli, Sr. Ave Maria, SSJ, James Fox, Michael Cialdella, Maria Louise Buscarino, Caitlin Loeser, Giselle Muscardy, Muriel McMahon, Frank McGough, Harry Strawsacker, Joseph Pronti, Kelly Motichka, Larissa Jensen, Irene Ellis, Peggy McCarthy, Millie Faiella, Silva Ostrowski, Kathy Stewart, Marianne Mirkow, Inf. Bradley Kevin Nees, Fr. Marty Klein, Josephine Pagliaro, Patricia Wells, Saulius David Balsys, Joseph Ciasko, Nancy Cullen, Ed Murray, Kathryn Posch , Daniel Coppola, Gayle Callegario, Daniel Sullivan, Terry Whall, Jack Costa, John Lombardi Long Term Illness: Please pray for our war casualties, all our sick, their caretakers, especially Msgr. James Boesel, Sr. Joanne Deegan,Christopher Cucci, Helen D’Achille, Salvatore Fava, Charles Masterton, Sally Carnivale, Victor Ialeggio, Olivia Mannion, Andrew Betz, Lisa Pirrung, Jean DeStefano, Teddy Moore, Christina Flood, Patrick Dunn, Theresa Repole, Nicholas Cervoni, Marie Agnoli, JoAnn Mackin, James Fisher, Joseph Makar, Ryan Sullivan, Jacqueline Ciraulo, Frances Koerner Jamie Wrede, Patricia Froehlich, Thomas Moore, Inf. Kendall White, Donald Fournier, Lynn Klein, Lisa Micklin, Frank McGough, Jane Lucidi, Linda Stopsky, Karen Vodolo, Patricia Moldovan, Patricia Giommetti, Edmund Murray, Felix Conrad, Harry Strawsacker, Karen Freese and all homebound and in nursing homes Please note starting January 1st, 2015 we will keep all names of the sick on the list for one month only. We have so many who are waiting to be added to the list which is limited. Please call us and let us know if any of the sick need to remain on, or can be removed. Thank you. WEEK OF JAN 25 TO 31st, 2015 U.C. Sanctuary Light In Memory of Emil Sarlo Donated By Mickey L.C. Sanctuary Light Healing of Conrad Felix Donated By Camnze Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 4 January 25, 2015 On Stewardship Spirituality Accountability Sacrificial Giving Offertory Jesus said to them, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.” —Mark 1: 17-18 So often, things happen in our lives and we wonder just what is the plan, what is it God wants me to do. It is difWeekly Offering for: ficult to be patient and follow in His way, especially if January 18, 2015: $15,514 we cant see immediately where it will lead us. But the disciples did just that. Jesus said, “Come after me…” January 19, 2014: $17,710 and these fishermen left all they knew and trusted in Jesus. Today we may not be asked to leave our jobs or Stewardship Prayer families behind, but Jesus calls each of us to use the talTeach me your ways, O Lord. ents He has given us to serve Him each day and to proclaim His Word so that others may come to know Him. Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord teach me your paths, Peter, Andrew, James and John were not theologians, or necessarily highly Guide me in your truth educated. They weren't known as orators or among the influential in their comand teach me, munity. They were fishermen. But Jesus recognized what was special about for you are God, my savior. them. And they have become examples for us, His disciples of today. ‐Psalm 25 Just as Jesus saw something in those apostles, He sees the same in each of us. Make the commitment! He didn't just see what they could do, He understood what they could do with Stewardship Living ~ ~~ ~ Belong More Deeply To Christ and His Church— our Church; Him—and with Him working through them. Just like the apostles, we are capable of doing great things if we allow our hearts to be open and allow our Lord to work through us. We need to trust in Him. Learning the way of Stewardship Spirituality is a lifetime process; there isn't necessarily a quick or visible answer. The Steward’s path is not always easy or clearly marked. It is not without demands, sacrifices or challenges, but it has its rewards—both here, and hereafter. So when you feel the need to ask God about the plan for you, ask instead: teach me your ways, guide me in your truth. ~Contact us at [email protected] for more on Stewardship! Being a Fisher of Men Living as Christ’s Steward means living as a responsible citizen of our community and reflecting the tenets of our faith through our actions. How do you reflect your faith in our world, in our community, in your workplace and in your home? It is in how we treat others, and how we choose to use our talents, those great gifts from God, that we can be like the disciples, fishers of men (and women, too!) Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 5 January 25, 2015 The Celebration of the Sacraments Celebrations of the Eucharist: Saturday: Sunday: Italian Mass: Family Mass: Weekdays: 8:00 AM & 4:30 PM 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM and 5:30 PM 8:45 AM, 2nd Sunday of Each Month 10:30 AM 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 AM Mon., Wed. & Fri. 7:00, 9:00 AM Tues. & Thurs. Rosary after 9:00 AM Mass First Fridays: 7:00, 8:00 & 9:00 AM Adoration 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Holydays: 5:00 PM the evening before 7:00 & 9:00 AM, 12 Noon & 7:30 PM Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday following the 9:00 AM Mass. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30-4:15 PM and Eve of Holydays 4:00-5:00 PM in the Church Anytime by appointment-please call and speak with a priest. On Becoming A Catholic: R.C.I.A. welcomes those interested in becoming a Catholic and/or anyone seeking to further their education in the Catholic Faith. Please leave your name and telephone number at the Rectory Office. Parish Membership: All new families and individuals are welcome to our parish. We request that you register in the rectory when you move into our community so that we can be of service to you. Our parish family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. The priests and ministers are here to serve your needs, to share your joy, and to help lighten your burdens. Sacrament of Baptism: Communal Celebrations of Baptism are on the second and last Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM. All arrangements for Baptism must be made at the rectory. Sacrament of Marriage: The Sacrament is celebrated on: Fridays: to be arranged. Saturdays: l0:30 AM, l2:30 and 2:30PM Sundays: to be arranged. Arrangements must be made by personal appointment with one of the priests. Couples should make an appointment with the priest at least six months to a year in advance of the marriage date. Nuptial Masses as well as ceremonies are available on Friday and Saturday. Ceremonies only are available on Sunday. Pre Cana-OLM Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Program, is offered twice a year in the Fall and early Spring. Please inquire in the Rectory for dates. Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament for the seriously ill and elderly can be arranged by contacting one of the priests or at any time in an emergency. The Sacrament is also celebrated communally during the year. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: Parish priests and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist regularly visit those who are ill or homebound. Please call the rectory to arrange for home visitation. Rectory Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:00-11:30 AM, 1:00-4:30 PM, 7:00-9:00 PM, Sunday: 9:00-3:00 PM OLM Weekly Page 6 January 25, 2015 Organizations New members are always welcome! Music Ministries: OLM Adult Chamber Choir: Meets Tuesday afternoons at 5:00 to 6:30 PM in the Upper Church. OLM Children’s Choir: Meets Wednesday afternoons at 2:45-3:30 PM or 3:30-4:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. OLM Folk Group: Meets Sundays after the 9:00 AM Mass in the Lower Church. OLM Rock Group: Meets Monday evenings at 8-l0 PM in the Upper Church. Parish Organizations: Columbiettes: OLM Joseph F. Lamb 5723 meets on 2nd. Thursday of the month in the School Cafeteria. For information contact Agnes Peck, President 827-1297. Hicksville/OLM Senior Club: Meets on Mondays 11:00AM-3 PM at the Bethpage Senior Center. For information contact Joan at 938-4261. Holy Name Society: Corporate Mass and Communion on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9:00 AM Mass. Membership meetings on the following Monday at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church Meeting Room. Phone: (516) 405-OHNS (0467). Email: [email protected] Web: www.olmholyname.org Knights of Columbus: The Our Lady of Mercy Joseph F. Lamb Council # 5723 Knights of Columbus meets on the 1st & 3rd Thursday at 7:30 PM in the School Cafeteria. For information contact Mike Trimarco, Grand Knight, at 938-6067. Angels of Mercy: Meet on every third Thursday of the month starting January 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM in Our Lady’s Chapel. For more information please call Angela Manzi - 938-8106 or [email protected] Legion of Mary: Meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Lower Church. First Saturday Fatima Devotions: 7:40 AM. OLM Youth Council: Council for parish sports. Contact Chris Mistron, President at (516) 753-9890 Nocturnal Adoration: First Friday of Month - 8 to 10 PM Lower Church. Prayer Group: Prayer meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church. Rosary Altar Society: Meets quarterly at 7:00 PM in the School Auditorium. See column for additional info. St. Vincent de Paul Society: Contact the Rectory for information (931-4351). The Men of St. Joseph: Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Lower Church Meeting Room. Thrift Boutique: Mon-Sat 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM located in The Trailer Building Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous Groups: First Things First: Our Own Group: Al-Anon: Open Meeting every Friday: 8:00-9:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Sunday: 7:00-8:00 PM in the Convent Basement. Closed Meeting every Monday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Step Meeting every Thursday: 4:30-5:30 PM in the Convent Basement. Adult Children meet on Friday evenings: 7:30-10:00 PM in the School Cafeteria. Emotions Anonymous: Families Anonymous: Meets on Thursdays at 8-10 PM in the Convent Basement. Meets on Wednesdays at 7:30-9:30 PM. Convent Basement. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 7 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us January 25, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 8 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us January 25, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 9 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us January 25, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 10 January 25, 2015 Schedule for Weekend of January 31st, - February 1st, 2015 Presider Msgr. T. Costa 31st-1st Fr. P. Grace 4:30 PM Altar Ser Sunny LoGalbo 7:30 AM Fr. Nasir G. 9:00 AM Fr. P. Grace 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Marco Mastrandrea Anthony Montalbano Victoria Pelliccia Christine Lupo Luke Pojero Michael Tuozzo Joseph Capone Richard Faccio Michael Faccio Katherine Faccio Samantha Napoli Brendan Graney Justin Rios Maria Baldwin Johnny Burns Lector 1 Dennis Lyons Faith Bentivegna Peter Clores Angela Manzi Tyler Murphy Lector 2 Michael Duffy ------------------ James McCarthy Justin Mangibin Amy Abraham EM 2 Sr. Jeanine Toppin EM 3 Sr. Eileen Lawlor EM 4 Sr. Suzanne LePre EM Cup 1 --------------------EM Cup 2 -------------------EM Cup 3 --------------------EM Cup 4 --------------------- Margaret Heenan William Heenan Kathy Gorman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIGHT TO LIFE By: Tom Blumer/ LifeNews.com Suzanne McCarthy Ron Baumbach Christine Koopmann Phillip Cavallo Roger Koopmann Dorothy David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brett Wolfe Christian Tries Ashley Abraham Jamie Abraham Joyce Amoroso Carmen Wilkonski Nancy Murphy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fr Nasir G. 5:30 PM Christopher Rios Jamie Kimelstein ----------------------------------------Philip Lauto ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIRACLE BABIES: Triplets Saved by Operation While They Were Still in the Womb Abortion advocates say unborn babies are just cells or tissue, but we know they are human beings worthy of legal protection. Further evidence of their humanity is shown in how so many babies are now operated on surgically while in the womb to correct certain medical conditions. In great Britain, triplet unborn babies who developed rare condition in the womb which threatened to kill them all were the recipients of surgery in the womb to save their lives. Although all three were growing in the womb together, Eilah and Elsie were identical twins and sharing their blood supply from the placenta. They were diagnosed with a condition called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) where one twin gets too much of the blood supply. An operation to divide the twins’ blood supply meant all three were at risk but after the successful in utero surgery Eilah, Erin and Elsie delivered safely weighing between 2lbs and 3 lbs. Smallest triplet Elsie was so tiny that her parents were warned she might have to stay in the hospital for several months but - to their delight - she thrived and was allowed home on Christmas Eve. Mother Laura slinger, 26, said: ‘We have three healthy daughters and that’s the best Christmas present any could ask for.’ Miss Slinger, a beauty salon manager who lives near Burnley , Lancashire, and her partner Martyn Halliwell were thrilled when they discovered they were expecting triplets, conceived naturally without fertility treatment. But 17 weeks into the pregnancy doctors treating Miss Slinger detected a problem with the blood supply between two of the babies. Although all three were growing in the womb together, two of the girls Eilah and Elsie were identical twins and sharing their blood supply from the placenta. They were diagnosed with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), a rare condition where one twin gets too much of the blood supply, while the other twin is effectively starved of nutrients. Smaller twin Elsie was at risk of not developing properly while her bigger sister Eilah was receiving too great a share of the blood supply, putting a strain on her developing heart. Their parents were told the triplets’ only hope was an operation to divide the twins’ blood supply, although the operation meant all three girls were at risk. Although the independent triplet, Erin, was not affected by the shared blood supply, her life could have been in danger if the condition led to an infection in the womb or premature labor, or if the surgery went wrong. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 11 January 25, 2015 Our Lady of Mercy Religious Education News NOTIFY NOW IS THE FORMAT WE ARE USING FOR NEWS OF CLASS CANCELLATIONS However, we have been told by a number of our Catechists and families that they are receiving the notification when it is not necessary; i.e., no longer in the Program, etc. Please know that we are in the process of working with the software company, Parish Soft, to correct any situations that are not accurate, and beg your patience as we go through this process. I apologize for any inconvenience caused; and pray that it won’t happen again. Important Dates January 28: Regular classes for Grades 6 to 8 and Spec. Ed. (Confirmation). January 31: (1) Regular classes for Kindergarten, Grades. 1 to 5. (2) CONFIRMATION RETREAT: 8th graders who chose the 31st as their Retreat day are to report to the lower Church no later than 12:45pm; the Retreat will conclude at 4:00pm. February 03: FIRST EUCHARIST MEETING @ 7:00pm in the Church. Parents and 2nd Graders must attend this important “Teaching Mass”. February 04: Regular classes for Grades 6 to 8 and Spec. Ed. (Confirmation). February 07: (1) Regular classes for Kindergarten, Grades 1 to 5. (2) CONFIRMATION RETREAT: 8th graders who are receiving Confirmation in March (and did not attend last week) must attend this Retreat. Report to the lower Church at 12:45pm; the Retreat will conclude at 4:00pm. February 11: Regular classes for Grades 6 and 8 and Spec. Ed. (Confirmation). All parish 7th Graders report to the Church for the Parents’ & 7th Graders’ Meeting at 7:00pm in the Church. Attendance will be taken. February 14, 18 & 21: NO CLASSES — Presidents’ Week! IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!! The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, March 29th. There will be no Religious Education Classes scheduled for that Saturday. Ed. Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9:00am-12:00noon, 1:00pm-4:00pm OLM Weekly Page 12 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us January 25, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 13 January 25, 2015 Parish Services Serving with Mercy Mary Anne Scott January is Poverty Awareness Month 45 million people including almost 20% of children live in poverty in the United States. On Long Island, nearly 7% of our residents live below the poverty level, including more than 35,000 children. The poverty guideline for a family of four is approximately $24,000. That figure is not regionalized for different costs of living. Long Island’s high cost of living results in many families well above that income level to still be unable to cover their basic living expenses but also be ineligible for some government assistance. This group of people includes the elderly and disabled persons living on fixed incomes, the working poor, single mothers, and caregivers, all of whom struggle daily. There are many myths that deceive us about the identity of those living in poverty. 