March 2015 Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Mike's Message: “Lent Again?” My seminary professor, Gerry Christianson, always complains, “Lent! Can’t we change it? It’s two weeks too long!” He has a point—our other “penitential” season, Advent, is only four weeks. Why do we need 6 weeks for Lent? Upcoming Events: Lenten Soup Suppers– Every Wednesday during Lent Jr. High Retreat—March 6th-8th Retirement Reception—March 8th Water Street Mission Outreach— March 12th Tween & Jr. High Seder Meal— March 18th Donegal Power Packs Project Distribution Kick-off—March 19th PRAY Together, PLAY Together— March 21st Open House at Camps Kirchenwald and Nawakwa—March 22nd Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing— March 25th Palm Sunday Cantata—March 29th Easter Egg Hunt—April 1st Maundy Thursday—April 2nd Good Friday—April 3rd Now, of course, we look to the link of Jesus and the temptation in the wilderness—where he fasts for “40 days.” Given our call to emulate his suffering, we are told by the church scholars, “Lent is “40 days long.” Except…it isn’t. Ash Wednesday to Easter is 46 days—45 if you don’t count Easter. BUT…the church scholars again remind us, that’s because the SUNDAYs in Lent don’t count! So, you subtract those 6 days (eat your chocolate with minimal guilt) and get back to “40.” (Sorta.) Ugh. Am I the only one who finds all of this confusing? Oh—and the “fish” thing? Totally non-biblical. But actually, it was not an action of the pope. If you want that story, look here: -the-fishy-tale-behind-eating-fish-on-friday So…it’s long; it’s confusing; it’s more than 40 days (unless you get technical), and, well… It’s kinda necessary. We need to repent. We need to remember. We need to take ourselves, pound ourselves (a little bit) and say, “Come on, God gave EVERYTHING for you—even God’s own son. Can’t you do a little more?” So…I’ll “iveGay upyay ugarsay,” start writing the extra sermons, making soup for Wednesdays, try to refrain from saying “Alleluia,” prepare for holy week and… …remember how lucky we are to have a God that loves us so much. Inside this issue: Join us. We will complete the journey together. And, at the end, there will be joy. Pastor Mike’s Message 1 Lenten Soup Suppers 1 Palm Sunday Cantata 2 Retirement Reception 2 Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing 2 Our tradition here at Trinity is to observe Lent by gathering together on Wednesday nights for food, fellowship, and worship. Everyone is invited! Easter Egg Hunt 3 Youth Seder Meal 3 The evenings begin at 5:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with a shared meal of soup, salad and bread. Please sign up to provide a soup or salad during one or more of the Wednesdays. Mission Trips 4 Donegal Power Packs 4 Water Street Mission Outreach 5 Summer Camp 5 PRAY Together, PLAY Together 6 Trinity Travelers 6 Easter Lily Order Form 6 Calendar 7 Please Join Us for Soup Suppers Wednesdays During Lent The meal is followed by worship in the Sanctuary at 6:45 p.m. and then desserts and coffee/tea in the Library. Make Wednesday nights part of your Lenten discipline this year and join us for great soup, wonderful fellowship, and the chance to prepare our hearts for our remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection! Page 2 Trinity Lutheran Church “Behold The Lamb” Cantata on Palm Sunday Please join us on Palm Sunday, March 29th for our Lenten cantata “Behold the Lamb” to be performed during the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services. Please consider lending your voice to this year’s Festival Choir This year’s Lenten cantata takes us on a musical journey through Israel’s release from Egyptian bondage with the Passover Lamb to Christ’s crucifixion, eventually giving way to joy in a triumphant celebration of His resurrection. This year’s cantata provides a compelling worship experience and a dramatic reminder of God’s relentless love and grace. Anyone interested in participating in the Festival Choir’s cantata performance is welcome to join! The Festival Choir practices Sunday mornings from 9:009:30 a.m. and Thursday evenings from 8:00-9:00 p.m. Sign up on the Music bulletin board or contact our Adult Choral Director, Tara Beitzel. While ROC programming will follow it’s normal schedule, adults are invited to join in fellowship beginning at 9:45 a.m. Refreshments are being provided by the Fellowship committee. Saying “Good-Bye” - Retirement Reception on March 8th Two members of Trinity’s staff are retiring. Kate Thome, our office manager, retired in January and Pastor Dick is retiring in March. His last Sunday with us will be March 8th. On that Sunday, the Fellowship Committee is hosting a reception in honor of their retirements. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall between the three services to recognize both of these wonderful individuals and thank them for their service to Trinity. If you wish to make a contribution to the collective retirement gifts, please place your donation in an envelope marked “Retirement Gifts”. Remember to indicate whether the gift is for Pastor Dick, Kate or both. Envelopes can be placed in the offering plate or submitted to the church office. Individual gifts can also be given at the reception. Thank you for your service and your friendship, Dick and Kate! We wish you all the best in your retirement! It’s Meal Packing Time—Wednesday, March 25th Packing 10,000 meals to fight world hunger Our friends from Stop Hunger Now will be joining us to lead our annual meal-packing event to help hungry people all around the world! Donations are still needed to reach our goal, and 80 volunteers will be needed to package the meals. Please be a part of this wonderful outreach project. Everything will take place in the fellowship hall. Here is the schedule for the evening: • 5:15: load-in (need at least 6 youth and/or adults to help carry in the heavy materials) • 5:45: soup supper begins • 6:45: youth groups gather • 7:00: Instruction and training, then meal-packing and truck-loading • 8:00: End of evening We can’t wait to see you there! Page 3 March 2015 The Egg Hunt is Coming! Trinity’s annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Chiques/SICO Park on Wednesday, April 1. We’ll begin with a hot dog dinner at 6:00 pm (please bring along a side-dish or dessert to share with others). After a sharing of the Easter story, age groups will be dismissed to find their eggs! great night. Please consider bringing in plastic eggs and wrapped candy for this fun event. We’ll be preparing the eggs on Palm Sunday March 29, between the Cantata services and during ROC. We need over 1500 eggs for this Jr. High Retreat at Camp Mount Luther—March 6, 7, 8 It’s a weekend of fun in God’s beautiful world! All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade youth are invited to join us for this retreat at Camp Mount Luther. We’ll depart Friday, March 6th at 4:30 pm from Trinity - bring along a packed dinner to eat on the way. Our planned return time is Sunday, March 8th around 12:30 pm. Our theme this year is “challenges.” Life sure is full of them, isn’t it! We’ll discover ways to navigate these tough times in our lives by using the example of Jesus and how he faced the tough times in his life. Registration forms and the $60 fee were due to Michelle on Sunday, February 22; if you missed registration, please see Michelle. Each youth should bring along a snack to share and $15 for breakfast on the way home. Friends are welcome to join us – invite someone to come along! Preschool BOLD Parent Planning Meeting—April 8th Wednesday Night Schedule During Lent: 5:45pm • Soup Supper 5:45pm - 7:15pm • Sr. High Supper Club Fellowship Hall 6:15 pm - 6:45 pm • Children’s Choir 6:35 pm - 7:45pm • Preschool BOLD 6:45 pm • Worship /BOLD for remaining groups/ preschool choir It’s time to evaluate our preschool BOLD program, and we’d love to have the input of all parents with preschoolers. Please plan to join us on Wednesday, April 8th at 7:15 pm in the preschool room. We look forward to seeing you! Tweens and Jr. High to Experience a True Seder Our Junior High Youth will have a very special evening at BOLD on March 18th. Special guest Lynne Harlacher, a synagogue instructor and friend of Trinity, will be teaching our youth about the Jewish tradition of the Seder. This Passover tradition is what Jesus did with his family and the disciples! We will meet in the Old Fellowship Hall at 6:45 pm that evening. Please plan to join us for this very unique experience! Our youth learn how these symbols retell the Exodus story Page 4 Trinity Lutheran Church Flamingo Season is in Full Swing! Will you be “Pinked”? Are you protected against the flock? It’s time to purchase your