Call For Papers 2015 AZH Annual Conference San Francisco Zoo and Gardens October 11 - October 14, 2015 Program Sessions “The Wet and Dirty”-Soils and Water The focus of this session is on soils and water. This session may include, but is not limited to topics such as: Sustainable Water Use Soil Science Animals/Soils/Water Interactions Water Quality and Conservation Irrigation Practices “The Unwanted Invaders” Integrated Pest Management (IPM) The focus of this session is on integrated pest management. This technical session may include, but is not limited to topics such as: Sustainable IPM practices How to establish an IPM program Control strategies Coordinating IPM within zoos Monitoring and Record Keeping Prevention/Exclusion strategies “New” pests and/or invasives Quarantine and Sanitation Animal/Plant/IPM connections “Saving the World, One Plant at a Time” - Plant Conservation The focus of this session is on plant conservation. This session may include reports from grant recipients as well as topics such as: “To Build It, Change It, Rearrange It” Exhibit Design and Maintenance The focus of this session is animal exhibit design and maintenance. Presentations may include any exhibits under construction, new exhibits or older exhibits and how they’ve aged. Presentations should address questions such as “why”, “how”, “what has worked, what has not”, “in the future we would” as well as maintenance techniques and changes incorporated to solve problems. This session will also include a panel discussion on Mixed Species Savanna Exhibits. Three to five panelists are needed to each briefly present their exhibit, followed by time for crowd sourced discussion with the panel. Presentations for this session could also be on general exhibit design and maintenance. Topics could include, but are not limited to topics such as: “Variegated” – Open Session This session is for presentations that don’t fit the focused sessions. This session may include, but is not limited to topics such as: Sustainability Practices Composting, Recycling, and Repurposing Work Safety New Plants or Cool Plants Education Programs Community Outreach Plant Sales and Events In-situ and Ex-situ plant conservation Plant/Animal connected conservation Specific Plant Conservation Plant Conservation Education Design, Development, & Sustainability Exhibit design/Landscape Protection Project management/Bidding Inspections Landscape budgets and installation Utilizing plants in exhibit design “The Good, the Bad, and the Healthy” Browse and Toxic Plants The focus of this session is on browse and toxic plants. This session may include, but is not limited to topics such as: Sustainable Growing and Maintenance Plant Nutrition Plant Toxicity Issues Plant Browse/Animal Interactions Logistics of Utilizing Browse Developing a Strong Proposal Presenter and Panelist Information What Information Do I Need to Submit? AZH’s conferences are recognized for leading the field of zoo horticulture. We are looking for the best and most motivating, inspiring, and innovative educational content. AZH annual conference registrants have often said that they are not looking for “show-and-tell” sessions but rather for information explaining “how-to” and “whys” that they can take back to their respective zoos and implement. So remember when presenting to explain the “how-to” and “whys” of what you present. AZH conference registrants are diverse. Your audience potentially includes Institutional Members representing zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, and arboreta of various sizes and budgets as well as Individual Members—managers, gardeners, arborists, volunteers, students, retirees, and corporate members from a variety of industries. AZH conference sessions provide an opportunity for both new as well as experienced speakers to present. AZH members are excited to hear from new speakers, so if you are new to AZH or have never presented at an AZH conference please consider doing so. Presenting is a great learning opportunity for all! AZH members own approaches, methods, and programs are especially valuable for presentations. Attendees can learn very much from each other’s success, and even from failure. Please remember this is an online submission. Be sure to submit all required information before deadlines. Please prepare your submission in an MS Word document, and then attach it to an email for submission by the deadline; see additional instructions below. Presenter Contact Information Presenters-include Presentation Title and Outline (see below) Abstract Title Abstract – maximum of 100 words Three Learning Objectives Presentation Format-25 or 55 minute presentation or panel discussion Session – which session Submission Format - see submission format below Proposals are evaluated partly on the strength of the presenters, and their participation must be confirmed. The following information is also needed for all presenters: Name Title, Institution Presenter Bio. for presentation introduction – maximum of 100 words Address, City, State, ZIP/Postal Code, Country Phone, Fax, E-mail Proposal Submission Format and Final Presentation Format Proposal submissions are to be emailed to the Program Committee Chair as an MS Word document. Presentation outlines do not need to be long; we are only looking for the key points that will be presented. The three learning objectives represent what you expect the audience to learn from your presentation; they are the overall “big” messages you want your audience to retain. Panel discussions will require a lead presenter/moderator to organize all required information for submission as a unified proposal to the Program selection committee. If your proposal is selected for the program finished PowerPoint presentations need to be submitted by the deadline below. Details on how to submit your final PowerPoint will be emailed with your notification. Presenters and panelists please review and submit all of the information listed in this and the previous sections by the deadline listed below. Suggested Presentation Formats Evaluation and Notification 25-Minute Individual Presentations How are proposals evaluated and selected? Structured presentations based on a single, focused topic. Only one author (on multi-author papers) will present at the meeting. Presentation should be no longer than 20 minutes leaving 5 minutes for audience questions. 55-Minute Individual Presentations Structured presentations based on a single, focused topic. Only one author (on multi-author papers) will present at the meeting. Presentation should be no longer than 45 minutes leaving 10 minutes for audience questions. 