Newsletter for the Parishes of Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Joseph the Worker The website for both St. John’s and St. Joseph’s is: St John’s: Fr Richard Walker & Fr Craig Szmidt, 25 South Bar Street, Banbury, Oxon. OX16 9AF Telephone: 01295 262073 Fax: 01295 254773 E-mail: [email protected] St Joseph’s: Fr Bill Wilton, Edmunds Road, Banbury, Oxon. OX16 0PP Telephone: 01295 264661 E-mail: [email protected] St. Joseph’s Deacons: Rev Henry Allen: 01295 780642 ~ Rev Bob Hughes: 01295 720869 Parish Sister:- Sr Therese O’Neill: 01295 263203 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 22 February 2015 - Psalter Week 1 - Year B nd ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST Sat 21 Sun 22 4.00pm 5.30pm 9.00am 10.45am 12.30pm 3.15pm 5.30pm 9.15am 9.15am 9.15am 9.15am 9.15am 10.00am Vigil Syro-Malabar Mass Baptism Polish Mass Mary Durkin & Alice Whitehead Margareta Horodinca Ints. Sr Josephine Leahy Leo Camilleri People of the Parish Breen Family Ints. Mariusz Walio Ints. Mr & Mrs Antony Terry Buch Rose & Marian Dennehy Joseph Callaghan Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 23 24 25 26 27 28 Sat Sun 21 22 6.00pm 9.00am 10.30am Vigil Wroxton Mon 23 Tues 24 Wed 25 ~~~ 9.30am 8.45am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am No Mass ST JOSEPH THE WORKER Thur 26 Fri 27 Fr Sean Farrell / Eilish Houlihan People of the Parish Eileen McCarthy/Kevin Nolan/ John & Bridget Wallace RIP Myrtle Gilhooly RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Lawrence Henry & Arthur Wagstaff Vincenzo Grossi Bill Walsh SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 1 March 2015 - Psalter Week 2 - Year B st ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST Sat Sun 28 01 4.00pm 9.00am 10.45am 12.30pm 5.30pm Vigil Baptisms Nolan Family People of the Parish Anne Phillips Amelia Knurek; Ingrid Lambert; Mia Wyatt Olive Skekel ST JOSEPH THE WORKER Sat 28 Sun 01 12.00noon 6.00pm 9.00am 10.30am Baptism Vigil Wroxton Sean Patrick Mawn Dec’d members of Mahon Family People of the Parish Kathleen Wicks, Tom Dagger, Catherine Smith & Darren Geoghegan PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISHES: Eilish Hilling, Patrick Forde, Dorothy Thomas, Lewis Byrne, Pauline Richardson, Adey Larner, Lalla Stevens, Robert Wells, Jayne O’Connor, Denise Dawson, Paul Higham, Damian Timlin, Marjorie Lowes, Breda Kelly, Irene Plichta, Olie Davies, Gregory Browne, Francesca Harris, Tracey McMahon, Simon Cutler, Caroline Lucas, Arthur Shea, Michael Humphries, Bob O’Malley, Mary Street, Rebecca Haughian, Sam Rampling, Emily Everett-Allen, Daniel Parker, Christopher Browne, Clifford Browne, Elizabeth dos Santos, Maureen Gwynn, Cora Barnard, Peter Rayner, Robert Hoyle, Margaret Frazer, Jack Lally, Lionel Hutchings, John and Sue Green, Clare Sullivan, Don Coady, Anna Ratcliffe, Barbara Fowles, Fr Charles Chirwa, Oliver Boyles, Dawn Wilkinson, Elaine Jobes, Mary Scott, Paul Davidson, Pat Ryder, Mary Dant, Isobel Burke, Anne Veale, Joanne Bull, Agnes McFarland, Anna Larkin, Claire Sullivan, Myrtle Gilhooly, Rose Hayward, James Carter, Lawrie Thornton, Suzanne Rogers, Joyce Goode, Sam McCawley, Maureen Easton, Ellen Lally, Charlotte Sturgess Osborne, Tony Stevens, June Cullimore, Melita Rees, Matthew Lally, Chrislin Bose, Derrick Taney, Patrick Weaver, Jonathan Boon, Gerhild Osborne and Cherry Gibbard. RECENTLY DEAD & ANNIVERSARIES Of your charity, please for the repose of the souls of all those who have died recently. Pray also for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Sun 22 Mon 23 Tues 24 Wed 25 Thurs 26 Fri Sat 27 28 Norma Garrett 2007; Margaret Murphy 1996; Stanislaw Zaworski 1987; Antoni Batt 1985; Joseph Kelly 1985 Elizabeth Manning 1989 Amanda Wilkinson 2007; Mae Hampson-Cole 2006; John McMenamin 2001; Charles O’Neill 1997 James Powell 2007; John Reck 2002; Guiseppe De Meis 1999; Benjamin Amos 1993; Thomas Lawton 1986; Christopher Mangan 1983 Anne Pickett 2013; Margaret Noll 2011; Stephen Travers 2010; Sir Michael Quinlan 2009; Alicia McElhinney 2009; Vernon Gray 2006; Myfanwy Jones 2000; George Cringle 1999; Rose Marshall 1996; Kenneth Thorpe 