Jefferson United Methodist Church 125 East Jefferson Street Jefferson, OH 44047 440-576-4561 [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit Org US POSTAGE PAID Jefferson, OH 44047 Permit #7 LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS SERVE THE WORLD February 20, 2015 ISSUE 2 V OLUME 41 COVENANT DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS Following Jesus is a “group thing” How can I grow closer to Jesus? How can I position my life for greater transformation? How can we help one another? Join us for a “Come and See” dinner Good food Hear stories from current Covenant Discipleship Group participants Ask questions Consider an invitation to grow in Christian Discipleship Monday, March 9th 6 – 7:15 p.m. Angel’s Wing To Register See: Church Life Servant Sheet Dear Church family, March, 2015 The frigid temperatures and icy conditions take their toll on equipment and people. They also take their toll on worship attendance and church finances. We understand that wisdom dictates a safe approach to winter weather conditions and that will, at times, mean people and families do not attend worship. That said, the mission, ministry, and support requirements of JUMC continue. Our fiscal operating carryover from 2014 has been significantly depleted. Bills for snow removal, building insurance, quarterly taxes, salaries, and higher utilities are part of our normal January/February costs. In addition, an essential repair to our Wesley Hall furnace cost of $1,768. Jerry March, our business and building manager, has requested that all non-essential spending cease for the next 30 to 60 days. Our staff will comply with this. We will stay on top of this concern but we also want you to be aware as well. While you may have missed some Sunday mornings and the opportunity to financially support your Church, we hope and encourage you to stay current with your pledge. If you do not pledge, it can be easier to simply skip your support when not in worship. We hope you will not do this. Mission, ministry, and operational costs continue whether one is present or not. It takes all of us working and giving together to fiscally empower JUMC. Financial generosity is one part of our vows of professing membership. Thank you for taking this seriously. Financial support can be given on Sunday but also mailed in or dropped off during the week. Electronic giving is always beneficial in that it arrives regardless of weather, illness, vacation, etc. JUMC is a generous family. We thank you for your ongoing support and shared concern. In Jesus, for Jesus, and through Jesus, Pastor Dan Pastor Dan February 28th Training Event: Bridges Out of Poverty…and More You can still register! Helplessness & hopelessness break people, birth and propagate poverty, and diminish communities. The 2014 United States Census dates reports that 18.7% of Ashtabula County residents live below the poverty level. Jefferson Township has a poverty rate of 7.9%. The church of Jesus Christ is in the help-giving and hope-building “business.” We believe that Jesus Christ came to redeem human lives, to set people free, and empower them to become fully human and alive people. But the church needs help in understanding the hidden values of middleclass life and the hidden values that shape a life in chronic, generational poverty. The church needs be equipped so it can become a redeeming community of hope and empowerment for the poor. Please join us on February 28th, 9a.m. – 2p.m. for Bridges Out of Poverty…and More: An Equipping Event. Our presenter and trainer is Rev. Dr. Ken Price. Ken is a certified Bridges Out of Poverty presenter, but even more, he lives out the redeeming and empowering love of Jesus through his home church, Park UMC in Kenmore, Ohio. He not only knows about poverty, he comes alongside it, and along with his Church family, leads people to economic liberation, hope, and dignity…all rooted in Jesus Christ. In addition to Bridges Out of Poverty, you’ll hear about Gett’n Ahead in a Just Gett’n by World, and Jobs for Life. Who should attend? Anyone working with our food ministries, children and youth ministries, mission teams, and any who simply wants to better understand the local church as a missional community that offers help and hope for liberation rooted in Jesus Christ. Make a reservation to attend this event on Sunday’s Church Life Servant Sheet or by calling the church office. A simple luncheon will be served, so we need to have an idea of how many will be attending. PLEASE COME TO MATTHEW CRAMER’S ANNUAL INFORMATIONAL DINNER Thursday, February 26 at 6 p.m. In The Angel’s Wing Matthew returned to Liberia January 1 and will be back here for one week at the end of February to take his family to Liberia, probably for a year. Now that the Ebola crisis has passed, it is safe for them to all return. While