55-Minute Multi-Speaker “Crowd Sourced” Panel Discussion Three to five panelists provide brief presentations; a moderator then poses prepared questions to the panelists and audience. The talkshow format allows for an in-depth focus on a single topic, offers multiple points of view, and allows panelists, moderator, and audience to interact. Audio/Visual Microphones will be provided and the equipment for presentations will be able to show PowerPoint presentations. If your proposal is selected, you will need to submit your final PowerPoint presentation by the required deadline. All speakers’ presentations will be downloaded onto a single conference program computer to facilitate sessions. It is highly recommended that you also bring a copy of your presentation on USB drive as a backup for the day of your presentation. Internet access will not be available. Financial Assistance AZH tries to keep conference fees as low as possible and therefore does not have a speaker budget. During the peer-review process, members of the Program Selection Committee evaluate presenter/panelist proposals using the following criteria: 1. Topic, intent, and learning outcomes that are focused, well presented, and thoughtfully articulated 2. A clear and convincing presentation of ideas, organization, and rationale for choosing presenters/speakers 3. Confirmed presenters/speakers 4. A diverse selection of presenters/speakers who represent a wide range of perspectives, regions, zoo sizes/budgets/missions (Presenters from outside zoo horticulture are welcome.) 5. An appropriate format that contributes to the exploration of the topic 6. Important or timely topic 7. Relevance to conference theme and sessions Notification In March 2015, you will receive notification of the status of your proposal and/or your role as a moderator. If acceptance is contingent on changes to your proposal, you will have two weeks to make those changes and get the amended proposal back to the Program Selection Committee. Punctuality and cooperation are appreciated. AZH will determine the specific timeslots for presenters within sessions. AZH will notify presenters of their proposed timeslots as soon as possible. If you are not attending the full conference and/or need special consideration of timeslots for your presentation please include this information in your proposal. Conference Proceedings We are also seeking Moderators Conference proceedings will be established from abstracts, PowerPoint presentations, and written narratives submitted for the presentations. All presenters are required to provide a summary or written narrative of their PowerPoints. This can simply be brief sentences describing the message of each PowerPoint slide or a few paragraphs describing key points of the presentation. All presentation materials must be submitted as PDF files for the proceedings. Presenters must submit electronically all information to be included in the 2015 Conference Proceedings to the Program Committee Chair by September 4, 2015. Moderators are needed for each session. Moderators play a critical role in running a seamless, professional session. Moderating can be fun and is open to both new as well as experienced moderators. Read what it involves below, if this sounds like something you would like to help with submit the necessary information to the Program Selection Committee by the deadline listed below. Questions? Who should present at AZH? Moderators will be expected to: Anyone with an interest in zoo horticulture is welcome to participate in the program. Presenters from disciplines or organizations outside zoo horticulture are strongly encouraged to participate. Membership in AZH is not a prerequisite. Can I make changes to my abstract with the online submission? You will have the ability to update or make changes to your abstract until the abstract submission deadline. After the deadline any requests for abstract changes must be submitted for approval to the Program Selection Committee. The ability to allow changes will be limited by program development deadlines such as printing of the conference program schedule. Introduce the session and overview of the topics and the format Introduce the presenters including the presentation’s major points Manage session time by keeping presenters on schedule Assist organization of the session including presenters, focus, format, etc Provide interim and summary remarks Facilitate question and answer periods Be willing to moderate any of the listed sessions The following information is needed for all moderators: Name Title, Institution Address, City, State, ZIP/Postal Code, Country Phone, Fax, e-mail Moderator Experience and/or Qualifications (50 words or fewer), though experience is not required to be a Moderator If you are interested in being a Moderator please review and submit all of the information listed in this section by the presenter information deadline listed below. Deadlines New for 2015 Presentation proposals, including abstract, must be submitted via email by February 20, 2015 to Program Committee Chair. Traditionally presentations at the AZH Conference have mostly included PowerPoint presentations featuring the speaker on stage offering excellent pictures and enlightening information. These are great and they will continue. Do not feel that this is the only format to present at the AZH Conference. The program committee encourages presenters to vary the format, keep things exciting, to think “outside the box”, etc. Our profession is unique, and some of us have been called quirky, unusual, passionate…maybe even distinctive. Our presentations should reflect these flattering descriptors. As you prepare to submit your presentation, do not be constrained by what you have seen in the past. All formats will be considered…PowerPoints, panel discussions, demonstrations, storytelling, sermons…surprise us! -Chris Final PowerPoint presentations and proceedings must be submitted by September 4, 2015. Details on how to submit your PowerPoint will be included with notification of proposal acceptance. New for 2015-Poster Sessions In San Francisco, we will present an exciting new format sharing an experience or creation from our work. We will have the opportunity to express ourselves via posters, a graphic pictorial and narrative piece. The posters will be on display from the beginning of the conference and a time will be set aside to meet the authors and explore further. Submittals for poster presentations will be in conjunction with all conference presentation material but will have its own criteria and process. A Call for Posters with all information is forthcoming. For more information and where to send proposals Program Committee Chair: Chris Dailey Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens [email protected]
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