insurance! Flamingos arrived in Lancaster County in mid-February and are on the move! This rare occurrence happens just months before the ELCA National Gathering. What great timing for our youth, as extermination fees support their trip to Detroit! ;-) Want to avoid the fees to remove these pesky pink friends from your yard? Extermination fees are $25 per yard. Purchase your insurance today – a mere $15 protects you from the flock and all of their droppings. Insurance policies are for sale at the Bagel Café or by contacting Michelle Shirk. Shore Trip 2015—Time for Rejuvenation Annual Youth Shore Trip New format this year! The beach is calling – and we can’t wait for this year’s 3-day retreat of rest and rejuvenation! This year’s all-new Shore Trip will be held Tuesday, June 16 to Thursday, June 18th. We will leave early in the morning on Tuesday, and come home after dinner on Thursday. This new model focuses on Sabbath, and how to build rest and relaxation into your everyday life. We’ll enjoy three days at the beach, an evening at the Boardwalk, the alwaysfavorite henna tattoos, morning yoga, large group sessions, and small group experiences with art, meditation, and more. Details are at the youth bulletin board. The $130 fee and forms are due to Michelle by Sunday, May 10. Friends are invited to come along too! Habitat for Humanity Mission Team Formed There has been an overwhelming response on the Habitat for Humanity trip to Sea Island, SC from October 4-10, 2015. This is wonderful news, but not so if you delayed in registering and were interested. Habitat for Humanity Mission Trip October 2015 If you would like to participate contact Elayne Olson or Matt Conn directly at (717) 5865119 or [email protected] to be placed on a waiting list. Trinity members Peg & Ben May and Tracey & Elayne Olson will be preparing to work hard and also fellowship other participants. They look forward to meeting the native residents of this area and ask that you keep the Habitat Team in your prayers. Interested in Global Mission Opportunities? Save the Date! Future global missions are being planned. Informational meeting is scheduled for: May 2nd 9:45am and 11:00am Trinity’s Fellowship Hall Donegal Power Packs Project Begins Distribution March 19th– Volunteers Needed! This Outreach is about to kick-off in the Donegal School District. The time is NOW! The first distribution date of food bags to eligible families will be March 19, 2015 and every Thursday following until June 11, 2015. Volunteers are needed to make this “pilot program” successful. Plan to attend a meeting scheduled for Thursday, March 12th at 12:30PM for all interested in helping with this program. The meeting will be held at Marietta Community Chapel, 1125 River Road, Marietta, PA. Trinity will be one of the distribution sites for the food bags; therefore, it would be helpful to have a group form from Trinity to help with this need. If you are unable to attend the volunteer meeting, simply contact Elayne Olson (717)669-3897 or [email protected]. A core group of volunteers have been working diligently on getting this important community program off the ground to aid the school children of Donegal and their families. If you want to know more about this program, Trinity members Jennifer Kelly, Roger and Audrey Hess would be happy to share their excitement and involvement. Page 5 March 2015 Volunteers Needed to Serve at Water Street Mission—March 12th Back by popular demand, the opportunity to volunteer and serve meals periodically during the 2015 calendar year at Water Street Mission will begin March 12th at 4:30pm. Service opportunities will consist of possibly serving on the food line, working in the dish room, or wiping tables and chairs. Trinity is looking to establish teams of six (6) people. See the Outreach bulletin board for the sign-up sheet. Youth under age 18 should be accompanied by a guardian. Our schedule will try to alternate between Thursdays and Saturdays to accommodate availability of those who would like to volunteer. This is a great opportunity for any of our “small groups” or “adult classes”. Please share your interests or questions with Elayne Olson Holy Week Services • Sunday, March 29thPalm Sunday Cantata 8:30am & 11:00am • Thursday, April 2ndMaundy Thursday 7:00pm • Friday, April 3rdGood Friday 7:00pm • Sunday, April 5thEaster Sunday Contemporary Worship 