there, Matthew has been busy checking on all of the orphanages they work with, meeting with government officials about starting another transition home for children who have now been orphaned by Ebola and trying to get the children prepared for school, which is due to start in March. Please come enjoy a simple meal of soup, salad, bread and dessert and hear stories from Matthew. This surely has been an extraordinarily difficult year for all the people of Liberia. What a rare opportunity to talk to someone who has been there recently. Also, you’ll have a chance to say goodbye to them all. They are planning to return to Ohio in early 2016. LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS SERVE THE WORLD . One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, March 15 Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing underwrite our United Methodist Committee on Relief’s (UMCOR) “costs of doing business.” That means that 100 percent of every dollar you give to UMCOR programs helps some of the world’s most vulnerable people. UMCOR does not take anything from designated gifts to cover home office administrative costs because of the broad support that United Methodists provide through this annual offering. UMCOR is a good steward of God’s gifts. Offering gifts over and above those used to cover administrative costs are channeled where they are most needed – to assist the most vulnerable people. Once a year, during One Great Hour of Sharing, you and your congregation join other United Methodists by participating in this special offering to support humanitarian aid through UMCOR. When catastrophes cause suffering, your church – impelled by Jesus’ love and compassion – will bring healing, hope and a place of refuge! Help Us Remember our Young People In College and the Military March 4 at 6:30 pm. Our teens will be preparing goodie boxes for people in our church family who are in college or the military. You can help by making a batch of cookies or donating any other kind of snack-type item. Just drop off your donation at the church office. Mark Your Calendar For Our Next Second Sunday Fellowship Luncheon March 8 at 12:15 p.m. Come to lunch the second Sunday of every month to share a meal and conversation! Get to know new people, share old friendships. Open to everyone in our church family, this is just a chance to relax a bit and have a good time. Bring a side dish or dessert – table service and drinks will be provided. We’ll be enjoying Martha Lamson’s homemade meatloaf and baked potatoes. LOVE GOD R&R’S HAVE GREAT PLANS Thursday, February 26 at noon At Chili Piaz right here in town!! The Retirement and Recreation Fellowship group will get together for lunch at Chili Piaz. With the weather being so unpredictable, I thought it best that we stay close to home! Please make your reservations on Sunday’s Church Life Servant Sheet or by calling me at 576-5716 or the church office at 576-4561. Barb Heath, Sr. Coordinator Come Get Away From It All! If you’re looking for a wonderful experience, we’ve got just the retreat weekend for you. It’s called a Koinonia weekend, and is sponsored by a non-denominational group of Christians, Koinonia of Lake County. Many in our church have attended and ALL count it as a fantastic experience. On the weekend you’ll hear talks given by lay people and pastors, grow and share with others in your Christian walk. “These weekends are another way for Christ to bind us closer to him – they’re a wonderful mountaintop experience,” shares Ron Cramer, who has been on a Koinonia weekend. The men’s weekend will be Friday evening, April 10-12 and the women’s weekend will be Friday evening, May 15-17. If you’d like to learn more, just call Ron or Pat Cramer at 858-2256. THANK YOU! Dear Pastor Dan, Thank you for the beautiful service for my husband, Donald. To the congregation, thank you for your prayers, support and phone calls. Thank you to the lovely ladies who provided the delicious luncheon. God sent you on of his richest blessings when he sent you Pastor Dan. May God continue to bless JUMC. Patricia Laird and Family Dear JUMC, My name is Jacqueline and I currently take part in a once-per-week bible study conducted by Kelly Cooke. It is due to your continued support of Kelly and her family that our special meetings can continue. Thanks again, Jacqueline LOVE OTHERS SERVE THE WORLD HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 29th. Here are the opportunities of the week: Palm Sunday, 8:30 worship: Children’s Parade of Palms Palm Sunday, 10 a.m. Children/Family Activity in Wesley Hall – Easter egg decorating, cross weaving, caterpillar & butterfly craft, story-time (Look for more details in next month’s newsletter and future bulletins about this event.) Holy Thursday/Maundy Thursday, April 2, 7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Drama