1995; Carli Marron 1986 Denzil Hughes-Onslow 2011; May Molloy 1997; Dorothy Withey 1991 Anne Phillips 2011; Stella Eyre 1991; Giovanni Pannozo 1983 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. LINK FOR ST. JOHN’S WEBCAM: WEBSITE OF THE MONTH: RESPONSORIAL PSALM MEDITATION “Your ways, Lord, are faithfulness and love for those who keep your covenant.” (Psalm 24) Liturgical Diary Sat 21 Saturday after Ash Wednesday Sun 22 First Sunday of Lent Mon 23 Lent Feria Tues 24 Lent Feria Wed 25 Lent Feria Thur 26 Lent Feria Fri 27 Lent Feria Sat 28 Lent Feria Sun 01 Second Sunday of Lent ST JOHN’S CHURCH WOMENS’ WORLD DAY OF PRAYER LENT During Lent, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9.45am-1.00pm and on Thursday mornings from 7.00-8.00am. Stations of the Cross will take place in the church on Fridays at 6.30pm and Sundays at 4.30pm. Do consider these devotions as part of your Lenten preparation for Easter. Friday, 6 March: at the Methodist Church, Marlborough Street, at 2.00pm. The theme, Jesus said to them: “Do you know what I have done to you?” (Jn 13:1-17), has been prepared by the Christian women of the Bahamas. Please do try to attend if you are able. ST JOHN’S CASH BONANZA 1st Prize: £1,000, 2nd Prize: £500, 3rd Prize: £250. Draw to take place on Saturday 6 June in the presbytery garden. Ticket allows entry for 2 adults for Cheese and Wine 6pm8pm. Ticket holder does not need to be present at the Cheese & Wine to win a prize. Last ticket out of the draw WINS! £20 per ticket - ONLY 50 tickets left! Proceeds to go to the refurbishment of the organ & choir gallery. Tickets are available from the parish office. ADULT EDUCATION Adult Education classes for those who wish to learn more about their faith or who are simply interested in the Catholic Church will begin on the Wednesday 25 February from 7.30-9.00pm in the Dupuis Centre. Everyone is welcome to come. ETC. YOUNG ADULTS’ GROUP Meetings will take place on first & third Thursdays of each month at 7.30pm. Do come along for the opportunity in a relaxed atmosphere to learn about and share your faith with other young people. Email for more info: [email protected]. MISSIO [RED] BOXES If you have a red box which needs emptying, please could you leave it at the repository. If you would like your box collected, please telephone Sue Hale on 07814 733170. There are several unclaimed red boxes in the repository; those who want them back, please collect them over the next few weeks; I will retrieve any that are left after this time. Thank you. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON TEA The next afternoon tea will be held on 25 February in the Dupuis Centre. Anyone who wishes to come and join our group for friendly conversation and home made sandwiches and cakes, please sign the list at the back of the Church. Price £4.00 per person. WIDOWS’ LUNCH CLUB Next lunch on Monday 2 March at Tech College. Contact Norah on 255574. Raising funds for The Kenelm Youth Trust in support of Soli – the New Centre for Youth Ministry. 3-5 July 2015. See poster on noticeboard for further information or a starter pack please contact: Debbie on 01538 703224 or email: [email protected]. ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH th 50 ANNIVERSARY OF ST JOSEPH’S CHURCH Archbishop Bernard has agreed to celebrate this with us on Saturday 20 June. Lots to be done! Lots of help needed! Please let Fr Bill know if you are willing to help. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Friday during Lent at St Joseph’s at 6.00pm. NEW CHOIR MEMBERS Choir meeting on Wednesday evening at 7.00pm. We are looking for new members, to help with the singing during Easter and the 50th Anniversary celebrations. Please help if you can. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS / CAKE & PIE SALE Thank you to all those who generously contributed, and supported our sales last weekend. The Cake & Pie sale made £90.75 and the Unwanted Christmas Presents made £196.75!! Well done! JOINT NOTICES ‘WALK WITH ME’ Please do take a Walk with me booklet (and calendar for your children) to help with your Lenten journey. CYCLE SOLI LOURDES PILGRIMAGE 2015 23-29/30 May 2015. See poster on notice-board for further details or contact Pilgrimage office on 0121 236 4585. Tour operator is Tangney Tours Ltd. CAFOD Lent Fast Day: Friday 27 February Storms, droughts and floods are having a devastating impact on our poorest brothers and sisters around the world right now. CAFOD works with local expert organisations to ensure affected people are not only able to survive, but to thrive. Fast Days are our opportunity to support that vital work. Please collect your Fast Day envelope from church this week. Good news: the UK Government has promised to match every pound and penny you give this Lent up to the value of £5m. Thank you for your generosity and your compassion. Parish Secretary: Anne Mold Office & Pastoral Assistant: Nicola Mollard Social & Fundraising Secretary: Marilena Kearns St John’s: Nicola Mollard – Tel: 01295 262 073 St. Joseph’s: Margaret Bennett – Tel: 01295 264 661 St John’s Parish Office: Office hours: Mondays to Fridays 9.00 am -3.00 pm Parish Safeguarding Representatives: SACRAMENTS / OTHER LITURGIES St. John’s: Saturday 10.30 - 11.00am and on request. St. Joseph’s: Saturday 5.15pm - 5.45pm and on request. Reconciliation (Confessions) 12.30pm on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. after 10.30am Sunday Mass or by appointment. Infant Baptism St. John’s: St. Joseph’s: Marriages By appointment only. Six months’ notice is required. Exposition, Vespers and Benediction St John’s: St. John’s: St Joseph’s: St. John’s: Exposition Chaplet of Divine Mercy First Sunday of the month at 4.30 pm. Every Saturday at 10.30 –11.00 am. Every Wednesday at 8.45 am. First Friday of the month after 9.15 am Mass. PARISH GROUPS Adult Education: Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in the Dupuis Centre (term time only) Children’s Liturgy ~ St John’s: Sundays at the 10.45am Mass ~ for children aged 4-8 years. Children’s Mini Liturgy ~ St John’s: Sundays at the 10.45am Mass ~ for children under 4 years of age. Children’s Liturgy ~ St Joseph’s: Sundays at the 10.30am Mass ~ for children aged 3+ years. etc. Young Adults’ Group: Meetings on first & third Thursday of each month at 7.30pm in the Dupuis Centre. Friends of the Holy Land: TBA at 5.00pm in the Wall Room, Dupuis Centre. Justice & Peace Group: Next meeting TBA at 7.30pm in the Dupuis Centre. Little Lambs Playgroup: Tuesdays at 10.00 – 11.30am in the Dupuis Centre. (Term Time Only). Meditation: Contact the parish office for further details. Over 65s - Monday Lunch Club: Dupuis Centre. 9 March: [2nd Monday]. Must be reserved in advance. Over 65s - Wednesday Afternoon Tea: Dupuis Centre. 25 February. Padre Pio Prayer Group: Last Wednesday of the month at 10.00am - 12.00noon, in the Tandy Room. Parish Visiting Group: Steering Group meets approx bi-monthly. Contact via Parish Office. St. John’s Brownies: Tuesdays, 6.00 - 7.30pm at the Scout Hut at Banbury School (term time only). St. John’s Choir: Thursdays at 7.00 – 8.00pm in the Church. St. John’s Parish Pastoral Council: Next meeting Thursday 30 April at 7.30 p.m. St John’s Widows’ Group: Meet for lunch on the First Monday of the month. St. John’s & St. Joseph’s Youth Group: Meet on second Saturday of each month at 7.15pm. FINANCIAL MATTERS St. Joseph’s St. John’s Non Gift Aided Gift Aided £ 728.80 £ 651.50 £ 1 380.30 Loose Gift Aid £ 278.85 £ 378.27 £ 657.12 £ 164.74 Thank You! Second Collection for LIFE Second Collection next weekend for CAFOD [Lent Fast Day] ST. JOSEPH’S LOTTERY Winner: Margaret Bennett Number: 18 Amount: £18.50 PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS O God, who chose the Apostles to make disciples of all nations, and who by Baptism and Confirmation have called us to build up your Holy Church, we implore you to choose from among us, your children, many priests, deacons and religious who will love you with their whole hearts, and will gladly spend their lives making you known and loved by all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. These parishes are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham Registered Charity Number: 234216
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