8:30am & 11:00am Traditional Worship 9:45am Back by popular demand! “Thank You” to Our Clothing Giveaway Volunteers The staff of Trinity would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who helped with this year’s clothing giveaway and community meal. In one morning, we served over 350 people in our community by providing free clothing and a warm meal. “Thank you” to everyone who donated clothing and desserts. “Thank you” to the many volunteers who helped sort and fold all of the clothing. “Thank you” to the members of the Outreach committee for all of your efforts in organizing this event. “Thank you” to our Fellowship Committee for preparing and serving another delicious and most appreciated meal. And a very special “Thank you” to our Outreach Coordinator, Elayne Olson, whose tireless efforts made this mission so successful! Don’t Miss Summer Camp! “All kids need a chance to ‘unplug’ and love it!” says Beth Parker, Trinity’s Camper Person. Our young people need the great outdoors – and our congregation is not only blessed with three wonderful camps in our area, but also a healthy scholarship that makes these experiences possible for families. theme, each camp has its own “flavor” to meet the interests of all kinds of children, youth, and adults. From classic arts & crafts and Equestrian, to Wild Things and Super Adventure, there is a camp that you will absolutely love. See the full listings of camps in the brochure or online at This year’s camp theme is “a love that never ends” and is based on Deuteronomy 6:5. Campers will learn about their calling to love God and others from people of the Old Testament who struggled to do the same. In addition to the Summer camp is for people of all ages! Children age six through 12 can schedule group time at The Wittel Farm for a day experience. Camp experiences are available to Explorer’s (K-2), Juniors (Grades 3-6), Intermediates (Grades 6-9), and Sr. High (grades 9-12) at both Nawakwa and Kirchenwald. These locations also offer camping for families, adults, and elders. First-time camper? Be sure to attend a summer camp open house to calm those jitters. You’ll meet the staff, see the facilities, and begin to explore your “home away from home!” Summer Camp open houses are held at both Camps Nawakwa and Kirchenwald on March 22 and April 12. Both events run from 2:00 to 4:30 pm. Register on-line at Page 6 Trinity Lutheran Church We PRAY Together, Now Let’s PLAY Together—Women’s Day The Trinity mom’s group is hosting a day for ALL of the women of our church. Intergeneration fellowship for Trinity women—March 21st 2:00pm, we will have time to mingle and get to know more ladies in the church, have a painting lesson that results in a canvas art piece for you to take home, enjoy a light lunch, and for those who want to stay and end the day with some healthy fun-an exercise class with our very own Erica! (Don’t forget to bring along a change of clothes/sneakers if you plan to participate) Are you a new, tired mom who needs a break? Do you work 40+ hours a week and just want to unwind with friends? Are you retired and looking for something new to try? Join us for a day to relax, socialize, and have fun! We PRAY together, now let’s PLAY together! On Saturday, March 21st from 10:00am to The cost is $10.00 to cover the cost of materials. Please register and pay this fee no later than 3/14/2015. We will need to know exact numbers in order to have enough supplies available. We are very excited to provide this opportunity and look forward to seeing you there! Questions can be directed to Jessica Good at 341-2571 or [email protected]. Only persons 12 and older please. Trinity Travelers Announce 2015 Camping Season Schedule Trinity Travelers announce their 2015 camping schedule. This small group gathers several times throughout the year for a weekend of camping at an area camp ground. Together they share fellowship, devotions and some meals while enjoying God's creation. Camping Small Group All levels of campers are invited; from tent campers to motorhome drivers! Everyone is welcome! The schedule for this year is: • May 1-3: Buttonwood Campground, Juniata Cnty • June 12-14: Greenwood Furnace State Park • July 31-Aug 2: Codorus State Park • Sept 25-27: Gifford Pinchot State Park If you are interested in joining the Trinity Travelers, please contact Tony and Molly Johndro at (717) 538-3250 