entitled “An Easter Reflection” Good Friday, April 3: Community Ecumenical Walk of the Cross, (time), begins at 1st Baptist Church at 6 p.m. Easter Morning, April 5th: Youth Sunrise Worship, 7am; Easter Breakfast, 7:45 a.m.; Easter Worship, 8:30 a.m.; 9:50 a.m. Sunday School; Easter Worship, 11 a.m. To Our Friends at Jefferson United Methodist Church, It’s been a busy winter for the H2O Missions team as we continue to deal with concerns like broken furnaces, electrical issues, window/door repair, and lack of hot water. Helping residents of Ashtabula County stay warmer, safer, and drier is the goal of this organization and the harsh months of January and February have been challenging. Our efforts are possible because of the generosity and hard work of many people including the members of this congregation and the Change the World ministry. Your donation of $1574.22 has been hard at work in this county, and we thank you for every penny of it. With God’s guidance, we look ahead to a spring and summer filled with more opportunities to serve Him by serving others. We invite everyone to get involved with H2O Missions in Ashtabula County. Time commitments can vary from once a month to once a year, or anywhere in between, depending on your schedule. We’d be blessed to add you or your group to our volunteer list. You can help whenever you feel you have some time to offer. Please consider joining our team. We can really use your help! May God lead your path, H2O Missions, Inc. EAST OHIO SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES Parents, our primary job in parenting our children is to help them discover Jesus and grow in a committed relationship with him. Our East Ohio Conference Summer Camps can help! From First Grade through high school seniors, our camps offer a wide variety of day to weeklong camp experiences all geared to empower your child to have a deep and deepening relationship with Christ. Here’s a quote from Kathy Housel about their experience with United Methodist Summer Camps: “As a parent, the best part of our kids attending Camp Asbury was knowing they were learning about God while in a fun and caring environment. The counselors were all college students and were very outgoing. It also was a break from all of the electronics our kids think are a necessary part of life. Sam said his favorite memory from camp was going on the mudslide and Kiden's favorites were the night walk, sleeping under the stars and making pottery.” Brochures and registration materials are available in the Church Office. Get your information and plan now for your child’s/youth’s incredible encounter with nature, Scripture, friends, and Jesus. Registration LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS SERVE THE WORLD deadline is May 1st. Events, Groups & Classes in March Sundays 8:30 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuary Sundays 9:30 a.m. Café Hospitality Wesley Hall (gym) Sundays 9:50 a.m. Sunday School for all Throughout the church Sundays 11:00 a.m. ENCOUNTER Worship Sanctuary Sundays 11:20 a.m. SPARK! Worship for children Youth Room Mon. & Thurs. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. March 2, 5, 9, 12, 16 & 19 Easter Candymaking workshop Kitchen Tues. & Thurs. 5:00 p.m. Strong Women Weights Class Angel’s Wing Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. Prayer Time Prayer Room Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Counterfeit gods study Angel’s Wing Wednesdays 1-3 p.m. Mary-Martha Circle Disciples Room Wednesdays 3:40-5:15 p.m. Adventure Club Education Wing Wednesdays 6:30 – 8 p.m. INFUSE Teens meet Youth Room Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Sanctuary Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Counterfeit gods Angel’s Wing Saturdays 7:15 a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group Mugs Restaurant Tues., March 3 & 17 4-6:00 Christian Café Wesley Hall Sun., March 8 12:15 p.m. Second Sunday Luncheon Angels’ Wing Mon., March 9 6 – 7:15 Covenant Discipleship Group Come & See Dinner Angel’s Wing Tues., March 10 noon Table Talk Wesley Hall Wed., March 11 6:30 p.m. Evening Book Circle Norma Barton’s home 201 Woodside Thurs, March 12 12:30 p.m. Lydia Daytime Book Circle Madge Lehnert’s home 114 E. Erie, #14 Thurs., March 19 7:00 p.m. Memory Loss Support Group Parlor Sun., March 22 & 29 EASTER CANDY FOR SALE Wesley Hall Wed., March 25 3:35 p.m. OUR LAST ADVENTURE CLUB!! Education Wing DO YOU HAVE ANY SPARE 5 QT. ICE CREAM PAILS?? OUR KITCHEN IS ALWAYS IN NEED OF THEM! JUST DROP THEM OFF ANYTIME. THANK YOU!!! Christian Café – a Vital, Year-Round Ministry Here It is truly our privilege to prepare and serve meals to an average of 150 people through our Christian Café Meals Ministry, which is held on the first & third Tuesday of each month from 4-6 p.m.. As well as the meal that’s