2.8 million people in our country work full-time, year-round and are still living in poverty. The U.S. Bishops remind us that, “No one can claim the name of Christian and be comfortable in the face of hunger, homelessness, insecurity, and injustice found in this country and the world.” In the Body of Christ, ‘If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it. If one part is honored, all of the parts share its joy’ (1 Cor 12:26). Who suffers in our community and what can we do to help? from Poverty USA Catholic Campaign for Human Development **Our Food Pantry will be open Saturday, January 31 from 9:30-11:30am** Food Pantry needs: Granola bars, spaghetti sauce, instant oatmeal. Thank you. Parish Services 931-1306 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30AM-12:00PM, 1:00-4:30PM Pantry Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30-3:30PM Wednesday & Friday 9:30-11:30AM Last Saturday of month 9:30-11:30AM—call to confirm date Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 14 January 25, 2015 SUPER BONANZA WINNERS 2015 OUR LADY OF MERCY We are pleased to announce the following winners: Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, - $25. - $25. - $25. - $25. - $25. - $25. - $25. Lorraine Kohler Tommy & Catherine Sayers Donato Visceglia Josephine Scalisi Thomas & Arnetta McKenna Christopher Amoroso Christopher Smith - Bethpage - Bethpage - Hicksville - Plainview - Bay Shore NY - Bellmore - Plainview Congratulations to the winners, your ticket has been returned to the drum, and you have many more opportunities to win. Checks are being mailed to our winners this week. GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING ……….. At just $25 per ticket. Buy one for your spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, godparents, nieces, nephews and friends. You can sell them to your co-workers, neighbors, friends, relatives, mailperson, mechanics, etc; for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Everyday of the week for 52 weeks of 2015, your ticket has an opportunity to win a prize of $25 or $100, $500, $750 or $800. on special events days. White entry cards and the orange gift cards are available on the windowsills of the church as well as at the rectory for your convenience. YOU GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT! Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 15 January 25, 2015 SUPERMARKET GIFT CERTIFICATES Thank You! All Rosarians and Ladies of OLM: Kindly continue to pray the rosary. PANTRY NEEDS: Spaghetti Sauce, Granola bars and instant Oatmeal Thank you. La Santa Messa in Italiano Siamo lieti de annunciare che la prossima celebrazione della S. Messa in lingua italiana sará Domenica il 8 febbraio alle 8:45AM nella Capella della Madonna nella chiesa infe‐ rior. Passa la parola ai vostri amici e par‐ enti chi parlono italiano, e speriamo di fa’ crescere la nostra communitá italiana. To All Parishioners: GIFT CERTIFICATES may be purchased every weekend after Saturday evening and Sunday Masses and also in the rectory during the week during regular office hours. Sales this past week were $1350.00, of this the Parish earned $67.50, If you do not use supermarket dollars, please give it a try! Ask those who use it, how convenient it is! Unclaimed Supermarket Gift Ticket as of: 1-20-2015 *295328 **295605 ***398834 12/29/14 1/05/15 1/20/15 *Won By: JoAnn Mackin * *Won By: JoAnn Mackin ***Won By: Rectory PRAYER GROUP NEWS In Our Lady’s Chapel - lower church, we will have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. During that time we will be praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in reparation for the sin of abortion. “His Chalice is overflowing with the Blood of Innocent Pre-Born Babies.” On Tuesday, February 03, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.PLEASE JOIN US. ALL ARE WELCOME! WE WANT YOUR BOXTOPS!! Our Lady of Mercy School collects Box Tops year round to help support our education needs. Collection bins are in the church for you to conveniently drop off your box tops when you come to mass. Please continue to bring in your box tops from the products you use at home or office. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 16 Please Remember in Prayer the following parishioners currently serving in the armed forces: For those service members who are no longer serving in the military, please advise the Rectory Office at 931-4351 so we may remove the name. Pfc. Matthew Austin, USMC Pfc. Thomas Austin, USA ABH3 Ryan J. Ayers, USN Lt. Col. James Benson, USA Maj. Vanessa Benson, USA Staff Sgt. Jason E. Bond, USA Maj. Sean Carroll, USMC Jason Cirillo, USN Sgt. F.C. Manuel Collantes, USA Maj. Ralph A. DePalma Jr., USAF MMFN Patrick Fallon, USN Gen. John Ferrari, USA Sgt. Richard Flanagan, USA Capt. Christopher L. Grady, USAF Lt. Michael Hearon, USN Sgt. Ryan Hoey, USA Pfc. Christopher Hosein, USMC Sgt. Charles L. Ihrig, USMC Sgt. Thomas M. Ihrig, USMC 1st Lt. David Jacobs, USA Brian R. LaNasa, USN Staff Sgt. Andrew Masin, USA Maj. Edward Michael O’Connell, USA FC Jeff Odom USAF Pfc. Sean Oliva, USA SrA Dion Charles Paragas, USAF Pfc. Joseph Raffoni, USA Staff Sgt. Richard J. Skelly, USAF Cpl. Jason Tulowitzski, USMC Lt. Col. Michael A. Zaccardo, USAF January 25, 2015 PRAYER FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY THROUGHOUT THE WORLD As we live daily enjoying the freedom of this country, many loved ones are giving themselves with unselfish love in places of perilous action. Lord, hold in your loving hands our troops and all those who try to respond to the needs of the less fortunate throughout the world. Bless them and their families for the unselfish acts they perform as they attempt to alleviate many global concerns. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. AMEN. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” As Disciples, we are called to continue God’s work on earth. Taking care of God’s poor is indeed living gospel values. This month, through your gifts, the society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist families, providing food, utility, rent and other bills. May God Bless You! WANTED Catholic men to become a member of “The sign of the Cross” Knights of Columbus Council. At just $25.00 per ticket, the Super Bonanza is the perfect gift. We will have them for Christmas or (Hanukkah), Birthday, Anniversaries, Confirmations, Communions, Retirements, Grandparents Day, Groundhog Day, Arbor Day or just because you care! We will also have them available after Mass and at the Rectory Office During regular business hours. We are the “ONLY” Deaf/Hearing Impaired K of C Council in the World. Hearing men are welcome also. We meet the first and third Monday of every month in Hicksville. For more information contact, John Passarella, Grand Knight @ [email protected] or call 516-997-8377. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 17 January 25, 2015 The Circle of Mercy Gala HELD ON FEB 6TH AT 7:30 PM $85.00 PER PERSON. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 18 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us January 25, 2015 OLM Weekly Page 19 January 25, 2015 CHAMINADE HIGH SCHOOL KELLENBERG MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL FIRST TRIMESTER HONOR ROLL FIRST TRIMESTER HONOR ROLL FRESHMAN: Anthony F. Montalbano Aidan C. Tahany SOPHOMORE: Christian A. Mariano JUNIOR: Nicholas J. Sciortino SENIOR: Anthony V. Del Piano Anthony W. Krummel Michael A. Raver Christopher A. Sausa Matthew Abramo Jillian Lambkin Christina Bard Kevin McCaffery Liam Boyce James McCarthy Michael Boyce Andrew Miller Tina Ceriello Francesca Mistron Allison Chin Sabrina Munoz Michelle Chin Daniel Perrine Michael Citroen Claire Seeley Anthony DeGennaro Pedro Smith Maeve DeGennaro Madison Storms Christian Evington Breanne Tahany Kristen Elder Joseph Toner Madison Klimchak VictoriaVaglica UPDATE ON MSGR BOESEL As many of you know Monsignor Boesel was taken to St Joseph’s Hospital just before the Christmas holidays. He was there in the hospital being treated for a severe respiratory infec‐ tion. After his recovery, his physical condition was considerably weakened and he was trans‐ ferred to Maria Regina Rehabilitation and Long Term Care Facility for rehab, physical therapy, and evaluation. Over the last several months, Monsignor has been becoming more frail physically and, unfortunately, also cognitively. On December 8 we were so happy to have him home with us to celebrate his 86th birthday and we were blessed with two wonderful aides who were here to care for Monsignor seven days a week. However, his condition has changed to the point where Monsignor now needs full time skilled nursing care. Therefore his family has made the decision for Monsignor to remain at Maria Regina as a permanent resident. He is there with our beloved Sister Joanne, who is also a resident at Maria Regina, a wonderful facility run by the Sisters of St Joseph on the grounds of their motherhouse in Brentwood, LI. Maria Regina is very close to Monsignor ‘s family home in Commack and he is doing well and is very happy there. We were blessed to have Monsignor with us in Our Lady of Mercy for 40 years, since July of 1974 when he arrived as our pastor. All of us priests who have lived with him or worked with him over the years have been blessed by his priestly ex‐ ample. His enthusiasm for ministry and his love for the Church. Please keep Monsignor in your prayers. He will be able to have visitors and to receive mail at Maria Regina, 1725 Brentwood Road, Brentwood NY 11717. He will be missed and will always be greatly loved by us all. I know he will be praying for us. Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us OLM Weekly Page 20 Our Lady of Mercy, Pray for us January 25, 2015
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