or [email protected]. The Johndros will offer site suggestions, so that everyone can be in a close proximity in the campground. Page 7 March 2015 March 2015 Worship: Traditional 9:45 am Contemporary Worship: 8:30/11:00 am Sunday Education: Children age 2 through Adult 9:45am Pastor Foltz Bible Study –Beginning March 11th—Wednesdays at 10am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 First Communion Sunday 9am-Cantata Practice 9:45am-STS class 9:45am-Coffee Talk 9:45am-ROC 12pm-Youth Choir Practice 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 6pm-Comfort Stitchers 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 5:45pm-Soup Supper 5:45pm-SrHi Supper Club 6:15pm-Children’s Choir 6:35pm-Pre-school BOLD 6:45pm-Lent Worship & BOLD 9am-Quilting 9:30am-Women’s Book Study 12pm-Hungry Wm 6:30pm-Scouts 7pm-Yoga 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 8pm-Cantata Practice Jr. High Retreat 9:30am-Mom’s Group Jr. High Retreat 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Jr. High Retreat 9am-Cantata Practice 9:45am-STS class 9:45am-Coffee Talk 9:45am-ROC 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 6:30pm-A Bead & A Prayer 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 6:30pm-Outreach Meeting 5:45pm-Soup Supper 5:45pm-SrHi Supper Club 6:15pm-Children’s Choir 6:35pm-Pre-school BOLD 6:45pm-Lent Worship & BOLD 9am-Quilting 9:30am-Women’s Book Study 12pm-Hungry Wm 4:30pm-Water Street 6:30pm-Scouts 7pm-Yoga 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 8pm-Cantata Practice 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 7pm-Congregational Council 5:45pm-Soup Supper 5:45pm-SrHi Supper Club 6:15pm-Children’s Choir 6:35pm-Pre-school BOLD 6:45pm-Lent Worship & BOLD 9am-Quilting 9:30am-Women’s Book Study 12pm-Hungry Wm 6:30pm-Scouts 7pm-Yoga 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 8pm-Cantata Practice 9:30am-Mom’s Group 10am-Womens PRAY together, PLAY together Event 27 28 9am-Cantata Practice 8am-Yoga 9:45am-STS class 6pm-Weight Watch9:45am-Coffee Talk ers 9:45am-ROC 12pm-Youth Choir Practice 22 23 24 25 26 9am-Cantata Practice 9:45am-STS class 9:45am-Coffee Talk 9:45am-ROC 12pm-Spark Teams 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 6:30pm-A Bead & A Prayer 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 5:45pm-SrHi Supper Club 6:15pm-Children’s Choir 6:35pm-Pre-school BOLD 7pm-Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing 9am-Quilting 9:30am-Women’s Book Study 12pm-Hungry Wm 6:30pm-Scouts 7pm-Yoga 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 8pm-Cantata Practice 29 30 31 Palm Sunday 8:30am–Cantata 9:45am-Fellowship 9:45am-ROC 9:45am-Easter Egg Assembly 11am-Cantata 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group Egg Hunt– 6pm Maundy Thursday– 7pm Good Friday– 7pm Trinity Staff Senior Pastor Pastor Pastor Parish Nurse Outreach Coordinator Inside Sextons Director Youth/Family Dir. of Children’s & Youth Choirs Adult Choir Director Organist Business Manager Michael J. Martine Richard Niewoehner Jan Mills Judi Cosgriff, RN Elayne Olson Beth and Tom Parker Michelle Shirk Jess Kling Tara Beitzel Joy Ide Kim Zern [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Congregation Council Members Tom Schulz, President Debbie Williams, Vice Pres. Wayne Chappel, Treasurer Tara Gensemer, Secretary Tony Johndro Jessica Johnston John Frey Scott Noon Geoff Ottens Bruce Rockel 368-2791 725-2646 816-8156 689-3332 669-3897 517-8145 426-3783 515-7177 464-4684 653-8004 Committee Leaders [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 426-1930 426-2959 393-2322 367-9798 361-9870 928-4008 426-4255 626-2627 653-9322 492-2959 Christian Education Evangelism/Comm. Fellowship Finance Outreach Property Staff Relations Worship and Music Youth Gayle Watson Scott Noon Ann Divet/Gail Fridy Wayne Chappel Carol Rago Tracy Olson Marc Spiridigliozzi Becky Noon Scott Everhart Volunteer Coordinators Altar Duty Communion Assistants, 9:45 Communion Assistants, 8:30 Communion Bread Greeters, 9:45 Cathy Hoffmaster Helene Wallauer Open Cathy Hoffmaster Elayne Olson Trinity Lutheran Church Return Service Requested 47 West Main Street Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-4168 & Greeters, 8:30 & 11:00 Lectors, 8:30 Lectors, 9:45 Rhonda Friese Madolin Heisey Donald Miller
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