served here, approximately 40 meals are taken to shut ins in our community; it’s a chance for them to connect with someone and enjoy a tasty, home cooked meal. Donations of fresh & canned fruit (commercial sized cans are great!), and desserts are always welcome. Just bring your donation to the kitchen. Help is always appreciated in the preparation, serving and cleanup for our meals. Call the church office if you’d like to be a helper. LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS SERVE THE WORLD WOMEN’S NEWS Women’s Book Circles Meet THANK YOUS The Evening Book Circle will meet at the home of Norma Barton (201 Woodside Dr.) March 11 at 6:30 p.m. They’ll be discussing “Call the Midwife” by Jennifer Worth. The Lydia Daytime Book Circle will meet at the home of Madge Lehnert (114 E. Erie St., #14) at noon on Thursday, March 13 at 12:30 p.m. to discuss “The Lost Wife” by Alyson Richman. Bring your own lunch. Both book circles welcome new members. Just come!! Come To Our Easter Candymaking Workshops Mondays, March 2, 9 & 16 & Thursdays, March 5, 12 & 19 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Once again UMW will be making delectable sweet treats for Easter. Come join in the fun of making all kinds of chocolates – fancy and simple – under the direction of Judi Huggins, master chocolatier! No matter what your skill level is, Judi can put you to work!! This is a great way to learn a new skill, and share in a time of friendship with others. Come to some or all of the workshops – you’ll be welcomed. Please Take An Easter Basket And fill it with anything you like, then bring it back to be part of our United Methodist Women’s Easter Basket Silent Auction. Baskets will be out in Wesley Hall (or you can use your own) on Sunday, March 8. They should be returned and ready to auction by Friday, March 20. Bids will be taken Sunday, March 22 through March 29, just in time for Easter!! Remember Our Vow of Witness, Invite a F.R.A.N. to Worship FRAN = Friends, Neighbors. Relatives, Acquaintances, LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your 100% payment of Shared Ministry Funds. Your commitment has allowed the East Ohio Conference to receive its highest pay-in amount in 20 years! The church’s continued efforts are blessing lives near and far. Thank you again, Jessica Vargo, Conference Treasurer Dear Ladies, I wanted to thank you for the wonderful lunch you provided after my mother’s service. I appreciate all you have done for our family. God bless you all, Tammy Wludyga McTrusty Dear Ladies, Thank you so very much for the lovely luncheon you provided for our family. Your kindness is very much appreciated. We were so thankful to be able to gather together to share a meal and wonderful memories of my mom. We all grew up in Jefferson – thank you for allowing us to come “home” again. With blessings and thankfulness, The family of Beverly Wludyga Jefferson United Methodist Church family, Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, phone calls and visits. Thank you, Pastor Dan, for your visits, calls, prayers and being there for me. I believe in prayer and that your prayers healed me, as there petitioned to God, He healed me. I’m recovering and doing well. I’m really blessed to have you as my church family and friends. I give all the praise and glory to god and His son whom he sent down to die on the cross for my sins and yours. Always, a Friend in Jesus, Rosalie Shadle Dear church family, Thank you for the many lovely birthday and get well cards, texts, emails, calls and visits from Pastor Dan and Gigi in the hospital. I am overwhelmed by your caring kindness, and prayers. You are awesome! Love in Christ, Heather Whetsell. Thank you all again for all the prayers, cards, visits, gifts during my course of chemo treatments. I’ve had a couple of “blips” this month, but still on schedule to be done with the chemo phase by mid-March, then on to surgery & eventually radiation treatments—all to be completed in June, I think. Mary Howe SERVE THE WORLD March 1 8 15 22 29 March 1 8 15 22 29 SHARING THE MINISTRY IN MARCH, 2015 8:30 Service 11:00 Service Acolyte Dylan Sheldon Matthew Miller Suzie Hall Ava Leininger Bodey Beckwith Thomas Miller Cameron Hall Christian Graham Kiden Housel Collin Rodgers Techs Cody & Will Ulrich Every week: Cody Ulrich & Dan Claypool Rob Ebersole & Will Ulrich & Tom Avsec Neil Coleman Cody Ulrich & Dan Claypool Cody Ulrich & Tom Avsec Hospitality (8:30) Bruce & LouAnn Chapman, Lee & Cheryl DeyErmand, Dave & Chris Lehnert Hospitality (11:00) The Johnathan & Pamela Hodgkinson Family March 1 8 15 22 29 March 1 8 15 22 29 Liturgists (8:30) Marty Cephas Miki Gage John King Greg Housel Ron Ensell Nursery (11:00) Phil Spencer Courtney Leininger Nita Mountjoy Pam Gran Café Hospitality (8:30) Café Hospitality (11:00) Joyce Zigmont The Steve Miller Family Pam Zack Regina Burk Ron Ensell Marty Cephas Barry Humes & Annette Paul Debbie Bumgarner Nancy Hamper Pat Cramer Communion Stewards (8:30) Linda Springer (11:00) Bonnie Kennedy Ushers Friday Afternoon Helpers (8:30) Linc Jerome, Mark Hoffman March 13 Regina Burk (11:00) Jim Watson, Marty Cephas 20 Sue Mizer Spark March 1 Vicki Wright 8 Leeanne Fasuk 15 Kathy Housel 22 Greg Housel 29 Gigi Bilkert The following folks have birthdays in March: (If you'd like your birthday listed, just call the church office.) 1 2 4 5 Ron Watson Don Sotka Dave Flaum Mike Czayka Savannah Johnson 6 Christian Ward Glenn Jackson, Jr. 7 Claire Loveland 9 Melissa Sowry Joy Sirrine 10Aubrey Waldo Mark Sowry 11Steve Miller 12Vicki Wright 13Marion Peck Rick Zack Alexis Northrop Linda Springer 14Rebecca Smith 15 Heather Sowry 16E. Lloyd Behr Carol Bragga 17 Josh Arrington 18 Brittney Roden 19Cliff Currier Jo Buell 21Gary Phillips 22Virginia Searcy Michael Phillips Thomas Gage 25Alex Czayka 26Tyler Locy 27Ben Allen 28 Lauri Allen 29Paul Bishop 30KayAnn Brabender FROM OUR PEACE WITH JUSTICE PERSON, Mary Howe. The following is from a daily devotional I receive from Sojourner –Verse of the Day -- God shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. - Isaiah 2:4 Voice of the Day -- War is what happens when language fails. -Margaret Atwood Prayer of the Day -- While we sat in darkness, Lord Jesus Christ, you interrupted us with your life. Make us, your people, a holy interruption so that by your Spirit's power we may live as a light to the nations, even as we stumble through this world's dark night. Amen. - Common Prayer The Prayer Closet Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” From Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Those in our church family: Virginia Searcy Rosalie Shadle Mary Spencer Mary Howe Crystal Johnson Jan Searcy Larry Vlock Johnathan Hodgkinson Heather Whetsell Will Huggins Gerald Berrier Barbara Geiswite Scott Allen Vera Brenneman Friends and Family: Roy Brown, Betty Parker’s brother Michael, Darlene Ford’s nephew Barb Elliott (lifted by Tom & Carole Wright) Marilyn Mick (lifted by Carole Wright) Tom Henson (lifted by John & Judy Kampf and Deann Wendell) John Laurila, Bruce chapman’s brother-in-law Nancy Wilson, Ruth Rea’s sister-in-law Keith Gorby (lifted by Mary Spencer) Chereyle Williams (Cheryl Perez’s ex-mother-in-law) Jacob, Laurie Burke’s nephew REMEMBER OUR SHUTINS Please remember our nursing home residents by visiting, phoning or sending a card. If you know of anyone who is not on this list, please contact Barb Heath, our Senior Coordinator. Vera Brenneman, Virginia Searcy and Ruby HruskaWilliams, reside at Jefferson Healthcare Center, 222 E. Beech St., Jefferson, OH 44047 Ph: 576-0060. Robert Janson resides at the Ashtabula County Nursing Home. Kingsville, OH 44048. Ph: 1-224-2161. Eleanor Ferguson and Barb Hillyer reside at Country Club Estates, 925 E. 26th Street, Ashtabula, OH 44004 Thelma Hoffman and Mary Russell (536-3018) reside at Saybrook Landing, 2300 Center Rd., Ashtabula, OH 44004 LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS Those in mourning: The family of JoAnn Cochran following her death (lifted by Deanna Blough) The family of Doc Waters following his death The family of Vine Lipps following her death The family of Gordon Emerson following his death The family of Roger Mericka following his death (Laurie Burke’s cousin) The family of Bob Lux following his death (lifted by the Leininger Family and Elizabeth & Cooper McMannes) The family of Hannah Sundberg following her death (lifted by Virginia March The family of Buddy Bennett following his death (Pauline Pishner’s brother) Those celebrating special times in their lives Kaydence Lynn Crawford, newborn daughter of Ben and Stacey (McConnell) Crawford Ruby Ebersole, newborn daughter of Fred & Julie Ebersole and granddaughter of Fred and Joy Ebersole HELPER NEEDED FOR OUR CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY BAG MINISTRY Each Sunday children from toddlers through sixth grade can pick up an age-appropriate color-coded activity bag either in the front entry (Friendship Hall) or the Parlor Lobby. Inside each bag are books, small toys, an activity paper based on the scripture reading for the day, etc. Children can enjoy quiet time in the pew during worship, and parents can relax a bit and focus on the service. The bags are checked regularly to be sure they’re stocked and ready for the children. Currently Danielle Jackson does this, but she’d appreciate some help. if you think you’d like to plug in with Danielle, please check out Sunday’s Church Life Servant sheet or call her at 563-3338. COPIES OF THE NEWLY PRINTED 2015 TELEPHONE & ADDRESS DIRECTORY ARE NOW AVAILABLE. PICK UP YOUR COPY THIS SUNDAY!!! SERVE THE WORLD
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